
Jujutsu Kasien (Alternative universe)

Just like Jjk universe but I add some character in different anime but to fit in, we need to change a little bit (Sorry for my English because I'm not native speaker)

benjamin717 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: New beginning

After being killed by robbers, they reincarnated into JJK world as orphans with all the memories of the previous life. After a few moments of realizing. 

One of them shouted: "AHHH!!! Look like we are turned into a child" and looks aroud orphange (they are in appearance of a 6 years old child).

The other says in shock after look at his friend: "Why do you look like young Hirako Shinji in Bleach" and points at him. 

He turns around to see the boy who said that with a surprise and say "And you look like young Minato. What happens to us!" 

While both of them are in shock, don't know what to do yet, a old woman with a pink apron stand behind them and speak: "Shinji, Minato time to eat lunch, don't  stand still there. Now, they look around them and realise they are orphans in a orphange located at Kyoto, their name now Hirako Shinji and Namikaze Minato, they were primary student, study at local primary school. Shinji has a blonde staight cut, brown eyes and many of his facial expressions reveal his upper teeth. Minato in the other hand has blue eyes and spiky blonde hair, fair-skinned.

After a few month in this world, they now get use to it. They live happily with everyone, sleep together in a small bedroom with two small beds with a lamp in between, the room also has two chairs and two tables with some books, a wardrobe. They are famous but in different way, while Minato is a handsome boys, a genius, a kind person and very popular with girls at orphange and school, Shinji on the other hand is somewhat comical, adding a bit of levity to situations that are otherwise serious, normally speaking in a Kansai dialect. 

Time flies like an arrow, they have been living in this world for 4 months. Everyday for them just like the others, they thought this would be normal like previous life until one night. That  night like every other night, while they sleep something has broke into the room. It slowly crawl to Minato bed and grab his right leg. This make him awake and see a disgusting creature, it walk in four legs, green skin, look like a dog. He use all he has to get it out of him and he make it, the noises also make Shinji awake and they try to kill it by using chair, table, even lamp and finally they success. 

The battle of them made everyone in the orphange. The adults rushed to their room and all they saw was a messy room. The boys tried to convince that their a monster in their room. Unfortunately, only them can see it. The next morning, they was blamed for their behavior, action. Now they has realied that this world is not normal. And to defense themselves they need power.

Shinji thinks: "If I has the appearance of him then I must have his power the same go with Minato. But I don't know where to find my Zanpakutou" 

Finally Shinji says: "I need to find my Zanpakutou and you need know how to use jutsu" 

Minato agrees: "I agree, we need power to protect ourselves" 

After finding almost every places in the orphanage accept his very own room, Shinji decide to give it a try, then finally he found it in a secret  shelf behind the wardrobe. "Yes, I know god love me" said Shinji. But the sword is in the sealed form so it just like normal katana, and it was so hard to use for a six years old kid. 

After that day, they met a lot of monster just like the one they kill, and some of them look familiar, now Minato just realize that: "I think we are in the JJK world" 

Shinji respond:" What bro, really, like for real.... then we are doomed" 

Shinji continue:" This world is dangerous, full of monster and death, and the best thing is we don,t know this world clearly, I'm Bleach fan and you is naruto fan" 

Minato say: "I think we should train now in order to survive in this world. what do you say Shinji" 

Shinji answer: "I agree with you"

The current years is 2000, 6 years The Hidden Inventory/Gojo's Past Arc, 18 years before the start of the series. 

If you guys like the story please add it in your library, you can also support me at PayPal: @Benjamin1505