
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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77 Chs

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From the very beginning of the fight, the opponent has never had any damage to the foundation.

They were all deceived.

This is a game against them!

All of them are counted in it.

Including the Dark Night King, is also a part of the calculated.

"It's over!"

"We're in big trouble! 95

The three living dead were terrified.

at the same time.

The Dark Night King, one of the twin kings who shocked Zhongzhou in the past, also saw the truth.

He also started to panic.

How terrifying is the god-king of the Jiang family at his peak?

He knew it.

It is clearer than everyone present, the terrifying strength of this peerless god-king of the Jiang family!

If he hadn't been too afraid of the god-king at his peak, he wouldn't have been hiding for thousands of years and didn't dare to emerge.

It is precisely because he is too afraid of the god king at his peak.

Even as strong as his elder brother, the Sun King, was killed thousands of years ago by the Jiang Family God King with ease.

The Night King didn't think so.

With his strength inferior to his brother, he can shake a peerless god king from the front!

This is obviously not realistic.

I thought.

Taking advantage of the time when the King of God was in danger of dying, it would be the best time for him to avenge his elder brother.


All this is just a conspiracy against them!

A big net...

open to them long ago.

And from beginning to end, all of them were ignorant.

The whole crew was deceived in the dark.


They have become trapped fish!

Became a chess piece under the king of the Jiang family!

Be left at the mercy!

"Good calculation!"

"That's a good deal! 39

"I can not be reconciled!""

The Night King clenched his fists and let out a hysterical roar.

He never dreamed of it.

The god king of the Jiang family would actually set up such a big game.

Just to wait for them, all of them cast themselves into the net.

And they were foolishly fooled.


They are already caught in the net.

Want to escape?


Difficult to reach the sky!

In front of a god-king, trying to escape?

This is a big joke!

"It's over!"

"damn it!

"I actually got caught."

The Night King secretly hated.

If not too impatient.

he thinks.

He can definitely see some clues from it.


He desperately wanted revenge.

Hidden for thousands of years, he wanted to avenge his elder brother all the time, and even more wanted to kill the Jiang family god king, so he no longer had to be afraid.

It was this mentality that caused him to be ignorant of this calculation at all.

at the same time.

The other two venerable immortals and the two great masters seemed to be aware of it, and gradually began to realize it.

The fact that they were hit from the start.


"We are the jumping clowns!"

More than a dozen celestial beings sighed.


The Jiang family was excited, excited and ecstatic.

"The King of God is born!"

"Next, it's our turn to fight back against them. 35

"These cowardly squirrels only dare to take advantage of the unpreparedness of the god king. Now, the god king is out, and their nightmare is about to come.

"One counts as one, and no one wants to escape today!"

A high-level elder of the Jiang family let out an extremely relieved roar.

"is it you?"

Feeling the familiar terrifying aura, Fairy Caiyun's eyes were lost for a while, her spirit was a little dazed, and her mood was filled with huge ripples.

Even after thousands of years...

But she can still get out of this breath.

It feels so familiar!

She can be sure.

The one who broke out this shocking pressure was definitely the peerless God King she was familiar with!

Thinking of this, Fairy Caiyun's emotions fluctuated violently.

a time.

She didn't know what kind of attitude she should take to face the Jiang Family God King.

above the sky.

The two pieces of the Extreme Dao Emperor collided with each other.

at this time.

Opposite the Jiang family's extreme emperor soldier Hengyu stove, the mysterious extreme emperor soldier seemed to feel something, and a shocking emperor's power quickly erupted and swept down the Jiang family.


The Hengyu Furnace erupted into a fire that destroyed the world, almost burning everything in the world.

Collision strikes again!

at this time.

Just under the attention of the trillions of monks.

The King of God was born!

The god king of the Jiang family, dressed in white, stepped into the air, rose from the ancestral land of the Jiang family, and landed in the center of the battlefield in an instant. Three thousand black hairs fell like a waterfall.

The body is strong and powerful, and the whole body exudes an incomparably strong aura of life.

The tall and straight body shows the stalwart aura. The Jiang family god king is peerless and independent, located in the center of the battlefield, and has become the only focus of attention.

One after another terrifying law lines descended, lingering around the body of the Jiang family god king, containing extremely terrifying power and destructive power.

The figure of the king of the Jiang family is even more eye-catching.

Rays of dazzling halo lingered around the Jiang family god king.

Where the eyes go...

One Zun Xian and two Great Masters bowed their heads, daring not to look at them at all.

The might of the king of gods is immeasurable!


Unparalleled strength!


A slight voice came out from the mouth of the God King.


The terrifying boundless power instantly penetrated the space fortress and directly attacked and killed an immortal two great powers.



The body of this Immortal Second Great Master exploded in an instant, turning into a blood mist that danced gracefully in the sky.

Dying away!

It's so easy to die!

There was no fight back all the way.

A dignified immortal and a powerful cultivator who stood on the top of the Big Dipper and ruled over 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kinds of living beings, was killed on the spot by a wisp of Qi Qi.

Witnessing the scene where one Immortal Two Great Master was killed in seconds, the ten remaining Immortal Two Great Masters felt an unprecedented sense of fear that enveloped their hearts.

"Dead, dead?!

"One immortal and two great powers, was killed in seconds? 35

"Is this the peerless god king of the Jiang family? It's too terrifying."

"The number one combat power in the past four thousand years is so powerful?"

"How can we overcome this terrifying existence?"

All the mighty are in a panic.

The three living dead shuddered.

The Night King was even more terrified.


The King of the Jiang Family raised his hand and tapped his fingertips in the air.


The forces of terror attacked the second power.

For a moment.


This Immortal Second Great Power was instantly killed.

Another great power has fallen.

Not even the ability to resist.

This is Jiang Jiawei's famous peerless God King!

Terrifyingly powerful!

Panic spreads!

All the powers fell into an atmosphere of panic.

The trillions of monks were even more shocked.

Witnessing the terrifying strength of the Jiang Family God King overturned their cognition.

0.. ask for flowers...

The supreme monks of the ancient Taoist lineage looked at the Jiang Family Divine King full of horror and fear.

The terrifying power of the God King...

far beyond their imagination!

"So strong!"

"The peerless god king is so powerful! 95'

"The Jiang family, this time is going to rise strongly."


Thick fear filled the heart of every mighty statue.

They were stiff and unable to move.


The second power was killed in seconds.

They want to flee the scene as quickly as possible.

The Jiang Family God King's face was as calm and natural as always, his eyes scanned all the powerful enemies attacking the scene, and between his hands, he killed another Immortal Second Great Master in seconds.

Killing Mighty is as simple and easy as killing Might.

It can be seen from this.

The strength of the Jiang Family Divine King in his peak period is indeed terrifying to the point that one cannot imagine it.


"Have to escape this ghost place!"

"The strength of the Jiang Family God King is too terrifying, and it is definitely not something I can try to shake."

"Today's game is the dead game set up by the Jiang Family God King in order to destroy us all at once."



One by one, the great masters were preparing to evacuate the scene.

Even the three living dead had the idea of ​​running away.

The same is true of the Night King.

The power of the God King is too terrifying.

They were completely incapable of generating any thoughts of resistance.

Witnessing the powerful monks who were about to flee, the God King Jiang's expression did not change, he looked up at the sky, and looked at Hengyu Furnace, the emperor of the Jiang family.


For a moment...

A terrifying aura erupted from his body.


Pulling the Emperor Bing Hengyu Furnace through the air.

Just for a moment.

Hengyu Furnace, the Jiang family's ultimate soldier, was fully controlled by the Jiang family's god king.


"Want to escape?"

The Jiang Family God King held the Hengyu Furnace, the imperial soldier of the extreme way, and glanced coldly at the powerful cultivators who were trying to escape in all directions.

With the supreme cultivation of the king of gods...

Make every effort to mobilize the Imperial Army!

Power is terrifying!

The destructive force can even span thousands of trillions of miles away, forcibly shattering a living planet.

But right now.

above the sky.

Another Ji Dao Emperor Armament with a mysterious origin also descended to Gao Weili, shrouded in terror, almost trying to forcibly intercept the Ji Dao Imperial Armament urged by the Jiang Family God King.


The imperial power that erupted from the extreme imperial soldiers was about to swept the entire Jiang family.

under Diwei.

The upper and lower levels of the Jiang family are as insignificant as a group of ants.

This mysterious Jidao Emperor's soldier, which spans 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles, points directly to the Jiang family's station, and seems to be forcibly sunk and destroyed the entire Jiang family.

Aware of this, the Jiang Family God King raised his brows.

This is...

Do you want to force yourself to protect the Jiang family and give up chasing the great powers who fled the scene?

If you want to go your own way, you want to forcibly attack those who are trying to escape the scene. Then, the Jiang family is very likely to be swept away in an instant by the imperial power that erupted from this extreme martial art.

The entire Jiang family's tens of millions of miles of territory will be sunk and destroyed on the spot!

At that time.

All the upper and lower levels of the Jiang family will be left without bones.

The power of the Jidao Emperor is so terrifying!

Only by holding the Jidao Emperor's army and blocking it, can the huge disaster crisis faced by the Jiang family be resolved.

But if you hold the Hengyu Furnace, you can block the power of this Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier. Then it is bound to miss the opportunity to kill the powerful, the three living dead, and the king of the dark night.

pick one of two!

Only one of them must be chosen!

"What is the sacredness behind this Jade Emperor's Armament?"

Even the god king of the Jiang family still couldn't see through it.

The origin of this mysterious jidao emperor!

Think about it.

After all, the god king of the Jiang family decided to hold the Hengyu stove in his hand, preparing to block the godless power of this extreme imperial soldier.

As a result, those great powers had to be allowed to escape and leave this place.

Just when he was ready to act accordingly.

A plain but voice came from above the endless sky.

The melodious wandering and echoing in the ears of the Jiang family god king.

"I'm here to block this Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier!

"You can do your thing.

"Just right."

"I'd love to try it too."

"How strong can the power of a piece of extreme Taoist soldiers be?

"I hope that the power of the Jade Emperor's soldiers will not disappoint me.

There was an eagerness to try in these words.


The God King of the Jiang family, who was extremely calm, was almost shocked by these words.

He heard it right away.

The one who said this just now must be the little friend of the Su family who met in Zishan! The extraordinary monster who rescued himself from the dire straits!

But the other party took the initiative to mention it at this moment.

Do you want to use your bare hands to try to intercept the terrifying power of an extreme emperor soldier from the front?

Isn't this crazy?!

Simply insane!

Empty-handed to block the imperial soldiers from the front?

This is something that the God King of the Jiang family dares not even think about.

Can't even imagine dreaming!

Not to mention the god king of the Jiang family.

Even if you look at the entire Beidou.

Few monks dare to do so.

The cultivator who dares to do this must be insane!

This is really crazy!

"Front-faced and bare-handedly attacking the Jade Emperor's soldiers?

"Little friend, don't be impulsive.

The god king of the Jiang family was obviously frightened.

Chapter 127 It's just an imperial soldier, not unstoppable! [Customize]

The king of the Jiang family is very strong!

But even so, he never thought.

With his strength, he was able to forcibly pick up a jidao emperor in front of him.

This is obviously not realistic!

No matter how powerful a cultivator is, he does not think that he can block the Jade Emperor with his bare hands.

The only ones who can stop the Jidao Emperor's soldiers are the Jidao Emperor's soldiers who were also built by the Great Emperor in the past.


An ancient emperor is reborn!

There are only these two possibilities.

Besides, there is no third probability.


At this moment.

what did he hear?

The monstrous evildoer of the Su family, who has never met in a million years, actually wants to beat the emperor's soldiers head-on and empty-handed by himself?

What kind of monster behavior is this?

Can't imagine it!

Rao is the godly king of the Jiang family with a calm mind, and he was almost speechless with fright.

He heard it for the first time in his life.

There are people who dare to say such arrogant remarks.

Is it not knowing how high the sky is?

Or do you underestimate the power of the Jidao Emperor too much?

Or rather.

Are you overconfident in your own strength?

This is no longer self-confidence.

Rather arrogant!

Blind arrogance!

"I've never heard of it in my life.

"Someone dares to try to beat the imperial soldiers head-on!"

"This is a pole soldier that can easily smash the dusty life planet, even if it spans thousands of trillions of miles away, it can still smash the sun, moon, and stars!

"With such terrifying power, how can a cultivator be able to block the Jidao Emperor? Unless the Great Emperor personally takes action, no cultivator can block the Jidao Emperor with his bare hands."5

"Even with the unparalleled "four-one-zero" capital of the little friend of the Su family, it is absolutely impossible to do it. 39

The Jiang family god king said so in his heart.


He never thought.

Except for the ancient emperor, who can beat the emperor with bare hands.

This is a world-shattering move that one can't even imagine in a dream.

With the God King's many years of knowledge and experience, he couldn't believe such an incredible move.


The Jiang family god king immediately hurriedly discouraged one after another: "Little friend, you must not be reckless and impulsive. The power of the extreme emperor soldiers is far beyond your imagination.

"If you are bare-handed, you will definitely be smashed into powder by the Jidao Emperor's soldiers on the spot.

"No matter how high your cultivation base and realm are, it is impossible to block the terrifying power of an emperor's army. The power of the emperor's army is enough to easily sink the entire Eastern Wilderness.

"Even if the living stars are thousands of trillions of miles apart, it is difficult to stop the terrifying destructive power of the Jade Emperor's army. 99

"Don't be stupid!"

"Really die!

The king of the Jiang family was anxious like a dream, and his face was full of worry.

He didn't want to see it.

His own savior, because of his own affairs, fell here on the spot.

This was by no means what he wanted to see.

It can be seen from this.

From the beginning to the end, the Jiang family god king did not think so.

There is really someone in this world who can stop a jidao emperor!

The only thing that can block the Jade Emperor's soldiers are the terrifying weapons that are also the same as the Jade Emperor's soldiers.

Or the Great Resurrection.

Other than that, there is no other way.

The mood of the Jiang family god king has been deeply shaken until now.

The words from above the sky made him so frightened that he couldn't calm down.


In the eyes of the Jiang family god king.

If Su Xuanji really tried to take over the Jidao Emperor with his bare hands, he would definitely end up with the tragic fate of being smashed into slag by the Jidao Emperor.

There is no second possibility!

It was because of these considerations that the God King of the Jiang family had to hurriedly dissuade the other party.

The Divine King holding the Hengyu Furnace, the Imperial Armament, naturally knew how terrifying the power of the Imperial Armament was.

The Jidao Emperor's soldiers activated by him with all his strength were even strong enough to shake the entire Beidou!

He who carries the Supreme Taoist soldiers...

Almost invincible in the world.

Sweep all the lines of Beidou!

This is the terrifying part of the Jade Emperor Soldier.

Powerful beyond imagination.

Power is terrifying!


The terrifying power that erupted from the mysterious Jade Emperor Soldier was about to land on the entire Jiang family, and the Jiang Family Divine King had to urge the Jidao Emperor soldiers to try to intercept it.

"I never do anything I'm not sure about. 35

"It's just an imperial soldier...

"It's not unstoppable.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Su Xuanji's voice came from above the sky, as calm as ever.

as if...

He didn't take the terrifying power of the Jidao Emperor to heart at all.


The King of the Jiang family is also ready to continue to persuade.

"If I really can't stop it, it's not too late for you to shoot.

Su Xuanji interrupted the God-king's dissuasion.

"This! 35


The Jiang Family God King could only sigh helplessly.

He couldn't continue to persuade.

He has heard it.

The firmness revealed in the other's tone.

"Little friend, don't worry.

"If you really can't stop it, I will definitely take action to save you.

The King of God made up his mind secretly.


You must also save your opponent's life!

The other party is his own savior.

Such great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten in this life.

At this time.

A Zun Xian Er Da Yuan, who was preparing to flee the battlefield, gradually sensed the movement here.

"A piece of jidao emperor broke out without God's might!"

"That piece of Ji Dao imperial soldier with a mysterious origin, the explosion of imperial power aimed at the entire Jiang family.

"Obviously, this is buying us time to flee the scene.

"Prevent the King Jiang family from holding imperial soldiers and bombarding us."

"A peerless god-king is already a terrifying existence that we can't compete with. Not to mention, a god-king holding a pole soldier, that's a huge nightmare for us."5

"Fortunately, another Jidao Emperor's soldier shot in time and intercepted the pursuit of the Jiang Family God King for us. Otherwise, we will be wiped out today.

A Zun Zun Er Da Neng breathed a sigh of relief.

They subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and looked back at the battlefield behind them with lingering fears on their faces.

The three living dead were also full of horror and fear.

So is the Night King.

A group of top powerhouses who came to attack the Jiang family wish they could grow a few more legs to escape.

A god king holding a pole soldier, so that they can't have any thoughts of confrontation at all.


There was only one thought left in their minds.


Escape the scene as fast as you can!

"Jiang Family Divine King, who was intercepted by another Jade Emperor, was no longer able to deal with us. In this way, we can temporarily ensure the safety of our own lives.

"Let's go, it's not advisable to stay here for long. 99

"Go away quickly!

"Who would have thought that all of today's events were planned by the God-king of the Jiang family, and it was his conspiracy! 55

"It seems that if you want to kill the Jiang Family God King, you can only hide again and wait for a more time."

"To be able to get away with a life today is the luck of our three lifetimes.""

A Zun Zun used the fastest speed to escape from the scene.

But right now.

in vain--


A ray of imperial power suddenly fell from the sky.

Emperor Wei, who contained the supreme terrifying power, suddenly descended here without warning, completely shrouding the presence of the Immortal and the Second Great Power.


Including the three living dead, and the king of the night.

They are also shrouded in this supreme status.

The shocking status of the emperor's law broke out, with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, sweeping all directions, wrapping all the enemies who came to attack and kill the Jiang family who were ready to flee the scene.



Void Collapse!

Space warped!

This space of heaven and earth is completely unable to accommodate this force, so it keeps shaking and collapsing, and it seems that it may collapse and shatter at any time.

This supreme power squeezed all the mighty bodies present.


Their bodies became extraordinarily rigid and could no longer move.

It's like turning into a statue...

Can't move!

The endless terrifying coercion squeezed their bodies tightly.

Under this boundless pressure, they all felt their own insignificance and fragility.

Insignificant as ants!

"This, this is..."

The dark night king's pupils shrank, and his face changed dramatically.

His face turned very pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed that there was no blood.

An extremely terrifying Qi machine had already locked his body.

In the lock of this terrifying air machine, he was unable to try to escape from the scene, and could only stay in place shivering and stiff.

The pressure was too terrifying.

By contrast.

He himself is like a drop in the ocean!

The three living dead were also full of horror, twisting their stiff necks, looking up at the sky.

"Emperor, Emperor!

"It's an imperial soldier! 39

"The Jiang family's Hengyu stove! 35

They saw a quaint and majestic stove hanging above their heads, emitting a monstrous fire, and the fire burned the sky, as if it would burn everything in the world.

The extremely high temperature covered up the scorching sun on the horizon, suppressing the scorching sun on the horizon and turning it into a foil.

The majesty of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers is undoubtedly revealed.

The laws of the imperial way lead the avenues of heaven and earth to descend to Gao Weili.

The lines of law are intertwined in the sky like spider webs, and each line of law contains terrifying power that can destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

It's just a wisp of air emitting down...

Then the Dark Night King, the three living dead, the ten immortals and the two great masters all stiffened without exception. It was difficult to contain the fear in their hearts, and their bodies began to tremble violently.

Under the shroud of a wisp of air that erupted from the extreme imperial soldiers.

They don't even have the ability to control their bodies to escape from the scene.

This power is too powerful.

Powerful beyond imagination.

"The Law of the Emperor..."

An Immortal Second Great Master's lips trembled and his whole body trembled.

Feeling the laws of the emperor swept across the world, he felt his own insignificance from the bottom of his heart.

So fragile!

Under this terrifying power, he was like an ant.

Will be easily torn apart and annihilated!

"The Jiang family's extreme warrior, Hengyu Furnace, is specially aimed at us.""

"what is this?!

"Is the King of the Jiang family crazy? Let the Jiang family be left alone, even if the Jiang family is destroyed by another extreme warrior, they will definitely leave us behind?

"Is it really worth it?"

"Even if we are really left behind, the Jiang family will be directly destroyed and collapsed by another extreme emperor soldier.

"Is it really worth it to exchange the lives of countless high-ranking officials of the entire Jiang family for our lives? God King Jiang family, he is simply mad! 95

The three living dead were angry and terrified.

They never figured it out.

Now, the Jiang family has already faced another devastating blow from the Jade Emperor. But why, the God King of the Jiang family still insisted on going his own way, holding the Supreme Dao Emperor soldiers to attack and kill them?

Could it be that their lives are really more important than the lives of the top members of the Jiang family?

Even if you don't hesitate to destroy the Jiang family's high-level group, you must leave them completely?

The Dark Night King raised his head and looked at the Hengyu Furnace, the Emperor Soldier of the Extreme Dao, hanging at the end of the sky in horror. His face was pale and bloodless, his throat was dry, and his body was shivering.

"Jiang Family God King, you are crazy!

"Let's leave the lives of the top members of the Jiang family alone, and forcibly keep our lives behind?

"If you do this, the Jiang family will suffer heavy losses!"

"Even so at all costs? You want to leave my life behind?" 1.2

"You are too cruel!"

The Night King felt horrified.

An unprecedented threat of death enveloped his body.

He felt it.

A strong breath of death!

away from death...

Only one step left!

The Hengyu furnace hanging above his head was enough to easily destroy the lives of everyone in the audience.

This point, the Dark Night King will never doubt.

Even if it was just a wisp of Qi burst out by the Hengyu Furnace, it was still enough to suppress all the powerful cultivators in the audience, even the cultivators of the Dao Slashing King series.

This is the terrifying power of the Supreme Dao Imperial Soldier!

The Hengyu furnace hanging in the sky made the king of the dark night, the three living dead, the ten immortals and the two great powers to feel the taste of trembling and fear from the soul.

The monstrous flames are burning in the sky above...

The dazzling flames lingered, rendering the entire sky into a fiery cloud.

Incredibly dazzling!

The light from the flames shines in the sky!

Print thousands of miles of land!

Just like the second round of bright blazing sun, with the terrifying power of burning all things in the world.

The supreme power of the emperor emanated from the Hengyu furnace.

Just a wisp of imperial power swept down from the sky, causing the bodies of the Dark Night King and others to tremble violently.




In the face of a Jade Emperor with the powerful laws of the emperor, even if he was as strong as the Dark Night King, he could only shiver and stiffen in place, allowing him to be slaughtered.

From beginning to end, he was powerless to resist.


In his heart he couldn't even generate the thought of resistance!

Chapter 128 The hand that directly connected with the pole soldier! [Customize]


"God King Jiang is a lunatic!"

"Even if you don't care about the collective demise of the Jiang family, you still have to come to kill me with the Jade Emperor's soldiers.

"Now, the Jiang family's collective has been targeted by another extreme emperor soldier, and it has lowered the supreme emperor's prestige. And the madman of the Jiang family's god king, he doesn't even ask about it.

"He didn't hold the Jidao Imperial Armament to intercept the godless power against the Jiang family. On the contrary, he even used the Imperial Armament to bombard us."

"We will surely die at that time, but can the Jiang family still survive? The top and bottom of the Jiang family are now in the range shrouded in the imperial power of the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers."

"They will also follow me to death!"

"The king of the Jiang family is so ruthless, he just watched helplessly, the top members of the Jiang family were bombed and killed, but he could save them but chose not to save them.

A Zun Zun was terrified in his heart.

from their perspective.

The Jiang Family Divine King obviously gave up the act of intercepting the extreme emperor soldiers, and instead held the extreme emperor soldiers and came to launch a terrifying bombardment on them.

They really couldn't stop the Jade Emperor soldiers.

But they couldn't understand.

They are dead.

The senior members of the Jiang family will also be killed collectively.

Isn't this a more painful blow to the Jiang family?

Why insist on letting the Jiang family perish collectively, and kill them so far?

Really so much hatred?

"Damn it! 39

The Dark Night King gritted his teeth with a look of unwillingness and despair.

He really didn't expect it.

The Jiang Family God King actually abandoned the interception of the Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier, and shot at them to bombard them.

The Hengyu furnace hanging above his head exudes supreme status all the time, making the Dark Night King and others tremble, and they can only meet the arrangement of fate full of fear and despair.

at the same time.

outside world.

Thousands of trillions of monks also noticed the change in the battle situation.


"Jiang Family God King, he did not urge the Jidao Emperor soldiers to intercept the godless power against the Jiang family. On the contrary, he also used the Jidao Emperor soldiers to try to kill the group of people who came to attack the Jiang family. Strong."

"This is at all costs, even if the top management of the Jiang family is destroyed, they must completely leave behind these enemies who came to attack and kill the Jiang family today?

"Too cruel!"

"I never imagined that the king of Jiang 02 would be so decisive."

Countless monks were shocked.

They were completely unpredictable about the actions of the Jiang family god king.

Including the top powerhouses of the ancient Taoism, they also looked at the every move of the Jiang family god king with a look of astonishment.

well known.

The core foundation of an ancient Taoism, in addition to the younger generation of Heaven's Chosen, the most important is the high-level powerhouse of Taoism.

Once the high-level powerhouses of an ancient Taoism are all dead, then this Taoism will be considered dead in name only.

Even if you hold the Supreme Dao Emperor Armament, it will take a long time to recover to the peak period.

The vacancy of high-level combat power is a fatal blow to an ancient Taoism.

And now.

They saw it.

The Jiang family god king seems to want to abandon the Jiang family high-level, and hold the imperial soldiers to kill the group of enemies who came to offend.

Is it really worth it?

In exchange for the collective demise of the high-level Jiang family, the death of the enemies who attacked the Jiang family was exchanged.

Is this really worth it?

"I can't understand it!"

"If it were me, I would never allow the death of the high-ranking people, and I would kill those enemies who came to offend. 99

'After all, if all the high-level people are really extinct, then an ancient Taoist lineage is half extinct. Without high-level combat power to maintain order, there will inevitably be all kinds of chaos inside.

"In this way, an ancient Taoism is bound to become fragmented."

"Jiang family god king does this, this is obviously consuming the Jiang family's heritage and foundation!"

"Even if those powerful enemies were really killed, so what? The Jiang family's senior management also perished collectively. Is this really the victory he wanted?

The top powerhouses from the ancient Taoism, from the beginning to the end, could not understand the meaning of what the Jiang family was fascinated to do.

at the same time.

The top and bottom of the Jiang family also felt a godless might lock their bodies.

Headed by the head of the Jiang family, plus the ancestors of the Jiang family, and a famous senior elder of the Jiang family, they are all within the scope of being shrouded in this imperial prestige.

They all raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

"Emperor, Emperor!"

"We are locked by a piece of Ji Dao Emperor!""

"Until there is no God's power to descend, I will be wiped out in an instant, and both body and spirit will be destroyed."

"It's the Jidao Emperor who just met our Jiang family Hengyu furnace. Now, it has shifted its target to us. In this way, it is trying to give those enemies who came to attack us to downgrade and buy time to escape.


The senior elders of the Jiang family were shocked and angry.


They saw it.

The king of gods attacked with the imperial soldiers of the extreme way, ready to bombard those powerful enemies who were trying to escape the battlefield.

And the shocking emperor that hangs above their heads is constantly approaching them.

"This this!"

"Are we abandoned?

An elderly Jiang family had a dry throat and could not help but blurt out.

Covered by the power of godlessness, he felt an unprecedented sense of fear.

Under the power of the emperor...

All living beings are ants!

Even the ancient existence of the Dao Slashing King series is as insignificant as an ant.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"The king's move must have other deep meanings."

The rest of the senior elders of the Jiang family scolded them one after another.

The head of the Jiang family had sweat stains on his forehead, his pale face turned towards the mysterious imperial soldier in the sky, and his eyes were filled with a strong sense of panic and powerlessness.

In the face of the Jade Emperor, no matter how strong an individual's cultivation base is, it won't help.

Even an ancient saint...

There will be no exception!

"What is the plan of the King of God?"

The head of the Jiang family fell into confusion and contemplation.

the other side.

Fairy Caiyun raised her head, her eyes were fixed on the body of the Jiang Family God King, her eyes shone brightly, and her eyes were full of complicated emotions.

until now.

She didn't even think about it.

What kind of attitude should I take to face the god-king of the Jiang family who has not met for thousands of years!

At this moment.

The vast majority of the Jiang family's senior management chose to believe in the actions of the god-king.

They believe.

God King's move must have other deep meanings!

They will never let it go, they will be indifferent to the lives of the top leaders of the Jiang family.

The extremely terrifying Godless might is about to fall from the sky.

The entire Jiang family is covered by this terrifying status.

The might of the extreme warriors...

If you move, you can easily destroy the territory of thousands of miles!

Even the vast and boundless Eastern Wilderness is very likely to be hit and sunk by the fully activated Jidao Emperor soldiers.

This can be imagined.

Just how terrifying the power of the Jidao Emperor is.

at the moment.

The Jiang family has become the target of an extreme imperial soldier.

In order to prevent the Jiang Family Divine King holding the Jade Emperor Soldier from chasing the Dark Night King and others who came to attack and kill, this mysterious Jidao Emperor Soldier had to target the Jiang Family.

In order to do this, I tried to restrain the actions of the Jiang Family God King.


Surround Wei and save Zhao!

With the goal of attacking the Jiang family, the god king of the Jiang family had to be forced to abandon the pursuit of those great powers, so as to use the extreme emperor soldiers in his hands to intercept and kill the godless might of the Jiang family.



Regarding the power of the Jade Emperor's soldiers that shrouded the Jiang family, the Jiang family's God King did not hold the Jade Emperor's soldiers to intercept them, but still carried the Jade Emperor's soldiers without hesitation to block the group of great powers.

This scene fell into the eyes of the trillions of cultivators in the outside world.

Even those ancient Taoist traditions have always been deeply puzzling.

Completely incomprehensible this choice made by the Jiang family god king.

All the attention gathered at the Jiang family.

And in the Jiang family.

Most of the dozens of senior elders of the Jiang family were seriously injured, looking up at the sky with pale faces, shivering under the terrifying imperial might.

It is not something they can easily block the power of the Jade Emperor.


"I'll be crushed to powder in an instant.

"The power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers is enough to instantly destroy our entire Jiang family's ten thousand li territory."

"Let no grass grow in the tens of thousands of miles of territory!

"Destroy all life!"

"East Wilderness, all of them may be sunk as a result!"

The elders of the Jiang family were pale and their throats were dry.

They feel it.

The increasingly terrifying Diwei!

about to fall!

getting closer!

Waiting for the moment when this ray of imperial power fell.

when they all died.

They have no doubts about the terrifying power of a jidao imperial soldier.

The might of an imperial soldier cannot be shaken by a cultivator.

"The only ones who can shake the Jidao Emperor's soldiers are the Jidao Emperor's soldiers."

"Besides that, unless the Great Emperor is resurrected!"

"Otherwise, there is no other possibility.

Seeing the Jiang Family Divine King holding the Jade Emperor soldiers and chasing after the group of great powers who were trying to escape, the beliefs of the top and bottom groups of the Jiang Family were a little shaken.


There was a loud roar from the sky.



No god's power descended.

That piece of extremely mysterious emperor soldier, which spanned thousands of trillions of miles away, directly penetrated the space fortress from the endless void, and erupted with a terrifying power.

Right at the Jiang family!

A mighty power of the Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier...

Instantly shatter space!



The powerful force distorted the space, causing the void to continuously collapse and annihilate.

Space is broken!



A burst of shrill voices sounded.

The space is like glass, broken by this supreme force, and cracks form one after another, spreading all over the sky like a spider web.





The sky seemed to be torn apart by this force.

The universe is shaken!

Heaven and Earth Shift!

Any and all living beings are extremely insignificant under the power of the extreme emperor soldiers.

The Jiang family, a dignified and ancient aristocratic family, is also insignificant under this power.

Around the Jiang family's tens of millions of miles of territory, they are all within the shrouded range of the power of the extreme emperor soldiers.


Imperial soldiers run through the void.

A terrifying blow from the sky that destroys the sky and destroys the earth!

Falling Gao Weili!

The laws between heaven and earth were drawn, and countless laws and patterns were born.

The lines of the law are intertwined in the sky, accompanied by an extremely terrifying law of the imperial way, which contains the power of godless descending from the sky and suddenly landed in the world.

Where the power of terror passes...

Everything is crushed and destroyed!

The might of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers that straddled thousands of billions of miles away still carried the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, causing all the senior and senior members of the Jiang family to fall into despair.



One after another, the old Jiang Jiasu knelt down on the ground, unable to help but start shaking violently.

They were pale and looked up at the sky in despair.

Unable to contain the trembling body.

Fear was infinitely magnified in my heart.

"This is the power of the Jidao Emperor!"


"No matter how powerful a creature is, it is impossible to block this terrifying power.

Even the patriarch of the Jiang family, the supreme cultivator of the Second Immortal Great Power, his legs were a little weak, and he knelt on the ground trembling with one knee, his eyes were full of deep horror.

The ancient ancestors of the Jiang family who had woken up from their deep sleep, their old faces were full of despair and powerlessness at this moment, and they forcibly endured the terrifying imperial power, while maintaining a shaky standing body.

beyond the territory of hundreds of millions of miles.

Thousands of trillions of monks can feel it.

A supreme mighty force that destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth descended from the sky and aimed at the Jiang family!

This power is too terrifying!

It is simply impossible to sum up in words.

Even if they are separated by trillions of miles, they can still make countless cultivators feel heart palpitations and panic.

The ancient lineages were once again disturbed.

They felt the power of the laws of the emperor!

410 under the eyes.

The Jidao Emperor's soldiers traversed the endless void of trillions of miles, and at a terrifying speed, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, they slammed into the Jiang family without hesitation!

Even the imperial soldiers in the ancient Taoist traditions seemed to be drawn by the laws of the imperial Tao, and thus had a faint resonance.

The entire Eastern Wasteland...

Do not!

The whole Beidou!

All the monks of the ancient dynasties, noble families, sects, holy places and other forces with extremely long traditions are all without exception, and pay close attention to the movements of the Jiang family.


This extremely terrifying godless might directly aroused the tense heartstrings of all the cultivators in the entire Beidou.

"The power of the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers is simply destroying the sky and destroying the earth!""


"As expected of the weapon that protected the Dao of the emperor in the past!"

"Jiang family, I'm afraid it's over this time."


The imperial soldiers of the extreme way crossed the territory of trillions of miles, bursting out with godless might, and contained the terrifying might of the laws of the imperial way.

The Jiang family has fallen into boundless despair.


At the moment when this terrifying force was about to fall to the Jiang family.

What no one expected was...

in vain--

Variation abounds!


Another extremely terrifying supreme power erupted.



The space above the sky was forcibly torn apart by this terrifying force.

The space was broken like glass, and the cracks spread out like a spider web.

The densely packed space collapsed and annihilated arbitrarily.

Extremely terrifying power destroys everything in the world...

This sky is filled with this infinite power.

This force seemed to tear the sky to pieces.

Even this side of the world has been greatly affected and turbulent.

This is an indescribable force of terror!

The breath of power that annihilates all things in the world!

It is as unfathomable as a vast sea of ​​stars.

This power seems to come from the endless starry sky...

The rules of this world have been pulled, and a series of resonances have emerged.

One after another, the lines of law descended.

The scene looks amazing!

From the cracks in the space that were split and shattered in all directions, in an instant, a vast power that was completely indescribable in words erupted.

Even the endless void was shattered and collapsed by this force forcibly bombarded.

Immediately after.

Accompanied by the shattering of the space of the sky.

The trillions of monks in the outside world and the top powerhouses of the ancient Taoism can clearly see it.

in a broken space.

A hand slowly protruded from the crack in the space.

This hand contains the supreme terrifying might, so powerful that even this world cannot contain the unpredictable power and power brought by this hand.

Even more terrifying is...

The hand that protruded from the space crack took advantage of the situation and grabbed the extreme emperor soldier that was falling at the Jiang family at the moment, and contained the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

With bare hands, with bare hands, he grabbed the imperial soldiers who broke out the laws of the imperial way!

Chapter 129 Su Xuanjivs Jidao Imperial Soldier! Smash the Imperial Soldier with bare hands! [Customi

above the sky.

Beyond the endless void.

Su Xuanji was just flying in the air. His white clothes were spotless, fluttering in the wind, and a soft halo wrapped around his body, which made his figure extraordinarily detached from the world.

Straws of extremely terrifying energy radiated out from his body, with endless terrifying pressure, almost wanting to crush all living beings.



Even this space of heaven and earth could not accommodate the power emanating from his body, and it kept shaking and squirming, twisting wildly, and it seemed that it might be completely shattered and collapsed at any time.

To this stop, Su Xuanji is the only focal point of the world.

One after another law pattern, wrapped around his body, the avenue pattern that cracked and spread like a spider web, contained extremely terrifying power, enough to destroy the world.

The law of heaven and earth resonates only for one person!

This is a very amazing scene.

Only when one's own power is terrifying to the extreme end, can such terrifying scenes that subvert cognition can be drawn, and the rules of heaven and earth will resonate and be drawn.

With every breath of Su Xuanji, the square space will collapse and collapse.

Just a thought...


This is the terror of his current strength.

In the realm of cultivation at the peak of Zhundi's first-layered heaven, it erupted into an imposing force that was countless times more powerful than the forbidden existence of Zhundi's fifth-layered heaven.

Visible to the naked eye.

In the endless starry sky, rounds of stars revolve around Su Xuanji's body, as if relying on him as an appendage, influenced by the extremely terrifying rules.

The stars of life twinkled brightly, lingering around Su Xuanji's body, making him more eye-catching and terrifying.

His body is like a vast and boundless sea of ​​stars...

The sun, moon and stars all need to rely on him to wander in the endless starry sky.

Great figure!

Stand in the endless void!

An ancient and incomparably powerful aura emanated from Su Xuanji's body.

Between gestures...

It contains a very powerful avenue of charm!

This is a very scary phenomenon.

The strength is already strong enough to pull the laws of heaven and earth at your fingertips!

Such top powerhouses are enough to easily smash the life planet of powder!

There is no doubt about this.


Su Xuanji looked into the distance.

Eyes pierce through the void...

Void Collapse!

Space is broken!

His eyes traversed all the way to Jiang's house!

This pair of eyes that penetrated the space was fixed on the one that was aimed at the Jiang family's fallen soldiers.

With the extremely terrifying laws of the emperor's way and the terrifying power that could destroy the sky and the earth, the Jidao Emperor has completely locked the entire Jiang family.

The whole Jiang family has become the target of the bombardment of this mysterious jidao emperor.

Dozens of senior elders at the top of the Jiang family, without exception, were all within the bombardment range of the Jade Emperor's soldiers.

Under the terrifying power of this Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier, they were as weak as a group of ants, and they could only shiver and froze in place.

Even the head of the Jiang family, whose cultivation base has reached the second immortal power, can only fall into boundless despair at this moment, and is powerless to resist from beginning to end.

The power of the Jidao Emperor is too powerful.

Not to mention a cultivator who is the supreme power of the Second Immortal, even a Dao Slayer King, a Semi-Saint, and an Ancient Saint will still appear extremely vulnerable under the power of the Supreme Dao Emperor.


Dozens of high-level elders in the Jiang family, who were locked by the Jade Emperor's soldiers in all directions, could only look up at the sky with despair and powerlessness, waiting for the supreme Weili of the Jade Emperor's soldiers to land in fear.

In addition, they did not make any resistance measures at all.

One piece of imperial soldiers is enough to destroy the Jiang family on the spot!

Enough to easily destroy dozens of high-level elders of the Jiang family on the spot!

"The power of the Jidao Emperor is really powerful..."

"But it wasn't as overwhelming as I thought.

Su Xuanji's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

He witnessed the scene of the collision between the two pieces of Jidao Emperor soldiers.


He knew very well how powerful the Jidao Emperor's might was.

But even so, he still felt confident.

With his current strength, if he bursts out with all his strength, trying to block and intercept a jidao emperor from the front is by no means impossible.

Emperor soldiers, from the terrible weapons refined by the emperor himself.

Contains the laws of the emperor!

If you move, you will move mountains and overturn the sea, and dust the sun, moon, and stars.

Power is extremely powerful and terrifying!

In the minds of countless monks.

The only one who can compete with the Jidao Emperor's soldiers are the Jidao Emperor's soldiers who are also the weapons of the Great Emperor.


Then there is only the possibility of the emperor's recovery.

Other monks want to block the Jidao Emperor from the front?


The odds are too low.

Since ancient times, no one has ever heard of it.

Who else can be strong enough to block the world-shattering action of a jidao emperor from the front with only bare hands.

No one dared to imagine such a terrible event that subverts cognition.

All this is incredible!

at the moment.

Su Xuanji is ready to challenge the perception of ordinary people.

Prepare to use your bare hands to smash an extreme emperor soldier who broke out the laws of the emperor's way!

"If the Jade Emperor's soldiers are only at the level just now, the probability of me being able to block a Jade Emperor's soldier from the front can be at least as high as 80%."!"

"With more than 80% confidence, I can intercept the imperial soldiers from the front."

"No matter how bad it is, I will not be smashed to pieces by the imperial power that erupted from the extreme imperial soldiers. 99

Su Xuanji thought to himself.

This is a conclusion he came to after a very calm analysis.

With his quasi-emperor cultivation base...

He is confident that he can stop the Jidao Emperor from the front!

If he didn't have such self-confidence, he naturally wouldn't have said the words just now to the God King of the Jiang family.

He never does anything he is not sure about.

"Since everyone has already boasted about Haikou, it is natural to realize it!

"It's just an imperial soldier...

"Not unstoppable."

"With my current strength, it is not an exaggeration to want to block the Jade Emperor.

"Exactly. 35

"I wanted to experience it myself for a long time.35

"How strong is the power of the Jidao Emperor?"

Su Xuanji's eyes flickered, his eyes filled with eager anticipation.

Big Dipper's trillions of cultivators have been unable to measure his level of strength.


Just use a piece of Extreme Dao Emperor Armament to test the level of your own strength level!

Even if it is only one ten thousandth of the power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers, which contains the powerful laws of the emperor's way, it is enough to shatter a few stars of life.

As you can imagine.

How terrifying the power of imperial soldiers is.

But even so, Su Xuanji did not think that he would suffer the fate of being bombarded by imperial soldiers.

Even the Ji Dao imperial soldiers personally motivated by the ancient sages are also not qualified to kill Su Xuanji!

"I take the cultivation base of the first-level peak of the Emperor Zhundi..."

"Plus a powerful physique glass god body! There are also three ancient emperor scriptures! Two nine-character secrets! Finally, the supreme bone and the supreme divine art are included!""

"In this way, it is absolutely not a problem to use it to shake a piece of Extreme Dao Imperial Armament."

Su Xuanji was looking forward to it.

Since the fusion of the supreme bone, his self-confidence and confidence have reached an unprecedented expansion.


Since the audience should be the Beidou trillions of monks.

With countless top powerhouses of the ancient Taoist traditions that have been inherited for a long time as spectators!

Let all beings in the Big Dipper witness with their own eyes.

The birth of a world-shattering act that is unparalleled in the past!

An example of a bare-handed, hard-to-attach to a pole soldier!

Unprecedented since ancient times!

Apart from the Great Emperor, I have never heard of anyone else who could take over the Emperor's soldiers with bare hands.


This record is about to be broken by Su Xuanji!

Su Xuanji, who was on the verge of thinking, didn't think much about it, and there was only one thought left in his head.


From the front, intercept the jidao emperor soldier that attacked the Jiang family!

at this time.

can be seen very clearly.

The Ji Dao Emperor soldiers with mysterious origins have already exploded and blasted towards the Jiang family station.

Look at this posture.

Obviously want to directly destroy the rhythm of the entire Jiang family!

To completely sink the Jiang family!

In this way, he tried to stop the Jiang Family God King's plan to pursue the enemy.


The king of the Jiang family obeyed Su Xuanji's words, and directly sacrificed the imperial soldiers to pursue the enemy, but did not operate the imperial soldiers to intercept the terrifying imperial power that was hitting the Jiang family.

In the eyes of countless cultivators from the outside world, this kind of behavior is obviously a madman's behavior.


The Jiang family god king is also waiting.

The next thing is about to explode!

at the same time.

When Su Xuanji was ready to shoot.

beside him.

The big black dog looked at Su Xuanji dumbfounded.

Just now when Su Xuanji was separated from the endless void, the voice transmission to the God King of the Jiang family naturally fell into the ears of the big black dog without reservation.

It is for this reason.

The big black dog's expression at this moment is so gaffe and shock.

It was simply stunned.

Su Xuanji's remarks forced the big black dog to doubt life on the spot.


what's going on?

What did you hear just now?!

This boy he just said.

Do you want to intercept and block a jidao emperor from the front with your bare hands?

No, won't it?

Did you hear it wrong?

Or hallucinations?

Is this really not a dream?


"You kid is crazy!

"The emperor must have heard it wrong, right?"

The big black dog's eyes widened, and his eyes were wide and round, and he couldn't help but blurt out subconsciously.

It stared blankly at Su Xuanji beside him, his throat was dry, his mood was violent, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

It's so shocking.

only because...

Su Xuanji's remarks really frightened him on the spot.

It has never been heard.

In this world, there are actually monks other than the Great Emperor, who dare to try to block an extreme emperor soldier that contains the laws of the emperor from the front?

How shocking is this?

Totally suicidal!

Isn't this courting death?

Seek your own way!

"Don't be impulsive, kid..."

"What you are doing now is just to die!"

"`" Your kid must be crazy.

"How dare you try to smash the Jade Emperor with bare hands from the front?"

"Do you know how terrifying the power of the Jidao Emperor is? This is a terrifying weapon that can shatter the stars. The power of the emperor's law can easily smash life planets across trillions of miles away.

"And you, at this moment, are trying to block this terrifying weapon?""

"What the hell are you thinking about?"

The big black panther hurriedly dissuaded him with an anxious and frightened face.


It doesn't think so.

Apart from the Great Emperor, who can block the Jade Emperor's soldiers with bare hands!

This is obviously not realistic.

There is absolutely no such possibility!

Of course, it clearly understands the terrifying power of the Jidao Imperial Soldier.

It is precisely because he is too clear about the terrifying power of the Jidao Emperor.

Its heart will think.

If Su Xuanji really shot.

And tried to use his bare hands to smash the imperial soldiers from the front.

final result...

Must be sure to die!

There is no second possibility.

The power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers is too terrifying, how could it be that the monks below the Great Emperor can easily shake them with their bare hands?


That piece of Ji Dao emperor soldier with a mysterious origin is getting closer and closer to the Jiang family's station.

The big black dog is also getting more and more anxious.

It was horrified, staring at Su Xuanji's every move, and then turned to look in the direction of Jiang's house.

It is still felt at a great distance.

The terrifying power of that extremist soldier.

Just a wisp of breath...

Just enough to make it shudder.

at the same time.

Su Xuanji, who ignored the big black panther, looked at the Jiang family station with a calm and natural look.


He raised his right hand.


Boom one by one

The law of the Great Dao between the heavens and the earth is pulled, and the infinite supreme power descends.

The Supreme Law is triggered!

One after another, the pattern of laws descended.

The pattern of the law that contains the power of destroying the sky and the earth is constantly running around Su Xuanji's body.

a time.

It's like the stars are moving!

The planets of life (Made) flickering with extremely dazzling halo, centered on Su Xuanji's body, wandered wildly, exuding unprecedented terrifying coercion.

this moment.

Su Xuanji is like an incarnation of an endless sea of ​​stars.

The aura emanating from the entire body became more and more vast and powerful.

The Law of the Great Dao was pulled and lingered around him one after another.

It makes his figure even more terrifying!


Incredibly vast!


Just under the terrified eyes of the big black panther.

Su Xuanji sticks his right hand forward.

The laws of heaven and earth are drawn and resonated.

In an instant.


The space fortress was directly penetrated and shattered.

An unparalleled terrifying force erupted from Su Xuanji's hand, penetrating the endless void on the spot, causing the void to collapse and the space to collapse and rupture.



There was a sharp and harsh sound from the shattered space, like glass shattering, the cracks were densely packed, like a spider web.

An infinite force erupted from Su Xuanji's body, pierced through the endless void with a terrifying momentum, and descended on the Jiang's residence all the way across the border.


The space was pierced.

Su Xuanji was expressionless.

Being separated by millions of miles, he penetrated the space fortress with one hand, crossed the endless void in an instant, and finally grabbed the pole emperor soldier who was aiming at the Jiang family at this moment.

No hesitation throughout!

Without any sloppiness!

Very decisive.

The hand that penetrated the space fortress contained extremely terrifying power, and the laws of heaven and earth trembled and resonated, and the infinite mighty power lingering in the palm of the hand was about to destroy everything in the world.

This hand is incomparably powerful, piercing through the traceless space, as if it came to the world from outside the Nine Heavens, and slowly probes towards the Emperor's Soldier with supreme terror and might!

this moment.

Heaven and earth are eclipsed!

Become dark and dark.

Can't see five fingers!

The entire Beidou sky is bleak!

Chapter 130 Crossing the border with 1 hand and smashing the imperial soldiers! A shocking collision

Jiang's residence.

The Divine King of the Jiang Family held the Hengyu Furnace, the imperial soldier of the extreme way, and a burst of imperial might locked all the two immortals in the audience, as well as the three living dead, the Dark Night King and others.

All of them were locked by the imperial power of the Jidao Emperor, and they were so tightly suppressed that they couldn't move.


The Jiang family god king did not act to urge the Hengyu furnace to kill the enemy in front of him.

He is still waiting.

Waiting for the jidao emperor who attacked across a trillion miles away.

Waiting for the little friend from the Su family...

Is it possible to block the Jade Emperor Soldier from the front with bare hands!

If the other party can't do it, then he must attack with the Jidao Imperial Armament in hand, so as to intercept the Imperial Armament with a mysterious origin and blasting towards the Jiang family.

to this end.

The king of the Jiang family did not dare to use the Hengyu furnace easily to kill the enemy in front of him.

Even for him.

Killing the enemy in front of you is just a matter of a few breaths.

But he still had to be 12 points of energy, holding the Hengyu Furnace of the Extreme Dao Emperor Armament, and paying close attention to the movements of the other Ji Dao Imperial Armament all the time.

He worries.

If he urges the imperial soldiers to bombard the Dark Night King and others, he will definitely miss the opportunity to intercept the other extreme emperor soldiers, causing irreversible and painful losses.

To prevent this kind of accident.

He should not be able to easily urge the imperial soldiers to attack, but concentrate on it, closely watching the attack trajectory of the other extreme emperor soldiers.

It is for this reason.

It was only because this group of enemies who came to attack and kill the Jiang family was still able to save their own lives.

If not.

The Jiang Family God King urged the Jade Emperor to smash the audience, and a few breaths could easily swept the battlefield.

Even if the imperial soldiers were not dispatched to kill the strong enemy, the Jiang family god king still used a ray of imperial power to lock the bodies of the dark night king and others.

In this way, under the oppression of God's power.

The Dark Night King and others naturally couldn't escape the scene.

"The little friend of the Su family..."

"After all, it's still too blindly confident."

"Dare to try to shake the extremist soldiers with bare hands? This is simply insane behavior. 55

"Unless the emperor is resurrected. Otherwise, no one can intercept the emperor's soldiers with bare hands. 99

"Although the strength of the little friend of the Su family is very strong, it obviously has not reached this level. 35

"The terrifying power of the Jidao Imperial Soldier is far beyond his imagination. He must have seriously underestimated the terrifying and destructive power of the Jidao Imperial Soldier.

The God King of the Jiang family held the Hengyu stove, the imperial soldier of the extreme way, and kept an eye on the trend of the battle.

He didn't dare to be distracted to bombard the Dark Night King and others.

It was for fear that when they were bombarding and killing these people, another piece of Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers would fall at the Jiang family's station.

At that time.

Even he is powerless.

He had to concentrate on observing the situation of the battle all the time, and he was mentally prepared to use the Hengyu Furnace to intercept another piece of Ji Dao Emperor.


from start to finish.

The Jiang family god king did not think so.

Su Xuanji was able to use his own strength, without using any weapons, to intercept and shake an extreme imperial soldier from the front with his bare hands!

With such thoughts in mind, he has already made all-round follow-up preparations.

Just feel that something is wrong.

He will immediately sacrifice the imperial soldier, crossing the void of trillions of miles to block another imperial soldier.

If he hadn't taken this into consideration, the Jiang family's god-king would have personally sacrificed the imperial soldiers to kill the Dark Night King and the others.


Sensing that a godless might descended from the sky, the God King Jiang's expression tightened, his eyes became particularly dignified, and he subconsciously activated the Hengyu Furnace.

The terrifying emperor that descended from the sky was incomparably vast and bombarded the entire Jiang family.

If nothing else.

In the absence of extreme road emperor soldiers to intercept.

The entire Jiang family's tens of millions of miles of territory will definitely be forcibly smashed to pieces by the imperial soldiers.

No grass grows in a radius of thousands of miles!


The entire Eastern Wilderness will be directly sunk.

This is the terrifying power of the Extreme Dao Imperial Soldier.

Except for the weapons of world destruction that are also the imperial soldiers, there is no creature that can stop the imperial soldiers.


"You don't understand how terrible the imperial soldiers are!

"Even if your strength is strong, it is impossible to shake the laws of the emperor's way contained in the emperor's army, that is the power of the laws that belong to the emperor!

"In this world, there is no cultivator who can block the Jade Emperor with his bare hands. 99

"Unless the Emperor is resurrected.

"Other than that, there is no second possibility."

The Jiang family god king sighed inexplicably.

He seemed to have met.

Su Xuanji was severely injured on the spot by the terrifying imperial power that erupted from the Jade Emperor.

Thinking of this, the spirit of the Jiang Family God King began to become extraordinarily tense.

He stared at the sky with piercing eyes.

The Hengyu furnace in his hand is activated.

Godless might erupt at any time!

Holding the Hengyu Furnace, the God King of the Jiang family had full confidence and confidence, and could intercept the imperial soldiers before they fell in front of the Jiang family.


He dared to let Su Xuanji try it out and shake the imperial soldiers with his bare hands!

Such a crazy act of shocking...

Rao, the well-informed God King, felt his heart skip a beat.

at the same time.

The Dark Night King and the others, who were intimidated by the Jiang Family God King holding the Hengyu Furnace, were looking at the Jiang Family Station with fearful eyes on their faces.

Their bodies didn't move at all.

Even if it was just a wisp of Diwei locking their bodies, it was enough to make them feel powerless and stiff in place.

"What the hell is King Jiang's God thinking?"

"He wants to watch, the Jiang family collectively being smashed and shattered by the Jade Emperor's soldiers?"

"This lunatic!"

"Even if the Jiang family is allowed to be wiped out, will I be killed on the spot?

"Damn it! I'm not reconciled!

The king of the dark night, the three living dead, the ten immortals and the two great masters let out roars of rage and anger.

the other side.

Dozens of senior elders in the Jiang family looked up at the sky with despair.

I felt that the terrifying imperial power that fell from the sky was about to fall.

They don't hold out any hope.

Under the power of the emperor...

They look so tiny!



Even the top powerhouses of the Dao Slashing King series are no exception.

The might of the Jade Emperor is not something that a cultivator can stop.

Only the same soldiers of the extreme path can intercept it.

Space is shattered.

The Terrorist Emperor forcibly distorted the Dao Law.

The unparalleled supreme power descended with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.



Destroy everything!

"It's over!

The head of the Jiang family had a dry throat, and his pale face was full of ashes.


An old man from the Jiang family's high-ranking family trembled, and his face was pale and bloodless.


Bu Fan was seriously injured after the fierce battle just now. At this moment, they all ignored the injuries on their bodies, and they were paralyzed and shivering on the ground.

Even the immortal two great powers can only tremble and be paralyzed under the oppression of Diwei.

Only a few ancient ancestors of the Jiang family, as well as the head of the Jiang family, could barely maintain a standing posture, but they were inevitably shaking violently.

"Under the terrifying power of the Jade Emperor Soldiers, we are all ants!

"Who is it that insists on killing our Jiang family?"

"The behind-the-scenes manipulation of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers, who is the sacred place?

A senior senior of the Jiang family gritted his teeth, feeling angry and powerless.

Feel the power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers sweeping the body and mind...

They were all burnt out.

No more hope.



Under this mighty energy, the square space is constantly shattering and breaking, and a sharp and piercing sound like glass shatters is heard, which spreads far into the distance.

"Except for the recovery of the Great Emperor, no cultivator can block the might of the Jade Emperor.

"At least."

"There is absolutely no such existence in Beidou."

The top executives of the Jiang family hold the same view.


Depressed air swept through the huge Jiang family.

All the upper echelons fell into despair.

at the same time.

outside world.

At the same time, thousands of trillions of monks looked at the Jidao Emperor soldiers who landed on the sky.

Diwei swept across the territory of trillions of miles.

"What a terrifying Diwei!"

"The Jiang family is over!"

"The king of the Jiang family is simply crazy, instead of saving the Jiang family, he actually intends to bombard the enemies who came to attack and kill the Jiang family.

"What a cruel heart!"

Numerous monks were talking about it.

The top powerhouses of the ancient Taoism are also deeply puzzled and confused.

Huge Big Dipper.

All living beings are looking up at the sky, looking in this direction of the Jiang family's residence.

Godless might come to the world!

Let all living beings feel trembling and trembling from the soul.

Thousands of trillions of creatures shivered.

But right now.

without warning

in vain--

The sky suddenly turned dark.

The scorching sun hanging on the horizon was suddenly blocked by a black cloud.

The whole sky turned dark.

All things in heaven and earth...

Overshadowed by it!

The boundless darkness shrouded the ten thousand miles of territory where the Jiang family resided.

The entire sky seemed to be destroyed by collapse.

Can't see five fingers.




(acbc) Space twisted and wriggled wildly.

An extremely terrifying force suddenly descended here.



The terrifying force shattered the space fortress, causing a series of fragmentation of the space.

Void Collapse!

Space collapsed!


An incomparable terrifying mighty force descended from the sky, as if it had crossed the boundary from the endless void, penetrated the space, and descended upon the Jiang family's residence.

This is not the power of the extreme warriors.

but the second...

The terrifying mighty power that is in no way inferior to that of the Jade Emperor!

The Jidao Emperor's soldiers, surrounded by the law of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, slammed into the Jiang family's resident beyond the territory of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000, and it was impossible to see its appearance and shape.

And this time.

Just at the moment when the Jidao Emperor was about to fall.


Space is shattered.

A hand stretched across the trillions of miles of void, as if descending from outside the Nine Heavens, like the hand of an immortal Buddha, protruding from the crack of the broken space and grabbing at the Emperor of Extreme Dao.

A giant hand that covers the sky!

Block the scorching sun on the horizon!

Block out the light completely.

The territory of thousands of miles around seems to be covered with dark clouds.

A giant hand, like a prehistoric beast, smashed the space fortress with extremely terrifying power, crossed the endless void, and came across the border with one hand.

Directly to the extreme emperor soldiers!

Two extremely terrifying forces were rapidly approaching.


getting closer!

It's too late to say it!

The speed of the two forces is terrifying to the extreme, making it impossible to capture their trajectory with the naked eye.

The sky and the earth descended with a series of law lines, wrapped around this giant hand, and the aura of power emanating was even more terrifying, almost destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

This space of heaven and earth could not accommodate the power contained in this hand, and the four directions of space frantically decomposed and shattered, shattering and collapsing like pieces of glass.

Before the two forces collided.

The space with a radius of millions of miles is intertwined with the aftermath of the two forces, and it twists and wriggles crazily, and it seems that it will completely collapse and collapse at any time.

These two forces are too terrifying!

One is the Supreme Dao Emperor Soldier, which contains the powerful laws of the Imperial Dao.

Another force is very mysterious.

Only one giant hand covers the sky and blocks the sun, making everything in the world eclipsed.

No one dared to imagine.

This giant hand of a living creature can actually burst out with a terrifying might that is comparable to that of the Supreme Dao Emperor!

bang one by one

The roar exploded.

The confrontation that erupted from the aftermath of the two forces caused the heaven and earth space here to shatter and rupture, as if the sky was penetrated, and there was a series of deafening loud noises.

Like thunder!

It's like thunder is rolling in.

These are two powers that destroy the world!

Enough to destroy the world!

Any force can smash a few stars of life across trillions of miles.

The collision of these two forces broke out...

It's bound to be terrifying!


It is very likely to shake the entire Eastern Wilderness!

as far as...

Sink half of the Eastern Wilderness!

Strong action shakes the endless territory of Beidou!

The collision of the two forces is very likely to shake the endless starry sky!

Even shake a vast universe!

One after another law pattern, a giant hand that lingers on the sky and crosses the void through the void, contains the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, aiming to grab the pole emperor soldiers.

The five fingers of the giant hand are spread out...

Like the vast sky with its fangs open.

The wisps of the imperial soldiers of the extreme way erupted, and they began to resist violently.

this moment.

The battlefield above the sky...

Become popular!

Thousands of trillions of monks looked up at the sky, their faces full of horror, stunned, shocked, and unbelievable.

All creatures trembled.

The top powerhouses of the ancient Taoism were also shocked and gaffe.

Even some ancient beings who were in a deep sleep woke up from their deep sleep and looked at the terrifying collision above the sky for the first time.

Infinite imperial power swept across the territory of the Great Big Dipper trillions of miles.

"This, this is..."

"What a terrifying collision?!"

"Ji Dao Imperial Soldier and a giant hand?! 95

"what's going on?"

"It's normal that the Jidao Emperor has such terrifying power. But who can explain where the giant hand on the opposite side came from? Where exactly is the giant hand protruding?

"My God! What did I see?!"

"There is an incomparably terrifying supreme being, who even tried to use his bare hands to traverse the endless void, so as to shake the emperor's soldiers with his bare hands?"

"Isn't it? Am I dreaming?

Countless cultivators in the entire Beidou were completely crazy about it.

An ancient existence is full of gaffe.

The upper and lower levels of the Jiang family were collectively stunned, their eyes wide and round, and their faces were full of horror and horror as they stared at the terrifying collision that was about to break out above the sky.

The Jiang Family God King holding the Hengyu Furnace, the Emperor's Soldier, also seemed sluggish at the moment.

Ji Family, Yaochi Holy Land, Taixuan Peak, Zifu Holy Land, Daxia Dynasty, etc., the patriarchs, holy masters, emperors and others of the ancient Taoist lineages were all deeply shocked.

The eyes of the trillions of beings are all gathered on the sky.

Under trillions of eyes.


The giant hand that came from across the border contained vast and mighty power, and a head-on collision broke out with the Ji Dao imperial soldier who was aimed at the Jiang family.

One hand hits the pole soldier from the front!


The law of the infinite imperial way broke out from the imperial soldiers of the extreme way.


The unparalleled power exploded, and the power that was about to destroy the sky and the earth broke out.

destroy everything!

Destroy everything in the world!

The sky seems to be penetrated and broken!

Heaven and Earth trembled violently, being shaken by forceful action!

at the same time.

A giant hand directly held up the Emperor's Armament, and the pattern of laws surrounding the giant hand erupted in an all-round way, and also released a supreme mighty force that would destroy the world.


Both forces are extremely powerful.

Any one of them is enough to sink most of the Eastern Wilderness!


Extremely powerful!

Incomparably vast!

And this moment.

These two destructive forces collided violently from the front.

This is an unprecedented shocking collision!


Destroy all life!


The terrifying air wave exploded, and the entire sky was blown up.

The endless space shattered and burst.

The void collapses!

The unprecedented majestic shock force shattered everything.

Even the air was shattered into particles and disintegrated...

And let this place form a vacuum field.

The boundless shock force spreads thousands of miles away.

This force that is enough to destroy everything seems to be forcibly piercing the entire Big Dipper.

Take advantage of the trend through the endless void!

As if to shake a traceless cosmic starry sky!

boom -

The sky is broken!

The earth is sinking!