
Jujutsu Kasien (Alternative universe)

Just like Jjk universe but I add some character in different anime but to fit in, we need to change a little bit (Sorry for my English because I'm not native speaker)

benjamin717 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Jujutsu highschool in Kyoto

Shinji surprises and says: "Do you think I belive in you. You don't look that reliable" 

The man with withe hair in full black ask: "Haizzz do I lool like I'm a bad guy to you?" 

The blonde with his katana answer: "Yes. We can't believe to someone who suddenly appear, right Minato?" 

Minato finally speak: "We think we cannot believe what you said, unless we see it. Obviously we will not try to fight you or what, cause you look really powerful." 

Gojo now smile and says: "Ok, what about you guys spend a month in Kyoto Jujutsu highschool. I promise it won't be disappointing." 

After a few second Shinji answer: "Sound good don't you think Minato?". The spiky blonde nod his head. "But we don't know your name yet Mr man in black" said Shinji 

Gojo now happily says: "My name is Gojo Satoru. Strongest Jujutsu sorcerer. Tomorrow , I will come and pick you up aroud 9am. Now come home and pack up your lunggages." 

Minato says: "We will ready by that time tomorrow. Thank you for your offer." 

"Nothing by the way I'll look for your performance. Bye bye" after said thay he teleported away 

"By the way, how the hell he know our addresss?" Shinji wonder 

The next morming, everything is ready, they are now waiting for Gojo to appear. After a couple minutes, the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer appear in a black luxurious car. This make their neighbor and other orphans curious. Soon as he steps out of the car, Satoru says: "Good morning, I come here to pick you guys up. Now put yours luggages in the trunk behind the car." As soon as he said that, they was behind the car to put the lunggages in the trunk. Now they are in the second row seats of the car, Gojo in the other hand in driver position.

After an hour, the car had came to a very traditional complex in the jungle outside of Kyoto. The car stop and all three of them step out. "So this is the Kyoto Jujutsu Highschool. It look very tradition." said Minato 

"Jeez, this play is huge, how many money do they have to own this land." Shinji is surprised with the school campus at they walk across it and head to the main building. While walking Gojo explain for two blond about this school: " Kyoto Prefectural Jujutsu High School commonly referred to as Kyoto Jujutsu High, is the sister school of Tokyo Jujutsu High. It is one of only two jujutsu educational institutions in Japan dedicated to fostering the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers." 

"Now you two gonna meet the principal, Mr Gakuganji." Satoru adds. As they walk in the main building, an old man appears with an elongated bald head, a huge, thick, light colored eyebrows that curve down at the edge of his face, and a light colored goatee and multiple piercings, such as a nose ring, two piercings on his lower lips, three piercings on each of his upper ears, and one on each of his large earlobes. 

"Oh Mr principal nice to meet you, It's been a long time since we meet. I got you some presents." Gojo smile while talk to th old man 

"So these are the two famous people who are not sorcerers kill a bunch of Curses." The old man said. "Yes it is and I've just convinced them to learn here for one month. Do you agree Mr Gakuganji" The man in all black outfit answered. "I agree with you Gojo Satoru. Greeting you two my name is Yoshinobu Gakuganji, Principal of Kyoto Prefectural Jujutsu High School" Gakuganji greet the blondes. 

"Honor to meet you, my name is Namikaze Minato" Minato smile and greet back to him. "Hello old man, my name is Hirako Shinji" Shinji also introduce himself. 

And that the end of this chapter. You guy can support me at PayPal: @Benjamin1505