
Chapter 3.

Chapter 3: The Deal

Klyntar: 'Partner, wait a second.'

[As he was about to leave the building, he heard her and asked while he stopped.]

V: 'What is something that matters?'

Klyntar: 'We need to gather some information from them before we leave.'

V: 'How they are dead….'

[He interjected feelings a little perplexed somehow and in response his fore-finger changed into a very thin, slightly long needle which he could cool.]

Klyntar: 'Just insert it in their brain and see the result yourself.'

[He did what she instructed as he came closer to the dead boy of the last person or nearest to him.]

V: 'Ohh! This place it's… Wano.'

Klyntar: 'Strange but interesting…. Ohh Haki, world government, pirates, emperors, hmmm indeed, very interesting.'

[As he inserted the needle, all the accumulated memory of the dead person began to flow in them. He saw everything, felt everything from a distance.]

Plantar: 'Did you notice what it showed you?'

V: 'Yeah. It's a very unique place…. Few people are bizarrely strong, almost like unkillable…'

[Both of them attentively observed events for a while, but their knowledge was restricted because it was based only on the dead individual.]

[How could they tell well easily; there were many holes in the information/memory, and they were like a blank in a sentence, which was very obvious to smart people like them.]

Klyntar: 'This world is different from ours….'

V: 'Huh? What do you mean? it's not our world?'

[He was a little perplexed by her remarks, so he later asked her a question since, unlike her, he had not seen the memory shard she had promised to show him later, which contained plenty of secrets.]

Klyntar: 'How about we go somewhere and take advantage of the night quickly.'

V: 'We can do that.'

[Under the cloak of darkness and chilled air, they ventured forth into the uncharted territory that had now become familiar. Drawing from their recollection, they recognized the surroundings as the Kuri region of Wano, a place ingrained in their memory.]

V: 'Hey, Empress, I realized I was hardly utilizing my whole strength as we were battling back then. Could you perhaps explain why you were holding me back?'

[He calmly inquires while running in the obsidian embrace of night, as they navigate a labyrinthine bamboo forest. Shadows cling to the dense foliage, cloaking the path in a shroud of mystery.]

Klyntar: 'Because If I didn't hold, you wasted your power on canon folds. If you are wondering how much I held back, it was around 2/3 of your strength and helped you with precision, focus with an adequate adrenaline boost. Otherwise, there won't be any fatality.'

V: '….. I see. Let's quickly find a place to stay and some food.'

[Not wanting to have a discussion furthermore for now as he has a slight more faith in her that she later disclose this with him, so now he had to focus on other priorities.]

V: 'You know I have numerous questions for you, right.'

[He pointed out that, as he had nothing else to say but wanted to say something.]

Klyntar: 'Yes, V after all, we are life long bonded, companions for eternity. Haha.'

V: 'That was cringe …..but sort of funny.'

[He made an honest remark that she knew to be true and that, as far as he could tell, annoyed her. She did not respond to his remark.]

V: 'Hey, I'm having a little trouble seeing since it's so dark.'

Klyntar: 'Hehe, let me help.'

V: 'Holy shit!!! What happened to my eyes!'

[After her reply, in a blink, everything changed and by everything it means color, the world transformed into a spectrum of radiant hues.]

[The scene unveils a surreal, otherworldly landscape where invisible thermal patterns come to life in captivating visual form.]

Klyntar: 'Its heat signatures; radiate in vibrant colors, with warmer objects glowing bright while cooler ones appear darker.'

V: 'From where di- never mind…. See there is a settlement, we can blend in.'

Klyntar: 'It's a great idea, then we can rest and eat, plus after rest, show you the shard.'

[Standing a few meters away from the village or settlement, they finished talking and calmly walked there.]

???: Hey, you stop!

???: Who are you!

[As he took a few steps in, he was interrupted by some people with hostile intentions toward him. So, he slowly turns around, attempting to portray himself as a non-hostile entity which later could help him in a way or two.]

V: I am V, a foreign travel, a little lost here in Wano an-

???: How can we believe you?

[Before he could finish, he was disturbed by a large man of slightly above average height, who wears a red tengu mask which has an extremely long nose that grows.]

[He wears a black jacket with green poofs along its inner edges over a light gray kimono with purple spots on the bottom. He also wears dark blue puffy trousers and extremely tall geta sandals on his feet.]

V: It's effortless….. If you had tried to fight me like all those beast pirates did, you would have joined the land of the dead. Furthermore, do my clothes not proclaim that I am not from Wano? Just take a good look at yourself.

[He nonchalantly said and threatened them in a way which was later covered up by another fact.]

[His sudden change of approach surprised both of them, even Klyntar was shocked, however she just watched.]

???: You!

[The big nose red mask gramp was started by the bold statement and was about to take out his sword in retaliation, but did notice his last words and observed his clothes which he ignored at first.]

???: You are unarmed and still challenge us.

[A man of average size who was standing next to the red tengu mask spoke. His purple hair was parted into a puffy, pompadour-like shape to the right, and was also tied into a topknot at the back.]

???: Wait benz san he claims, he killed many Beast pirates calm down. We would rather not make more enemies out of him.

Benz: Master, but he might be a spy or something!

[Raising his concerns, the purple haired man interjected his master.]

V: Huh?

[As V was getting bored, he ignored the duo in front, looked around and far away through his thermal sight and saw a huge radiating heat signature which may not belong to a human for sure.]

Animal: *Roaaarrr!!!!!

Women: AHHH!!!

People & Kids: Help!!!

[Then suddenly they heard a very loud roar of a ferocious beast rather than an animal, followed up by multiple shouts filled with dread and horror of villagers as well as children living in the village.]

Master: What just happened in the village!

The big nose, red tengu gramp spoken in unease and distress, staring in the direction of the village.

Benz: Whatever it is, it might be his doing!

Purple hair, masked man blamed while pointing his finger at him and looked at his masters to get a reaction out of him but failed.

V: Man, you really don't like me…. Anyway , let's check the issue at hand.

He said, in a suggestive manner, join them as they rush to see what was happening.

Meanwhile, in the Village of Amigasa.

[It was just another day under the rule of the Beasts Pirates, the lives of the Wano people have been fraught with hardship, oppression, and despair. The Beasts Pirates, led by Kaido, have established a tyrannical regime, exploiting the resources and people of Wano for their own gain.]

[The villages in Wano, such as in Kuri, have been subjected to the brutal control of the Beasts Pirates. The residents endure poverty, hunger, and a constant state of fear.]

[The once-thriving towns like Okobore and Bakura, Amigasa have fallen into disrepair, their inhabitants struggling to make ends meet under the oppressive rule.]

[They enforce strict laws and harsh punishments, leaving the Wano people in constant fear of retribution. They exert control over every aspect of life, suppressing any form of dissent or rebellion.]

[The samurai, once noble and proud warriors, have been reduced to a state of servitude or forced into hiding. The people of Wano have been stripped of their cultural heritage and traditions.]

[The once vibrant and colourful festivals have been suppressed, and the residents are denied the freedom to express their beliefs and celebrate their customs.]

[Yet everyone still clings to their life in hope of a better future or waits for the decade - old prophecy to unfold which was recited by their own Lady Toki, the wife of the daimyo of Kuri and the son of the former shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki, Kuzuki Oden]

[Although many who lost their hope in both of them either gave up their life or without hesitation launched an assault on the beast pirate out of desperation which did not change the result much and died.]


[An old villager alerting everyone with his lung out, terror and fear of death oozing from his face. The other villagers away from the north, initially engrossed in their daily chores, turned their heads towards the North, their curiosity piqued.

???: Roooarrrrr!!!!

[Then, from the heart of the forest, a bone-chilling roar pierced the silence. The villagers froze, a primal fear gripping their souls, one by one, nearby trees began to break down in a straight line which could be observed for a little height.]

Women's: KYAAA!!!

Children: Run!!

Villagers: Everyone runs for your life!

[The entire village was in deep chaos as the beast in the forest finally entered the village.]

---With V------

V: Damn, that seems like fun. I hope you remember our deal….. "Former shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki"

[With a sinister grin on V's face, he spoke, staring at the wild beast far, far away from them spreading mayhem in the village.]

Sukiyaki/Village head: As long as you fulfil your promise.

[He responded with a strict and firm tone while a frown formed on his wrinkled face as his mask lay on the ground and various emotions ranging from shame to rage kept swelled in his mind, but this time he was ready to embrace them for his people.]

[As he in the past once failed his people and paid a hefty price, now he does not desire to let it happen again just because of his fragile ego. As a leader or ruler, he has to pay the price and take responsibility for his people]

Benz: .....

[He remained silent throughout the talk and deal both of them while looking at the ground in shame because of his helplessness in the situation. He clenched his fist tight and took a deep breath to calm himself down.]

I think, I am getting a little lazy here. I assured myself on Thursday that I will for sure update on Friday but *nervous right* you know I forgot....

Anyway here enjoy.

Iamwhatagaincreators' thoughts