
Chapter 2.

Chapter 2: Fatalities after the memory wipe

Doppelgänger women: It means we are ''One unit''.

[She responded, emphasizing the last two words and taking a pause.]

Red Head: Elaborate.

[He asked in a demanding tone, continuing to stare into her eyes as if he would catch her up if she lied while letting his guard down a little.]

Klyntar: My name is Klyntar, the first and oldest founder of symbiotes, and you are Vir, V for short, my last host.

V: ... 'Is that really my name…'

[Vir or V did not respond as the name she speaks did not trigger any memory or sort of effect in his mind at all howsoever, inside he was a little skeptical either to trust her or not about his identity.]

Klyntar: See, I know you have doubts about this mess, but I have many ways to prove it to you if it pleases you.

V: 'How did she know….' "You said we are one,. Does that mean like…. You can read my thoughts and telepathy stuff.

Klyntar: Exactly. I know you are damn smart.

[She spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.]

V: 'You also feel my emotions too, then.'

[He asked in his mind in an unsure tone as he slowly began to understand and connect small missing dots, and his question was answered by a head nod.]

V: Wait a second, if we are one, how is it possible you still hold on to your memories while I suffer a memory loss that doesn't make sense?

Klyntar: That because…. I have this.

V: What's that?

[He inquired, staring at the shiny diamond-shaped object she was holding with curiosity.]

Kyntar: It's a memory shard. It's one of my special abilities to see the past I stored in the back of my mind or consciousness, whatever you prefer.

[While she was explaining the item nonchalantly which she was holding in her hand, he walked toward her, getting a little closer just to examine the shining item because he was curious.]

Klyntar: Just touch it, and it will activate on its own.

V: So what do you want to show me with this?

Klyntar: Try to guess it.

V: 'It must be something which may help you to make me believe in you….'

[As she asked him to guess the probability of what she wanted to show him. He goes into a deep thinking process.]

V: 'Some old memories of us perhaps… It may be our first encounte-'

[Thinking of the most optimum option, he reached a 100% correct conclusion which he didn't know was right, however, was interrupted by her unexpected reaction.]

Klyntar: Shit! They found us.

[She exclaimed, and for the first time panic was apparent in her voice with widened eyes.]

Plantar: We are in grave danger V. You have to wake up now otherwise it will be too late.

V: How can I wake up…? I have no clue.

Klyntar: You can watch the memory shard later, partner. Now just think about how you feel when you wake up, or I will wake you up with a little force.

[The first two parts came in a hurry; however, the last part delivered a shiver down his spine as he could feel her sinister intent behind her words.]

V: Damn it, wake up!!!

[He raged up, pinching himself up. For a few moments, he attempted to wake himself up, but it all failed miserably.]

Klyntar: 3….. 1

[Observing the situation was getting hopeless with every second passing by, she immediately took things into her hands as both of their lives were compromised.]

[With an absolutely rigged countdown, she with a grin on her face, electrocuted him without holding back.]

V: Hhhaaaaaaavvvvvvv! I woke up…..

[He shortly came back to reality, with a startled yelp because of the method he woke up. He coughs and pants a little.]

[But before he could adjust, he heard Klyntar's alarmed warning in his head.]

Klyntar: Leap right!


[And he did what was instructed without hesitation or delay, otherwise, the outcome would be death.]

Pirate 1: Interesting…. You are still alive….

Pirate 2: Boss, he is still kicking. Want me to finish him?

[As he slowly stood up, got his senses back on. He saw 3 figures standing in front of him, holding swords and something akin to a handgun.]

[Three of them were human, more specifically men in their 30's. Discussing him or what to do; whatever they chose their intention was obvious as a bell, which was to harm him.]

Boss: ….. No. We have many more useful ways to deal with survivors.

[After a long pause, whosoever their boss replied.]

Klyntar: V now that you are adjusted in the physical body. Are you interested in seeking some thrill?

[Through telepathy, she asked him.]

[In her voice he could sense there was a spark of excitement like she was eager to show him something, so in the end, he quickly agrees]

Pirate 1: Like sell him to World nobles. Or auction him later. Sell him to mad scientists working under Big Mommy. I have heard he was giving a heavy reward on such specimens.

Pirate 2: How about we give him to the Queen. He will for sure reward us with something.

Boss: Silence….. I have decided. We wil-

[As the hostile figures were busy among themselves, it was the best opportunity for both of them to engage in a fight. As nothing could be better than a distracted foe to take advantage from.]

V: Let's do this!

[He said with little excitement as he clenched both his fists.]

Boss: Huh?

[The conversation between the trio ended, and they looked at their prey.]

[V didn't like the golden opportunity to go to waste, so he acted swiftly by pulling his right hand a little back and attempting to hold the fat person first who was the second pirate by his neck.]

[His hand extended 6 meters ahead with a firm grip on the fat man. The texture of his extended part of his hand changes its color into a dark but shiny green, slimish thing.]

[Then he quickly pulls the man toward himself and welcomes him with a little spin elbow strike aiming at his jaw. With minimum of momentum and sheer inhuman raw power behind the assault; upon impact the fat man was dead and the shattering of his jaw echoed in the big room.]

[As the sensation of adrenaline spread in his body, he felt great for the moment and confronted the second in line, which was the slim man with blond hair.]

Boss & Pirate 1: HE HAD DEVIL FRUIT POWER!!!

[The duo together yelled out loud, however no one was nearby their location who could hear or even help them. Still in shock as the unexpected event took place, the boss was flinched out, nonetheless could not be said for the slim blond.]

[He took the combat stance as he saw the devil fruit holder had reached him already, which surprised him. He also moved forward to punch V in the face, but V easily blocked that as if his punch held no strength behind them.]

[V then processed to counter with a grab attack, as he continued using his left hand and grabbed behind the neck. Pull his head lower while he jumps sufficiently in his right knee, hence smash his face as rough as possible; in the end also eliminate him.]

[At this point the boss understood the difference between the mad bloodthirsty man in front and him was beyond what he could imagine. Therefore, the only thing left to do was.]

Boss: FUCK RUNNN!!!!!

[He again yells out of pure dread and fright, but has a slight advantage because he was standing just a meter away from the door.]

Plantar: Finish him!

[She announced with a hint of sadistic tone in it, to which V just ignored and pulled his hand slightly again.]

[The Boss held the door knob/handle still, he couldn't pull that and felt strange, as if his body didn't have any strength left. As he looked down, he found there was a giant hole in his chest and every organ inside was missing completely. Just like that, he fell down numb, died.]

Klyntar: Fatality, V wins!

V: That was intense…. Tell me am I like this all bloody and all.

[He admitted as all the adrenaline evaporates from his body and he felt tired. With a deep breath, he observed the bloody scene in front of him. Blood everywhere, dead bodies, internal organs.]

Klyntar: How about before you judge yourself like this, just after finding a safe place and eating food with a little rest, we watch that shard together… partner.

[There were strange worries and concerns in her words for him or his mental well-being, which for a second made him believe they were indeed; might be friends]

Oh man writing this chapter was as fun as tiring. I used up all my imagination.

The third chapter will be updated at the end of the weekend.

2 chaps per week as it helps me maintain my imagination which in the end helps to increase the quality of a chapter, I hope enjoynjoy and understand.

Words limits 1400-2K per chap.

Iamwhatagaincreators' thoughts