
Chapter 1.

Chapter 1: Just a confusing beginning.

Third-person POV

A messy red–haired boy can be seen, stirring in bed, gradually emerging from a deep slumber.

As the bright light enveloped the surrounding area, a sharp, pulsating pain shot through his temples, causing him to wince and clutch his head in agony.

{A/N: I am not using their names here, as it is not disclosed between their talk.}

Redhead: ugh, my fucking head!

[He tries to hold his head with both hands to lessen the pain, but it doesn't work. Eventually, the ache slowly goes away as if it never happened.]

[He started to think through the new issue he had at hand—or rather, in front of him—even if the painful headache had since subsided.]

[He glanced at the vast white, empty area around him, which was nothing more than a blank canvas waiting to be used or painted..]

Redhead: .... 'Where? Why and what?'

[He was in a complete state of confusion but preferred to stay calm and rational instead of panicking as if it were his forte. Countless questions arise in his mind related to him and the place he was in because.]

Redhead: I don't remember a single shit…..

[In the end, he made an admission while frowning. He sighs in frustration as he tries in vain to remember further distant recollections.]

Redhead: 'I need to think… There must be a strong reason I am here. Otherwise, why would I be here?'

[He sat cross-legged on the ground and encouraged himself as he thought.]

[He closes his eyes, giving a final and last shot.]

Redhead: 'If I now fail…' He thought but halted whatever he was doing as he felt someone's presence behind him.

[Unaware of it, he moves quickly and solely based on reflexes, turns around, and then freezes in place while staring at the person in front of him.]

[an almost exact clone of himself, but in a female body. When it was his female doppelgänger, a surge of amazement and admiration for his feminine self washed over him.]

{A/N: I guess he remembers how he looks….}

[He didn't allow his attention to be diverted by her allure, though.]

Redhead: Who the hell are you? 'God damn, I am quite….ho-'

[He asked with a neutral tone and a straight expression while also thinking, but before he could finish, her quick aggressive movement cut him off.]

[At that moment, as his guard down, and he unsuspectingly

faced her, the consequences swiftly unfolded.]


[Before he could react, a chilling realization struck.]

[In a fraction of a second, her nail transformed into a deadly sharp spear, piercing through his skull, penetrating his brain.]

Doppelgänger women: Don't worry, it won't hurt like hell and it's worth the shot.

[He can hear her murmuring in a low voice, and from the way she spoke to him, it seemed as though she had known him for a very, very long time.]

Red Head: Huh?

[He responded, getting a little perplexed by her words.]

[Her comments, which to him sounded like she was toying with him or particularly teasing him with a context only she knew as he recently lost his memory, somehow genuinely enraged him.]

[And that was not the only issue because the stab didn't hurt him actually, nor did he die on the spot, which makes her statement true, which in a way makes him feel frustrated.]



[His yell was filled with annoyance, his voice echoing through the sterile environment.]

[After he blinked, he found himself in a thoroughly different location and was surrounded by the cold, clinical walls of a hospital-like research laboratory, with strange equipment and unfamiliar faces around.]

Redhead: 'Just what is happening…'

[He said to himself in his mind in a tired tone.]

Red Head: That's strange…

[He said, although he shouted pretty loudly, no one was affected around him by that as if they could not hear him in the first place, then he proceeded to walk around the lab searching for answers.]

Doppelgänger women: So you are finally her-

[Later, taking a short stroll around, he heard an awfully familiar voice belonging to none other than his female replica who was just behind him.]

[So the first thing he did was to strike his elbow backward reflexively at her abdomen with a great force, stopping her mid-sentence.]


[The force of the blow caused her to clutch her stomach in agony while kneeling down, and she whimpered and spat.]

Redhead: Even though I lost my memories but after getting even with you, I can certainly vouch to you that I am someone who always pays back and never lives in someone's debt.

[He proudly announced with a grin on his face as he looked down at her.]

Doppelgänger women: Motherfucker!

[She cursed in agony, but quickly recovered from his assault and slowly stood up without hostility toward him.]

Redhead: I have reached the limit to tolerating your childish behavior whoever you are to me….. So can you disclose everything, or do I have to do it the hard wa-

[He stated in a serious tone with a cold stare, which was sufficient to convince her that enough is enough.]

Doppelgänger women: You never cease to amaze me, partner.

[She admitted while interrupting him in between, brushing off the dust from her clothes.]

'He caught me off guard as I didn't expect that he would take such drastic decisions even after with no memories.'

[She thought as still, he had his unpredictable personality, which was surprising as generally people change by forgetting their old memory.]

Redhead: What do you mean by partner?

[Narrowing his eyes, he inquired while he crossed his arms.]

Doppelgänger women: It means we are.

Though I wrote a chapter I still didn't finalize the MC name mind sparing me some names.

If I like it big thanks, guys. Anyway, enjoy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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