
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Wind Mana Nature .

After settling everything we exited the town with two carriage horses of rank 5 wheir pulling the carriage while I was sitting in 2nd carriage which was moving behind the first carriage in which the other rank 10 and merchant was sitting both carriage contained goods and with me was one driver who was controlling the carriage.

While sitting in carriage I was also trying to learn wind magic because I have learned the fire magic but now I wanted to learn wind and why I choose wind because it was the best mana nature which could be compatible with fire nature.

Imagination was the key to use magic so that what I was trying to do like trying to imagine tornados that I have saw in my past life. But so far nothing happened and I didn't given in to.

It has already been 6 hours we wheir traveling when we left the town and it was already night . Seeing this merchant stopped the carriage in order to make a camp here to rest. Building the camp we all sat near the fire for eating.

Merchant asked with curiosity" What are you a demon such as you doing here in this town?"

I answered while we ate some fried meats "I was born in the wolf den forest, So the nearest place I found was this village so I stayed in that town,".

Merchant "Ohhh.. how peculiar. I have lived and done business in that town for many years but never heard a demon born their."

"Many things happens for the first time. So you can say I was the example of it," I didn't wanted to talk a lot so I just replied flatly without any interest rather Focused on my eating.

Merchant laughed hearing it "Hahahahah... Indeed  you are right many things happens first time in life,". Merchant too saw that he was not so interested in talking with him,  So he to didn't bothered me but started talking with big guy.

Having finished are dinner we planned to take turn to watch on night, Since this was an open area we can be attacked at any time. I volunteered to keep watch first thinking that I could use this time on learning magic which I felt was very close to learning wind magic.

So both of them went to their own tent while I kept watch also trying to learn wind nature almost 2 hours I finally could see the success a small wind was circling on my palm. I smiled and activated the demon eyes.

Scenery changed and I could see the green line getting brighter finally confirming my theory that this color lines represent the different mana nature. And the different mana nature I used the light itself show that.

I used the same trick as before putting my focus on mana line to make it more stable  the same way I did when learning fire magic after seeing the line was stable I started concentrating in it to make it brighter. After an hour I finally could see  the color was deep green, So I released it toward the direction of nearby tree.

But instead of going in circle it went in straight line leaving a cut mark on the tree.

I was shocked too see the speed of the attack it was atleast 2x the speed of my full speed.

"Its speed Is too good and if I perfect my aims on moving targets with wind nature I would hardly miss my targets also its attacking power is good It was just little bit of wind but the cut mark it left is at least 5 to 6 cm deep. What would happen if I mastered it I can practically cut the head of the wolf with just one fall swipe." I smiled imagining the result.

I kept on learning the wind mana nature to perfect it for next few hour then went to my tent not without waking up the beast kin guy to keep the watch.

Next morning we continued are trip it would take us atleast 10 days to reach that town. So I used this time to learn magic instead of lazing around in carriage.

Another 2 days passed by in the trip nothing major happened in our trip till now . We wheir currently camping at a plain side of the road because it was night and we where having are dinner.

Merchant said "Tomorrow night we will pass through a village, So In order to take some rest we would spent our night in the village there,".

The the guy said with a smile " Well it would sure help us take some rest,". I agreed with him too well even though it was not any work or we where tired but getting less sleep, And continues traveling did gave us feeling of some tiredness.

Merchant seeing us "Yes it would help you guys. And another thing is that village cheif is also my friend. So he would treat you guys with good hospitality, So you can enjoy to in some way." He said with a meaningful smile

The beast-kin guy and I to noticed that smile because he didn't hide it at all, but I was not interested in it in any way but he was" And in what way you spoke of?"

Merchant smiled ear-to-ear then said " You see he could help you provide a woman to remove some of you steam."

The guy hearing it got excited while I didn't. I knew what he meant . Since I was born again in this world I didn't wanted to lose my virginity to anyone. In my past life I was not a virgin after all. I had my fun with girls mainly with call girls, Since I became 17 my hormones was at the peek, So to remove it I had sex with many call girls at that time, even got addicted to it but that all went cold when my brother got this news and he cuted my allowance to half which I used to get, And it worked like my brother wanted. I couldn't have sex with the call girls due to lack of money.

But at that time I used to have sex with the girls I could get or was ready. But now it was different, Seeing the beauty such as Athena I wanted to lose my virginity to someone who had atleast close to that lvl beauty. I didn't know what was the beauty lvl of this world. But I can say she would ofcource be at the top I didn't cared about what race was she off but she should just be a beauty nothing more. And I had learned one thing about this world. Woman's  in this world are attracted to strong and handsome guys. And I had both on my Arshanal ,So it won't be of any problem getting them laid. And staying in the town no one caught my attention, So the chances of finding beauty in village was not gonna happen.