
Journey Of False God

Author: 4Eyes
Anime & Comics
Completed · 41.5K Views
  • 4 Chs
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What is Journey Of False God

Read ‘Journey Of False God’ Online for Free, written by the author 4Eyes, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ISEKAI Fanfiction, ANIME Fan Fiction, NARUTO Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: The soul from earth was hit by a truck... and reborn as the consciousness of the hogyoku. Aizen who saw there was a soul...


The soul from earth was hit by a truck... and reborn as the consciousness of the hogyoku. Aizen who saw there was a soul from inside the hogyoku accessed the memories of that soul who had the name Megane and knowing that he was just a character created and his destiny was set.

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The Duty and The Destiny

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Cute enough to Kiss!!

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Lydia, the Beast vs Man of Convenience

Has a game ever frustrated you to the point of breaking things? Yes? What if you couldn't quit? What if you had to live out that scenario, no help, no nothing? ------ This idea came to me after a few glasses of wine. The game in question is ck2, if anyone is curious. Now, hear me out here. There will be a syste- wait, why are you leaving!? It will NOT directly influence mc's power. This is not a fantasy world. No fancy magic, none of that. It won't secretely turn him into shrek or hulk either, appearance wise or otherwise. It will simply chip in on matters of convenience, i.e. provide a cheap knife (no it won't randomly turn into excalibur) or some jewelry or some slight knowledge or expertise on whatever mc decides to buy from it (no, he won't become a sword deity, ever. He won't become a master chef from one buy either.). It is truly only there to provide him with some advantage so that he can actually have some impact. The mc is not dumb nor a genius, nor does he have amazing skills in anything (he does have a little something something to spice up his background though). The game also does not provide him with any in-depth knowledge of the future, as those who know ck2 will understand (just because the nun you, innocent poor bastard, let in in goodwill turns into thanatos and wins every game of chess before murdering you appears in one timeline, one crash to desktop later, and the nun might not appear at all). If anyone reads this, I gladly congratulate you on wasting your time. Chess is a great game. Ok. Bye.

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not good, not bad, just normal, normal fanfic, normal main characters, normal side characters and normal Author 🕳️ [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]


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