
Jujutsu Kasien (Alternative universe)

Just like Jjk universe but I add some character in different anime but to fit in, we need to change a little bit (Sorry for my English because I'm not native speaker)

benjamin717 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Trainning and time skip

After that night, Minato and Shinji begin to trainning their power, Minato begin to train with his famous Hiraishin no jutsu and other element jutsu, Shinji on the other hand is trainning his Zanjutsu and other Shinigami abilities. 

A month later, Minato realize that he can only use Hiraishin, and the energy he use not Chakra but instead curse energy, the same go with Shinji he can only use his Zanpakutou but not other abilities, the energy he use also curse energy not Reiryoku. 

Their signature abilites has become their innate technique. After discovered this, Minato and Shinji change their plans instead trying to achieve all their anime characters abilities, now they try to first perfect the innate technique and create some new technique. 

Time skip to went they are 16 (2010) 8 years before the mainstory begin 

Now they are in highschool, Minato was very famous for the obvious reason, on the other hand Shinji was hilarious, comical and have the talent that was writing things in backward. They studied in different class and had different position but they sill bestfriend also the top 1 and top2 smartest student. 

In the morning they just like other student, but in the night they exorcize the Curse Spirit (at this time none of them able to use curtian to conceal thier action). Minato after ten years of trainning is abke to use Hiraishin to any place he want but he must marks the target with his techique formula (jutsu-shiki), he also make the famous Kunai but not much. Shinji now able to use his Shikai Sakanade and able to create Inverted World (Sakasama no Sekai). The effect of the Inverted World can be targeted at or neglected from specific opponents, making it ideal for use in group fighting. 

At this time both our genius also came up with some new technique. It were Spiralling Sphere (Rasengan) and Flash Steps (Shunpo). To perform Rasengan, users gather chakra in the palm of their hand, which they spin rapidly in multiple directions in order to contain the Curse Energy into a spherical shape. The Rasengan grinds into whatever it comes into contact with, doing extensive damage until the spinning Curse Energy dissipates. While Shunpo is a movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps 

This night like other nights, they continue to exorcize the Grade 1 Curse Spirit. Shinji imidiately use Shunpo to close the distance and slash the spirit follow by that Minato use the Kunai he throw behind the monster and teleport to that Kunai. After that the blonde stab it in the throat it another Kunai in his hand. While they exorcizing in the abandoned factory, a human shadow appears, it was Gojo Satoru. 

He said: "Look like I have some problem, the higher-ups not gonna like this". 

Shinji thought: "AHH Shit! Why he's here, the strongest alive". 

Minato smile and say: "Sorry for this, we just gonna leave now". 

Gojo now has interest in them and then he respond: "Both you think you can run after create so much problem. I have a offer for you two, I want you to join the Kyoto Prefectural Jujutsu High School and become the part of Jujutsu world, I have keep my eyes on you for a while and im very impress. I think you guys gonna be great Jujutsu sorcerers". 

That the end of this chapter. If you guy want to suppor me my PayPal is: @Benjamin1505