
Journey As The Dragon Master

On earth in the year 2032 devastating changes happened all over the word as traces of gods and monsters start to appear with the gods leads factions who choose vassals to take a portion of their own powers to keep balance in the world from monsters and other gods but even greater powers watch over them as the world changes for the better or for the worst. At the age of twenty five years old every single person is given a chance to prove themselves but very few do the ones that do are called hunters were they can go and cross the lands of earth and beyond. However our Mc Sam was fated for a different path from others as he is tasked with creating his own faction to rival the gods [Dragon Grotto mountains Level 1 Acquired] [Earn 10 followers for a reward] Sam looked at the floating panels in wonder and thought what he could become as he stood at the base of his mountain that would rise above everything

ZR_Primal · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Ep.17 Dragon Ruins and The Battle with the God of war

Days had passed since the mass portal outbreak with Sam and the others remaining in the dragon temple training and studying for their upcoming tests and the current day started like normal but after sam got out of his normal morning bath he was approached by Jim who asked sam

"Master when will we go hunting again? I want to test my <Dragons Breath>"

Sam grabbed a towel and said as he was drying his hair

"The dungeon in the Ash forest was unexpected and very dangerous so until I say you are ready no one will go hunting"

Jim and the other boys were very upset about the fact that they couldn't hunt in the forest but realized that if Sam wasn't there in the dungeon that had the manticore at the end of it there might of been a miracle if no one lost their lives

After Sam Was dried gathered everyone onto the same dojo and said once he sat down in his chair

"Some of you know this but I will say it again for those that don't. Upon our first hunting expedition myself and Jim's team found a dungeon with entirely new creatures"

Everyone who didn't know about the dungeon's started talked over one another before Sam said as he pulled out the <Dragon index> and made the hologram of the manticore appear

"The boss of that dungeon was a level 32 Manticore. So with this new information about the dungeons we will hold off on any and all hunting expeditions until further notice"

one of the new people in Cindy's team raised his hand and asked Sam in a somewhat arrogant manner

"Why are you limiting our hunting? We will need to level up but we can't do that without hunting"

Sam felt a vein bulging as everything he has done over the past week or so since they joined was to prepare them for the worst but this man showed no regard for the consequences if he were to encounter an unfamiliar creature to him and possibly kill his team from not being prepared for the worst

Cindy noticed Sam was angry and said to the man

"If you think your ready to hunt then tell us all the weaknesses to a Cockatrice? Or better yet how to kill an Earth Worm? Go on tell us"

The man then realized his mistake and lowered his head in shame for his outburst before Sam smiled a little and said

"Those of you who have passed the test to hunt in the Ash Forest have to help your fellow teammates so that they can take the test in 1 week. But while you prepare them for the test I will have my own priorities so study hard"

Mary asked as Sam was about to get up to leave

"What will you be doing master?"

Sam looked at everyone and said as he rested his sword on his shoulder while growing his wings

"I'm going to explore a new area in the Dragon grotto called the Scorched Earth"

Later that day as Sam was checking he had provisions for the trip and that his weapons were at their best he saw both Cindy and Jim approaching him before he said as he continued on

"You need something?"

Cindy was the first to speak saying

"Master can we have a moment of your time"

Sam looked at Cindy for a moment before he said

"What is it?"

Cindy held Jim's hand and said with a blushed face

"We would like your blessing to start seeing each other as a couple?"

Sam saw that both of them were flustered before he said as he placed his sword on his back

"You don't need my permission for something like that but should it interfere with your training then I will banish you both from the dragon clan, am I clear?"

Cindy and Jim smiled and said as Sam grew his wings and left for the Desert area

"Thank you Master!"


Once Sam had entered the Scorched Earth area he found it to be as if he was walking around with a oven blasting him with heat before Sam felt like he stepped on a rock before he felt the ground shake and two pincer claws came out of the sand before Sam flew onto a boulder in the desert and saw a creature that looked to be a mix between a scorpion and a salamander before it let out a screech

Sam saw it's name was a <Salaziod scorpion> however was disappointed as it was just a level 5 monster and tore it in half with his bare hands as he got the index of the creature to 5% and some monster materials before he heard more cries nearby and smiled as he felt he had some pent up anger

As Sam killed the last Salaziod scorpion he noticed a few stone walls that were covered by the sand and took a closer look to see they had unfamiliar writing on them before Sam grew his wings and thought of a tornado before he used his Dragons breath to blow away most of the sand

Once the ruins were partially uncovered he saw a wooden trap door and opened it to find some empty book shelves and a desk with a lit candle on it which surprised him before he took a closer look and was a little spooked to find a skeleton sitting in a chair facing the desk but what had Sam worried was that the skeleton had a Dagger lodged into its skull with a piece of paper attached to it before Sam took and paper and read it

~<To who ever has found my body I pass onto you my knowledge about the history of this world. It began during the era of the first dragon master. He was cold but kind and cared much about the clan as he should have been but it did not last long as his first disciples saw themselves more fit to rule over the clan and came up with a cunning plan for the clan leader. But the wisdom and knowledge of the first dragon master was very profound and he sentenced them after they were defeated to the Hell Pit. But after the usurpers were defeated the dragon master himself had changed but life in the dragon temple continued on for—>~

Sam wanted to know more but the rest of the page seemed to be torn off but Sam wondered what the first dragon master was like and what led to a rebellion against him but he also figured that there might be more knowledge about the first dragon master if he found more ruins but he still had some more hunting to do and left the ruins and continued on with his quest for the scorched earth area before he stopped under a rock to catch a break from the heat and noticed that all the creatures he had been killing was just Salazoid scorpions and no other creatures which felt odd before the rock he was under started to rumble and made Sam look to see a giant black eye ball staring at him before Sam ran a few feet away and saw a colossal beast that was nearly ten times as big as Sam if he was in his Drake form with the name and level appearing as he let out a load bellowing roar <Lv26 Earth Titan Beast>

Sam was smiling as he had hope that this humongous creature would be a challenge for him however to Sam's dissatisfaction he found the beast was very slow but Sam was curious if it most likely made up in strength where it lacked in speed and Sam was right as he saw the beast crush a Salazoid scorpion to a pulp with a single stomp under its foot

Sam grabbed his sword and flew onto the back of the Earth Titan and saw it was like there were dozens of small dormant volcanoes before Sam started slashing at the Earth titans back and found it to be difficult as the skin on the earth titan was hard enough to completely deflect the impact of Sam's blade but wasn't too shocked before he put away his sword and grew out his claws and was easily able to tare through the earth Titian's skin and heard the beast wail in pain as it thrashed around and before long there was a giant hole in its back before Sam stuck both of his hands in and tore out the spine of the earth titan and killed it but when he saw the notification windows pop up he felt his body cramp up for a moment before it returned to normal and Sam looked at the messages in hopes of an answer to what happened

[You have killed a <Lv.26 Earth Titan Beast>]

[Dragon Index of the Earth Titan has reached 100%]

[You have Reached Level 41]

[You have gain the title <Dominator>]

[You have gained 3 Earth Titian Eggs]

[You have 2 <Magma Cores>]

Sam immediately looked at the new title and the magma cores and were surprised

[Title: <Dominator>]

(Effect 1: Resistant to fear from a lower level being)

(Effect 2: High chance to inflict fear onto a lower levelled being)

<Magma Core>(Consumable)

(Upon consuming the Magma Core if the user has the earth element then they may unlock the Fire element as well and vice versa)

Sam immediately opened a gate back to the dragon grotto and was surprised to find everyone in the great hall chatting and playing some card games before Jim noticed Sam and ran over saying as the others started walking over

"How was the hunt In the desert area?"

Sam looked to see some dragon materials in the middle where the cards were and said as he walked past and stared at the game

"What is happening here?"

Mary spoke up saying and said starting grabbing her cards off the floor

"Sorry master it's just that there's not much to do so we decided to play some poker using some dragon materials for fun"

Sam smiled a little as he forgot that all there was to do was train and study with not one form of entertainment for them and said before he entered the bath to everyone

"Everyone get ready in the next hour as I'll open up passage back to earth for you all to have some time off however it will not last long"

Everyone's eyes brightened up with joy before they all ran off to their dorms to get ready for the trip while Sam soaked in the baths to refresh himself after spending hours in a desert hunting monsters

Once Sam had left the baths he saw everyone waiting in the great hall and said as he opened up a gate to the tower

"Go have fun and meet at the tower at noon tomorrow and for those who didn't get the chance you can grab your belongings from your homes"

Everyone bowed and went through the gate leaving Sam alone with sato and the rest and while he started playing with sato and the others he held one of the Earth titan eggs and thought to himself

'Should I make a combative game for these eggs? Maybe if I find another Earth titan I'll get more eggs?'

Sam then began to imagine an army of Earth Titan Beasts and the worlds shock as they would most likely think that Sam was a demon king who wanted to destroy the world but cleared his head of such thoughts as he knew he was their ticket back to earth and vice versa so he didn't have to worry about the future and went to bed


The next day Sam woke up with sato and the others sleeping on top of him while snowflake made a small spiderweb to sleep on. As soon as Sam got out of his bed everyone else was awake too before Sam checked his watch and saw it was a few hours before noon and went to the cafeteria where he made breakfast but found it to be tasteless and bland before he realized how much he enjoyed Samantha's cooking and saw sato and the others weren't eating their food that Sam had made for them and said to himself as he tossed his food in the trash and put on his cloak over his armour

'Should I assign people to help Samantha cook? I don't want her to over work herself…. Hmmmmm'

Sam waited the remaining hour in the great hall while thinking of how to distribute the magma cores and the Earth Titan Eggs while figuring out how to help Samantha with the cooking before he heard his alarm go off and opened the gate and stepped out to see all of his followers lined up but was shocked to find everyone but Samantha and Cindy had bruises and cuts on their faces before Sam looked at them and said as shock

"What happened to you guys?!"

However no one spoke up about what happened to them before Sam yelled as he closed the portal back to the dragon grotto

"I asked you all a question!"

Cindy spoke up and begun to explain what had happened from what they heard from Mary and the others and essentially what had happened with them was that they went to a bar meant for hunters only and as they were seated at the table they heard a man at the bar say to the bartender

"Hey man since when did you allow civilians in this bar. I thought it was for hunters only?"

The bartender looked at Cindy and the other and said as he was pouring out a glass of whiskey

"Them? They are hunters I check it myself"

The man drank the rest of his beer and asked the bartender as he saw a waiter take their order

"You know what their faction is? Or are they all lone hunters?"

The bartender pulled out a tablet and showed it to the man showing a picture of them helping wounded civilians and containing monsters that came out of the portals and said

"Those guys helped the massive portal outbreak last week but I'm not sure if they are apart of a faction"

The man drank the rest of his beer and yelled angrily at the bartender


Jim heard this and said jokingly

"I guess getting drunk at the tower while people were dying was helpful to keep the weakest hunters busy"

Everyone else but the man and the bar staff started laughing before the man walked up and slammed his hands on the table where Jim and the others were sitting

"Of yeah?! Than how come you and your Mary band were no where to be seen?! You must've chicken out since you couldn't handle the monsters!"

Mary then stood up face to face with the man and yelled in anger

"Our master closed 6 out of the 7 portal outbreaks before the 'Titian' arrived to close the last portal! So no the Ares faction didn't close all the portals but our master did!"

The man gave a grin to Mary before he smacked her with the back of his hand and yelled in her face saying


Mary growled a bit before she grabbed the man's hand and started crushing it slowly to the point where it just flopped around like a noodle before she kicked the man in the face and sent him flying out of the door everyone looked shocked as they didn't expect such a power attack could come from a woman like Mary who could be a fantastic model for the magazines

The bartender saw everyone giving glares at Mary and the others before he yelled out as he hit a button under the counter

"There will be no fighting in my Bar! Everyone who wants to brawl with each other can go and leave!"

Mary looked at the others and shrugged before she said as she went to the door

"I think I'm gonna go see a movie, anyone else in?"

One by one everybody raised their hands and followed Mary while Jim gave a check to the bartender and bowed before he too left

Once everyone was outside they were immediately surrounded by hunters alike before Mary noticed the guy she had kicked next to a very muscular man who was topless with hundreds of scars on his body and face before she and the others heard the man say to the topless one while pointing at Mary

"That's her! She broke my hand!"

The topless man took a step forward and got on one knee to be at eye level with Mary as he said

"My name is Maka jones so I ask you this ma'am. Did you hurt my son?"

Mary and the others were surprised a little but shortly after Mary crossed her arms and said as she grew out her tail, wings and her eyes as well

"Your son disrespected our master and belittled his achievements when he said the Ares Faction was the only faction to seal the mass portal outbreak when it was us and our master. It was only till we approached the last portal did the Ares faction come"

Maka then looked at his son for a moment before he looked to the clear night skies and as he stared into the sky his eyes started to glow red and Ares's voice was heard saying as everyone near got the notification that Ares had appeared in Maka's body

""This is unexpected but no matter I command you all to attack them with everything you have! I want to see if the new Dragon Lord trains his students well""

Everyone apart from Mary's group suddenly felt their blood pumping as they felt compelled to attack them while Mary's group felt an overwhelming sense of fear from Ares even if it wasn't the real God of war before they started fending off attacks from everyone else and while ares watched Mary's group make quick work of them he smiled and said as he gripped his chest

""I haven't seen such carnage since my younger brother Kratos challenged me for the god of war title! I wish for more so I will be your opponent!""

(Yes It Kratos and No I won't have him solely murder the Greek and Norse gods from the video games so deal with it)

Mary and the others started backing up as they didn't want to fight the Greek god of war but couldn't as they found themselves inside of an arena made of stone before they heard Ares say

""Now I hate it when people try to avoid a fight so let's fight already but don't worry, you won't die otherwise I'll have a few problems on my hands""

No one dared to move before ares sighed and launched himself forward and said as he sucker punched Jim in the gut

""I'll make the first move then! AHH!""

Mary and the others steeled their resolve and attack Ares but was quickly defeated by him as to be expected before they found themselves back outside the bar bloodied and beat before they heard Ares say as he tossed a small sack to Mary

""This is my payment for the sparring lesson so just give it to the Dragon Lord next time you see him and tell him that Cronos is still waiting in the tower for him""

Mary slowly got up and grabbed the bag before she saw Maka's red eyes fade back to normal and left with his son leaving Mary and the others on the street before they too left and booked a hotel for the night

~~~Present Day~~~

Sam started to process all the information and what angered him wasn't that Ares hurt his followers but that Jim essentially started this whole ordeal with his joke

Sam looked at everyone and stood in front of Jim and yelled out to everyone

"I gave you these powers and helped you harness them and gave you all a home and this is how you show me your gratitude?!"

Everyone was confused and scared of Sam's anger before Cindy said

"B-But master that man belittled your achievements as you closed 6 Portal outbreaks in a single day"

Sam grabbed the sack Ares had given to them and yelled as he looked at each and everyone of them

"I did not give you these powers use them like children! And if I wanted to be Famous then I would have done it myself! So I will spare you all from my judgement due to Ares beating you all up but I expect better from all of you!"

Everyone besides Samantha and Cindy who weren't part of the fight lowered their heads in disappointment and entered through the portal and just as Jim was about to enter the portal Sam grabbed his collar and said

"You still need your 5 new teammates so go and find some and if you don't within the next hour then I'll close the gate for 30 days"

Jim wanted to argue but knew he had no say and quickly left while Sam looked into the sack Ares had given to him as payment and was a little surprised when he saw the contents of the sack but decided to close the gate for now as he already drew in a lot of attention from the others nearby

Exactly 1 hour later Sam was about to leave for the dragon grotto when he saw Jim running up saying as he saw Sam halfway through the gate

"Wait master! I got the five new members! Please don't go!"

Sam backed up and saw Jim's five new people for his team and noticed it was entirely woman and while this didn't faze him that they were all women but what did is that they were all nearly identical to each other but with some noticeable differences such as hair colour, a lip piercing or even the height and muscle tone before Jim said

"I found them on the outskirts of the tower and asked them to join and their quintuplets"

Sam looked at Jim then at the quintuplets before he asked them in a rather demanding way


One by one they introduced themselves for Sam

"I'm the oldest, my name is Ellen"

"I'm the second oldest, I'm Tabatha"

"I-I'm the middle child and my name is Sandy"

"My name is Scarlet and I'm the second youngest"

"The names Katy and I'm the youngest"

Sam opened the portal again and tossed Jim through before he said as he looked at the quintuplets

"Once you enter you can't turn back so make up your minds if you really want to join but just know that life in the dragon clan will not be easy for you"

The quintuplets looked at each other before he held hands and entered through the portal with Sam following behind them