
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

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40 Chs

Distress in Yu and Ye family (2)

Ye sen shouted at him "Calm down you will kill them." although he was angry but he didn't loose his mind like Yu han. It wasn't that Yu han had a bad temper but recently he recieved bad news one after another. Firstly Ye mengqi filed a divorce as he was not able touch her, even though she was his wife. Yesterday, he recieved a news that all the funds in his company vanished without a trace. He was invetigating this today with help of bank when Ye sen called about Miss Qin's threat that was due to his son's incompetence. Now he heard that his only son became impotent and criple. Any normal person would lose his mind after everything.

Ye Sen asked them "what happened here do you anything or who did this?"

"When i was with girls last night someone attacked me from behind after that when i woke up, i was thrown here and there by father." Yu kang said as tried to remember and his tone was little complaining as he suffered without reason

"Last night when i was drinking i suddenly my lust flared up. i tried hard to suppress it but i was unable to do so. Then i gave in to temptation and went in room with two girls. When i entered i saw a girl wearing mask and black robe. i was just about speak when she attacked me and i was not even able to blink. When i woke up today.." said ye fan but he didn't continue next.

They didn't know what was going on and who was targetiing them when they had Qin family as backing. They lost a lot this time. 

"Take care of them" he said to healer. "lets go and discuss this matter try to solve the problem, otherwise we could only suffer loses."

After some time there were many people sitting in a hall of Ye family manor. They Ye sen, Yu hua, Yu huan, Yu han, Qin yuan and representative of Ling Family.

Ye Sen called Qin Yuan in hope that she could understand their proble and help them in some way. They didn't knew that she was one of the accomplices that caused them to suffer. Yu huan already knew what happened to her son but she can't do anything to save him. It was better than he was dead, this way he could atleast live a life of comman man.

"Lets discuss from the start that has happened." Said Ye sen

"Firstly we lost all our money and then same happened to Yu family, it was done neatly that enen banks are facing trouble to find any traces. Last night even someone attacked both Ye Fan and Yu kang." one explained

"It is really troublesome looks like that person is well versed in computer and hacking sysyem. When did offend such person. If we didn't find the culprit we will continue to suffer loses." said Yu han

"Maybe the problem started because of children because thgey were targeted directly by them. They made them suffer not directly kill them." said one of the elder from Ling family

"We will interogate them later, now they are not in good condition." said ye sen

"We can only tell the person is from Jade realm, it can't be ordinary person from earth, but people of jade realm are not very good in technology." another said

"But who have courage to against our families on earth." said Ye sen

"We will also be facing another problem in future, that Shen family's bastard has learned cultivation. I was very busy earlier otherwise i would already kidnapped them and wait for Ling jie to come. I can't wait to torture them for what their father did." said yu han as he was very angry with them because if it wasn't for them he would have gotten ye mengqi. Other families also considered him danger, if grows up to be as strong as his grandfather.

"Not only he Feng Ruxue also have became cultivators, moreover the little girl Zhao yao also came out of coma. I destroyed their family as the want to go against us." said Ye sen

"I remember that he has collected many proofs against business. So you used that girls accident as an excuse to destry them. If they leaked information it would be really troublesome for us."said yu han

"We shouldn't let them run amok, since they are cultivators then guardian would not interfere, we should send someone to capture them." said elder of Ling family. He immediately ordered someone to bring them.

Qin Yuan tensed upon hearing this, earlier she thought Shen xiao was thinking to much but she didn't think that they would send someone at soul realm to catch them, but then she relaxed because she knew that they have already left and erased all their traces.

"Master is really great to think ahead, these fools can't catch him" she thought in his heart

On the otherhand Yu sister expressions turned bad as they wanted to inform him beause they didn't know about his plan but when they looked at relaxed Qin yuan they relivied a little.

Others discussed about the matters at hand and waited for the person that went catch Shen Xiao to come back. After about half and hour he came back empty. he said "I checked their house but it is empty, i also went to check at university but they have already left the university."

"Where did they go, They can't just vanish, start checking around the city, they must be hiding in the city." said yu han in anger

"Could it be they left for Jade Realm as Shen Tianxiao had many friends over their, this can also be the work of hunder flower valley, we know that place was protected be him, it is not unbelieveable they would protect him." said elder of Ling family

"If that is the case then it would be troublesome for us. Our Ling family can't do anything against them." said another from ling family

"that feng ruxue has a restraunt in city it a big and very famous, they must be there. Go and check there its name is Feng Restraunt "said Ye sen

Suddenly Qin Yuan spoke startling them "No one needs to check there as i bought that restraunt yesterday at high price and also house of that owner. She said she will be moving out of the city. Don't even think about dragging my place in your business."

"How is possible there are many people that tried to buy her house at almost double the original price because that place is at best in the city. No one was able move her. But now she sold it."said Yu han in angry voice because he also tried many times to buy that place but he was always rejected coldly by her.

"I don't know but don't even think about that place anymore." she said coldly to Yu han

"We understandd Miss Qin, we will never think about trubling you about this topic again." said Yu han , he doesn't want to get into trouble because of some property.

After thinking about sometime Ye sen said "could our problems have to do something with Shen brat, there are not many people who have thought about revenge against us other than him. He suddenly became a cultivator at level of Qi manifestation. He took our money as we did the same with him. He and that Zhao girl also have a close relationship, he might have attcked to avenge her."

"But how did he do it? he might have a help from someone strong because he can't hide his whereabouts from us unless the person is stronger than us."said Yu han

Suddenly Qin yuan spoke to anger them more "What use are you guys if you can't handle a someone rookie cultivator" she said and left but no one from them voiced there dissatisfaction because they don't have power to go against Qin family.

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