
Journey As The Dragon Master

On earth in the year 2032 devastating changes happened all over the word as traces of gods and monsters start to appear with the gods leads factions who choose vassals to take a portion of their own powers to keep balance in the world from monsters and other gods but even greater powers watch over them as the world changes for the better or for the worst. At the age of twenty five years old every single person is given a chance to prove themselves but very few do the ones that do are called hunters were they can go and cross the lands of earth and beyond. However our Mc Sam was fated for a different path from others as he is tasked with creating his own faction to rival the gods [Dragon Grotto mountains Level 1 Acquired] [Earn 10 followers for a reward] Sam looked at the floating panels in wonder and thought what he could become as he stood at the base of his mountain that would rise above everything

Zanerickards · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Ep.16 Gods Descent And A Dragons Flames

Somewhere else at the tower Gina was in a tent with multiple hunters as she said while pointing at a map to the city

"Here's what we know, there are seven portal outbreaks all around the tower. Now we can't risk an assault on any of the portals until we clear the area"

A man next to Gina wearing platinum gold armour with a bow on his back said while pointing at the nearest portal near the tower

"Ms. Gina, My Eternity Faction members will attack the creatures by this building as well as the enemies near there since under the hunting god Aion me and my members gain a hunting boost"

A woman then intervened yelling

"Chris! I know you want that portal because it's the closest to the tower! We all know that the dungeon monsters can't step foot in the tower according to the pact!"

Chris then yelled back

"Oh yeah?! Well what about you Chloe? You are apart of the Goddess's Eros faction where you would go to find your soulmates! What good could you do in a fight!"

Gina sighed as she saw a caped man came forward and said as he pointed at three gate locations on the map

"Enough both of you. We need to take control of the inner gates here otherwise we will have trouble getting them out of there. The Darkened Skies Faction will have the best chance of reaching them but we will need a path cleared for us"

Both Chloe and Chris turned to the man and yelled

"Shut up Jenson!"

Just then Gina saw Sam walk past the tent and ran outside and looked for Sam before she noticed everyone looking in the sky before she too looked up and found there were two suns in the sky before she could see the outline of a figure before the second sun fell onto a horde of monsters before Gina saw Sam flying in the skies where the second sun fell before she yelled out

"You here! Sam! We need your help!"

Sam heard Gina's cry and looked around for her before he saw her outside the tent and flew down and said

"There you are, I was looking for you but I can't stay long as my faction members have started attacking the hordes around the area"

Gina immediately looked worried as she said

"You have to recall them! There are monsters that are at B-Ranks! They could die!"

Sam looked at the three strangers looking at him and said as he looked back at Gina

"I have faith in them and that they can handle themselves but where are the portal outbreaks?"

Just as Gina was about to point at the map Chris, Chloe and jenson took out their weapons and pointed them at Sam and said with distorted voices while their eyes glowed white

"Who are you! How can a monarch be on the middle Land!"

Gina felt an overwhelming sense of danger and unconsciously stood to the side while Sam saw three small yet huge messages appear in front of him

[Eros The God of Love and Fertility has appeared]

[Aion The God of Eternity has appeared]

[Erebus The God of Darkness has appeared]

Sam was shocked by the fact that there were three gods in front of him even if they were not in their real form and said as he grabbed the handle of this great sword

"Why do you want to know. While you gods bicker about who I am people are being killed"

The three looked at each other before they joined hands and started talking in an unrecognizable language before Sam noticed everything but him and the gods turned grey and were frozen before Sam saw a message appear

[Time over the Middle land has been frozen by the god of time, Cronos]

Sam then turned to the three gods and saw a fourth hidden figure holding a large clock on a chain wrapped around his neck before Sam heard the hidden figure say

""Who disturbs my slumber? Who has awoken me, Cronos the god of time?""

The three gods bowed for a moment before they said in unison

"Oh Lord Cronos we call apron you to freeze time so we can get answers from this mysterious being who has stepped foot in the Middle Land"

Cronos slowly turned and saw Sam before he laughed uncontrollably before he held his hand out to Sam

""I believe it is a human custom to shake hands with a new face? Isn't it Dragon master?""

Sam stepped back as he felt his body was on edge while he saw the three gods were as still as stone with shocked eyes while Sam said

"You know who I am? Even though we've never met?"

Cronos looked at Sam for a second before he pulled his hand back saying

""So you haven't set the link yet… Interesting""

Sam looked outside and saw everything was still frozen in place and said

"I have work to do with these portals so can you unfreeze the world?"

Cronos looked deep in thought before he snapped his fingers and said before he and the three gods left while time returned to normal

""I'll tell Apollo to come and set the link for you so I must ask you to come to the 15th tower floor soon""

Before Sam could ask him a question he saw everything was restored to normal before he said as he left the tent

"I'll take my leave and deal with some of these dungeons"

Sam then left and just as he was about to leave the tower steps he felt a hand grab his shoulder before he turned his head and found a hunter and heard the hunter say

"The chairmen said to stay in the tower area until reinforcements arrive"

Sam grabbed the hunters hand and said as he tightened his grip while he gave the man a cold glare

"You should not grab someone and I don't take orders from anyone"

The man screamed in pain as his hand was broken before everyone looked at Sam

Once all the attention was on Sam he turned away as and said he saw hunters drinking beer and eating food and laughing while their city was being destroyed by monsters

"Everyone of you is useless"

Sam then changed to his Drake form and yelled as the crowd of hunters stared in horror and shock at Sam

"Your city burns but you all stay where it is safe?! You bring shame to your families!"

Sam then felt a poke on his back and turned to see an arrow sticking out that was fired from an Orc and squashed it with his tail before he left to kill more monsters not knowing that he was being watched as Cronos watched Sam kill a horde of Zombies with ease before he disappeared while Sam continued on till he came across Jim and Taylor as they just killed a group of Orcs and said

"Status report"

Jim and Taylor stood straight up and said

"All civilians in this area have been rescued and all that remain are the monsters master"

Sam nodded and left while Jim and Taylor killed another group of Orcs that came out of the portal they were monitoring while Sam checked on the next few portals and found some small groups of hunters fending off a wave of humanoid insects before Sam stomped on them and said once they were all dead

"Head to the tower if you can't fight them or you can follow me and help"

just as Sam was about to turn around he heard one of the hunters say

"Y-You a-aren't going to eat us?"

Sam grumbled and said as he picked up a boulder and smashed it into pieces

"I'm a hunter too and If I wanted you dead I would have killed you so either follow me or head to the tower"

Sam then turned his head and left while the small group of hunters followed Sam till they reached the portal Jim and Taylor were guarding before he moved to the side and said as he pointed at the group of hunters

"Jim I leave these hunters in your care while I continue on"

Jim nodded and said as he crushed an orc head to pieces in his hands

"It will be done master"

However just as Sam was about to leave he suddenly found himself tangled in a net made of stone while he heard a woman say

"Net is down! Hold the Drake in place until the hunters clear the area"

Multiple groups of hunters came out of hiding and grabbed some chains that were attached to the net before Sam yelled as he found it was hard to gain any movement

"What are you doing?! I'm a hunter too!"

The same woman laughed a little and said a she drew her sword and stabbed at Sam

"Now there's monsters that talk HA! Now let's see what happens when you die! <Fifth style sword art Thunder Strike>!"

Sam let the attack land and felt as if he was tickled before he stood up on his back legs and yelled as he flung everyone in separate directions

"I told you I am a hunter you morons! Ah!"

Once Sam was free he grabbed the woman and found it was Chloe from before and said as he snarled at her a little

"You should be thankful that I don't just kill you here for attacking me"

Chloe struggled to break free from Sam's grip before Sam set her down and changed back in front of her and said

"You remember me?"

Chloe saw Sam's face and instantly recognized him as she said

"You were at the tent when I had my goddess take over my body, Sam was it? What faction are you in?"

Sam wanted to answer his question before he felt an unsettling feeling in the air before he saw Jim get blown back and turned back to the portal to find an orc holding a staff while wearing a robe as a message appeared

[The Lone Orc Necromancer named Shallia has appeared]

Sam looked at Taylor and said

"Get Jim and the others out of here now! I'll face the enemy"

Taylor picked Jim up and ran towards the tower while Chloe ordered her men to retreat and stayed with Sam and said as they both stared at the Orc Necromancer

"That's an A-Rank Named Boss, you'll need my help to kill it"

Sam paid no attention to Chloe as he heard the Orc say

"Such a wonderful world for conquering and all these corpses will surely be found in my new world"

Sam used his tail and flung a broken car into the Orc before the Orc waved his hand and split the car into two before he looked at Sam and said with a grin on his face

"A Drake? Oh how can I miss such an opportunity for such a beautiful creature to be under my command. <Rise Up> and kill that Drake!"

Just then all the corpses began to stand back up even though some were missing an arm or a leg while Sam was annoyed that everyone saw him as just a Drake before he casted <Dragon morale> and let his anger and hatred run rampant to fuel his fire and said as he unleashed a blast of fire at the Orc

"I am not a Drake but the dragon Master! You will pay the price for that insult! <Dragons Breath>!"

The fire blast turned the surrounding building into molten lava in seconds while the orc saw in its eyes as he turned to ash a being who could tip the scales of power between peace and destruction

Once the Necromancer was killed and the heat subsided Sam turned to Chloe and said before he walked off

"Defend this portal"

Chloe was to stunned to move as Sam was passing her before she could see her man running up the street saying

"Master! Your okay! Thank the Goddess!"

Chloe turned around and saw Sam disappear from her view before she muttered under her breath

"What monstrous being are you?"

Chloe then stationed her men around the portal while Sam checked on his followers while dealing with groups of monsters and hunters who believed Sam was a normal Drake till all but one portal was destroyed and just as Sam was about to head into the portal he heard the chairmen say on the demolished building next to Sam's head

"Sam you should rest! You and your faction helped close the other Six portals! And reinforcements have arrived at the tower"

Sam looked around and saw no one around them before he said

"If the reinforcements have arrived then where are they hmm? It wouldn't take long to know all but one of the portals have been closed so where are they?"

Just then Sam felt something grab his tail before he was flung into the air and shifted to his lesser form and tried to gain his balance in the air before a colossal man was in front of him with two axes before Sam fended off the man's attack with his greatsword and wrapped his tail around the man's waist before he used the momentum of the fall to slam the man at the ground before he yelled as he tore off the man's helmet and found the man slightly familiar and pressed his sword against the man's throat

"I'm not a monster you morons!"

The man under Sam then dropped his sword and said as he felt the blade on his neck cutting his skin

"My apologies, who are you then?"

Sam stood up but still kept the edge of his blade at the man's neck as he looked around to see hundreds of hunters wearing identical gear and said

"I am Sam stone and you?"

The man then disappeared for a second and reappeared a few feet in front of Sam and said as he sheathed his blade

"The names Stew Makavoid servant of the god of war Ares but I go by the nickname 'Titan'"

Sam then recognized the man as he was know for being the right hand man to the Greek God of War who brought down the beast called Tiamat who nearly brought the whole western civilization to its knees with its destruction and Tiamat was said to be a half dragon and half God Hybrid no normal man could bring down the beast until Ares the Greek god of war came and bestowed his power to a man who killed the beast after 7 days and nights before he delivered the final blow

Sam then turned back to the portal and said as he saw some stone golems coming through

"You can handle this here while I go back and rest"

Sam was about to open a gate when he heard a rough and loud voice say

"Ha Ha Ha! So the little time keeper was telling the truth! Fantastic!"

Sam turned to the sound of the voice and saw stew's eyes glowed a blazing red before he saw a message appear

[Ares the God of War has Appeared]

Sam gripped his sword again and noticed Ares who was in Stew's body was smirking before he said

""Let's make a Wager little dragon. Whoever kills the most monsters will get to ask the loser five questions that they must answer""

Just then a quest appeared for Sam

[New Quest: Challenge of the god of war]

<The Greek God Of War Ares has made a wager on who can kill the most Monsters>



<Title ???>

<5 questions to ask Ares>

[Loss of the wager will result in you telling the god of war Ares the truth for his 5 questions]

[Will you accept the wager? (Y/N)]

Sam was very tempted by the rewards but clicked No immediately as Even though Sam was confident in his abilities he knew he couldn't beat a god like Ares even if he wasn't in his real form and said as he let go of his blade and walked past him

"I'm not going to fight a battle I know I can't win so I'll pass"

Ares sighed before he left stews body while Sam gathered his followers back at the tower and was immediately grabbed by Gina and was hugged tightly as she said

"Thank goodness your okay!"

Gina then realized that everyone was watching and let go of Sam before she said

"Have the portals been taken care of?"

Sam shrugged and said

"Me and my team helped close off six of the portals and I left the last one to stew Makavoid. You've heard of him right?"

Gina's eyes immediately widened and said as she tried dragging Sam away

"You mean the Titan is here?! Bring me to him! I have to get his autograph! Hurry!"

Sam didn't budge a feet and said as he opened the gate to the Dragon Grotto

"You can go find him yourself since me and my members are going home"

Gina then let go of Sam and said as Jim and the others went through the portal

"Than let me give you this as thanks for your support in closing the Portals"

Sam turned and saw Gina holding a well detailed and stunning fox mask and said as Gina handed it him

"It's beautiful thank you Gina. I'll come back in a weeks time to check on the construction of the building"

Gina then smiled and hugged Sam again and whispered in his ear before she left to find stew for an autograph

"Next time your here drinks are on me but for now goodbye"

Sam smiled and went into the portal where he and the others immediately went to the baths to rejuvenate themselves from the constant battles they had to deal with