
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 121

Chapter 121 Another Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier Comes to the World! The Imperial Soldiers Collision

"Emperor, Emperor!"

Thousands of trillions of cultivators were horrified and dumbfounded.

Under this wisp of imperial power.

They feel their own insignificance and insignificance ~ insignificant!




Like ants!

The terrifying godless power swept across the territory of thousands of miles.

all beings...

Everyone shivered under this imperial might.

Even the cultivators of the Dragon Transformation Mystery Realm were unable to resist the suppressing force of the Emperor's prestige, and they were trembling all over, and their legs were weak and paralyzed to the ground.

"It can't be wrong!

"This is Diwei!"

"Ji Dao Emperor Soldier is born!"

"Only the imperial soldiers of the extreme way can burst out this terrifying imperial power."

"Jiang's family has sacrificed the biggest trump card, Ji Dao Emperor Soldier!"

"Under the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers, the three living dead are at best only slightly larger ants.

"The war has reached its fever pitch!

Countless cultivators gathered their eyes on the Jiang family.

Feeling this terrifying emperor's power, they felt a strong sense of fear from their souls.

Looked up.

Countless monks looked up to the sky.

can be clearly seen.

At the end of the sky hangs, a furnace that emits monstrous flames, and the shocking emperor's prestige erupted from this furnace, spreading and covering the territory of thousands of miles.

The dazzling light of the endless flames completely covered the scorching sun on the horizon.

Let the sun become the only decoration on the horizon!

The entire sky was rendered a crimson red, and the blossoming white clouds formed a fiery cloud, dispelling the darkness of the world full of death, making the environment of this side look extraordinarily hot.

The temperature is skyrocketing!

The extremely high temperature that is about to burn everything in the world!

Even if the imperial soldiers of the extreme way just erupted with a wisp of imperial power, they still looked particularly terrifying, enough to destroy the world and burn everything in the world.

This is the Jiang family's ultimate soldier, Hengyu Furnace!

Power is terrifying!

The supreme cultivator of the Dao Slashing King series is as insignificant as the extremely fragile and insignificant ants in front of the Extreme Dao Imperial Soldiers.

Visible to the naked eye.

The Hengyu Furnace was suspended high in the sky, and the surrounding space could not accommodate the wisp of Qi that erupted from it.

This is an extremely terrifying force!

Even the space of heaven and earth cannot carry this power, it is extremely powerful.



Crimson red flames, the burning space is constantly trembling and twisting.

it looks.

This space of heaven and earth will be directly blasted by a wisp of air from the Hengyu furnace at any time.

This power is too terrifying.

The power of the extreme emperor soldiers, which contains the laws of the emperor's way, is impossible to fathom.

Even the ancient sages would not dare to face the might of the Jade Emperor!

With the birth of Jidao Dibing.

The ancient Taoist traditions that are far apart are all alarmed.

"The Emperor is born!"

"Jiang family, this is the biggest trump card to play the bottom of the box!"

"With such a terrifying emperor's power, there is no doubt that the Jiang family must have sacrificed the Hengyu Furnace, the imperial soldier of the extreme way."5

"The war is about to become intensified.

"I don't know if there will be an ancient Taoist lineage who will use the second supreme pole emperor soldier to intercept and block the Jiang family's Hengyu furnace."

"If there are really two pieces of Ji Dao Emperor Armament that come out at the same time, and a fierce collision breaks out. Then, Donghuang is very likely to be sunk on the spot!"9

"It's not a good sign.

Countless ancient Taoists were deeply afraid and palpitated.

Ji's family has activated the Void Mirror of the Supreme Emperor Soldier!

The Yaochi Holy Land also activated the West Emperor Pagoda of the Jidao Emperor.

during this time.

But all those who have imperial soldiers in the Taoist lineage have activated the extreme imperial soldiers to prevent them from being threatened by the aftermath of the battle of the extreme imperial soldiers that broke out on the Jiang family's side.

To know.

The collision between the extreme emperors and soldiers, it is the movement that destroys the sky and destroys the earth!

Break the stars at will!

Destroy everything in the world!

Even the faintest aftermath is enough to kill a thousand trillion souls.

As you can imagine.

Just how terrifying the might of the Jidao Emperor is.

In order to prevent being affected by the aftermath of the collision between the emperors and soldiers of the extreme Taoism, the ancient Taoist lineages have opened the mountain protection formation to prevent accidents.

at the same time.

Countless eyes gathered at the Jiang family.

are waiting.

What will happen to these powerful enemies who came to attack and kill after the Jiang family sacrificed the Jade Emperor?

If there is no second Jidao Emperor's soldier born.


These top powerhouses who came to attack and kill the Jiang family today, I am afraid that no one will be able to leave alive.

"The Jiang family has activated the Jidao Emperor, even if there are three living dead people, they must drink their hatred on the spot!""

"The power of the Supreme Dao Emperor's Armament is not something that the Dao Slayer King can try to contend with."

"Even an ancient sage who hasn't been born for thousands of years can't intercept and block the imperial soldiers from the front."


"If there is no accident, all the enemies who came to attack and kill the Jiang family today will die tragically under the power of the Jiang family's ultimate soldier, Hengyu Furnace.

Lots of talk.

No imperial soldiers have been born for hundreds of years!

And this time.

The Jiang family consumes a lot of resources to activate and start the Jidao Emperor!

This is a rare scene for hundreds of years.

Thousands of trillions of cultivators were terrified and observed the movements of the battlefield on the Jiang family's side from a very far away.

With the advent of the Jidao Emperor...

The faces of the three living dead were also full of fear and horror.

More than a dozen immortals and two great masters were even more frightened.

Feeling the boundless power of God, they trembled from the bottom of their hearts, and the fear penetrated into their hearts, causing them to tremble uncontrollably.

Under a wisp of imperial power...

They look so tiny and fragile!


"The Emperor was born.

"Is this the power of the Jade Emperor?"


"Under such terrifying power, we are vulnerable like ants.

"The Wild Ancient Family is worthy of the Wild Ancient Family, it is full of heritage!

The expressions of the great powers changed dramatically.

Their complexions became very pale and seemed almost bloodless, revealing that they were in a state of extreme tension and panic at the moment.

In the face of a complete Jidao Imperial Armament, and it is still an activated Jidao Imperial Armament, they will naturally feel boundless panic.

A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped their hearts.

Even if the Ji Dao Emperor Soldiers only exude a ray of power, it is enough to kill them on the spot!

There is no doubt about this.

But soon.

Thinking of some of the previous layouts, the pressure in their hearts suddenly weakened.

"It's just an imperial soldier, and it's not just the Jiang family that possesses this kind of terrifying weapon. 35

"Hengyu Furnace, the Jiang family's Guarding Emperor!"

"Jiang family, have you finally played the last trump card?"

"If that's the only way, the Jiang Family God King will still die here."

"Although we can't stop the Jidao Emperor..."

"But, it doesn't mean that there are no Jidao soldiers behind us! 99

A famous immortal Second Great Neng slightly eased his tense spirit, and their eyes were full of sternness and stared at the senior elders of the Jiang family.

The three living dead raised their heads and looked at the Hengyu Furnace, the Emperor of Extreme Dao, with their eyes full of fear.

Hengyu furnace hangs in the sky, emitting extremely high temperature to burn everything in the world.

This kind of power seems to be inherently restraining the dead aura flowing from their living dead.

Under the permeation of this power.

The three living dead can clearly feel it.

The death energy flowing in them has been weakened more than ten times!

The strength has been greatly weakened.

"Ji Dao Emperor Soldiers are really terrifying weapons."

"If we were to face the last extremist soldier, I'm afraid that in an instant, there will be no bones left, not even scum. 99

"By a great emperor who overwhelmed the ages, the extreme power of the emperor's army built by himself in the past is definitely not something we can try to shake."


"Since the Jiang family has sacrificed the imperial soldiers, this also means that the Jiang family is at the end of the road. Only the last resort to sacrifice the imperial soldiers is their last trump card. 99

"Obviously, the Jiang family has nothing to do.

"As long as you block the Jiang family's supreme soldiers, then today, even if the immortals come, they will not be able to save the fate of the Jiang family's god king.

The eyes of the three living dead became extraordinarily cold and cold.

Murderous ups and downs!


When they saw the Jiang family sacrifice a piece of the Supreme Dao Emperor, they didn't have any fear or anxiety at all.

Together with more than a dozen immortals, they did not have the slightest intention of being timid or withdrawing.

see here.

The senior elders of the Jiang family were deeply puzzled.

An ominous foreboding hung over my heart.

"what happened?

"Faced with the Hengyu Furnace, our Jiang family's ultimate soldier, how could they still maintain a calm appearance? Are they fearless from beginning to end?

"Why is this?"

"Not right!"

"What kind of cards do they have? What kind of cards can deal with our Jiang family's extreme soldiers?""

Thinking of this, the expressions of the senior members of the Jiang family changed dramatically.

The one who can block the Jade Emperor...

Apart from the weapons that are also the same as the extremist soldiers, what else could it be?!

"not good!"

"They also have jidao emperor soldiers!"

"Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why they are so calm.

"Behind them, there is an ancient Taoist lineage holding a pole warrior!""

"Damn it! 99

"Who is it?

A group of Jiang family elders changed their faces.

This guess is the most logical.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party also had the Jade Emperor's soldiers, when faced with the Jade Emperor's soldiers of their Jiang family, the other party would not be able to act fearlessly.

0・・For flowers...

To know.

The terrifying power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers was something that even the ancient sages could not resist!

As for the Slayer King?

Not to mention that.

The only thing that can make the Dao Slayer King dare to face the Jade Emperor without the slightest panic is that there is also a Jade Emperor behind the opponent!

There is only one possibility!


"Move the imperial soldiers to kill them!"

The head of the Jiang family made a decisive decision.


The Jade Emperor Strikes!

The Jiang family's extreme Taoist soldier, Hengyu Furnace, with a monstrous flame capable of burning all things in the world, suddenly shattered the void, and charged directly at the supreme monk with the power of no gods.


Space collapses and collapses.

The unparalleled terrifying power forced the space fortress to follow the powder.



A burst of crisp and pleasant sounds rang out.

Even if only a wisp of Qi is emitted by the Jade Emperor Soldier, it is enough to shatter the space.

For a moment.

A wisp of power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers directly penetrated the void and aimed at a second immortal great power.


An extremely terrifying force descends.

just a face-to-face...

A supreme cultivator with the supreme power of the second immortal, instantly reduced to a cloud of blood and exploded on the spot.

The blood mist danced in the sky.

The whole process didn't even have time to react.

Just got bombed!

Blast it to pieces.

No bones left!


The mighty cultivator standing on the top of the Big Dipper, but unable to stop a single blow, was crushed and killed on the spot by a wisp of power emanating from the Imperial Army.


It's as simple as crushing ants all the time.

So far.

A mighty man perished.

The corpse and bones were all smashed by bombardment, vanished into nothingness and dissipated in this space of heaven and earth, disappearing with the wind.

Even the surrounding space where this great power is located cannot escape the fate of being bombarded by a wisp of Qi from the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers.

can be clearly seen.

The space is constantly shattered and annihilated by the bombardment.

This is an extremely terrifying power!

Enough to destroy the world!

One immortal and two great powers can't resist from beginning to end.

"Dead, dead?

"One immortal and two great powers were killed instantly!"

"This is the power of the Jidao Emperor! 35

"It's terrifying!

"Too strong! 35

"A wisp of power emanating from the Jade Emperor's soldiers can instantly kill an immortal and two great powers. 35

"If there is no accident, even the supreme cultivator of the Daoist King series can't escape the fate of being instantly killed by a wisp of Qi from the Supreme Dao Emperor."

Countless monks were shocked.

It's just a blink of an eye.

A god of immortality was instantly bombarded and killed!

Even they couldn't react.

Immortal Second Great Master was executed.

It always makes them feel like a dream.

A dignified and supremely powerful man who ruled over trillions of creatures was killed in seconds!

"The power of the Jidao Emperor is too terrifying!"

"Being able to serve as the guardian weapon of the ancient emperors of the past is naturally beyond the ordinary."

"Even if there is a wisp of imperial power, it is enough to easily sink the entire Eastern Wilderness! Across a trillion miles away, forcibly shatter the sun, moon, and stars!"5

"A supreme cultivator with the rank of immortals and two great powers seems to be too insignificant under the supreme power of the Jade Emperor's soldiers.

The ancient Taoist traditions were full of emotion.

Just when the Jiang family's extreme path emperor soldier, Hengyu Furnace, was preparing to target the second immortal, the second great power.

At this time.

Without warning...

in vain--


An equally terrifying godless might came from beyond the territory of thousands of miles.

The second jidao emperor was born!

The terrifying imperial prestige contained in the laws of the emperor's way has straddled the boundless territory all the way, pointing directly at the Jiang family's station, and violently collided with the Jiang family's extreme emperor soldier, Hengyu Furnace.


The collision of the two imperial powers produced unprecedented terrifying power and destructive power.

The aftermath exploded...

The sky seemed to be torn apart on the spot by this shocking aftermath.

Shake the earth!

The sky is broken!

Heaven and Earth shift!

Outside the territory of thousands of miles, an imperial soldier with infinite power, instantly traversed the endless void, and broke out a very fierce battle with the Jiang family's Hengyu furnace!


Void Collapse!

The space is broken and cracked!



A burst of shrill voices sounded.

The space was forcibly smashed and broken, and the dense cracks continued to spread like glass, as dense as spider webs, was it creepy?

Immediately after.


At this moment, the two pieces of the Supreme Dao Emperor's Armament, which contained the extremely powerful laws of the Imperial Dao, launched an unprecedented violent collision separated by an endless space! Ding.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 122 That's all the imperial soldiers of the extreme way? I can do it too! [Customize]

The two powerless gods, even if they crossed the territory of trillions of miles, were still terrifyingly swept across the world, covering the trillions of monks.

in particular...

The collision between the two terrifying positions, the aftermath emanating from it, is enough to crush everything in the world and smash everything to smithereens.

The sky seemed to be pierced.

Sovereign status soars into the sky.

The sky is broken!

The universe is shaken!

The unparalleled shocking collision, almost wants to penetrate this world, so as to carry it out to the end of the starry sky.

The aftermath is enough to destroy the world!

The entire Eastern Wilderness trembled under the collision of these two terrifying emperors.

The Battle of the Ultimate Warriors...

Enough to shatter the sun, moon and stars!

Even a life planet can't stop the terrifying power of the Jidao Emperor.

The destructive power is terrifying!

If you move, you can easily smash the stars across the trillions of miles.

This is the power of the Supreme Dao Emperor.

at the same time.

With the shocking collision of the two extreme swordsmen.

The ancient Taoists were shocked.

The trillions of monks were even more frightened and shocked.

"What, what's the situation?! 99

"Diwei? The second emperor?"

"Is the second piece of Ji Dao Emperor Armament released?"

"Oh my God!"

"The second piece of the Jade Emperor's Soldier spanned 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people about the territory, and directly pointed at the Jiang Family's Jade Emperor Soldier Hengyu Furnace.

"God! Are you crazy?

"The collision of the two pieces of Ji Dao imperial soldiers, is this the rhythm of forcibly sinking the entire Eastern Wilderness?"

"It seems that there is really an ancient Taoist lineage with a very long heritage, and I don't want to see the Jiang family god king return to the peak period. Otherwise, it would not be "four one zero" as for the sacrifice of extreme Taoist soldiers to come to block and intercept."


Lots of talk.

Countless monks went crazy.

All the ancient Taoist traditions focused their eyes on the Jiang family with a terrified face.

up until now.

It has been over a thousand years, and there has never been a battle of the Supreme Dao Emperor.

Never thought.

The Battle of the Extreme Dao Emperor broke out today!

One is the Hengyu stove of the Jiang family.

As for the other piece of Ji Dao Emperor Armament, it is still impossible to judge which ancient Dao lineage it came from.

all in all.

It is impossible for an extremist soldier to appear out of thin air.

There are traces to be followed in any piece of Extreme Dao Emperor.


Since the people who came to attack the Jiang family's Jidao Emperor's Hengyu Furnace, must have come from an ancient Taoist lineage, and must also be a well-known emperor.


The power of the Jidao Emperor is too terrifying.

This leads to...

No one can see what the other Ji Dao Emperor Armament looks like.

Without being able to clearly see the appearance of the Jidao Imperial Armament, it is naturally impossible to judge the origin and provenance of this Imperial Armament.

The power of the Jidao Emperor is extremely terrifying, and it can forcibly distort the space.

Even an ancient existence whose cultivation base has reached the level of the King of Dao Slashing cannot penetrate the void and gain insight into the origin and appearance of the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers.

Even an ancient sage would not be able to do such a feat.

"The king of the Jiang family is in danger!


"There is also an ancient Taoist lineage holding imperial soldiers, and he doesn't want to see the king of gods return to the peak period, so he will not hesitate to consume huge resources and costs, and sacrifice the emperor's soldiers to attack Jiang's family."

"Without the shock and awe of the Jade Emperor's soldiers, the three living dead can easily swept the entire Jiang family."

"Even if the top leaders of the Jiang family come out, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop the three living dead.

"The Jiang family is in big trouble."

"No one expected that even with the Jiang family's cards coming in and out, they would still be unable to protect the personal safety of the king of gods.

"Today, in order to kill the king of the Jiang family, too many forces have intervened, and even the extreme emperor soldiers have been dispatched to intercept the Jiang family's extreme emperor soldiers, Hengyu Furnace."

"In this case, the Jiang Family God King is already dead.

"Sad! 35

"A generation of peerless god kings is about to come to an end.

Countless cultivators felt deeply regretful and sighed mournfully.

The two pieces of Ji Dao Imperial Armament seemed to be shot beyond the starry sky.

With the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, a war of world destruction broke out at the end of the sky.

Even just a ray of aftermath from the collision is enough to shatter the tens of thousands of miles of land in the East Wasteland!

Let everything within a radius of ten thousand miles be wiped out.

This kind of power can be described as terrifying to the extreme!

"You said, this Jidao Emperor Soldier will be the Ji Family's Void Mirror?


"Is it the West Emperor Pagoda of the Yaochi Holy Land? It shouldn't be like that. The West Emperor Pagoda of the Yaochi Holy Land must always sit in the Yaochi Holy Land and cannot be easily dispatched. 35

"As for the Ji family, it's hard to judge.

"But at the moment, the Ji family has absolutely no reason to target the Jiang family. Besides, the Ji family and the Jiang family have always had a good relationship, and there has never been a violent conflict. 39

"If it's not the Ji family or the Yaochi Holy Land, who else could it be? Could it be those ancient dynasties from Zhongzhou?

"I can't say for sure, anyway, there is a probability of the ancient Taoist lineage holding the emperor's soldiers.

There are endless speculations.

The collision of the two extreme swordsmen sparked a discussion among the thousands of cultivators in the Eastern Wilderness.

at the same time.

The eyes of countless cultivators of Beidou also converged on the Jiang family.

The shocking collision that broke out between the Supreme Dao Emperor and the soldiers was definitely a once-in-a-millennium grand scene.

at the same time.

The ancient Taoist traditions are also suspicious of each other.

They guessed.

At this time, who used the imperial soldiers to intercept the Jiangjia Hengyu furnace, who was it?

Before confirming the origin of this Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier, they absolutely did not dare to act rashly.


The ancient lineages of Taoism activated the imperial soldiers of the extreme way, preventing huge casualties from the aftermath of the collision of the imperial soldiers.

The two pieces of Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers collided violently in the sky.

The sky seemed to be shattered and torn apart.

The stars of life in the endless starry sky seem to be forcibly smashed into powder by the power of the extreme emperor soldiers.

Heaven and earth descended one after another of supreme law lines...

The pattern of the law like a spider's web is entangled with the explosive power of the two pieces of Extreme Dao Imperial Armament, and they are constantly intertwined and collided with each other.


There was a series of loud noises from the sky.

Like thunder!


The loud noise was about to pierce the eardrum, as if the sky had been pierced.

Countless creatures in the entire Eastern Wilderness were all trembling under the pressure of the terrifying collision of the Jade Emperor's soldiers, kneeling on the ground and trembling all over.

Diwei is too scary.

The destructive power of the Jidao Imperial Soldier is extremely terrifying.

at this time.

All the senior members of the Jiang family had extremely ugly expressions, and their hearts were heavy.

Hengyu furnace is blocked!

This made them feel unprecedented pressure.

As their Jiang family's biggest trump card, they didn't expect to be forcibly intercepted and blocked by another Jade Emperor!

This time.

They will face enormous troubles and dilemmas!



"Damn it!"

"How come there is a second Extreme Dao Emperor Armament?"

"Who is it? Which Taoist system is targeting our Jiang family? 39

"The only one who can sacrifice the Supreme Dao Emperor can only be an ancient Dao lineage with a very long heritage. What do they want to do? When will my Jiang family become enemies with them?

"The imperial soldiers have been intercepted, and we will face a fierce battle next!""

The elders of the Jiang family gritted their teeth, and their tone was full of anger and murderous intent.

The head of the Jiang family had an ugly face, staring at the three living dead in front of him with gloomy eyes, and the pressure in his heart became extremely heavy again.

The three living dead...

Enough to sweep the entire Jiang family!

Now that the Jidao Emperor Soldier has been intercepted by another Emperor Soldier, how else can they block the three living dead?


More difficult!

"It's no wonder that when they saw our Jiang family sacrifice the imperial soldiers, they were still able to be confident.""


"They were already prepared."

"They knew from the beginning that there would be an imperial soldier of the extreme way to intercept our Jiang family's imperial soldier."

"It is because of this that they are completely reassured.

The head of the Jiang family clenched his fists and stared coldly at the dozen or so immortals and the three terrifying living dead in front of him.


The Jiang family is now facing a huge desperate situation!


More than a dozen immortals and two great masters stared at the high-level tigers of the Jiang family with a grin on their faces.

The three living dead were expressionless, looking at the senior elders of the Jiang family, as if they were looking at cold corpses.


War is imminent!

above the sky.

Both Su Xuanji and the Big Black Panther were silent, watching the changes on the battlefield.

Su Xuanji's eyes lit up when he saw the Jiang family sacrificed the imperial soldiers, while the big black dog was full of horror, feeling panic and uneasy from the bottom of his heart..

"Imperial Soldiers!

"The Emperor is born!"

The big black panther's throat was dry, and he blurted out subconsciously.

Even if they are far apart.

But it can still feel it.

It comes from the terrifying coercion emanating from the Jade Emperor.

Terrifying enough to make it creepy.

"Hengyu Furnace, the Jiang family's supreme warrior! 35

The big black dog stared at the terrifying imperial soldier.

"This, is the power of the Supreme Dao Emperor? 35

"It's really strong!

"Even if we are far apart, that wisp of imperial power is enough to make me feel an extremely strong sense of crisis."5


"Even so, the Jidao Emperor is not as scary as I imagined."

Su Xuanji's eyes narrowed slightly.

His eyes pierced through the void, spanning millions of miles away, observing the Jiang family's extreme soldier, Hengyu Furnace.

The breath emanating from the Hengyu Furnace did make him feel threatened, but it was only limited to danger, and could not give him an unshakable sense of powerlessness.

That is to say.

After seeing the Hengyu Furnace, the Jiang family's ultimate soldier, he became more confident in his own strength.

He identified.

If he goes all out.


It can really block a pole emperor from the front!

Just when Su Xuanji had such thoughts.

The emperor's prestige erupted from the second pole of the imperial army, all the way across thousands of miles to come to this place.


"Another extremist soldier?"

"The second emperor's prestige."

Su Xuanji looked surprised, turned his head, and his eyes spanned thousands of miles away, trying to capture the origin of this piece of extreme imperial soldiers.


The terrifying power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers forcibly distorted the space, making it impossible to spy on and investigate the source and origin of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers.

Even Su Xuanji's all-out efforts were only able to capture an ambiguous picture.

Diwei is too terrifying.

Can't get into it!

More undetectable!

Su Xuanji's ambiguous screen display.

This imperial soldier...

It looks like a black cauldron!

"Looking at the entire Big Dipper, there are very few ancient Taoist lineages that possess the Supreme Taoist soldiers.

"There are many holy places, dynasties, and aristocratic families, but there are only a handful of Taoist traditions inherited from the ancient emperors of the past. 35

"And in these ancient Taoist traditions with extreme Taoist emperor soldiers, the emperor soldiers are an ancient black cauldron, so the scope can be infinitely narrowed."

Su Xuanji thoughtful.

Which ancient lineage of the Big Dipper holds the imperial soldiers...

Is it a black ancient tripod that is as black as ink?

Just do a little research on this.

Presumably, the truth can be found easily.

It is easy to find out the ancient lineage of this shot, and who is the sacred opponent!


The big black dog was already dumbfounded. 1.2

It was frightened.

"The second imperial soldier was born?"

"Is this about to break out the battle of imperial soldiers? The rhythm of sinking the entire Eastern Wilderness?"

"God King Jiang, what kind of enemy did he provoke?"

"Don't so many people want to see that the king of the Jiang family is back in his prime?

"Even an ancient Taoist lineage has sacrificed a piece of extreme Taoist soldiers, trying to try to prevent the Jiang family god king from returning to the peak period. 35

"This time, the old boy from the Jiang family seems to be playing a big game!"

The big black panther looked horrified.


The two pieces of Ji Dao emperor collided in a shocking collision.

The terrifying power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth is transmitted from the void of trillions of miles.

It's just a wisp of breath coercion one in a billion...

It made the big black dog hairy and unable to move.

Even the big black dog with so many trump cards was trembling all over at this moment.

But when he actually witnessed the shocking collision between the two extreme swordsmen, Su Xuanji's expression became a little weird.

at the same time.

He couldn't help but have a strange thought and idea in his heart.

"The terrifying power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers, the result is this?"

"I always feel like..."

"I can do it too!

"With my current overall strength, it doesn't seem like it's too difficult to intercept a Jade Emperor from the front.

"It's not impossible!""

Think about this.

Su Xuanji suddenly seemed eager to try.


He vaguely began to impatiently...

I want to personally test this amazing idea in my mind!.

Chapter 123 Shaking the imperial soldiers of the extreme way frontally? A vision descended from the


"Must be calm! 99

Su Xuanji kept adjusting his breathing, trying to suppress the urge in his heart.

Never act recklessly.

The power of the Jidao Emperor may not only be that.

at the moment.

I just saw the tip of the iceberg.

It is impossible for the Jidao Emperor to have only this power.


"It's because the Jiang family's extremely ancient ancestors were unable to fully mobilize the power of the Supreme Dao Emperor Armament. Similarly, the Jade Dao Imperial Armament on the opposite side did not fully display the true power of the Imperial Armament.

"So, in my eyes, it only seems like this.

Su Xuanji calmly began to analyze.

With his cultivation at the peak of the Emperor's First Layer, coupled with his powerful physique, supreme bones, emperor scriptures, nine-character secrets, and other various advantages.

he thinks.

If the Supreme Dao Imperial Armament really only has the level of power that he has seen so far, then he has full confidence that he can smash a Ji Dao Imperial Armament from the front!


This is by no means exaggerating.

But Su Xuanji does have such self-confidence, and can do a head-on challenge to the imperial soldiers.


All of this must be built on the basis of the current power of the Jidao Emperor.

"It's not the time for me to go.

"At this moment, Beidou's countless eyes are all gathered here, if I make a move, there will be too much noise.


"It's not an easy thing to challenge the Jidao Emperor's soldiers from the front. I must be fully prepared before I can try to test the power of the Jade Emperor's soldiers. 35

Su Xuanji took a deep breath and completely suppressed the urge in his heart.

He can be sure.

This is by no means the true power of the Jade Emperor.

The cultivation base of the people who just motivated the Jidao Emperor's soldiers was too weak, which made the Jidao Emperor's soldiers look so unsightly, and did not show the emperor's power at all.

If it were a god-king who tried his best to mobilize the imperial soldiers, it might not make Su Xuanji feel this way.

"If only to this extent..."

"Later, I can check it out myself."

"What kind of experience is it to shake the imperial soldiers head-on! 35

Su Xuanji's eyes twinkled, looking forward to it.

02 This is the ultimate imperial army built by the emperor himself in the past. It contains extremely terrifying laws of the imperial way, and its movement is enough to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

Su Xuanji had never experienced such terrifying power.

This time.

Instead, you can use a piece of Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier to practice your hands!

If the countless monks in the outside world can know what Su Xuanji is thinking at this moment.

Just be afraid.

Those monks are going crazy!

Unarmed frontal and hard to shake the pole emperor soldiers?

How shocking is this?

Simply unimaginable!

No one dared to imagine how terrifying power and destructive power a piece of Ji Dao Imperial Armament possessed.

As for trying to shake the Jade Emperor with bare hands?

This is a terrifying feat that even the supreme cultivator of the Dao Slashing King series cannot do at all.

Even the ancient sages would never be able to challenge the Supreme Taoist soldiers head-on.

Even if the imperial soldiers only radiated one part of the power in a billion, they were by no means the taboo existence of the ancient sages, who could try to shake or block them.

No matter how weak the power of the emperor is, it is enough to kill a saint!

There is no doubt about this.

However, Su Xuanji is no saint.

But a quasi emperor!

Still an extremely powerful existence in the Emperor!

Although the cultivation level is only at the peak of Zhundi's first level, but Su Xuanji's overall combat power is able to smash against Zhundi's fifth level.

Even so.

Across five or six realms, fight against Emperor Zhundi's sixth heaven!

This is all very possible.

If it weren't for this, Su Xuanji wouldn't have been looking forward to it, and wanted to try to shake a jidao imperial soldier head-on.

It is precisely because he has full confidence in his heart that he is ready to move.


"It is rumored that the emperor's power can easily destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and its power is not as terrible as I imagined.

"can only say.

"The Jidao Emperor's soldiers are in the hands of different people, and the power they can burst out is also completely different."

"The Jade Emperor Soldier in the hands of the Dao Slayer King series powerhouse is not even qualified to threaten my life. 99

"If an ancient sage is holding the Supreme Dao Imperial Armament, it may threaten my life.

"Both of them are holding a piece of Ji Dao Emperor Armament, it's like two different weapons!

Su Xuanji made an analysis.

Look around.

He once again looked at the place where the two pieces of the Extreme Dao Imperial Armament collided.


Breathing out softly, Su Xuanji's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Not urgent!"

"Wait a second. 35

"Look at the power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers again, and make sure that there is really no big threat to me, and then it is time for me to test the power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers. 35

"Right now, it's still too early.

With this thought in mind, Su Xuanji continued to quietly observe the changes in the battlefield.


The big black dog finally broke free from the fear in his heart, and couldn't help but ask in a terrifying tone: "You said, the old king of the Jiang family, shouldn't he be playing off?

"Now even the Jade Emperor soldiers have appeared!

"As long as there is a little carelessness..."

"The Jiang family will definitely suffer heavy losses!

The terrifying collision of the two extreme swordsmen can naturally cause unparalleled destructive power.

In this situation.

No one can ensure their personal safety.

The big black dog just wanted to say.

The God King of the Jiang family is really too daring!

Even the Jade Emperor Soldiers were brought out.

Are you really not afraid to play off?

This is the real jidao emperor soldier!

Even the sages of the ancients don't care about the terrifying weapon that they can shake head-on!

A wisp of imperial might contained in the imperial soldiers is enough to easily crush and kill a saint.

Where did the god king of the Jiang family come from?

"Don't worry, everything is under his control."

"Furthermore. 35

"Doesn't the Jiang family also have the Jade Emperor soldiers? The two Jade Emperor soldiers will probably be deadlocked, and no one can do anything about the other.

"When the time comes, once the Jiang family god king is born, he will definitely sweep the world with a posture of sweeping the current world, killing all the enemies who came to offend the scene, and not a single one left behind."

"We just need to watch the show well."

The corners of Su Xuanji's mouth moved slightly, and his tone was very flat and natural.

from start to finish.

He was not worried about the situation of the Jiang family.

Those two extreme swordsmen!

If he could, he might fight against one of the Jade Emperor soldiers.

to measure your own strength.

Take the Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier as a benchmark to measure his own strength level.

Such behavior is probably also a terrifying act that subverts cognition.

If it gets out...

I'm afraid that I don't know how many monks are going to be crazy about it.

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that."

The big black dog let out a sigh of relief.


Su Xuanji glanced at the former casually, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Is the Jidao Emperor very strong?

Hearing this, the big black panther looked at Su Xuanji with strange eyes.

quite a while.

It only asked in a strange tone: "What do you think? Weapons that were made by the Great Emperor himself in the past contain the supreme laws of the imperial way."

"Move and destroy the world!

"Breaking the dusty stars from a trillion miles away!


"It can even make all living beings in the universe go extinct!

"Are you saying that the Jidao Emperor is strong?"

Seeing that the big black dog respected Jidao Dibing so much, Su Xuanji stopped talking too much.

he thought.

only hope...

For the next Jidao Emperor, don't let yourself down.

after all.

He was fully prepared.

I'm about to go head-to-head with a jidao emperor!

If the Jade Emperor is too weak, it would be too boring.

He couldn't even test his own strength level.

A fierce war broke out in the Jiang family.

This is an amazing battle!

In the past, the immortal Er Da Neng, who could see the head but not the tail of the dragon, is now almost like the Chinese cabbage in the bad street, there are countless.

A Zun Zun fights frantically, and the fight is dark and dark.


The mighty energy that collided and exploded crushed flowers, plants and trees that were millions of miles in all directions.

all beings...

All dried up in the aftermath of the mighty power.

Space is crumbling!

In a radius of millions of miles, they were all reduced to shattered battlefields that were destroyed.

Completely devastated!

Full of holes!

The ground was pierced.

The territory that was full of vitality has been destroyed beyond recognition, and has been reduced to abandoned wasteland that is broken, dilapidated and decayed everywhere.

There is death everywhere!


Colorful spells collided on the sky.

The battle was very fierce!

The Jiang family's Immortal Two Great Powers fought against the opposite Great Power.

The head of the Jiang family, the ancestors of the Jiang family and others joined forces to attack the three living dead!


The Jiang family is at a disadvantage.

And in desperation!

Those who were suppressed by the opposite side were retreating, almost showing signs of defeat.

In this fierce battle, the cultivator with the half-step high-energy level did not even have the qualifications to participate in the battlefield, and could only stay in the Jiang family station to maintain the mountain protection formation.

"The situation is not good!

"Patriarch, they are going to be defeated."

"No match at all!"

"The three living dead are too terrifying, even if several ancient ancestors join forces to attack, it is difficult to shake a living dead.

"Instead, the Patriarch and the others were severely injured, and now they are seriously injured.

"If this continues, we will lose sooner or later!"

An elder from the Jiang family whose name has reached the realm of half-step great power, felt anxious and helpless in his heart.

A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped the atrium, they gnashed their teeth and watched the movement of the battlefield, but from beginning to end, they were completely powerless to intervene.

Can only watch.

The Jiang family's many immortals are at a disadvantage.

And they couldn't help at all.

"Damn it!

"Why are there so many enemies? 35'

"Don't want to see our god king return to the peak?"

"These goddamn cowardly rats! In the past, the gods and kings were at their peak. One or two of them were all timid as mice, and they only dared to hide in the stinky ditch. 99

"Now, while our god king is in a weak state, he dares to be so blatant and come to offend our Jiang family!

"A bunch of gutless rats!"

"When the king of gods returns to their prime, and today they come to attack our Jiang family, none of them can escape! All will usher in the reckoning of our Jiang family!"

The half-step great elder of the Jiang family was extremely angry.

Totally visible.

The Jiang family is in a desperate situation!

Including the head of the Jiang family, as well as the ancestors of the Jiang family who woke up from a deep sleep, almost all fell into a predicament and were suppressed without the ability to fight back.

One by one has already failed!

above the sky.

There was still a terrifying collision between the two pieces of Ji Dao imperial soldiers.

The traces of aftermath scattered from the shocking collision were enough to instantly shatter thousands of miles of territory.

Thousands of trillions of monks looked at this world-shattering war.

Countless ancient Taoist traditions also focused on this place.

"Is it over?""

"Jiang family, are you finished?"

"The king of the Jiang family can't escape this disaster after all?"

"If the god-king of the Jiang family dies today, then the Jiang family will suffer heavy losses. Even the god-king can't be saved, but instead, many powerful elders of the Jiang family are seriously injured."


Lots of talk.

"410 As I said, the king of the Jiang family must die!"

A living dead man looked coldly at the head of the Jiang family.

He exuded a very rich and dead aura from all over, and the cold aura swept through and spread.

"Cough cough!

The head of the Jiang family coughed violently, his face was pale, he vomited blood, his body was covered in scars, and he was already in a state of serious injuries.

beside him.

There are also several ancient ancestors of the Jiang family, who are also pale and bloodless, and are seriously injured and in imminent danger.


"God is going to kill my Jiang family?"

An ancient ancestor of the Jiang family who had lived for nearly three thousand years, looked up at the sky, and let out a sigh from his heart.

"Kill! 35

The living dead are completely merciless.


When he got the chance, he immediately attacked and killed!

The terrifying Qi machine belonging to the series of Dao Slashing Kings completely locked the head of the Jiang family and the digital ancestors of the Jiang family around him.

"It's over! 35

The Jiang family master's face was ashes, and he could only sigh helplessly.

at this time.

in vain--

The originally dim sky suddenly turned into colorful flowers, rendering the clouds into a rainbow of colors.

The depressing atmosphere gradually turned into a slightly cheerful and cheerful.

The chilling air was completely concealed.

Spring breeze blows willows.

Blossoming colorful clouds rose in the sky.

Miracle from heaven!

This is a very rare and unique phenomenon of heaven and earth.

Colorful clouds are floating...

Half of the sky was rendered colorful.

The incomparably huge clouds turned into flowers and bloomed at the end of the sky, exuding a vigorous vitality, dispelling all the coldness and filth in the world.

Holy and immaculate!


Visible to the naked eye.

A figure wrapped in colored rays of light came from the sky, approaching the Jiang family at an extremely terrifying speed, and exuding a terrifying aura that surpassed the top of the second immortal great power.

Take a closer look.

This is actually a female monk!

A female cultivator whose cultivation base and realm are completely above the second immortal power!

She came with her feet on auspicious clouds!

The whole body is bathed in colorful rays of light.

Let her completely hide her body shape and appearance, shielding the outside world from trying to detect and prying eyes, exuding a sense of mystery all over her body.



Untainted by the mundane and vulgar, like a deity descended from the world, it is detached from the world.

Although it is impossible to see its shape and appearance...

However, it still shows its unparalleled elegance!

The five-color light accompanies it, and the feet are full of auspicious clouds.

Everything in the world seems to be her foil, all of which set off her transcendence, attracting the attention of people from all directions.

From the extremely distant horizon, she finally arrived at the Jiang family's residence smoothly.

Chapter 124 Colorful Clouds and Dark Night! The King of God Exits! [Customize]

The chilling air in the air was completely covered up by this spring breeze.

Depression is gone!

Spring breeze blows willows.


above the sky.

One after another, colorful clouds floated, rendering the sky into a colorful glow.

The colorful rays of light are beautiful and extremely dazzling.

The light shines in the sky!

From among the blossoming colorful clouds, a female cultivator stepped into the sky, stepping on the auspicious clouds, like an exiled immortal descending from the sky, and came to the Jiang family's residence spotlessly.

at the same time.


An extremely terrifying pressure burst out from her body and swept the audience in an instant.

This is a breath that is far above the power!


The strength of this female cultivator is much stronger than that of the mighty.

One after another, soft and bright halos floated around her body, setting off her figure more and more detached and refined, not stained with the mundane world.

The entire fierce battlefield came to an abrupt end because of her appearance.

The fierce war that was being fought was suddenly and strangely terminated.



Pairs of eyes full of surprise came together one after another, fixed on the female cultivator.

Due to the colorful rays of light entangling around his body, everyone could not see his figure and appearance at all, and could only vaguely capture that this was a female cultivator.

A mighty female monk!

Even a wisp of qi emanating from it made everyone present feel terrified.

Even the ancient existence of the great energy series can't penetrate the colored halo wrapped around the female cultivator, let alone see through its true appearance.


"Very strong!"

"This is most likely a supreme cultivator of the Dao Slashing King series."

A Zun Zun and Er Da Neng were extremely stressed, and their eyes were full of horror and fear.

The sudden appearance of this powerful female cultivator caused the many immortals who came to attack the Jiang family to feel deeply depressed, with a heavy expression on their faces.

Even the three living dead showed a somewhat solemn look.

"King of Dao Slasher?

"Here comes an extraordinary being! 99

"Is it the Jiang family's reinforcements?"

"Whether it's the Jiang family's reinforcements or not, a mere slasher can't affect the Jiang family's final end. When they come, it's just death."5

The three living dead guessed one after another.

at this time.

The Jiang family's patriarch, who was seriously injured, and one of the Jiang family's ancestors all stared blankly at the powerful female cultivator who came to the Jiang family.

"Who is this person?"

The head of the Jiang family couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

He never remembered.

The Jiang family had once befriended such a powerful female monk.

But, look at the posture in front of you.

The other party obviously did not come to target the Jiang family.


It looked more like he came to reinforce the Jiang family.

"Reinforcements? 35

"Our Jiang family's reinforcements? Where does this person come from? What is the sacred place? Why did you come to reinforce my Jiang family?"5

"In the past, our Jiang family didn't seem to have any intersection with this person at all."

"In this situation.

"This person is still risking a huge life threat to come to specially reinforce my Jiang family, what kind of grace is this? 39

The head of the Jiang family still couldn't figure it out.


The Jiang family was clearly at a disadvantage and a desperate situation.

It's only a matter of time before defeat.

in this situation.

There are still people who came to reinforce the Jiang family!

This is enough to show the firmness of the other party's belief.

But the problem is...

The head of the Jiang family never thought of it.

What kind of intersection does the other party have with the Jiang family?

Why risk your life to come to reinforce the Jiang family?

As the current head of the Jiang family, he only felt that things were a little confusing.

For this extremely powerful female cultivator, he had almost no impression in the past.

But one thing is for sure...

The relationship between the other party and the Jiang family must be deeply involved!

Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party to come to reinforce the Jiang family at great risk.

"I remembered, "!"

At this time, an ancient ancestor of the Jiang family who survived for a very long time suddenly blurted out subconsciously.

"Gu Zu, have you thought about the identity of the other party?

"who is she?"

The head of the Jiang family hurriedly asked.

The elders of the Jiang family also cast confused glances.


The ancient ancestor of the Jiang family took a deep breath, his eyes were complicated and unspeakable, and his voice was full of emotion: "She came here specially for the God King!

"What she is reinforced is not the Jiang family, but the god king of our Jiang family! 35

"I think you probably haven't forgotten."

"Thousands of years ago, there was a female genius who was not inferior to our Jiang family god king. She was so talented that, as a contemporary saint of the Holy Land, she was trained as the next generation of holy masters."

"In that very ancient era..."

"The king of the gods has a peerless style, and he had a past affair with that saint.

"But in the end, it was the two sides who ended up sadly and never reached the end.

"did not expect."

"Today, when the King of God is in a crisis of life and death, she actually came!"

"Come here specially for the King of God! Risking your life to come for reinforcements!

Speaking of which, the Jiang Family Ancestor's expression showed incomparable gratitude.

His existence is extremely old.

In other words.

He actually grew up listening to the countless heroic deeds of the God King.


He knows a lot of the secrets of the king of gods.

Even though thousands of years have passed, he is still deeply impressed by the deeds of those god kings.

in that era...

The king of gods is the heaven of the Jiang family!

A supreme existence that overwhelms the Big Dipper!

"The Holy Mother of the Holy Land thousands of years ago?

"Have you ever had a wonderful past with us, the god king of the Jiang family?"

"Now, she is here to save our God King."

The head of the Jiang family and a group of senior elders of the Jiang family were full of amazement.

Another ancient existence that has lived for thousands of years!

And it's extremely powerful!

It is closely related to the god-king of the past, and has a huge involvement.

No wonder...

The other party did not hesitate to risk their lives to rush to reinforce the King of God.

"If i remember correctly."

"She is the saint of the Holy Land of Wanchu thousands of years ago."

"Caiyun Fairy!

"A proud daughter of the sky who was extremely powerful thousands of years ago! But it was only because the god king overwhelmed an era that it covered up its brilliance.

"Actually, Fairy Caiyun's talent and strength are very terrifying, and she belongs to the rare top talent in the world. 35

"Thousands of years have passed, and Fairy Caiyun's strength has grown to an unbelievable level.

The ancestors of the Jiang family continued to introduce.

Caiyun Fairy!

A contemporary saint from the Holy Land of Wanchu thousands of years ago!

Once the lover of the king of the Jiang family.


In the end, both sides ended sadly.

only because.

Fairy Caiyun wanted to repay her kindness, but was unwilling to leave the Holy Land of Wanchu and marry into the Jiang family.

But, that doesn't mean.

The love between the two came to an end.

can only say.

The two are inseparable!

Thousands of years later.

Fairy Caiyun has fully repaid her gratitude.

Now, she only does things according to her will!

No need to worry too much anymore.


She is coming!

She came to save the Jiang family god king!

Stop all powerful enemies from coming for the king of the Jiang family!

Even at the cost of sacrificing herself, she will not feel the slightest regret.

at the same time.

As Fairy Caiyun came to Jiang's house.

The trillions of monks were deeply amazed and shocked.


Not to mention some ancient existences, they all revealed the identity of Fairy Caiyun, as well as the love entanglement between the other party and the Jiang family god king thousands of years ago.

This love has been passed down for thousands of years.

Now it is mentioned again by countless monks.

"Fairy Caiyun..."

"This is an incredible daughter of the heavens!"

"In that era, it was only slightly inferior to the God King of the Jiang family."

"It is even more cultivated by the Holy Land of Wanchu as the next generation of the Holy Master!

"In the end, Fairy Caiyun did live up to expectations and became the Holy Master of the Holy Land of Wanchu."

"According to legend, Fairy Caiyun has not been heard from for thousands of years. I thought that she had already died, but I never thought that she has been alive all the time, just waiting for the return of the Jiang Family God King one day."

Countless monks sighed.

The top monks of the ancient Taoism were deeply moved.

Seeing the appearance of Fairy Caiyun, some of the supreme cultivators who have survived for an extremely ancient time all think of the past events of that ancient era.

"Fairy Caiyun and the Divine King of the Jiang Family, these two were a good story in that era.

"It's a pity that it ended sadly in the end."

"Otherwise, the Wanchu Holy Land and the Jiang family will unite, and the power will reach the peak of the pinnacle.""


"Now, Fairy Caiyun is here to save the Divine King of the Jiang family. It can be seen that an unforgettable love, even if thousands of years have passed, will still not easily pass away.

A monk from the ancient Taoist lineage was deeply impressed by this.

With the arrival of the Caiyun Fairy.

The pressure of the Jiang family was also weakened a bit.


If you want to completely relieve the huge pressure at the moment, this is not something that Fairy Caiyun can do alone.

after all.

What needs to be faced on the opposite side are the three living dead!

The supreme cultivator of the Dao Slashing King series!

Although Fairy Caiyun is not weak, it is still extremely difficult to defeat three with one, and the possibility is extremely slim.


The current desperate situation of the Jiang family has not been resolved with the arrival of Fairy Caiyun.

"Is there a Dao Slayer King?"

"It will not affect the final result of the Jiang Family God King!

"As I said, the God King of the Jiang family must die today!"

"Whoever comes, cannot save him. 35

The three living dead sneered, their eyes sharp and stern.


"Do you really think that we are the only ones to deal with the Jiang family this time?"

"`" How naive!"

"Jiang family, it's time for you to fall into despair."


The three living dead raised their heads and looked towards the end of the sky.


They took a deep breath and said with a bit of respect in their voices: "King of the Dark Night, it's your turn to appear, right? Now, your old friend is here too.

"Don't you want to come forward and fight your old friend?"

"This one, that was the lover of the Jiang family god king in the past!"

"Given your hatred for the God-king of the Jiang family, if you can personally kill the former lover of the God-king of the Jiang family, it must be a very relieved thing."5

"This is definitely a rare opportunity!

The voice was loud and resounding through the sky.

Like thunder!

Break the sky!



The sky roared like thunder.

Blossoms of black clouds suddenly gathered on one side, covering half of the sky, blocking the darkness of the sky, even the radiance scattered by the scorching sun was completely blocked.


Can't see five fingers!

In the pitch-dark environment, the air became icy and cold.

The icy murderous intent rises and falls.

Biting cold!


at the same time.

At the end of the incomparably dim sky, among the dark clouds, walked out a stalwart figure wrapped in black mist.

He stepped into the air, approaching at an extremely terrifying speed from the endless void millions of miles away.

But only a few steps across...

It has already arrived at the top of the Jiang family station.


One after another, black clouds covered the earth, completely obscuring Jiang's family for millions of miles.

Dark clouds over the city!

Darkness invades the world!

An incomparably stalwart figure descended from the sky, surrounded by black mist, which made his figure look extraordinarily mysterious, strange, and imposing.




Coercion all over the place!

"Fairy Caiyun..."

"Stay safe!"

The figure that descended from the sky was wrapped in darkness, facing Fairy Caiyun, his tone was cold and incomparably cold, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

(Four gains) A terrifying aura that surpassed the living dead erupted from the body of this figure.

It is clear.

He is stronger than the Dao Slayer King!

Much stronger than the three living dead!

Suddenly, the Jiang family was terrified.

The three living dead were enough to make the Jiang family fall into despair.


There was another terrifying powerhouse whose strength far surpassed that of the living dead!

How does this allow them to block each other?



"King of the Night!

"Thousands of years ago, one of the most famous twin kings in Zhongzhou!"

Fairy Caiyun's crisp and sweet voice sounded slowly.

"It is a great honor for me to be honored that the fairy can remember my name.

The Dark Night King looked at Fairy Caiyun coldly.

King of Dark Night, one of the twin kings of Zhongzhou.

The other twin king is his elder brother, the Sun King, who is the eldest brother of the Dark Night King.

As early as thousands of years ago, the Sun King died tragically at the hands of the Jiang Family God King.

The feud of life and death ends here!


The Dark Night King is naturally here to avenge his elder brother, the Sun King!

previous years.

The king of the Jiang family has overwhelmed an era, so that he can only hide in the corner and tremble, not daring to act rashly.


When I heard the news that the king of the Jiang family was at stake.

Naturally, he will not miss such a golden opportunity!

The ancestral land of the Jiang family.

A pair of eyes slowly opened, and they were particularly eye-catching in the dark night.

This pair of eyes pierced through the endless void in an instant, looking at the Dark Night King and Caiyun Fairy.

Subconsciously ignore the Night King...

His eyes were fixed on Fairy Caiyun's body.


The emotions contained in these eyes became extraordinarily complicated and indescribable.

V after a moment.

A faint sigh sounded from the dim ancestral land of the Jiang family.

"It's time to close the net, too. 35

Chapter 125 The king of gods is coming! The battle situation is changing rapidly! Sensation! [Custom

The Jiang family was in panic.


An ancient existence who lived in the Jiang family for thousands of years, immediately recognized the identity of the Dark Night King and introduced it with a trembling voice.

"King of the Night!

"One of the twin kings of Zhongzhou thousands of years ago, his strength is extremely powerful, and his reputation is resounding throughout the Beidou.""

"As early as thousands of years ago, the twin kings were famous and famous, and they were one of the most powerful beings in that era."

"The twin kings join forces to sweep the world! 35

"These two, each of them is a first-class cultivator.""

"It's just that King Dark Night's elder brother, King Sun, encountered our Jiang Family God King thousands of years ago, and was killed on the spot because of hatred!"

"The King of Dark Night took the opportunity to escape, and he has been silent for thousands of years and never dared to come out. According to legend, the King of Dark Night has already died. Unexpectedly, he is still alive!

"Furthermore, when our Jiang family god king is now in danger, he came to attack and kill him deliberately."

"He, obviously, made a special trip today to avenge his elder brother, the Sun King.

The words fall.

The senior elders of the Jiang family were deeply moved and gaffe.

The twin kings of Zhongzhou are extremely famous!

Even until now.

Thousands of years have passed.

But some senior elders of the Jiang family who were present still knew something about the twin kings.

These two all belong to the top supreme monks!

Extremely powerful!

Far more terrifying than the living dead.

"Never thought..."

"Today's attack on our Jiang family was actually led by the Dark Night King."

"The Dark Night King is most likely the one behind all this."

The Jiang family was in a state of boiling.

This is the real top powerhouse of the same era as the Jiang family God King!

One of the twin kings of Zhongzhou, the Dark Night King!

If the Sun King hadn't died at the hands of the Jiang Family God King, the twin kings of Zhongzhou would surely be able to overwhelm an era, and the two would be able to swept away all enemies together.

"No! 35

"It's still not right!

"If the behind-the-scenes instigator is the Dark Night King, then where did the other Ji Dao Emperor Soldier come from? The Dark Night King did not hold the Ji Dao Emperor Soldier.

An elder from the Jiang family blurted out subconsciously.

People look up.

Look up to the sky.

above the sky.

The two pole warriors confronted each other.

Don't give in to each other!

The terrifying no-god might burst out from the extremist soldiers one after another, and the might is extremely terrifying, capable of smashing the sun, moon, and stars across the trillions of miles away at any time.

"It doesn't matter if the messenger behind the scenes is the Dark Night 410 King.""

"all in all.

"Our Jiang family is now facing an unprecedented crisis and disaster!

"A little careless..."

"It will be forever!

The elders of the Jiang family felt a strong sense of oppression, and they penetrated their hearts.


Chilling gas, spontaneously.

An icy murderous aura rose up.

at the same time.

outside world.

Thousands of trillions of monks also saw the arrival of the Dark Night King.

"One of the twin kings of Zhongzhou in the past, the king of the dark night! Luo

"Oh my God!"

"Even this kind of existence is still alive in the world? And to kill the Jiang family god king?

"His elder brother, the Sun King, is said to have died in the hands of the Jiang Family God King. This rumor is true. Otherwise, the Dark Night King would not have come to deal with the Jiang Family God King."

"In the past, when the God-king of the Jiang family was at its peak, the King of Dark Night could only hide in a dark corner and dare not act rashly. Now, the God-king of the Jiang family is at stake, and all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have appeared."

Countless monks were shocked.

The situation is changing rapidly!

The speed of change caught them off guard.


The old monk who vaguely recognized the identity of the king of the dark night.

Immediately, the atmosphere became even more sensational!

Night King, this is no small role.

Even the prestige of the living dead is far less prominent than that of the Dark Night King.

There is no doubt about this.

at the same time.

When the ancient Taoists saw the figure of the Dark Night King, their expressions changed.

"This guy isn't dead?"

"I thought he disappeared for thousands of years, and he should have died."


"He actually hid for thousands of years, just for today's day when he killed the king of the Jiang family. 55

"This time, the king of the Jiang family is in danger!"

"Even one of the famous twin kings of Zhongzhou in the past came for the god-king of the Jiang family."


Countless powerful monks from the ancient Taoist lineage deeply regretted the impasse that the Jiang Family God King was about to face.


The dignified generation of peerless god kings is about to come to an end.

The battle is imminent!

Fairy Caiyun didn't talk much with the Dark Night King.

A fierce battle broke out in an instant!


The colorful spells collided with each other, almost trying to penetrate the space fortress, and the air flow of the power to destroy the sky and the earth spread, rolling the dust in all directions.

The earth trembled and shattered!

Shake the universe!

The sky is broken!

Just for a moment.


The Dark Night King broke out with all his strength, with the core goal of killing Fairy Caiyun!

"God King Jiang Family..."

"I said something to you thousands of years ago.""

"Kill my brother and I will make you regret it for the rest of your life. 35

"Now, I will personally kill your former lover!

"I also really want to see that look of pain and despair on your face.

The Night King let out a hysterical roar.


With all his strength, he stimulated the surging energy in his body, and he made terrifying palm prints with his hands.


One after another, colorful lights wrapped around Fairy Caiyun's body, turning into blossoming lotus flowers, which were used to block the countless magic attacks that came in front of her.



The bursts of collision sound deafening, resounding through the sky.

Visible to the naked eye.

In less than a moment.

Fairy Caiyun was already at a disadvantage.

The strength of the Night King is indeed very powerful!

Even Fairy Caiyun, who is above the power, is completely unable to stop the King of Dark Night who burst out with all his strength.


Fairy Caiyun showed signs of defeat.

Seeing this, the Jiang family's heart tensed, and their eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

"Not good!"

"Fairy Caiyun can't stop the Dark Night King at all.""

"If this goes on, sooner or later you will lose.

"If something happened to Fairy Caiyun, how much pain would the Divine King be? 35

"You must not let Fairy Caiyun have an accident!"

An ancient ancestor of the Jiang family, who was seriously injured, gritted his teeth and said with anger and determination.


One after another, the senior elders of the Jiang family also entered the battlefield one after another.

The fierce battle broke out again!

It's getting dark!

It was riddled with holes.

Completely devastated!

Wolf smoke everywhere!

The three living dead swept the audience!

The King of Dark Night completely suppressed Fairy Caiyun!

More than a dozen immortals and two great powers, hanging and beating the few great powers of the Jiang family!

can be clearly seen.

The Jiang family is already at the end of the fight.

It is only one step away from a complete collapse.

Seeing the embarrassing situation of the Jiang family, the trillions of monks shook their heads and sighed.

Who can think.

One day, the dignified and ancient aristocratic family will be so miserable.

Countless ancient Taoist traditions feel the same way.

They also have a hunch.

The current situation the Jiang family is facing may also be the situation they will face in the future.


Above the sky, the two pieces of the Jade Emperor's Armament are still colliding with the world.

Destroy the world and destroy the world!

It was just a wisp of aftermath, but it was enough to shatter the space, as if to shred the sky and smash the clouds in a radius of tens of millions of miles.

all matter...

All were destroyed and annihilated under the power of the emperor.

Even the ancient saints, once they tried to approach this area, would be instantly shattered by bombardment and reduced to shattered bones.

No saint can get close to this battlefield.

As you can imagine.

How terrifying the explosive power of the two extreme swordsmen.

The Jiang family's extreme Taoist soldier, Hengyu Furnace, broke out a world-shattering flame and burned all things in the world.

As for the other piece of Ji Dao Emperor Soldier, it was in the fog from beginning to end, making it impossible to see its appearance.

But every time the terrifying power erupted, it was showing the terrifyingness of this Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier.

The terrifying war continues.

The Jiang family is losing ground!

Totally suppressed!

Fairy Caiyun also began to be injured.

The situation is very unfavorable for the Jiang family, and it is only a matter of time before the complete collapse.

"For the sake of a god-king, the Jiang family will bury all their heritage today!

"From today on..."

"There is no more ancient Jiang family in the Eastern Wilderness! 55

A living dead man sneered, and struck a seal with both hands, sweeping all the enemies in front with extremely terrifying power, and severely injured a well-known senior of the Jiang family.


An explosion of terror swept the audience.

The three living dead were absolutely swept away, killing the top leaders of the Jiang family without the ability to fight back.

"It's over!"

The Jiang family was in deep despair.

The King of God is in danger!

The Jiang family is also in danger!

All the seniors of the Jiang family were ashen, with no hope on their faces.

at this time.

Boom one by one

A world-shattering bang erupted from Jiang's ancestral land.

Immediately after.

The unparalleled majestic aura suddenly swept in all directions from the Jiang family's ancestral land.

The terrifying and unparalleled aura of coercion enveloped the audience in an instant.

This momentum...

It is above power!

Even more terrifying.

This momentum is not only above the power, but also above the king of slashing!


Terrible peerless!

Hairy all over!

The one that came from the soul trembled under the pressure of this imposing manner.

The terrifying coercion could hardly be summed up in words.

It was as if an unparalleled storm had struck, and the repressed aura filled the hearts of every cultivator present, making all cultivators on the scene tremble with fear.

"This, this is..."

The Night King stopped his current offensive intent.

His eyes were full of horror and suspicion.

Feeling the terrifying pressure that swept through the whole body, and the faint familiar aura...

The dark night king's eyes suddenly showed a thick horror.

This momentum...

Shouldn't it be?!

"how is this possible?!""

The Dark Night King's eyes widened, and he was instantly ecstatic and startled.

This momentum will surpass him countless times!

There is only one example of the Jiang family being able to burst out with such a terrifying aura!

The King of the Jiang Family!

And he is still the God King of the Jiang family at his peak!

"It's impossible! 99

"Isn't the king of the Jiang family already in danger? How could he burst out with such a terrifying aura?""

"This must be a trick, trying to bluff!"

"It's only been less than half a day since the three days and three nights of treatment."

"How is it possible that the king of the Jiang family has recovered to such a degree?! 35

The Dark Night King felt a deep sense of panic in his heart.

at the same time.

The three living dead also shuddered and stopped attacking in an instant.

More than a dozen immortals and two great masters were all shivering under this pressure.

"what's the situation?!

"Good, what a terrifying aura oppression!

"who is it?"

"How can the Jiang family exist like this?

"Could it be that..."

"Is it the king of the Jiang family?!"

"Has he successfully returned to his prime?

"That's impossible!

A Zun Zun Er Da Neng was full of shock.

The faces of the three living dead became a little pale, and they each looked at each other, and they could see the deep fear in the depths of their eyes.

No way?

Could it be that the king of the Jiang family has returned to his peak?

If so.

That would be a big trouble!

more specifically.

It's their trouble!

How terrifying is the god-king of the Jiang family at his peak?

it goes without saying!

Everyone present was aware of this.

If they hadn't learned that the King of the Jiang family was at stake, they would never have dared to act rashly against the Jiang family.

It is only when the King of the Jiang family is in danger that they dare to take action plans against the Jiang family.

"God King Jiang Family?!

Among the more than a dozen immortals and two great powers, Bufan was the top powerhouse who had fought against the Jiang family god king in the past.


When they felt the momentum sweeping through their bodies, they instantly felt an unprecedented sense of familiarity.


Deep fear flooded my heart!

Under this terrifying coercion, they gradually became completely dominated by fear.

No one knows better than them.

How terrifying is that peerless god-king of the Jiang family!

at the same time.

When all the senior elders of the Jiang family felt this terrifying and boundless aura, they were stunned at first.


All of them were almost ecstatic.

Excited emotions flooded my heart!

"It's the king of gods!"

"The King of God is back at his peak!

The senior elders of the Jiang family were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, and their faces were filled with excitement.

Including the head of the Jiang family.

His pale complexion, which was caused by a serious injury, suddenly turned a little red. He clenched his fists in excitement, and his eyes were full of ecstasy.

"The King of God is going out!

"Good! Good!"

"To offend our Jiang family's enemies today, one of them counts as one, and none of them want to escape!

"Every one will usher in the reckoning of the god-king.""

In the excited voice of the head of the Jiang family, there was a bit of anger and hatred that gritted his teeth.

An ancient ancestor of the Jiang family was finally relieved.

The King of God is finally out...

They finally don't need to fight for their lives anymore.

the other side.

When the aura of the God King swept through and spread.

Thousands of trillions of cultivators have felt the oppression of this extremely powerful and terrifying aura.

"This, this is..."

"God King's explosive momentum?"

"So strong! Countless times stronger than the Dao Slashing King! 35

"Is it the god king of the Jiang family? The god king has returned to his peak period? Is this the rhythm of going out of customs?

"My God!"

"The king of gods has returned to his peak?


Countless monks were boiling.


The hearts of the ancient Taoists were shaken.

"Is this the God King of the Jiang family who has been known as the most powerful warrior in the past four thousand years?"

"Worthy of being a peerless god-king who overwhelmed an era!"

"This momentum is too terrifying."

"Even if they are far apart, they are still shuddered by this momentum.

"God, it's going to change!

"The peerless god-king of the Jiang family has successfully exited the customs, and it is not difficult to imagine that the power structure of Beidou will usher in unprecedented changes in the future! 99

"These top powerhouses who came to the Jiang family to attack and kill today, I'm afraid, none of them want to leave alive! 39

Chapter 126 I'm here to block the imperial soldiers! The king of gods was frigh10ed! [Customize

The unparalleled power of the God King descended on the audience.

Swept the Quartet!

The terrifying momentum completely covered the territory of millions of miles.

Every inch of the area...

They were all affected by this momentum.

All living beings knelt down and surrendered, shivering.

Even the supreme cultivator of the Second Immortal Great Power would inevitably feel panic, trembling, and uneasy under this pressure.

More than a dozen immortals who attacked the Jiang family were all hairy at this moment, and their fear was infinitely magnified in their hearts.

Their faces were terrified, and their eyes were full of horror and looked at Jiang ~ family ancestral land.

can be felt.

An unprecedented terrifying aura oppressed, completely wrapping their bodies-.

"This, this is the momentum of the Jiang family god king?

An almighty monk from an ancient Taoist lineage only felt horrified.

He never had a grudge against the Jiang Family God King, and the reason why he came to attack the Jiang Family God King today was simply because he did not want to see a God King return to its peak.

Never thought.

He actually felt it.

The powerful momentum of the king of the gods in the peak period!

Make him feel terrified from the bottom of his heart.

The boundless sense of fear enveloped his heart and completely dominated his entire body and mind.

"very scary!"

"Peerless God King, too strong!

"This is known as the number one combat power in the past four thousand years!

"Jiang Family God King, has it recovered to its peak? This speed is too fast. Don't you mean that it will take at least three days and three nights?

"Why did he recover so quickly? This is totally unreasonable! 39

A Zun Zun Er Da Neng was terrified, and a voice full of fear came out one after another.


They are already winning.

But now.

Suddenly, when they felt this shocking pressure, they suddenly lost confidence.

Panic spreads!

Even if he is as powerful as the second immortal, as a top-level expert of the Big Dipper, his body is constantly shaking violently under the pressure of this momentum.

The almighty cultivator who rules over trillions of beings is also inevitably panicked.

at the same time.

Even the three living dead felt a biting coldness in the air from all directions.

"The King of God is back!

"Although not at its peak, it is by no means a life-threatening state.55

"Which bastard falsely reported this news?!

"Damn it!"

The three living dead gnashed their teeth, and their hearts were filled with shock and anger.

At this time.

A living dead man's pupils shrank slightly, and he said tentatively: "You said, is this a huge conspiracy? From the beginning, the Jiang family god king was not seriously injured.

"From the beginning to the end, this is all just fake news intelligence. 99

"The purpose is to kill us all!"

"Draw us all to the same place and destroy us all at once!

"That is to say."

"The king of the Jiang family has no foundation at all. The reason for these news is to attract them to attack in a big way. In this way, we can annihilate our entire army as quickly as possible."

The words just fell.

The eyes of the other two living dead were wide and round, and their faces were full of horror, panic, and anger.


After being reminded, they quickly responded.

"This guy, the God King of the Jiang family, is too insidious and cunning! 99

"all of these..."

"It's all his conspiracy!"

"Damn it!"

"All of us have been tricked, and we were controlled by the king of the Jiang family alone, and we were tricked by him.

"Almost all of our actions are within the control of the Jiang Family God King.

The three living dead looked frightened and angry.

They figured it out.

This is the only explanation they can think of.


How to explain that the king of the Jiang family returned to his peak so quickly?
