
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

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40 Chs

Forced to hide

After leaving Ye house Qin Yuan went towards her perivious flat, where Shen Xiao and others were staying. After shen Xioa and others arrivedat Qin Yuans house he forstly asked Mia to delete every recordingincctv cameras and other evidences of their travel. Moreover they changed their appereance as extra protection. Feng Ruxue was not in good mood after leaving her house and restaurant. Seeing her like that both Feng Xing and Shen Xiao wated to get stronger so they could live freely and they doesn't need to run and hide again. 

Feng Xing and Feng Ruxue decided to study alchemy with Fire origin spirit. As they they were still in lower realm so they can't do alchemy but they can only learn techniques and practice their fire control. All the techniques used by them were origin techniques that were the best in the universe. Shen Xiao decide to train his fighting techniques as he wa still praticing basis fighting and praticing his control over his elements.

When Qin Yuan arrived she doese't find anyone there, then she entered Spirit space.Shen Xiao stopped his practice because he wanted to know about there meeting. Qin yuan came to his side and told everything including there thoughts about him and their action. Shen Xiao sighed in relief that he made a good decisions. This made him even more determined to become stronger.

He asked "what are the chances that you will get in difficult position if you lost your virginity." he wanted to know because he wanted to step into coreformation realm and the best way for that is to take yang explosion pill because he needs lots of energy to form a core because he needs firsty to turn it into primal qi which requires a lot more energy than that of spiritiual qi. Moreover core formation are mostly based on elements and has 10 of them, which is itsself a anomaly.

"Master you don't have wory about that because i can handle them, only my father might be a problem because he decided to marry me to another member of Qin family. He is son of second Grand elder. My father and he are very good friends. He just want to sell me, so i don't care about him."she said as she was eager to serve him because his yang qi is very benificial to her, she might be able to breakthrough Foundation realm.

"But master it will be troublesome and people will ask me, and Yu sisters about increase in speed of cultivation. There are many strong people that would like our secrets. so we need ways to hide our cultivation." 

"You are right about that we need that method for that otherwise not only you but i wll also be trouble as i need to go to jade realm after i breakthrough core realm. I can't just stay here, i need to go to there if i want to get stronger and build my power to fight others as i alone cannot do that." he said

"Don't worry master, we can do it. If you need to find resources you can join a sect as you are a dual cultivator you can join yin-yang pavilion but there will be a problem beause you have a very pure yang qi, if they knew you can be targetted strong female dual cultivator and they will suck you dry." she said

"i don't have any plans to join yin yang pavilion. I am thinking of joining profound martial sect, after changing my appearance because in that way i will be able to find out about their actions against me. Moreover i can get out of some unnecessary problems with your help from behind."he said

"Yes master, but i can also get you into trouble because i am one of the 5 beauties of the sect and i have many pursuers. Moreover my ideantity as daughter of third grand elders of Qin family is little sensitive. Although i am only a inner desicple but my master is vice sect master of the sect."

"how powerfull is your master?" hge asked 

"My master is very powerful. she has strenght compared to sect master. She doesn't really like those people but she a also a member of Qin family so she has to endure a little because she is the not the most powerful in family. But she cares about me a lot and pampers me." she said

"How is her character?" he asked

"She is lively women, she was the one who gave me my technique but she doesn't really go and catch men. she only does that to annoying people, it was same for me but you are very havndsome and i can't just control myself. Other elers of family and sect also don't really mess with her because of this." she said

"Earlier you said you are not a core member of Qin family but now you have good position in the family."he asked

"That is because they don't tell me a lot of information because of my master and her character. They hide most the important matters from young generation so not to leak out but i am most avoided one because of my master." she said

"Your father didn't stop you from going to your master." he asked

"Actually my father is also little afraid of her but he has tried to convince me many times and i always ignores him because i know he wants to use me and i am safe as long as i am with her. That is the reason i said i will be safe even if they found out that i am no longer pure because i trust my master." she explained

"Alright than prepare tonight, i will eat yang explosion pill and i will need your and Yu sisters help so call them both in spirit space. i know you can use your authority to call them for one night." he said because know he don't want live like this anymore by hiding. He doesn't want see Feng ruxue sad like this again. Seeing her like this today made his spirit spur with determination to get stronger.

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