
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

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40 Chs

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When Shen xiao and others were training in spirit space all three large families were searching everywhere. 

"We have searched everywhere the only place left is jade realm, if we can't find them they were probably taken by someone to jade realm. With their level they cannot pass forest of illusions they will definately need someone to take them otherwise there is no chance that they will pass. "Yu han said

"I think we are just wasting our time we should wait for news from Jade realm. i have already sent someone to investigate. Moreover I think Ye Zhen will return tomorrow with news from Ling jie. They were Invited to party i think they will return soon, maybe within a week. After they return then we don't need worry because he have strong power in government, only he can help us get our funds back." Ye sen

"You are very dependent on them if we don't get our funds our companies will be go bankrupt, we won't be able to pay for loans and neither we will be able to complete our projects, our shares will go down in market. We need to find a solution as soon as possible, we can't just wait for them." said yu han. his power can be said highest in both family because he has already stepped into earth origin realm.

"There is nothing we can do, i ahve already tried investigating with my full power. Even banks didn't have solution because transctions were from our side and banks were not able track the reciving accounts, they said someone strong is protecting them and they don't have the authority." he replied in annoyed tone.

As the time passed it was almost night time. Qin Yuan called Yu sisters to her new house and Ye sen couldn't stop them because of this. Yu sister didn't knew what was going on as she didn't tell them, they could alreay gess that it was order from their master.

After hard traing today Shen Xiao and Feng Xing were sitting and watching all the animals and relaxing. Meanwhile Feng ruxue was taking care of them. Due to array formations their growth was really good when they went to Jade realm they can get a good profit by selling these.

When they were relaxing they noticed the arrival of Yu sister and Qin Yuan. Qin Yuan has already met them but Yu sisters had not met Feng Xing and Feng Ruxue aftwr they became his slaves. Feng ruxue smiled them seeing like this. Yu Hua already knew that Yu huan and Feng Ruxue had a problem because she tried to seduce Shen Tian again and again and after that she even tried to make troubles for Shui Lan. Feng Ruxue was very protective of her. Shui Lan was like a big sister to her and she was very kind by nature that is the reason she almost jumped into her traps but feng Ruxue was not like that. She always saved her Sister from hercunning traps.

"How does it feel to become a slave of Shui Lans Son, Mrs Yu huan." Feng Ruxue asked 

She doesn't replied and lowered her face. She had nothing to argue even if she had she knew her position here.

Shen Xiao didn't want to let their problem escalate anymore so he said "I hadn't got a solution for hiding your cultivation but we can hide their cultivation temperory for two days. According to what you said Ye zhen will return back tomorrow so you will give the same pills as of Ye fan to them and after that you can take everything they have and return to Qin Yuan's house and enter spirit space. This plan can be completed in two days. From then on you guys can train here and take care of palace and farm animals that we will use to sell as food in future. As for yu han since he hates me so much i will wait and see what approach he takes and i will reply the same way. Moreover i sense something fishy about him because the type of pills and potions he uses. You guys also told me that he didn't get his cultivation technique Ling family others."

Feng Xing and Qin Yuan also agreed with him. On the other hand yu hua didn't want to leave her husband but she didn't have any other choice. Seeing her like that Qin Yuan said "You should be thankful that master is kind enough to let them live, if it was someone from jade realm they might be dead by now."

hearing that she stopped sobbing as she also knew how cruel jade realm is, only power rules that place.

"Now that we know are current condition we have think about making it better because we cannot always be in hiding, i think within a 2 months sister xia will also come out of cultivation and she will have her bloodline awakened like me but i don't know the extent of the time zhao yao will remain in there. i myself have never experienced in going there but according the dicription from origin fairies, there time seemed to be still and a person doesn't feel the flow of time that i myself am cofused how is it possible. After dealing a blow to these two families we will deal a financial blow to Ling family and starts are prepretions to go to Jade realm." he explained

"Are you not going to do same with Ling family as you have done with Ye and Yu families." asked Qin yuan

"No we will only play with a little as we don't want to completely enrage them, then they might seak help from Qin family and according to what i have heard that Qin family's ancestor have some grudges against our Shen family.

According to their assumtions we are protected by hundered flower valley. If they are not able find us then they will go to hunderd flower valley and we can't let them find out that we are not with them. Otherwise we will not have any place and have to hide again. It would be better if play with them a little and don't do go all out untill we have power to do so." he explained his thopughts

All of them were able to understand his train of thoughts. "Then how are we going to set up our business and it means we still have hide."

"No we will build a nice house in safe place, i have already asked Fairy of void to find such place in Jade realm and she is keeping an eye out for us. with the help of time origin we can set up tranportation formations but for that we need resourses and thatis the reason i had to act against these families this way, otherwise i would like to use my own power intimidate them one day." he explained

"Allright we will do as you say. Then where are we going to start our business first." Feng Ruxue asked as she was responsible for that

"I will probably be going to profound martial school. but i canot take you guys to that place so you should go in area of hundred flower valley as that might be the safest place for you guys. We will sort these things slowly as we don't have much information about Jade realm." he said

"Yes you are right master, that is he best place we can think of for them to practice and with their skills they can also join Hundered flower valley as they are the best alchemist in our realm." said Qin yuan

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