
Jungle Law- survive or die

when the new era begins, Tom finds himself stuck in the test zone. when he came back from the test zone he finds many things have been changed, in order to survive he needs to grow quickly or he would die by the jungle rule.

kumarayush3760 · Urban
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3 Chs

Test- End








"Speed I need more…more speed" with frowned eyes and again in battle stance looking at the werewolf. Many rounds of battle have already ended with the same result- the death of Tom. The only thing which changed was the duration of battle that Tom Fought was increasing, this may seem a little detail but it values way more.

'Be ready wolfy' tom says and rushes towards the werewolf, he blocks the incoming attack of the werewolf by the shield and stab him in the lower abdomen, then he swiftly moves back making some distance to avoid the incoming attack 'Slash' and without wasting any time he jumps over the werewolf and does a critical hit on the werewolf back.

The werewolf immediately tries to move back but with a cunning smile 'oh, I know don't be angry wolfy, you wanna heal' and stabs on the werewolf's legs making him immobilize for moments.

'This will be our last fight wolfy, I know all the moves you try sorry to say you but you have to die this time' tom says and stabs the werewolf in the head, and land a critical hit again.

This many changes in Tom were not because of some special skill, it was his will which forged his soul into a reaper that can penetrate anything. Fighting, again and again, the same monster helped him learn all about the monster's movements and its weak points, and he landed critical hits.

The one most important part was his death also, there may be not any physical changes after his death but each time he dies he gains something which is the tactic, to defeat the werewolf. Every round the monster is the same so, he gains all the info about the monster like its time of healing, attack patterns, and weak points.

'Well now the time'







'what the heck, this damn system is praising me?' tom says in a little annoyed tone but inside he was happy to see this message.




'What changes in my status?'

The test shield and short sword started to disappear, and the surroundings also began to disappear. everything around him vanishes into the air like smoke and the whole room is filled with white light.

'wow, something beautiful is happening'



Eyes filled with tears, and with full of happiness he shouts 'HOME!! Yeah, my home!'


'Train going to Noida from Delhi will soon arrive at platform no. 5. Passengers, please pay attention I repeat train...'

Everyone on the station rather than hearing what the announcer has to say they were all staring at Tom, it's not as he is a foreigner but he shouted way too loud in the station that everyone's attention is now on him!

'Mommy see that uncle is crying' a little girl pointed finger and speak, which break the sudden silence in the atmosphere. Her mommy holds her up and whispers 'it's bad to pint fingers on strangers, dear'.

Everybody got back to their own pace and Tom blended in the crowd, but Tom was stopping tears to come out but it won't, these tears were not of sorrow but of happiness of one who return to his home after a long and tiresome journey.

He walks outside of the station takes a deep breath land says 'I should go home, and have dinner together with family.

He walks around the street and he sees many things have changed, "it may be months since I have returned" different buildings, people wearing strange outfits like they are cosplaying, some people talking on strange things (smartphones) but he tried to ignore all of them because he wants to see his family first.

"I am home, many things changed but my house is the same" standing at the front door he gives a big smile and enters.

'NOOOOO!!!!!!.... Please stop this' someone screams from the house.

Tom rushes in to see who scream out, but what he sees is, an old man who resembles his father bowing down, crying and holding the legs of a stranger and getting kicked, again and again, the old woman who seems to be his mother trying to protect his old husband and being pushed back, and a girl who seem to be in the twenties crying and shouting just like his sister who is being harassed by a fat bald guy.

The happiness he felt before all flew away and is filled with rage and anger. Same, no even greater than the time he felt against the werewolf. Without wasting any breath he punches the guy who is holding his sister, the guy flew away and hits the wall and broke it the same way pencil pears paper and made a hole in it, all the strange guys run to save the bald guy.

Tom turns to his sister with tears in his eye he says ' hey you are grown this much but you still cry a lot han?' her sister sees him and recognizes him and with a full burst of tears she says ' Yesss.. because hic…hu you took..hic..hic…so long dummy!'

happy new year

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