
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Village 2.

After Ray left both cheif and merchant started talking for last 20 minutes but the man who came with merchant, got bored hearing both of them chating which included him much less so he winked toward the merchant trying to let him remember their talk they had while at camp.

Seeing the guy merchant understood and coughed a little stopping the cheif from talking and said.

Merchant "Well cheif I think its already late so we loved to rest and here my companion wanted to relax a little getting tired from 2 long day trip would you help providing a service with a woman  that can help him remove some of his steam." With a smile.

Cheif getting his cue what merchant wanted him to do gave a hand sign to the same man who gave direction to Ray for the room . Man came near the cheif and bent down to let cheif speak to him in his ears.

After whispering  to the man he said "Plzz accompany this man and wait for some minutes service woman would soon come to your room sir,"With the smile plastered in his face.

The man smiled hearing this and went with the guy.

Merchant waited for the guy to leave and his mood changed to serious one while his voice became serious and said."I think you should take me to my room too,".

Cheif was not one bit shocked with the sudden change of his voice because he know him very well so he gave nod and started walking upstairs while merchant following him.

While Ray on his room went out but stopped in his track hearing the voice of merchant and cheif.

Cheif and merchant where standing outside one of the room.

Merchant "It won't happen like before right ?"Asked with serious face.

Cheif shook his head in denial and said "Don't worry sir I have thought her the lesson and would not do like before"

Merchant gave a nod satisfied with the answer and asked "What about the one who companied me?"

Cheif having a smile while rubbing his hand said  "You need not worry about that my 1st wife is going to company him he would not be disappointed a bit with her service."

Merchant "Ohhh... your first wife haa I haven't had a taste of her for a long time. she was more obedient then your 2nd wife."

Cheif said "Then would you like me to call her she would love to give you her service?"

Merchant "Hahahah.. no need for that your 2nd wife has better figure then your first or else I would have chosen her," Laughed out then said."Now don't disturb me till morning," While opening the door he went in then closed it.

While cheif sighed and said"I just hope she don't cause me trouble this time and be obedient or else," he clenched his fist muttered in anger then left from their not worrying what would happen to his 2nd wife which was inside the room merchant went in.

While Ray hearing this was shocked but then regain her expression but still feeling curious went inside the room forgetting for why he left the room. Slept in his bad with a deep thought.


Inside one of the room wheir merchant and 2nd wife of chief was.

Woman could be seen standing beside the bed gripping her one peice grown with both hands keeping her head low having a little tears gathered their but controlling herself not letting it drop in fear.

Merchant started staring the woman with lustfull eyes observing her figure which could be seen in her tight grown the plain White skin neck then her B cup breast with the pink nipple visible having slim body and good ass.

He went closed to her lifted his face and started kissing her aggressively putting is tongue on her mouth playing with her tongue not bothered with the tear on her face.

Woman to didn't resist knowing full well that this was her destiny. But didn't respond him.

Kissing her for 20 seconds while baiting her lips few time he separated himself she grasp for breath , merchant lifted her grown and tore it from front the girl cried


And covered her breast and and Virginia with her hand  not wearing anything inside of the grown. With tears running down from her eyes.

Merchant seeing this pulled her hand which was covering the breast taking the view of those B cup breast and pink nipple.

He started licking it with tongue out then took it in his mouth. While his one hand pinching and folding the other breast and his second hand holding her firm ass.

The girls was looking upward with her neck straight still tear on her eyes while biting her lower lip in helpless and fear. Both her hand where between both of them trying to separate herself from him but due to lower rank couldn't do much.

Both of them where to close only her hand on his chest or else it would be like man was trying to enter her body. Taking his time enjoying her breast.

He slides his hand from breast to her thin wraist and lifted her with both hand and threw her on bed. Separating from her he started removing his clothes threw it on the floor . While she balanced herself on the bed with her hand and saw him removing his clothes she griped the bedsheets more tightly knowing full well what will happen next but didn't run.

He climbed on the bed hold her through her waist and made her stay in her all four limbs while facing her back toward him removed the tored grown seeing her ass he didn't wait any longer and entered her honey cave through back.

From outside of the room the voices of the woman crys and pleas were coming with Flash hitting each other And man's moans, also beds crackling sound was coming clearly.