
Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Exploring Haki

[The purple-haired man eventually spoke, breaking the prolonged silence he had kept moments earlier as his companion was being reprimanded by an unidentified man with words that were as sharp as knives as he watched the unknown foreigner slowly fade away into the pitch-black night.]

Banzaburo: I can't take it anymore, Sukiyaki. Why did you offer him those swords, why are you trusting an unknown foreigner so much! Don't you fee-

[He yelled for the first time in many years, letting his long-endured rage and emotion get the better of him and then whatever he said was out of pure helplessness, pain, and misery he had seen and felt.]

Sukiyaki: Banzaburo…. That young man spoke a lot of words… And those words hurt deeply. Deeper than any blade.

[An elderly, wrinkled man interrupted his devoted follower and spoke in an unusually upsetting and sorrowful tone, silencing his comrade once more.]

[Based on his emotions, he stopped ranting after hearing his old friend's deep words filled with anguish. As he drew nearer, he was horrified to see him sobbing quietly.]

Banzaburo: .... One day Lady Toki's Prophecy will unfold.

[He said a few encouraging words while patting his back a little.]

Sukiyaki: You know, hearing his harsh and lethal words, one thing I can say for sure is he will help us. One way or another, if we approach him with a correct reward.

[the Old man continued, suppressing his feelings and his prejudice-filled thoughts. This time, he spoke from his four to five decades of expertise. For a man who commanded a country and was afterward betrayed by numerous individuals, he was good at reading words and the intention behind them.]

Banzaburo: …..If you trust him with just guts, then so do I….. But please don't think of committing a senpuku.

[He sighs as he gives up on scolding him anymore, with a convincing expression on his face he also puts his faith in his guts.]

[Remembering what Sukiyaki once attempted in the same shameful situation, he advised him in a serious manner and then they both rushed toward the village.]

With V----

V: Before you say or ask the obvious, I am just going to help this town, no…. This country is a little because I want to reap numerous benefits before I leave.

[V explains himself in simple and firm words, as he could feel what she was about to ask him and then where she could take this topic then make it sensitive or complicated for him.]

Klyntar: I know… and I don't object because what helps you to become strong will indirectly help me get stronger. Hence, a win-win situation.

[She stated her point and was surprised that he could tell what sort of she was about to ask.]

Klyntar: How will you kill him?

[She inquires out of curiosity and imagines what kind of monster they will be facing now.]

V: I thought you had a surprise for me or something.

[He asked as until now she had presented him with various impressive abilities, and he now was lightly eager to know what she will show.]


[The scream was raw, filled with an untamed rage and anguish that reverberated in the village, through every syllable.]

[It contained an unyielding force, as if the very essence of fear itself had taken shape and found its voice. It echoed with a piercing sharpness, cutting through the silence like a blade through flesh.]

Klyntar: I guess someone is angry.

V: About killing him…. Can you help with Haki? Fighting that thing is almost impossible with that stuff.

Klyntar: Yup, I will.

[V reached closest to the monster and both stared at each other.]

V: That's shit is wild.

[He commented as he was taken aback by the appearance of the monster.]

[Standing next to him was a terrifying creature unknown to him. That struck fear into all who saw it. With a lion's head, sharp fangs, and a hunger for flesh, it instilled terror.]

[Its goat's body granted immense strength and agility, aiding its navigation through treacherous terrain. A venomous serpent coiled at its tail, poised to strike.]

V: ....' That vision I saw for a mere moment as it rea-.'

[V was observing the hideous beast with focus, and suddenly, he saw a short vision which lasted about 5–6 seconds.]

[In that vision he stood next to this beast without fear and on the other hand, the beast charged and fired a bluish-green color flame in a straight line from his mouth. To counter this, he slides down under the beast.]

[So back in reality, things happened at 100% accuracy, he felt like it was a déjà vu but with a long span.]

[As the beast's priorities were to cause destruction and harm, he focused on it and thought his fire had engulfed the man who stood for in front of him, hence finished him, ]

[While V stood under his body, clenching his fist tightly.]

Klyntar: 'Perform an elbow uppercut with everything you got.'

[She instructed with a strict tone. With any hesitation, he did as per her order.]

[He crouches, pushes himself with all his strength, aiming at his belly. As he reached near his belly, he performed some acrobatic spins to gain some more momentum for extra impact.]

[With a good sense of timing, balance, and coordination, he delivered an unorthodox angle of the strike, incapacitating the beast in combat upon the impact.]

[After executing a devastating attack, V landed on the ground and felt drained; stamina-wise plus physically tired for some reason. On the other hand, the beast who once looked like might cause the end of the village, turns out to be human; a man, around the end of his 30's.]


With other------

Banzaburo: H- He did it….. I thought he died in the fire.

[Purple haired old man muttered while he stuttered in disbelief as he saw V getting devoured by the hungry bluish-green flame.]

[Over the time, he has created an image for all outsider/foreigner that they are all the same.]

[Greedy, hungry, and savages like beast pirates. Want nothing more than chaos and destruction of their land; Wano for selfish desire. Can go to any length just to get their work done.]

[And no one can blame him for being cautious, as he had seen so much at this point that he didn't expect any good from outsiders.]

Sukiyaki: I told you Banzaburo, he will help us. 'But even I don't expect him to finish the beast without getting seriously wounded. Why do I feel like I am forgetting something…. Nevermind.'

[He said with a matter-of-fact tone and thought while rubbing his chin confused.]

[As the duo reached the dangerous area, the first thing they did was to finish evacuating villagers from the north part of the village to a safe area. Everyone in the village, including him, saw what happened.]

[Following the intimidating staring contest, the beast breathes out a sort of demonic fire without any mercy, burning every single house in the north, even engulfing the unknown man.]

[Unable to see him, they assumed he died, a painless death as they did not hear him scream at all. However, later their jaws dropped with widened eyes in astonishment as the beast was down, incapacitated.]

[V emerged from the billowing dust cloud, standing tall and triumphant. His clothes tattered, and his whole body was streaked with sweat, he had just felled the ferocious beast that had terrorized their village.]

[The villagers, awestruck and filled with gratitude, erupted into a thunderous cheer from afar.]

Back to V ------

V: Was that Haki power, damn it was fun.... Now, I want to rest for awhile- *Bam

[V asked with a fascinated voice; later an overwhelming exhaustion overcame him, his vision blurred, and his legs gave way beneath him. He crumpled to his knees, his body refusing to bear the weight of his fatigue any longer.]

[With a final gasp, V succumbed to unconsciousness. His body slumped forward, collapsing onto the ground with a thud.]

[Silence enveloped the scene, broken only by the distant echoes of his village rushing to check up on him.]

Klyntar: 'It was too much for him…. Perhaps he needs more training to master Haki, maybe 3–4 years at max with me.'

[She supposed while attempting to heal his exhaustion quickly by manipulating his body chemicals.]

Sukiyaki: Kid, are you fine.

Banzaburo: He is fine, but too fatigued to move. He must have used all his power in a single blow.

[He informed Sukiyaki as he checked on the kid's condition.]

Sukiyaki: Take him to the healer while I prepare his reward.

[He spoke back in a casual manner. He then started to move towards his home.]

Banzaburo: Do you want to kill him with that reward…. This is how you show kindness to the hero who saved us.

[His voice betrayed his concern as he questioned Sukiyaki, who didn't respond much and continued to walk.]

Sukiyaki: I think he can pull this off. He has some crazy potential plus, you saw him, he killed many beast pirates and that beast.

Banzaburo: ...... Fine, do whatever you want.

I was slightly unmotivated to write. It happens many times now and then but this time I really took my time.

Also this kind of breaks help me to expand my imagination which help me to write a better plot and finish chapter.

Anyway, enjoy.

Iamwhatagaincreators' thoughts