
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


In the morning till the afternoon we travel non stop intending to visit the village. And at night we wheir finally able to see the village from far maybe only I was able to see. With the further we went the more I saw farm's , cattles basically all the normal animals of earth wheir also found in this world. But saw no villager thinking ofcource this world is full of danger and no one would work at night.

I also noticed their whier very few lights that would help only barely to see things but for me It doesn't matter. Finally I could see the entrance with two guards standing on both side with spears in their hands.

Guard of the village saw the carriage but when came close, And seeing the face of the merchant they didn't stop them or done anything knowing full well that he was special guest of the cheif of the village.

We didn't stop the carriage anywhere and went straight towards the middle area of the village I saw some beastkin on the street but was way less then compare to town.


In the middle of the village. The house stood bigger then any compare to other houses. It was of the cheif of the village.

In the cheif house , a beast-kin man ran toward the the cheif room knocked the door three time and waited for the permission.

The voice came in commanding tone" Come in,".

He got inside watching the another beast-kin sitting on the chair drinking something. He bowed toward that person, Who was also the cheif of this village and said respectfully" Sir we hot the news that Sir merchant had just came to this village,".

Cheif lost his composer quickly and said " W-What Has a year passed so soon ?, 'hmmmm, No it hasn't Ok thier no time to think about such nonsense go down , bring merchant and his companions to my hall entertain them at best of your ability I would join them in just a minutes.

Hearing this the man bowed and saying 'yes, he left.

Cheif mumbling to himself "I need to make them ready and I hope she remembers my lesson or else" He clenched his fist in rage remembering what happened 6 months ago, When merchant had  provided with only half the resources as He had promised. Then left the room.

While the man left the cheif house and waited outside of the house for merchant and his companion to come.


We finally arrived at the center wheir we could see the bungalow type house made of wood and some other material that I don't know about. And a beast-kin man standing outside of the house like he was waiting for something.

Are Carriage stopped front of the house and seeing the merchant was getting out of the carriage I to went down .

Seeing the merchant came out man came near us bowed and said "Welcome to our village sir."

Merchant just gave a nod and asked "Wheir is the cheif I hope he is not out right?".

"Sir cheif is in the house he went to make some arrangement for the sir and would soon join us in the hall until I would love to entertain sir and his companions.

Merchant hearing it understood something and smile appeared on his face but then said " Keep those carriage at save location. Nothing should happen to it ,"

"Don't worry about it sir It would be kept save. And please come in Sir and his companions must have been tired after the journey. The cheif would also join us shortly."

We went inside of the house which looked very normal made of wood with some wooden chair , table and three sofa we sat on the sofa and waited for the cheif.

While cheif in another room.

The cheif slapped a woman which had quiet a ordinary looks with good figure a beast-kin woman and said "Do you understand what I told you or not if no then I can teach you like the last time,"

The girl falled on the bed that was behind her with one hand holding her face , a small tears coming from the eyes, trembled in fear hearing this and said very meekly " I- I understand,"

Cheif "Good that you understand and remember again don't resist anything he do and co-operate " Saying this he left the room. While woman tear ran lose but soon wiped it in fear.

Cheif went down toward the hall having his business done. Coming down he saw the handsome demon plus a beast-kin with him  and the merchant sitting opposite of the two enjoying the drink he kept his stare on demon for a while clearly surprised too see the demon for the first time but knew the demon trait so didn't took him long time to recognize this but came out of his reverse and went forward to welcome them.

Cheif " It's good to see you again here and I hope I didn't took to much time to come here?"

Merchant saw the cheif and smiled "No you didn't." After letting him sit he introduced us" This two are my companion for this trip this sir Name is Ray a rank 14 demon and this is xxxx a rank 10 ".

The cheif eyes brightened hearing rank 14 while he was only at rank 9 , And got more interested in demon. " If Sir need any type of help please say me I would try to help sir with best of my ability as long as you are in this village ".smiled and said clearly giving me cue of the service that merchant talked about but I replied flatly.

"OK So I would love if you provide me with the room wheir I could sleep comfortably that I haven't done in this 2 days trip and nothing else,".

Hearing this cheif was disappointed feeling he would not be able to curry favor from the rank 14 if he doesn't provide any service to him to pursue him he said "I would arrange that you for sure, But sir must have been feeling down because of this two days trip how I provide you with a woma...."

But before he could speak further I cuted him short " No ,thanks I am not interested in it I would only love to sleep for now."

The cheif was displeased that demon cuted him off, but didn't showed on face still having a smile. He knew his place even if he was cheif the demon was way powerfull then himself and didn't wanted to displease him.

Merchant seeing the situation said " Why Don't cheif provide him what he want." Clearly giving cheif a signal of stop to not to pursue him further and cheif to got the message gave a nod to the man who was standing back of the sofa and said.

Cheif "Plzz follow this man he would take you to your room and if you need anything just give a voice to him he would come."

Giving cheif a nod I left with the man.