
Jinxed Waves of Feelings

Synopsis: The story expresses a pessimistic outlook, stating that everything is a lie and will never change. It questions whether this is really true and ends with the realization that the world the speaker entered was a demonic one that they wished they had not entered. Everything is a lie that will never change. Is everything really just a lie? Yes, it's true. There's no hope! She's tired of everything! But she tried. She was enchanted by his world. What kind of world was that? It was a demonic world that she wished she had never entered.

Cryslyn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 1

"M-mama," she said.

"Perhaps she's dreaming of our beloved Queen," she said.

"Wait, should we hide this?"

"No! No!! I can't hide it from the Royal Queen, huhuhu."

"But... We will be punished with death! Because we didn't watch over the princess."

The three ladies cried in a room.

It was a luxurious and tidy room. There were many jewels. The room exudes an air of elegance, beauty, and opulence, reflecting the refined taste and luxurious lifestyle associated with royalty.

The room's interior is typically adorned with intricate architectural details, such as ornate crown moldings, decorative pillars, and high ceilings. The walls are often adorned with delicate wallpaper featuring floral motifs or subtle patterns, creating a soft and feminine ambiance. Rich, luxurious fabrics are used for curtains, drapes, and upholstery, adding texture and a regal touch.

The centerpiece of the Princess room is often an exquisitely crafted four-poster bed, adorned with flowing canopies, plush bedding, and decorative pillows. The bed is a symbol of comfort, elegance, and privilege. Nearby, there might be a vanity table with an ornate mirror, surrounded by beautifully crafted stools or chairs. This area serves as a place for the princess to prepare herself, with an array of perfumes, cosmetics, and grooming essentials. The room also includes a seating area or a cozy reading nook, furnished with comfortable armchairs or sofas, upholstered in luxurious fabrics. Soft, ambient lighting emanates from elegant chandeliers or intricately designed lamps, casting a warm glow throughout the room. The space is often decorated with fine art, including paintings or tapestries that depict scenes from fairy tales or historical events. The Princess room may feature a private dressing room, complete with spacious closets or wardrobes to accommodate an extensive collection of elegant gowns, dresses, and accessories. Adjoining the room, there might be a private bathroom, adorned with marble, gold fixtures, and a lavish bathtub or spa-like amenities, providing the princess with a luxurious bathing experience.

Revely heard the noise of the three ladies. Where am I? That was her question to herself. She slowly opened her eyes, and before her were the three women. The three women widened their eyes and screamed.

"Ah, Princess!!"



The three took care of the beloved princess.

Haraya, the daughter of a baker, was well-off, but it wasn't enough for their daily needs, so she entered the palace. She was the strongest among the three. Her hair was braided, and she was a (little) dark-skinned woman.

Aliah was the quietest among the three and very gentle. Her hair was braided, and her face was very pleasing. She was in the palace because she was an orphan and had no relatives.

And the last one was Maryana, the daughter of the General of Zhceryality Palace. She was also very beautiful, and she had short hair. They grew up together with the princess, so she knew her behavior and habits very well.

"Wh-where am I?" were the only words that came out of the princess's mouth.

The three were surprised by what they heard.

S-she can't remember us, Maryana's thought.

How did she lose consciousness?

While they were playing in a forbidden river, the princess fell and hit her head on a rock. The three didn't know what to do when it happened.

"W-we're in Zhceryality palace, Princess."

"Z-zch---What?" Revely couldn't understand what Aliah said.

"A-are you really unable to remember, beloved princess? Oh no." Haraya shouted.

Because the princess couldn't remember things, Maryana explained everything.

"You are the child of our Beloved Queen Wereny Yacul and King Jammed Yacul," she paused as Aliah held her arm.

"W-what if the Queen finds out? Huhuhu, I don't want to die yet! I still have many dreams in life!"

"Stop it, Aliah! The beloved princess might get annoyed."

"Okay, I'll continue. And yes, you are the child of the Beloved Queen and the King, and this palace, or rather, the one you belong to, is called Zhceryality."

"Zhceryality?" the princess asked in confusion.

"Yes, beloved princess," Haraya answered.

"...And this world. Can't you remember that either?" Revely asked with a puzzled expression. Maryana closed her eyes tightly.

"It's worse than I thought."

While Haraya and Aliah were getting food, Maryana continued to tell her everything. She was scared of what could happen. The King and Queen would surely find out about it. The King had a hot temper towards the princess.

"This is the world of Archzhcery. It is divided into 7 kingdoms but the three is Important so I'll tell you. Just wait, I'll get the map."

Revely's mind was still not processing what was happening. What should she do? Why was she here? Her heartbeat quickened with each passing moment. Me? A princess? She furrowed her brow and looked at Maryana, who held a large piece of paper. It might be a map...

"Here... the three kingdoms. Armetys, the Mckenzie family, led by King Tinaro Mckenzie and Queen Rema Mckenzie. They have two children, the Crown Prince and Prince Inigo." Revely furrowed her brow as Maryana suddenly blushed. "Their cousin, Prince Ramil, lives with them because he has no parents. They are very high up, we are only second to them in terms of status. And they are very powerful."

So, does this mean... I'm in a fantasy world? But what is this? I still don't understand.

"And next. Your family, dear princess. Queen Wereny Yacul is your mother, and your father is King Jammed Yacul. Your siblings are Prince Jacob Yacul, Prince Ajay Yacul, Prince Mikael Yacul, Prince Rico Yacul, and Princess Diana Yacul, who is two years older than you. And your younger siblings, Princess Mira Yacul and Princess Leonor Yacul."

Revely's mind couldn't process Maryana's stories.

"I am Maryana. I have been with you for a long time, since we were children. Aliah is the one with loose hair, and Haraya is the one with braided hair." Maryana looked at Revely, hoping she would remember even a little, but she shook her head, still unable to recall anything.

"Princess Miamore, here is your food."


"You are Princess Miamore, beloved Princess."

Maryana also narrated about the third kingdom called 'Chrestiny' ruled by King Ranz, who passed away long ago, and Queen Harika, who is currently reigning along with Crown Prince Mark Rewis Manzano, Princess Nathalie, Princess Joylyn, and the youngest 14-year-old Prince Hackie Manzano.

And the remaining four kingdoms are the smallest kingdoms and residences of the powerful. The 'Solemnety,' 'Jinguha,' 'Amaña,' and the last one is 'Mahavha.'

Revely was briefly left behind by the three. However, there were other servants guarding outside Princess Miamore's chamber.

Am I Miamore? But I'm Revely! What happened to me? Is this heaven? I'm confused!! The thoughts swirling in her mind did not help ease her feelings.

After eating, she didn't know where to go because she didn't know the kitchen. She went out and was surprised when the servants outside her chamber bowed. She also bowed back, but they remained bowed. She looked up and couldn't believe what she saw. It felt like she was in a different world. It was only now that she noticed her attire. It was different, and she didn't know where it came from. It seemed sturdy, beautifully sewn. She suddenly became worried. Where was she? She saw a window and noticed the clouds. Her eyes widened due to the vastness of the place she was in. What place is this?

Revely's thoughts seemed to have gone into space when she heard a voice.

"Princess." She quickly turned around, her eyes widening in surprise. A certain woman bowed and quickly embraced her. She didn't know what to do. "Are you feeling alright, Beloved Princess? Are you hurt, Princess? Oh my! I was really worried about you."

"Oww-kay?" Revely didn't know how to react. Someone suddenly hugged her whom she didn't even know.

"They're right, you can't remember anything," the old woman said with a mournful voice. Revely recognized her as Lady Mal, the true caretaker of the Princess aside from the three. She was old, but not that old, maybe in her 40s.

"Don't worry, my Princess. I'll take care of you." Lady Mal winked and gestured for the Princess to follow her to the Grand hall where the king, queen, and her siblings were present.

"So, you're finally awake, Amore." Revely furrowed her brow.

"Your siblings, Princess. Prince Ajay," Maryana whispered beside her. Revely nodded and followed the unfolding events.

Maybe... This is her second life, huh? She felt scared. What if they find out that she's not really the princess they think she is? Will they cast her out? Kill her? Imprison her? Or maybe perform some spiritual—

"Princess Miamore!" She was startled by the shout of the Beloved King. It was the first time she felt fear from the booming voice of the king, as if her thoughts were about to come true. W-will she die?

"The Princess is still feeling unwell, Your Majesty. Please forgive her," Lady Mal spoke humbly, and Revely turned her attention to her. Lady Mal bowed, and without thinking, Revely imitated her. Everyone turned to look at her at the same time.

"P-Princess," Aliah signaled her, giving her a look that said, 'keep-your-chin-up.'

"H-hehehehehe." Revely awkwardly laughed and stood up straight.

She breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she left the Grand hall. She was now walking with her attendants trailing behind her. They kept their heads bowed, as if alert to whatever might happen to her.

Her eyes welled up. She was scared now, tears forming in her eyes.

W-who am I? Why am I here? Overwhelmed with fear, she sat down, and her attendants became alert.

"Beloved Princess!" Lady Mal shouted and immediately rushed to her side. Revely sobbed and clung to Lady Mal's arms.

"Whatever you're feeling is, everything will be okay," Lady Mal assured her, and Revely's chest tightened as various thoughts raced through her mind.

"I-I beg for your forgiveness if I don't remember much." Revely could only manage to say those words.

She wanted to speak and pour out her fear, but it only seemed to amplify. She wondered if it was wrong! That maybe she would be in even greater danger if she told the truth. She held tightly onto the iron balcony railing.

"You're terrified of your parents." Lady Mal began. "Because the Beloved King still harbors anger towards you and your true father." Revely's eyes widened. What? She wasn't the king's child? I mean... Princess Miamore?

"I don't know if I should tell you this or if it's better for you to forget, but—"

"Please continue." Revely interrupted Lady Mal's statement. She wanted to know. She was curious about her current situation here in Zhceryality.

"The Yacul family, led by King Jammed and the beloved queen, along with your older siblings, are happy. But one day, another family attacked and entered into a negotiation with your parents. If they didn't agree, they would kill your siblings. The condition was for the queen and the prince to have a child with the family that attacked. And you were the result, beloved Princess..." Revely was taken aback. If that was the ugly truth of her life even in this world, she couldn't believe she remained unhappy. The Lady continued, "...A few weeks ago, their prince died, and they resumed the war. They almost killed you then, but luckily you were saved. You're fortunate, my dear, and you're not an unfortunate one as the king always claimed. You bring luck to us. Especially since the kingdom became prosperous, abundant in food, wealth, and soldiers, and I'm sure they love you too. They're probably just too shy to show it." Lady Mal chuckled softly.

"Who was the kingdom that attacked the palace? Who are they?" Revely asked, curious. She needed the complete story or narrative because she was living here, and her true father was there. Wait, no! The true father of the princess.

"The kingdom that attacked has long since perished, now just a vast land and a church that worships the Gods. It was the kingdom of Juaceba, and Prince Carlos is your true father," Lady Mal concluded the story. She looked at Princess Miamore's reaction, hoping she would remember something, but she was disappointed. Princess Miamore had no expression and seemed lost in thought.

Revely was in her chamber, contemplating her plan. What would she do? Should she continue? Where was she really? She needed answers! I'm confused and restless. Why am I here?

But...wait? I'm not home anymore! I won't suffer anymore. Hmmm, I'll just be equally miserable! No matter where I go! But fine, I'll just continue this. I will live as a princess. I am Princess Miamore and no longer Revely!

She was on the verge of tears, feeling a mix of frustration, sadness, and joy at the same time. However, she had made her decision. She wouldn't go back. She was now the youngest princess of the kingdom of Zhceryality. She would do everything to continue living because she wanted to live.

"That's right! From now on, I will continue here and follow the path of Miamore's life. Fighting, Revely!"