
Jungle Law- survive or die

when the new era begins, Tom finds himself stuck in the test zone. when he came back from the test zone he finds many things have been changed, in order to survive he needs to grow quickly or he would die by the jungle rule.

kumarayush3760 · Urban
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3 Chs

Test- Round 2

Just by holding a short sword and shield, Tom was filled with hope. It can be seen from his body posture and the glare in his eyes are very different maybe it's the effect of the items? Or maybe his soul has started taking shape into something unseen that's why he is standing fearless straight facing the werewolf with his shield and short sword. The werewolf has also noticed it, they both are staring at each other, again there is silence in the room.

The werewolf is cautious this time, he knows whoever moves first will take a blow, having a short sword and shield made the difference, seeing this werewolf quickly move back. 'What? Now you sacred of me ha!' Tom shouts at the werewolf, but the werewolf was just preparing for his attack, he puffs his chest out like he is also going to shout back at Tom, but it was a very loud howl.



"What no not now, that was this bastard skill, I am unable to move…wait, my legs they are trembling! no way!!...no he is coming! I have to do something!" with Tom in the effect of skill 'Howl'. The werewolf didn't waste any time he dashed after him, seeing the werewolf running towards him he knew he have to do something as fast as possible but something was different this time for Tom.

"I need to do something if I don't want to die, but something is different why he is slow? Soo slow?" Tom is thinking so fast that he even doesn't know? The slow feeling of Werewolf was not because of the items he equipped. It is a natural trait of the human body, where adrenaline rushes throughout the whole body so that we can overcome tough situations. That adrenaline was pumping ten times faster due to Fear by 'Howl' of the werewolf. Just imagine if the heart beats at 80-90 times per minute at the adrenaline rush, then due to skill effect, it is 10 times that is 800-900 times per minute.

Without wasting any time, he bites his lips and just tilts a little right to bonce off the werewolf attack. The werewolf claws bump and bounce back with this Tom use his skill 'Stab' and land a hit on the werewolf. With a super wicked smile, like seriously which is good on some bad, most vicious evil guys Tom says 'did it sting too bad? haa…. how was it wolfy? The next one will make shit!'.

"hahaha that felt good but that thing didn't do any good damage only 60 hp gone" they clash again werewolf strikes very heavily on the shield, although the shield absorbs some of the damage,47 hp of Tom is gone with that one strike. "Aah fuck this bastard strike" then again, they clash taking damage and hitting each other, now Tom is left with 8 hp and werewolf with 320 hp.

"This is not good, this damn monster is so tough! He is fast, strong, and not to mention this annoying healing power of his taking up my all damage!" once again Tom was in a tough spot, he struggles to hold ground against the werewolf. "just like before, at first attack if I can see him slowly, just like before somehow." The adrenaline rush which Tom hadn't realized took place in the first strike had already gone at the moment when he bite his lips to move from fear effect. The werewolf takes his last strike and Tom is thrown back with 0 hp.








"This time I need to do it fast, I need to move fast as fastest possible" with this mindset he started again. Block and stab with swift movements as fast possible by a mere body of a weak young man was all he can do. The only change was that the length of every match was increasing with his death, it means he is lasting longer or maybe he is becoming tougher although the increase in length of time is just a few minutes, it's increasing something is changing.

guys leave comments, i know only few are reading but feel free to drop any random comment, and yeah support me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! (line stolen from -fast phrases)

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