
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Did you make a special trip just for their Jiang Family God King?

"Me, my God!

"Am I wrong?"

"There are thirteen immortals and two great powers!"

The top and bottom of the Jiang family were all terrified.

They stared at the terrifying figure outside the Jiang Family Hushan Great Array.

Even though they were separated by the mountain protection formation, they could still feel it.

The breath emanating from these figures is very terrifying!

Horror to the extreme!


These thirteen figures who descended here are all the cultivation bases of the second immortal great power.

It is exactly the same as the cultivation base of the head of the Jiang family!

A supreme cultivator of this level is a top cultivator who belongs to the Beidou first-class!

Movement destroys the world!

Turn over to rule trillions of creatures!

This is the terrifying power of Immortal Er.

"Thirteen Immortals and Two Great Powers!"

The head of the Jiang family couldn't help taking a deep breath, and his eyes were full of heavy and depressed colors.


Things are getting more and more troublesome!

He thought about it.

This time, there will be countless powerhouses trying to prevent them from returning to their prime.

But still never expected.

There are thirteen immortals and two great powers!


Every Immortal Second Great Master, looking at the Big Dipper, has traces to follow, and it is impossible to appear out of thin air.

But these thirteen immortals and two great powers left the Jiang family's patriarch with no impression at all.

"Is there someone else behind them?"

"If there are strong people behind them, then things will be even more troublesome.

The head of the Jiang family is feeling the pressure.

A heavy sense of oppression enveloped his atrium, making it extremely difficult for him to breathe.

Thirteen immortals and two great powers made him, the patriarch of an ancient family, feel unprecedented pressure.

"Master, what should I do?"

An ancient existence of the Jiang family who has lived for more than two thousand years, looked at the head of the Jiang family.

The situation is very unfavorable now!

For the Jiang family.

The situation is very serious!

A little careless...

Even the Jiang family will be doomed!

As for the life of the god king?

That's already in jeopardy!

"Damn it!

"Are these people crazy? They even dispatched thirteen Immortal Second Great Masters at one time! When will the cultivators of the Immortal Second Great Master be as bad as the Chinese cabbage on the street?

"This is totally unreasonable!"

"How did these cultivators of the second immortal great power appear? Why was there no news and traces at all before?"5

Dozens of senior elders of the Jiang family fell into an atmosphere of panic.

at first.

When they saw a half-step almighty coming, they could easily deal with it, completely disapproving.

But now.

When they saw a total of thirteen immortals and two great powers coming, their complexions suddenly changed dramatically.

"These guys are crazy! Have to kill our king of gods?"

"It's a really big deal."

"If I were to discover the identities of these mighty men, I would definitely burn them to the ground!"

"Today's hatred, our Jiang family remembers."


One after another, the senior elders of the Jiang family were furious and cursed loudly through gritted teeth.

I thought I was winning.

It can block three days and three nights.

But look now.

After all, they still underestimated the number of enemies who came to attack this time.

Thirteen great powers!

This power is completely comparable to a desolate ancient family!

But it is such a terrifying power that he made a special trip to deal with them, the God King of the Jiang family.

"If God Kings are still in their prime, why should we fear them?

"Damn it!

"This group of cowardly rats would only dare to take advantage of our **** king's weakness before they dare to come to offend. If the **** king is at his peak, they will be like mice crossing the street, hiding in the stinky ditch. hide in Tibet.

Including the head of the Jiang family was also deeply angry and helpless.

At the peak of the king of gods, who would dare to come and offend?


The king of gods fell into the stage of weakness.

Those timid rats who only dared to hide in the stinky ditch and shouted in the past dared to come forward in person and ran to the door of the Jiang family to show off their might.

"No matter what, we have to stop them!"

"With the protection of the mountain protection formation, it can block them for at least half a day. Then, we will wake up the ancient ancestors again, even if they sacrifice their lives as the price, we must block them!

"The owner is right, we can definitely stop them."

"Even if you pay for your life, you must buy time for the king of God to heal."

"Fight them!"

"What about the great powers? Even thirteen great powers can't stop the king of gods from returning to their prime."

One after another, the top executives of the Jiang family showed their desperate madness.

Even at the cost of life...

We must also block the external enemies!

Must protect the way for the King of God!

As long as the king of gods returns to the peak period, then everything they do today is worth it.

0.. ask for flowers...

Even if more than half of the entire Jiang family were killed in battle, as long as the god king could return to his peak, that would be the best result.

At that time.

These enemies who came to attack and kill today will all suffer the great reckoning of the God King!

No one can escape this catastrophe!

"Let the three elders ensure that the mountain protection formation will not be breached by outsiders, and I will take the initiative to attack to prevent the outside world from joining forces with the Jiang family's mountain protection formation."

"Although the mountain protection formation can block it for a period of time, it is impossible for the big formation to block it for three days and three nights with the cooperation of the Thirteen Immortals and the Two Great Masters.

"We must take the initiative to attack. Only in this way can the mountain protection formation last longer and buy more time for the king to heal."

The head of the Jiang family made a decisive decision.


Under the order of the head of the Jiang family.

The elders quickly awakened the sleeping ancestors of the Jiang family.

at the same time.

outside world.

When the Thirteen Immortals and the Second Great Power Jedi descended on the Jiang family, the tens of thousands of monks were deeply shocked and horrified.

"Me, my God!"

"The Thirteen Immortals and the Second Great Powers are the best!"

"real or fake?"

"A supreme being with thirteen great power levels!

"Looking at the entire Big Dipper, even if it is a noble ancient family, I am afraid that it will not be able to find the thirteen immortals and the two supreme monks at one time, right?"


"Crazy! Crazy!"

"Thirteen immortals and two great powers are only here to surround and kill the god king of the Jiang family."


"The king of the Jiang family is in danger! 95


Countless monks were shocked.

Nobody expected it.

Thirteen great powers came here specially to crusade the god-king of the Jiang family.

All of this subverted the worldview of everyone present.


All monks can imagine.

This world-shattering war is bound to be very tragic, but they have never been able to predict that it will be so tragic!

Including those ancient Taoist traditions, they were all disturbed.

such as.

Ji Family, Yaochi Holy Land, Zifu Holy Land, Taixuan Peak and other ancient Taoist traditions with extremely long traditions were all frightened by these thirteen great masters.

"Thirteen great powers come to the Jiang family at the same time? With this force, even if the Jiang family sacrifices the emperor's soldiers, I'm afraid it will be difficult to completely block it!"

"The Jiang family is in big trouble."

"The King of the Jiang family is only afraid that he will not escape this disaster today.

"In order to besiege the God King of the Jiang family, thirteen great powers were ushered in at one time. This power is enough to easily subvert an ancient Taoism!

The holy masters, family masters, and emperors of the ancient Taoism were deeply moved.

If this power is used to crusade against the forces behind them...

They are also absolutely in mortal danger!

This force is too powerful.

Thirteen almighty, completely able to sweep through any line of Taoism!

The Emperor of Extreme Dao does not come out...

This power can be described as invincible in the world!

"Have you found it? I seem to have found a relatively familiar figure from these thirteen great masters. An evil cultivator who had no news of it as early as a thousand years ago.

"As early as a thousand years ago, this person has already reached the realm of cultivation of the second immortal great power. However, because of the practice of evil arts, he has been spurned and hated by trillions of monks, and he has become a Beidou countless monks shouting and beating. Object.99

"According to rumors.

"Thousands of years ago, the king of the Jiang family took a strong shot to kill this person."

"What I didn't expect was..."

"This person is not dead? And he has survived for thousands of years?

"Now, while the God King is in a weak state, he took the initiative to come out and take revenge?!

A half-step almighty from the ancient Taoism stated in a frightened tone.


Another monk of the ancient Taoist line blurted out: "I also found a familiar figure. Among the thirteen great masters, two are brothers, according to legend, they are bloodthirsty."5

"I was chased and killed thousands of miles away by the King of God, and finally escaped by luck, but it has disappeared for thousands of years.


"The two brothers are here too!

"Obviously, they are all here to retaliate against the Jiang family god king."

Among the Thirteen Immortals and the Second Great Master, the true identities of many figures were revealed by many cultivators in the outside world.


About six great powers were identified on the spot.

Almost all of them are ancient existences that were famous and famous thousands of years ago!


They are all supreme cultivators in the same era as the God King of the Jiang family! Ding.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 117 The birth of the ancestor of the Jiang family! The figure above the sky! [Customize]

An ancient existence that has lived for a very long time has come out at this moment, and came to surround the entire Jiang family, with the goal of besieging and killing the god king of the Jiang family.

One after another terrifying powerful breath swept in all directions.

The imposing aura of Xian Er Da Neng's unparalleled eruption enveloped the territory of millions of miles around.

all beings...

Everyone shivered under this pressure.

Thousands of trillions of monks trembled all over, looking at the Jiang family's battlefield with horror on their faces.

in their eyes.

The Jiang family is over!

"Even if it is a desolate ancient family, it is absolutely impossible to stop it from being surrounded and killed by the thirteen immortals and the two great powers at the same time.

"More so. 35

"These thirteen immortals and two great powers are all here for the god king of the Jiang family. I have already said that it is absolutely impossible for the Jiang family to save the life of the god king.

"In this world, there are too many people who want to let the King of God die.


Countless monks were deeply saddened.

A dignified generation of god kings...

In his later years, he suffered a tragic end when he was besieged and murdered by those former enemies of life and death.

Really good fortune!

at this time.

The battle is imminent!

The battle of Xian Er Da Neng's peak is now fully open!


"Today, no matter what, we will kill the Jiang Family God King!

"Want to get back into prime? It's just a pipe dream. 39

"In this era, the existence of the god-king series should no longer appear. Therefore, the god-king of the Jiang family must die. If he does not die, I will have trouble sleeping and eating.

The voices of the powerful monks were cold.

Most did not hide their true appearance.


The other half were hiding their faces, apparently just in case, for fear that the Jiang family would recognize their true identities.


Let them need to bear the liquidation of the Jiang family in the future!


Among these thirteen great powers, not all of them are great powers from ancient Taoism!

Otherwise, his "407" people don't need to worry about their identities being discovered by the Jiang family.

Only those who were born in the ancient Taoist lineage need to be concerned about the Jiang family, for fear that the Jiang family will come to liquidate the Taoist lineage behind them with the Jade Emperor soldiers in hand.

"Go on!


The battle of mighty power broke out in an instant.

A Zun Xian Er Da Neng burst out with a terrifying momentum, almost about to burst the power of breaking the sun, moon, and stars, and one after another rainbow light slammed into the Jiang family with unparalleled destructive power.



The entire Jiang family station was shaken by force.

Even with the existence of the Protecting Mountain Array, when faced with the combined attack and killing of thirteen immortals and two great powers, the Jiang family still looks very embarrassed.

Colorful spells emerge in an endless stream.

With the destructive power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, it slammed into the Jiang family in an instant.


The mountain protection formation that wrapped the Jiang family was constantly shaken by this terrifying attack.

can be clearly felt.

As the number of powerful attacks increased, the light of the Jiang family's mountain protection formation became more and more dim.


If this situation continues, the Jiang family's mountain protection formation will not be able to last for long, and it is very likely that it will be smashed and destroyed by the Thirteen Immortals and the Second Great Power.

The mighty destructive power is too terrifying.

If you move, you will destroy tens of millions of miles of territory!

Let trillions of creatures be charred!

It can be said to be devastating!

Even if it is just a casual blow, it has extremely terrifying power.


Thirteen immortals and two great powers are at their peak, and at the same time, they jointly launched an attack on the Jiang family's mountain protection formation.

As you can imagine.

The Jiang family's mountain protection formation, how strong is the impact of the power at this moment.

"not good!

The face of the Jiang family patriarch changed slightly.


Thirteen great masters shot at the same time, and his mood gradually fell to the bottom.

Not good!

The situation has become very dire!

These powers must be prevented from continuously bombarding the mountain protection formation.

Otherwise, the mountain protection formation would not last long.

The destructive power of the thirteen great masters at the same time is too terrifying.

Even the mountain protection formation that can block the Dao Slashing King series is slowly being weakened. If there is no accident, within half a day, the mountain protection formation is very likely to be smashed and destroyed.

"Patriarch, let's do it."

"If the mountain protection formation is destroyed, then we will be at a disadvantage."

"The situation will then become more dire and dangerous.35

One of the senior elders of the Jiang family took the initiative to propose.

"it is good!"

The head of the Jiang family took a deep breath and ordered with a firm expression, "Shoot! Block these great powers! We must fight for three days and three nights for the king of the gods! 99

The words fall.

A group of Jiang family elders nodded their heads: "Even if you sacrifice your life, you will not hesitate!"

Immediately after.

Under the control of the three elders of the Jiang family.

The mountain protection formation split open a small exit.


One after another, the senior elders of the Jiang family took steps to step out of the big formation.

An old man from the Jiang family, whose cultivation was at the pinnacle of the second immortal great power, had a firm look in his eyes.


An angry shout.

A powerful Jiang family violently launched a violent offensive on the spot.


He turned into a rainbow light, stepped on the void, and suddenly rose into the sky, surrounded by extremely terrifying hot flames, turned into a raging fire and rushed towards the powerful enemy.

"Well done!

The powerful monk opposite sneered.

A fierce collision broke out between the two sides!


A loud bang.


Like thunder!

The sky seemed to be torn apart, and the roar resounded through the sky.

A fierce battle broke out between the two powerful monks.


The scene is amazing!

The power exploded by the collision was like the falling of the sun, moon and stars, and the flashing halos swept across the sky, like a meteor flashing away.


A burst of roars and explosions continued to sound above the Jiang family's head.

at the same time.

the other side.

An ancient existence of the Jiang family whose cultivation base reached the level of great power also intervened in the battlefield one after another, and a shocking battle broke out with the great power who came to attack and kill.

The battle is shocking!


After all, the number of the Jiang Family's Immortal Two Great Powers is still too small.

Even if the Patriarch of the Jiang family played in person, with his outstanding talent and strength, at most he could only use one enemy and two to block the two great powers with his own strength.

Thirteen great powers, seven were intercepted.

But there are still six powers left in a situation where no one can intercept them.


The Jiang family's mountain protection formation was constantly bombarded.



The Jiang family's residence was shaken by the strong action, the ground soil collapsed and collapsed, and large earthquakes swept through one after another, causing the ground in this area to shatter.



Cracks like spider webs spread in all directions, densely packed and terrifying.

The air waves swept in by the outbreak of the war swept the dust on the surface of the ground to fly freely.

On weekdays.

Collisions of large energy series are very rare.

But today.

Dozens of great powers collided violently above the sky.

A great power is like the Chinese cabbage on the street, and it has become completely no longer rare.

"Go and invite the ancient ancestors!"

The head of the Jiang family let out an angry roar.

The Jiang family, this is going to come out in full force!

"Yes, head of the house. 35

An elder of the Jiang family who was half a step powerful, quickly rushed to the ancestral land of the Jiang family.

After a while.


An extremely terrifying momentum soared into the sky, shot straight into the sky, and cut through the sky.

This is the momentum of an immortal two powerful powerhouse erupting.

It is much more powerful than the ordinary Immortal Er Da Neng.

And the source of this burst of momentum is...

The ancestral land of the Jiang family!

"It's the ancient ancestor!

"Ancient Ancestor has recovered!"

"I implore the ancient ancestors to annihilate all the powerful enemies in front of me!

An old man named Jiang Jiasu was very excited.



The second almighty aura shot straight into the sky from the Jiang family's ancestral land.



Fourth way!

The terrifying aura of the five immortals and the two great powers in succession erupted from the Jiang family's ancestral land.

Everyone can feel it.

The aura of these five great powers is far more terrifying than the previous great power monks.

"It's the ancestor of the Jiang family!"

"The ancestors of the Jiang family who have been dormant for many years have all been born. 35

"It's not hard to see that the Jiang family is really trying to reveal all the details this time!

"Only when the family encounters a life-and-death crisis, will these ancient beings wake up from their slumber. And this time, the Jiang family really broke the bottom of the box!"5

"The ancient existence of five immortals and two great powers.

"This is the background of the ancient family."

The trillions of monks were shocked.

The battlefield is changing rapidly.

Originally, the Jiang family was at a disadvantage.

But with the outbreak of the terrifying coercion of the five world-shaking powers, the situation on the battlefield ushered in a huge reversal in an instant.


"The old man can finally come out for a walk.

"Dare to come and offend my Jiang family? It's just a dead end! 95

"Today, I'll let you all come and go!"



The five ancestors of the Jiang family rose from the ancestral land at the same time, jumped to the end of the sky, took the initiative to intervene in the battlefield, and swept the audience with one enemy and two invincible.

These two immortals who came to attack and kill, even in a two-on-one situation, are still far inferior to these ancient existences of the Jiang family.

Was unilaterally pressed and beaten by the latter!

So far.

The depressing atmosphere of the Jiang family was relieved a little.

The intervention of the five ancient ancestors of great power levels directly put the Jiang family in an absolute upper hand, and the thirteen great powers were suppressed by successive defeats.

see here.

The head of the Jiang family laughed loudly: "Many thanks to the ancient ancestors for helping us! Today, I will leave this group of people who don't know the heights of the sky behind!


The terrifying power of Immortal Second Great Master fully erupted from the body of the head of the Jiang family.

do not forget.

He is also a great genius!

Still the best in this realm.

One enemy two is naturally a no-brainer..

As the head of the ancient family, with a complete and complete emperor scripture, he is naturally the leader in the same realm, not the bottom.

The monks born in the ancient Taoism are generally much stronger than ordinary monks!

same realm...

The monks who were born in Taoism should be better!

after all.

There is a huge gap in their heritage.

The war is still going on.

The ancient Taoist traditions came to watch one after another.

When they saw the birth of the ancestors of the Jiang family, they were all filled with emotion.

"The Jiang family is still the Jiang family after all..."

"There are five ancient ancestors of the two immortals who are extremely powerful, and they have even vaguely touched the higher realm of kings.""

"The ancient family, it really lives up to its reputation!"

"It's not an easy thing to take down the Jiang family."5

"If there is no accident, these thirteen great masters may be left in the Jiang family today.

"Of course, will there be accidents in the future? No one can say for sure."

"Now, the Jidao Emperor has not yet been born. Obviously, the Jiang family still has spare strength, and they have not really sacrificed their greatest trump card, the Jidao Emperor.""

There are endless speculations.

With the five ancestors of the Jiang family intervening in the battlefield, the Jiang family already has an absolute dominant advantage on the battlefield!

The thirteen immortals and the two great powers were being suppressed, gradually showing signs of complete collapse.

"Damn it!

"Are you going to lose?"

"The Jiang family clearly hasn't sacrificed the imperial soldiers! 35

"We haven't even dispatched the imperial soldiers, and we are about to face the fate of defeat?

"Not reconciled!"

A great power who came to attack the Jiang family was deeply unwilling.

"I won't accompany you to continue to go crazy."

"The Jiang family has a lot of background! It is definitely not something that others can easily shake!

"Today, I really believed in your evil, so I took the initiative to come to provoke the Jiang family."

"Now I don't want to interfere in this battle anymore."

"I don't want to die in the ghost place of Jiang's house!

An Immortal Er Da Neng couldn't bear the situation of defeat, so he retreated in his heart, ready to explode with all his strength, and fled the scene in the form of rainbow light.

Jiang Jia Da Neng did not pursue, but turned to intervene in other people's battlefields.

They never forget.


Their main purpose is to protect the personal safety of the God-king!

Killing these powerful enemies is not their core purpose!

As long as the King of God can finally return to the peak smoothly, then in the future, he will be able to clear all the participants who are involved in the battlefield today.

at this time.

This one, who was wearing a purple robe, completely blocked his face, turned into a rainbow light and shot straight into the sky, trying to escape the Jiang family at the fastest speed.

"I have no life-and-death enmity with the Jiang family god king..."

"It is the stupidest act to risk your own life in order to attack and kill the God King of the Jiang family.

"Unless I get crazy, I will go crazy with you idiots."

"I don't want to die, I want to live another thousand years.

Da Neng Ziyi thought with lingering fears.

He looked back at the terrifying battlefield that erupted at the Jiang family's side, and then activated the surging power in his body again to speed up the escape speed by 1.2 degrees.

"Now I finally escaped from the Jiang family and came to an absolutely safe area."

After escaping from the battlefield, Danny Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief.

at this time.

in vain!

It seems to have a feeling...

He slowly raised his head and looked suspiciously at the sky above his head.

Always feel inexplicably being watched by a pair of eyes?

This is...


"who is it?

Da Neng Ziyi raised his brows and shouted in a cold voice.

quite a while...

No movement.

"Is it really my illusion?"

Da Neng Ziyi's face was a little heavy.


"Your sensing ability is good.

A playful voice echoed in his ears, buzzing.

"Huh?! 35

Da Neng Ziyi's pupils shrank, and his face changed dramatically.


He raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.


As the space twisted and squirmed.

it looks like...

The space is about to collapse and collapse!

Even this space of heaven and earth cannot accommodate this terrifying force, and it keeps twisting and trembling.



This is a terrible horror that cannot be described in words!

It made Da Neng Ziyi feel terrified, trembling, and frightened from the bottom of his heart.

next second.

An unparalleled terrifying aura emanated from the shattered space.

This is an extremely powerful force!

Power beyond imagination!


Just under the terrified eyes of Da Neng Ziyi.

He saw it.

A figure dressed in white slowly walked out of the crack in the space.

This extremely terrifying figure stood in the air.

above the sky.

It looks so holy...


Great shore!

Chapter 118 What kind of monster is this? Destroy the power with 1 thought! [Customize]

Void Collapse!

Space is broken!

This space of heaven and earth has been affected by an extremely terrifying force, and as a result, the space cannot accommodate this force, and it is constantly shattering and collapsing.



The sharp and piercing sound then spread in all directions.

The space cracked like glass fragments, and the dense cracks spread along the way.

This side of the world was imprisoned by the supreme power.

All the substances are imprisoned by this terrifying force.

Even the weak airflow that cannot be captured by the naked eye...

They were completely imprisoned by the supreme power!

The Immortal Er Da Neng who was wearing a purple robe was at the top of the mountain, and at this moment, his face was full of horror, horror, and disbelief.

At this moment.

Under the blockade of the surrounding space, his body was completely unable to move!

not moving at all!

Like a statue.

The body was completely imprisoned here by the supreme power.

"This, this is..."

Da Neng Ziyi's lips trembled slightly, and his eyes couldn't hide the deep shock and gaffe.


His throat was dry and he couldn't help swallowing.

Even though he is well-informed, and he is the top cultivator of the Big Dipper, when faced with what is happening now, it still makes him feel an unprecedented fear.


Feeling that supreme high power, bound his body all the time, making his cultivation of the second immortal power completely unable to explode, and reduced to a small and insignificant ant.

It was the first time he felt that he was so insignificant since he was in the realm of the Second Immortal!




Just like an ant.

"how is this possible?!

"I am the supreme cultivator of the dignified Immortal Second Great Power!

"Thousands of trillions of beings will surrender and tremble under my rule. 35

"Even if I look at the entire Beidou, my strength definitely belongs to the top ranks.

"How could I possibly have an accident here?"

"Even. 35

"Under this power, my cultivation base can't be used at all, and I'm just like an ordinary person, I can't even control my own body freely!"

The face of Great Master Ziyi became very pale, and it seemed almost bloodless.

Who is he 02?

He is the second best immortal!

Even in the ancient family, he is a powerful cultivator who is highly respected and respected.


Faced with what happened in front of him, he didn't even have the strength to resist from beginning to end.

This completely shattered his worldview.

"It's just a burst of power from a wisp of air..."

"Will it be enough to bind my dignified and immortal two great powers to this side of the world? Let me have no power to fight back?"


"Where is the holy place?!"

"It's too scary, isn't it?

The Great Master Ziyi stared at the figure in white who walked out of the crack in the space in front of him in horror.

He never dreamed of it.

One day, he will not even be able to give him the ability to protect himself at the realm of his dignified cultivation.

too weak!

In front of this white figure in front of him, he looked vulnerable and vulnerable!

This was the first time in his life that he felt so deeply.

turn out to be...

Immortal Second Great Power is absolutely supreme, and it is not invincible!

"Good, what a horrible existence!"

"Who is this person? 55


"Is it the ancient existence of the Dao Slashing King series?

"Do not!

The great power of Ziyi shook his head quickly, suppressing the absurd speculation in his head.

Impossible to be the King of Dao Slashing!


He is not a powerhouse who has never seen the Dao Slashing King series in his life.

But scary.

Even the supreme existence of the Dao Slashing King series has never given him such a strong and powerless threat, making him feel deeply powerless from the bottom of his heart.

The Dao Slayer King can never do it!

Thinking of this, Danny Ziyi panicked even more.

"If it weren't for the King of Dao Slashing.


"Is this person..."

Da Neng Ziyi gradually widened his eyes, his eyes filled with horror.

how is this possible?!

Doesn't that mean.

This person is actually a taboo existence above the Dao Slayer King?

What is the realm above the Dao Slayer King?

Of course, the purple-clothed master knows it well.

That is a forbidden area that belongs only to the ancient saints!

For thousands of years, news about ancient saints has long been reduced to ancient legends.

How can an ancient saint appear in this era?!

"Saint, saint?!"

Da Neng Ziyi blurted out subconsciously, his face full of panic and shock.

If it is a saint...

All that can be explained.

Totally explainable.

Why is he, the supreme cultivator of the second great power of immortals, being forcibly restrained by a ray of qi from the other side and bound to this space of heaven and earth, and he is unable to move at all from the beginning to the end.

only because.

The other party is a saint!

The majesty of a saint cannot be fathomed!

Under the saints, all are ants!

Without a saint, you will never be able to feel the power of a saint.

Dao Slayer King and Ancient Sage, they are two completely different realms!

One day and one place!

Worlds apart!

The strength is simply a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

The saint who has mastered the law of the holy way is terrifying to the extreme.

"What I met in front of my eyes was an ancient saint?!

This conclusion frightened the great power of Ziyi on the spot.

Never thought...

This time, when I went to the Jiang family to target the god king of the Jiang family, on the way to escape from the Jiang family, I actually encountered a taboo of sage series that only existed in ancient legends!

Ziyi was stunned.

The sense of fear in my heart was infinitely magnified.

"How could a saint appear here?"

"Could it be..."

"This saint is here for the King of the Jiang family?"


"This one, did you make a special trip to help the God King of the Jiang family get through this calamity?

The more you think about it, the more frightened you become.

He had a hunch.

If this sage really wanted to help the God King of the Jiang family to tide over the difficulties, then there is no doubt that no matter how many enemies come next, it is absolutely impossible to threaten the life of the God King of the Jiang family.

There is no doubt about this!

A saint is really too scary.

Even if it is a semi-sage, it is enough to shock the Bafang Dao Lineage!

Not to mention a true ancient saint!

Just a wisp of holy majesty...

You can make all the enemies who come to offend the Jiang family god king today, all of them will be deterred and forced to retreat!

This is the scary part of the saint.

Even if the number of Immortal Second Great Powers who come today is more numerous, in front of a saint, they are just a group of insignificant ants.

A humble ant that can be crushed at will!

Countless thoughts fluttered wildly, Dazed Ziyi twisted his neck stiffly, and his eyes were full of terror, fear, and trepidation, looking at the figure in white ahead.

He finally understood.

Why did he not notice the presence of the other party just now?


This is a saint!

The existence of the taboos of the saint series, how can he be able to see the second immortal great power?

This is a big joke!


"who are you?!"

Da Neng Ziyi was trembling all over, his eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't help but blurt out the question.

Opposite to the great power in purple.

The figure in white stood in the sky, slowly turning around, revealing a very young face, exuding an incomparably strong and pure aura of life from top to bottom.

The rich breath of life unclogs pores.

"Good, what a strong breath of life!"

"This person will never be over a hundred years old!""

"This this!"

"how could it be possible?"

"A saint less than a hundred years old?! 95

"I must be crazy!"

"In other words, I must be dreaming now. 35

When he felt this majestic breath of life, Danny Ziyi couldn't help but doubt his life on the spot.



A soft halo made the figure in white clothes more and more detached and eye-catching, and the holy and flawless temperament bloomed, making it impossible to look directly at its brilliance.

It is like a banished immortal who descended from the Nine Heavens.



"In the past, why have I never heard of the existence of such a taboo?"

Ziyi Dangerous thought shivering.

The dignified Second Immortal is supreme, but at this moment he appears to be as humble and fragile as a chicken, and it seems that there is absolutely no image of the Second Immortal.

"You said it would be better for me to deal with you?"

The figure in white slowly spoke.

This person, of course, is Su Xuanji, who has always been here.

Originally, he had been staying here, observing the Jiang family's every move, but he didn't expect that there would be an immortal and two great masters who took the initiative to send them to the door.

This surprised Su Xuanji.


"Let this emperor accept him as a pet!"

"In my entire life, this emperor has never tried to make a person's favorite immortal two great powers."

"It would be a pity to kill him.

"One immortal and two great powers are supreme, this is not the cabbage of the bad street.

I saw

A big black dog with black hair all over his body suddenly jumped out from Su Xuanji's side, his pair of black eyes full of anticipation, and his eyes fixed on the purple-clothed great power.

The dignified immortal 2 was extremely powerful, and was treated as a pet by a big black dog.

The purple-clothed man was angry.

However, the confinement of the surrounding space made his body completely unable to move.

"Where are you from?

Without paying any attention to the big black dog, Su Xuanji's face was calm, he quietly stared at this purple-clothed immortal, and spoke slowly.

The sound fell.

Da Neng Ziyi replied with a trembling voice: "I, I..."

Under the terrifying pressure that was ubiquitous in all directions, Great Master Ziyi was completely unable to resist.


He answered truthfully: "I come from the Holy Land of Heaven and Sea in Zhongzhou.

Heaven and Sea Holy Land...

Very unfamiliar name.

Su Xuanji thought for a while, but couldn't think of any news about this holy place.

not difficult to see.

This is a very ordinary ancient holy place. Although the inheritance is long and ancient, in fact, the holy place is not relatively famous.

It is not the ancient emperor inherited from the past.


To be able to give birth to an Immortal Second Great Master is also enough to show that this Holy Land is not an ordinary person.

"Tianhai Holy Land? Want to prevent the Jiang family from returning to his prime? 99


Su Xuanji asked again.

"I just don't want to see that a god-king once again overwhelms an era.

"If there is another god-king in this era, how can I be successful? Therefore, I will come to the appointment today to jointly attack the god-king of the Jiang family and prevent the god-king of the Jiang family from returning to the peak period.

"Only when the king of the Jiang family dies, can I rest assured."

Ziyi was shaking all over.

Hearing this, Su Xuanji glanced at each other casually.

For such a simple reason?

Came here to attack and kill the king of the Jiang family?

It doesn't make sense.


Su Xuanji couldn't understand the other side's mentality.

"Sir, please spare my life."

Ziyi Dangerous begged for mercy.

In front of Su Xuanji, he had absolutely no room for resistance.

The difference is really too big!

It's not a life-level comparison at all.

Facing Su Xuanji.

He didn't even have the faith to resist.

Because he knows.

What a terrifying existence is this white-robed figure in front of him!




Not to mention that he is a mere celestial being.

Even if a Dao Slayer King came here, he would only be able to bear the fate of being slaughtered.

This is a saint!

"It's very likely..."

"An ancient sage who is less than a hundred years old!""

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is this?!"

"How can there be such a terrifying monster in this world?!

"Since ancient times, I have never heard of a saint under the age of 100!"9

Ziyi Daneng was covered in hair and shuddered.

He can decide.

The figure in white in front of him will definitely not be over a hundred years old.

It is for this reason.

The shock in his heart was so strong.

Something like this monster example...

This is definitely the only case in history!

With countless thoughts in his head, Da Neng Ziyi looked at Su Xuanji with more and more panic and fear.

Under the eyes of the great power in purple clothes.

Su Xuanji glanced at the former casually, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly: "I have finished asking the questions I want to ask, and now, it is time to send you on your way."5


A thought of murder fell.


The sky seemed to have turned scarlet.

It was rendered into a demonic color of blood.

Full of murder!



The air temperature plummeted, becoming extraordinarily icy and imposing.

The scene is terrifyingly terrifying!

at the same time.

A ray of quasi-emperor killing intent erupted from Su Xuanji's body and rushed towards the purple-robed almighty.

The monstrous killing intent swept in all directions.

Biting coldness pierces my heart!

Through the soul!

It makes the soul tremble.

An unparalleled aura of terrifying power spreads around Su Xuanji's body.

"Do not!"

Da Neng Ziyi was trembling all over, and the deep fear completely penetrated his heart.

He already smelled a strong death threat.

A deep sense of powerlessness made him fall into despair.

His eyes widened, bloodshot eyes filled his eyes, and his face looked particularly hideous.

next moment.


A ray of quasi-emperor killing intent swept past.

Smash the space fortress!

Through the sky!

The space seems to be annihilated and shattered!


In an instant.

With just a wisp of killing intent, he immediately killed the supreme cultivator of the second immortal great power.

The latter's body was directly destroyed by powder, and it turned into a blood mist that danced in the sky.

A large piece of blood was scattered all over the sky, and soon evaporated in mid-air, disappearing completely without a trace.

So far.

A dignified top-level powerhouse of the Second Immortal Great Power...

Dying away!


No bones left!

Even the traces of its original existence were completely wiped out by this shocking killing thought!

Not a single trace was left.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 119 The supreme exis10ce above power is coming! [Customize]

A dignified supreme cultivator with the supreme power of the Second Immortal, looking at the Big Dipper, the top powerhouse capable of sweeping through trillions of creatures died silently.

Obliterated by one thought!

Unstoppable all the way!


His death did not disturb all the monks in all directions.

It can be said that...

Die very quietly!


"What a waste."

"It would be even better if he was spared his life and used as the emperor's favor.

"It's a pity. 35

The big black panther shook his head and sighed with regret.

Witnessing the death of an Immortal Er Da Neng Jue Peak during the whole process made him feel deeply regretful in his heart.

It clearly wants to accept the other party as a favorite.

after all.

A supreme cultivator with the supreme power of Xian Er, is definitely one of the top powerhouses in the Big Dipper. If he can be favored, it must be a rare thing.

"With your strength, do you still want to suppress an Immortal Second Great Power?

"I'm afraid it's not courting death!""

Su Xuanji glanced at the big black dog casually.

"Just kidding. 95

The big black dog went numb.


As Su Xuanji said.

If it were to face an immortal and two great powers alone, of course it would not have the confidence to suppress the opponent.

In case it's too big.

Then it is very likely to die.

How terrifying is the strength of an immortal and two great powers?

it goes without saying.

If it weren't for the fact that the enemy he faced was too monstrous, it would have been impossible for an immortal two to die so silently.

can only say.

It's not that the power is too weak.

And purely...

The Su Xuanji across from him is just too scary!

That's all!

"It should almost be possible to close the net. 35

"This time, the God King of the Jiang family has fished out a group of big fish!

Su Xuanji's eyes narrowed slightly.

His eyes pierced through the void, looking at the four million miles away.

All the movements in this area cannot escape his eyes and ears.


He could clearly see it.

Several more powerful people arrived at Jiang's house.

About to intervene in this shocking battle.

"Three half-step Dao Slashing Kings..."

Su Xuanji thoughtful.

Is the Jiang Family God King going to take action?


The opponent still wants to wait for the best time to shoot?


The three half-step Dao slashing kings came, and with the current fighting strength of the Jiang family, they were simply unable to deal with these three half-step Dao slashing kings.

Unless the King of God takes action!

If not.

Then there is only one last way.


Activate the Jade Emperor!

Let the Emperor be born!

Only in this way can we intercept the supreme cultivator who blocked the series of three half-step Dao Slashing Kings.

The Jiang family obviously couldn't last long if they didn't mobilize the Jade Emperor's soldiers.

"The battle of the Supreme Dao Emperor is about to officially break out?

"Hidden in the dark..."

"There are also many ancient Taoist traditions with extremely long traditions! 35

"Will they intervene in the battlefield?

Su Xuanji's expression was full of anticipation.

Is the battle of the emperor finally about to begin?

Don't waste yourself waiting so long.

What kind of terrifying power can a Jido Emperor soldier in an activated state burst out?

Su Xuanji has always been curious about this.

He would love to try it.

Explosive self...

Is it possible to forcibly block an activated Jidao Emperor from the front?

The extremely terrifying emperor's law of the emperor's army, even a wisp of the power of the emperor's army, is enough to smash the sun, moon and stars into pieces, which is very terrifying.


The terrifying power that the Jidao Imperial Armament can burst out is closely related to the monks who control the Jidao Imperial Armament.

There is no doubt that the higher the cultivation realm of the cultivator who controls the Jidao Imperial Armament, the more powerful Jidao Imperial Armament can burst out.

after all.

The same piece of Extreme Dao Imperial Armament is controlled in the hands of a God King and in the hands of a Dao Slayer King, these two are completely different.

Only in the hands of the Divine King can the Ji Dao Imperial Soldier explode with one-thousandth of its power.

And in the hands of the Dao Slayer King, at most one ten thousandth of the power may not be able to be easily motivated.

simply put.

A terrifyingly terrifying Jidao Emperor's soldier was in the hands of both the God King and the Dao Slayer King, as if it had become two completely different weapons.

Use Su Xuanji to infer his current strength.

He expected.

If it is a cultivator of the Dao Slashing King series, he will use his full force to urge the activated Extreme Dao Emperor soldiers. Then, with his current cultivation base and realm, there is about an 80% probability of being able to intercept an Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier from the front.

"Eighty percent success rate."?"

"Not low."

"If my cultivation base and realm are further improved, the success rate will become higher! 39

Su Xuanji's eyes flickered.

All this is just an estimate in his heart.

real results...

It has to wait until after the birth of the Jidao Emperor, and observe the terrifying power that the Jidao Emperor can burst out before Su Xuanji can accurately judge an accurate result.

"If an extremist soldier is controlled by a god king, can I stop it?"

Su Xuanji was lost in thought.

at the same time.

the other side.

Jiang family.

Under the eyes of trillions of monks.

The war of terror, with the Jiang family as the main battlefield, is still going on all the way.

This is the battlefield that belongs to the second immortal great power!

Even a half-step might not be able to intervene in this fierce confrontation.

The ancestors of the Jiang family woke up from their slumber, and with extremely terrifying aura, they were defeated by the immortals and the two great powers on the opposite side.

can be clearly felt.

Even if they are in the same realm, the ancient ancestors of the Jiang family are still several times better than the two immortals in front of them.

It is for this reason.

Every ancestor of the Jiang family can easily defeat two, and can also forcefully suppress the opponent's two immortals.

As this battle situation continued, the Jiang family's situation gradually began to dominate.

"The ancestors of the Jiang family have recovered!

"In order to protect the gods and kings, in the past, those ancient existences that could only wake up from their slumber when they touched the critical moment of the family's life and death, came out one after another!

"The Jiang family is up and down, and the details are fully revealed, and only protect the Dao for the king of the gods.""

"Now, it's not an easy thing to want to take down the Jiang family."

"After all, the ancient family deserves to be the ancient family, and the background is too deep."

Countless monks were deeply moved.

The ancient Taoist traditions are staring at the battlefield.

"If the current situation continues, after a while, the Jiang family will definitely be able to win a big victory.

"Looking at it now, the group of Immortal Second Great Experts who came to attack and kill the Jiang family has already shown a defeat. Moreover, many of them have faintly retreated, preparing to withdraw from the battlefield and escape from here.

"Obviously, the Jiang family is about to win a big victory."

"Will this war today end with the victory of the Jiang family?

The powerful monks from the Ji Family, Yaochi Holy Land, Zifu Holy Land, Taixuan Peak and other major ancient lineages generated countless guesses one after another in their hearts.



The battlefield is fierce.

The collision of the two immortal great powers will destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

A violent force swept across the sky.

The radius of millions of miles is all within the attack range of Xian Er Da Neng's collapse and destruction.

The entire sky was directly rendered colorful and colorful by the power of dozens of cultivators who were extremely powerful.

The white clouds hanging on the horizon were rendered into colorful rainbows.

The sun shines brightly!

The terrifying aura of power enveloped all directions!

A series of extremely terrifying spells were suddenly cast by a famous immortal two great masters. They almost wanted to destroy everything in the world, and they collided with each other with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Various spells emerge in an endless stream.

The sky became the main battlefield.

Dozens of almighty stepped on the void and stood in the sky, turning into rainbow light, surrounded by a terrifying aura belonging to the almighty, and the explosive power of the spell was extremely powerful.

"Today, I will leave you all behind!

"A group of timid rats dare to come to offend my Jiang family? 35

"act recklessly!

"Seek your own way!

"Since everyone has come, don't leave all of them, and leave them for me today!"

An ancient ancestor of the Jiang family snorted coldly, the light on his body skyrocketed, his aura rose steadily, and a terrifying fingerprint was printed on his hands to kill the powerful enemy in front.

A famous immortal and two great talents burst out with their own unique skills at the bottom of the box.

The Jiang family's patriarch has one enemy and two, and has the upper hand, defeating the two opposite immortals.

The rest of the Jiang family are old, and there are winners and losers in one-on-one situations.

all in all.

Now the situation is in an absolute advantage for the Jiang family!

"Aren't you going to take action yet?"

"Do you want to watch us get killed?

"If you don't take action again, then I won't accompany you to continue going crazy!

"damn it!"

"If I hadn't been bewitched and instigated by you, how would I have participated in today's battle? Now, are you still hesitating? Do you want me to die?"

A second immortal master roared up to the sky with anger on his face.

He was repressed and retreated, with a look of anger and unwillingness.

With a roar of roar resounded through the sky.

The Jiang family was slightly startled.

And the attackers?

Do not!


What this means is...

From the beginning to the end, behind these two immortals, there is a group of more terrifying and mysterious beings, who are eyeing their Jiang family?

Thinking of this, the head of the Rao Shi Jiang family felt cold in his hands and feet, and his back was hairy and horrified.

Behind the Thirteen Immortals and Two Great Powers...

Sure enough there are people!

What really wants to target the Jiang family is a mysterious and extremely terrifying behemoth!

Among these thirteen immortals and two great powers, many of them came to the Jiang family to attack and kill them at the instigation of the other party.


The head of the Jiang family felt a lot of pressure.

He had a strong premonition in his heart.


The Jiang family is very likely to face a huge dilemma!


An old man from the Jiang family quickly looked at the head of the Jiang family.

Seeing this, the head of the Jiang family immediately ordered: "Quickly resolve the battle!

"Yes, master."

The explosive power of a group of Jiang family's masters is even more terrifying.

At this time.

Another Immortal Second Great Master, who was seriously injured, roared angrily: "If you don't take action again, we will leave the Jiang family immediately and no longer fight with the Jiang family!""

The sound spreads far and wide.

The trillions of monks were shocked.

The top powerhouses of the ancient Taoist lineages are also full of energy, and their faces are solemn.


"Behind these powers, are there really more terrifying masterminds?"

"If that's the case, then the Jiang family will be in big trouble."

"What is the sacred place? It was able to mobilize the ancient existences of the thirteen immortals and the second great power, and they came to attack and kill the Jiang family specially!

"Behind these people, there must be a terrifying behemoth.

"Beidou, when did such a mysterious Taoism emerge?"

The monks from the ancient Taoist lineage were greatly apprehensive.

Even the Jiang family will be besieged by the United...

So what about them instead?

Can they stop?

Can't stop!

With such thoughts in mind, they stared intently at the battlefield, trying to gain insight from the battlefield to see who the masterminds behind them were.

Just in plain sight.

The sky above the Jiang family's head.


An infinite terrifying force suddenly erupted.

This is an indescribable terrifying force.

Powerful to the extreme (Zhao of the horse)!


Trembling from the soul.

Immediately after.



With the space wriggling and trembling for a while, the space collapsed and burst open.


A figure entwined with black mist, as if straddling out of space, descended to the Jiang family's residence step by step from the horizon of millions of miles in the distance.

The black mist wrapped around this figure exudes a boundless dead aura, a dead aura that is completely devoid of any life aura.

It's just like...

A corpse!

Without any angry corpses!

The distance of millions of miles, but for this terrifying figure surrounded by death energy, it was only a few steps away, allowing him to reach the Jiang family smoothly.

Step into the air!

Coming to the Jiang family!



The terrifying death energy erupted in an all-round way, and the figure of this person was hidden in the black fog of death, making it impossible to clearly see his features.

But no one can deny it.

The aura that this figure exudes is terrifying!

Extremely tyrannical!

Fierce boundless!

Compared with the aura emanating from the supreme cultivator whose cultivation base has reached the pinnacle of Immortal Second Great Power, it is countless times stronger!

As the endless dead air spreads...

Black mist swept in all directions.

Wherever you go, everything is lost!

Vitality withered!

All the breath of life was completely plundered by this black death aura.

In a short moment.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it was reduced to a wasteland full of dead silence on the spot.

Filled with suffocation!

The scene looks amazing!

This scene is unreserved, falling into the eyes of the trillions of monks from all over the world.

It made countless monks feel horrified.

Chapter 120 The living dead! The birth of the Jidao emperor! The terror of the emperor! [Customize]


Coercion all over the place!

This is a terrifying aura that is above power.

Countless times more powerful than the mighty!

And with a very strange death aura...


There are tens of thousands of miles of territory, and no grass grows.

Everything was completely covered by the heavy dead energy, plundering all the flowers, plants, trees, and all living beings in the tens of thousands of miles of territory, plundering their roots and vitality.

The monstrous death energy was accompanied by the aura of the Dao Slashing King, and it erupted from the person's body.

In a radius of millions of miles, trillions of cultivators can feel the pressure of this person's terrifying aura.

The entire sky seemed to be discolored and bleak.


Covered by this sky-shattering black fog, the golden scorching sun hanging on the horizon was completely blocked, blocking off the radiance that fell down.

Around the Jiang family ten thousand miles area, fell into an extremely terrifying darkness.

It was so dark that I could barely reach my fingers.


The surrounding air temperature plummeted.

Biting coldness swept through.

Biting cold!

Makes you hairy.

The boundless black death energy enveloped this side.

"This, this is..."

Feeling the coercion of this monstrous death energy, countless cultivators were greatly shocked and lost their composure, and stared at this terrifying figure who stepped into the air and arrived at the Jiang family.

"So strong!"

"This is definitely a terrifying existence that surpasses Immortal Er's great power.

"King of the Daoist?!

"This one in front of me is actually a Dao Slayer King?"

"In the past, the king of beheading the dragon, who saw the head but not the tail, came here specially for the king of the Jiang family. 35

"Why has this person never heard of it before? It stands to reason that every Dao Slayer King is a famous supreme cultivator of the Big Dipper.

Trillions of monks fell into panic.

There was a lot of discussion.

How could an ancient existence of the Dao Slayer King series be unknown in the past?

But the person in front of them, they have indeed never heard of it before.

"What a strong death aura!"

"Is this person specializing in cultivating the rules of death?

"No! No!

A cultivator from an ancient Taoism with a very long tradition suddenly frowned and fell into contemplation.

After half a sound.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he stared at the terrifying figure in front of him with a horrified expression, and subconsciously blurted out: "I know who he is. 35

"who is it?

"He is a living dead! In order to prolong his lifespan, he transformed himself into a half-living and half-dead living dead! In this way, to seek the mystery of longevity!"

An ancient existence from the ancient Taoism who has lived for more than two thousand years is introducing in detail in a tone full of shock and horror.

"The living dead 407 four thousand years ago!

"That's right! It must be him!

"As early as four thousand years ago, he was already above the power."

"Now, four thousand years have passed, and his strength is bound to become even more terrifying."

"This is a living dead man who has lived for four or five thousand years!

The sound fell.

The whole place is silent!


The atmosphere is fully detonated!

"What, what?!""

"Living dead? Isn't there a long time ago that there have been countless rumors that this kind of cultivation method that turns people into ghosts and ghosts has long since been lost?

"How could someone still be able to practice such an evil cultivation method?"


"The living dead even came to target the Jiang Family God King!"

"The king of the Jiang family is in danger!"

A cultivator broke through the identity of this terrifying existence by stepping into the air.

Living dead!

Thousands of years ago, the reputation of the terrifying existence resounded throughout the Beidou.

In order to prolong his lifespan, he does not hesitate to change himself into an appearance that is neither human nor ghost.

It can be seen from this.

How ruthless these living dead are in order to achieve their goals!

Mentioning the terrifying existence of the living dead, the powerful monks of the ancient Taoist lineage were deeply moved, and their eyes were full of fear and horror.

in the battlefield.

The head of the Jiang family and one of the ancestors of the Jiang family were originally unilaterally pressing down on the opposite fairy.

But now.

With the appearance of a living dead, they all changed their expressions.

"The living dead?!

"This monster is actually here?"


An ancient ancestor of the Jiang family who had lived for more than 2,000 years changed dramatically, his eyes were full of panic and anger.

The Jiang family, who is an ancient family, has naturally heard about the monsters of the living dead.

Just didn't expect it.

Today, there is a living dead who came to attack and kill their Jiang family god king!

This monster specializes in the rules of death...

The killing ability is terrifying!

Once the body is eroded by these dead energy, it will be difficult to save the immortals.

"Big trouble!

The head of the Jiang family's face sank.


right under their eyes.

The distant horizon.


Another terrifying aura burst out, and in an instant, this momentum swept across the entire Jiang family from millions of miles away.

This aura was no less than the aura of the living dead just now.

That is to say.

This, is another supreme being that surpasses the second immortal power!

Looking at the entire Beidou, it belongs to the most terrifying existence!

A second being above power has come.

Step into the air!

Arrive at Jiang's house!

For a moment.

The more violent pressure directly swept across the territory of millions of miles in and out of Jiang's family.

at the same time.

Another extremely exuberant and dense boundless death qi rose up and spread like a poisonous gas for tens of thousands of miles away, eroding the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles.


Let all living beings be plundered for life.

Life is running out!

All living beings were completely swallowed up by this death energy.

I see.

A terrifying figure, also wrapped in black death, was standing in the sky at the moment, beside the living dead just now.

The two figures were completely entangled in black death energy, making it impossible for the outside world to peep at them.

"Again, another living dead man!"

Countless monks were terrified.

A living dead person has already made them deeply terrified.


A second living dead appeared again!



How could the living dead appear one after another?

Did God King Jiang stab the grave of the living dead?


Why do the living dead send out two statues at once?!

And all of them are supreme beings that are above the power.

"My God! 35

"The second living dead of the Dao Slaying King series is coming.

"Jiang Family God King, today is going to be exhausted."

"Even if it is the god king of the Jiang family at his peak, I'm afraid he can't shake the two living dead, right?"

"The Jiang family is over!

Thousands of trillions of monks seemed to have seen the miserable end of the Jiang family.

When the ancient monks of the ancient Taoist lineages saw the appearance of the second living dead, their expressions also changed dramatically.

"Another living dead man of the Dao Slayer King series!"

"Could it be that all of this against the Jiang family was planned by these two undead men?"

"The two of them are the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"The Jiang family is in trouble!

Just as people thought.

This should be the end of the matter here.


The third terrifying imposing pressure that surpassed the mighty power suddenly fell from the sky.




The endless terrifying momentum swept across millions of miles.


The third living dead has arrived!

It is also the living dead of the Dao Slashing King series!

The monstrous death energy was entwined around him, causing no grass to grow in a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

The atmosphere is quiet!


Chilling air filled the air on this side.

The originally fierce battlefield suddenly came to an abrupt end.

Pairs of eyes full of horror, shock, and disbelief converged on the three living dead.

Dozens of senior elders in the Jiang family were all in deep panic.

"The third, the third living dead?!

"It's still the living dead of the Daoist King series!"

"A total of three Dao Slayer Kings!"

"Crazy! These people are crazy! 55

"In order to deal with our Jiang family god king, are they so aggressive?

"Damn it!"

The elders of the Jiang family were frightened and angry, and their emotions were complicated.

They never dreamed of it.

At one time, three living dead were dispatched at the same time!

He made a special trip to kill the king of the Jiang family.

All this made them completely unexpected.

The living dead who originally disappeared from the Big Dipper (acbc) not only came out, but also dispatched three living dead of the Dao Slayer King series, just to prevent them from returning to their peak.




At this moment.

Even the powerful Jiang family's several ancient ancestors felt unprecedented pressure, their eyes became extraordinarily dignified, and their whole body was tense.

"Three living dead..."

One by one the ancestors of the Jiang family felt pressured.

At the same time, the head of the Jiang family also felt a huge sense of oppression, pressing down on his shoulders, making it difficult for him to breathe.


After the arrival of the three living dead, the group of immortals and two great powers who had been repressed and retreated, they could breathe a sigh of relief and unload the heavy burden that had been pressing on their shoulders.

"finally come!"

"Three living dead, enough to sweep the entire Jiang family!"

"Today, the God-king of the Jiang family is sure to die. 35

"Now, it's our turn to counterattack the Jiang family."

The two immortals clenched their fists tightly, their eyes were incomparably sharp, and their eyes were filled with coldness and murderous intent, and they stared at the senior elders of the Jiang family.

"God King Jiang Family..."

"Today I will give you death!

The three living dead spoke slowly.

His voice was hoarse, old, cold, and full of killing intent.

The terrifying aura of the three Dao Slashing King series erupted from their bodies.

Sweep the audience!

Cover all directions!

Under the pressure of this momentum.

Dozens of senior elders in the Jiang family felt that their bodies were hard to move, and the huge suppressing force was squeezing their bodies.


All the elders of the Jiang family looked at the head of the Jiang family.

in the public eye.

The head of the Jiang family took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the heaviness in his heart.


As soon as he gritted his teeth, he quickly made up his mind: "Pass my order and sacrifice the Emperor's soldiers!"

At this critical moment.

There can be no more hesitation and scruples.

Must be decisive!

The three living dead of the Dao Slayer King series are beyond the scope of the enemy they can deal with.

Although they burst out with all their strength, they might be able to block each other.

But, don't forget.

On the opposite side are more than a dozen powerful monks who are extremely powerful.

Faced with such a terrifying force, they can only play the bottom cards of the box!

Imperial soldiers!

Sacrifice the Emperor's Soldiers!

This is their last trump card.

Also the biggest hole card!

The emperor soldiers of the extreme way, which contain the laws of the emperor's way, are the core of them to protect the way of the gods.

Following the order of the head of the Jiang family, it was just issued.

The senior members of the Jiang family looked very solemn.

"Heirloom orders from the patriarch..."

"Immediately bring out the Imperial Army!"

"Bomb and kill all the three living dead in front of you!

"But it's just three living dead, can they still block the might of the Jade Emperor's soldiers? It doesn't exist!

"Today, since they dare to come to offend our Jiang family, they must be prepared to be bombarded and killed by us."5

"Also invite a few ancient ancestors who can personally control our Jiang family's extreme emperor soldiers to attack.

One after another, the elders of the Jiang family resounded loudly.

"Bomb them here!

"Kill them all!

"Sacrifice imperial soldiers!"

The Jiang family was boiling.

at the same time.

According to the order of the head of the Jiang family.

The Jiang family has finally brought out the last trump card!

Under the full control of several ancient ancestors of the Jiang family.

The Hengyu Furnace, which was originally in an active state, was motivated by several ancient ancestors of the Jiang family with all their strength to start the killing technique of the Jade Emperor.


A ray of unparalleled terrifying imperial power erupted from the imperial soldier Hengyu furnace.

in an instant.

This terrifying imperial power swept across tens of millions of miles.

all beings...

All trembling under this wisp of imperial might!


"Bomb them all!

"Even if the emperor's soldiers of the extreme way are used to sink the entire eastern wasteland, they will be left at all costs! 95

Several ancient ancestors of the Jiang family worked hard to operate their own cultivation.

Give it your all!

Activate the Emperor of Extreme Dao!

With the outbreak of Diwei.

next second.

The Emperor is born!

From the Jiang family's residence, a furnace with raging flames wrapped around it rose into the air.

This is...

The Hengyu Furnace, which was built by the ancient emperor, the ancestor of the Jiang family, was built by himself!

It contains extremely powerful laws of the imperial way, and its power is extremely powerful!


I see.

The world-shattering flames shot straight into the sky.

Fire pierced through the sky.

Break through the sky.

The furnace wrapped in raging flames has the power of terrifying power that seems to burn everything in the world.

Even if it is just a wisp of Qi, it still wants to shatter this space.

Void Collapse!

Space is shattered!



This space of heaven and earth is completely unable to accommodate the power emitted by the furnace, and it is constantly crushed and collapsed by this power, and it seems that it will completely collapse at any time.

This is an extremely terrifying force!

This power...

Enough to destroy the world!

Even, enough to shatter the sun, moon, and stars!


Between a few words, it is completely impossible to describe and summarize in words, the terrible power and destructive power contained in this furnace.

The astonishing power of the furnace was suspended above the sky, emitting a raging fire, with an incomparably dazzling light, almost covering up the scorching sun on the horizon.


Shine in the sky.

The blooming white clouds hanging on the horizon were completely rendered into crimson fiery clouds.

Crimson burning cloud, much attention!

at the same time.

Originally, because of the monstrous death energy, the environment between heaven and earth became bleak.

But all of a sudden, the environment changed into a sky filled with flames.

Thousands of miles of territory.

The bright light of the stove is the most eye-catching focus!

The darkness of death that filled the four directions has been completely covered by the bright firelight!