
Jinxed Waves of Feelings

Synopsis: The story expresses a pessimistic outlook, stating that everything is a lie and will never change. It questions whether this is really true and ends with the realization that the world the speaker entered was a demonic one that they wished they had not entered. Everything is a lie that will never change. Is everything really just a lie? Yes, it's true. There's no hope! She's tired of everything! But she tried. She was enchanted by his world. What kind of world was that? It was a demonic world that she wished she had never entered.

Cryslyn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 2

Until now, Revely, or let's better call her Princess Miamore, is still confused. It's so weird! She feels strange.

While lying on her bed, she suddenly started to think. She misses her real parents. Her mom, dad... She hoped her mom and her boyfriend would break up. Tears rolled down her cheeks, she needs to forget everything.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

She stood up, unsure of what to do.

"Our Princess, the Princes are here." A servant spoke softly. The Princess furrowed her brow. Princes? What are they doing here? She felt nervous, afraid of being caught. It's scary!

The door opened, and the three Princes entered. Prince Jacob, Prince Ajay, and Prince Mikael.

Prince Jacob, the eldest among the siblings. He exudes authority, resembling the beloved King and will be the future crown prince. He takes care of everything and is admired by women. He commands the palace guards with General Medel. He possesses power. He can manipulate people's minds, hypnotize them. He can also summon ice using his spirit.

The second one is Prince Ajay, the mischievous sibling. The cheerful Prince. He's skilled in combat and can play tricks on you. He's good at cards, sports, dancing, and most importantly, he has the power to transform into a young falcon. He is also loved by women for his exceptional handsomeness.

Prince Mikael, the quiet sibling. When he gets angry, the earth trembles. His power lies in the earth; he can manipulate it using his hands and words by commanding the ground. He is incredibly handsome and the tallest among them.

The youngest brother is not here because... he doesn't like the Princess.

"We are saddened that you lost your memories," Prince Ajay said.

"We failed to protect you, Amore," Prince Jacob said, bowing down and placing his sword on his chest. Miamore closed her eyes for a moment.

"Ahh-... It's not your fault."

"We are here for a rehearsal/sparring," Miamore turned to the one who spoke, Prince Mikael. Princess Miamore felt scared.

"Prince Mi—." She was interrupted as Prince Jacob raised his hand.

"Wait, did you call us 'Prince'? In that case..."

"Do you not remember the language of Archzhcery?" Prince Ajay's eyes widened. Miamore slowly nodded. She couldn't understand what the Princes in front of her were saying.

The Princes led her to the Kenipen and they all sat down.

'Kenipen' is a room located behind a door, where the lounge is. There, you can converse casually and without hesitation, even if others can hear. The lounge is beautifully designed with comfortable seating arrangements, such as sofas, armchairs, or conversation nooks, providing a more casual and intimate setting for social interactions.

"When someone older than me addresses me, they call me 'Kuya.' So they call me 'Kuya'," Prince Jacob explained.

"When someone older than us, Kuya Jacob calls us 'Xuji.' We also call you the same. But when your siblings, the Princesses, address you, they call you 'Yapi.' You can call us 'Hopya'," Prince Ajay paused in his explanation because Prince Jacob laughed. Prince Jacob stopped from laughing and laughed again. He signaled to Prince Ajay to continue the story. He also gave a few examples in different languages. Princess Miamore was confused at first, but she understood it somehow.

It's so difficult! This world has so much to learn!

"If that's what I call you... because you're older than me, 'Hopya'?" The three Princes burst into laughter. It was surprising, but Prince Mikael also laughed.

Everything seemed to slow down. The joy that Revely felt was indescribable. It was as if she had gained a new family. She didn't expect this. One by one, she gazed at the smiles on the lips that reached the eyes of her newfound siblings. She was happy. Revely was happy.

"Yes, Xuji!"

They walked towards the 'Bukid' where the field and land were, with only grass, trees, and plants in sight. There was also a river not far away.

They were accompanied by their attendants and a few maids who prepared snacks for the Princes and Princess Miamore.

Today, the Princes were going to teach Princess Miamore how to fight using a sword. Revely felt a bit nervous because she didn't know how to use it. How should she use it? She attempted to hold the blade to see if it was sharp. But before she could grip it properly, she accidentally cut herself.


"Oh no."

"Are you okay, Amore?"


The three Princes were worried. Miamore laughed and showed her finger with a little blood.

"I'm fine! It's far from my stomach!"

"Ahhhh!" Princess Miamore screamed as they practiced using the sword. She wasn't skilled. The Princes had a sense of unease in their hearts because Princess Miamore was extremely talented last time and had never had an accident. But they would do everything to bring back Princess Miamore's skill.

"Yahh—" Before Miamore could even shout, she was already trapped in Prince Mikael's arms. "Ahhhhh!" Princess Miamore tried to break free, but Prince Mikael was strong.

"That's not how you do it. Twist your hand like this—yes, like that."

As the sun set, they sat by the river. Prince Mikael and Ajay sat side by side, while Miamore was beside Prince Jacob.

"Phew, I'm exhausted," Prince Ajay said, dropping his sword and lying down. Princess Miamore turned to look at him and followed suit. Prince Jacob, the eldest Prince, laughed and imitated them.

The three of them looked at Prince Mikael because he hadn't lied down yet. Prince Mikael took a relaxed breath and finally lay down. They all burst into laughter.

'This is the best day ever!' Revely thought. I'm so happy right now. I hope it never ends. And she closed her eyes.

They were now walking through a dark path in the forest. The three Princes, along with Princess Miamore and the palace guards and attendants.

"Hahaha Kuya, I'm sure Xuji will become excellent too."

"You're the most skilled and the fastest among us, Amore," Prince Jacob recounted.

"Hopya, why did you accept me as your sibling?" Princess Miamore asked without thinking. The three Princes stopped, as did the others walking with them.

What are you doing, Revely? What the fuck? Did I say that? Did I ask? Ahhhkk why am I getting involved in the owner's body problems, argh!!

"Because you are our sibling," Prince Mikael answered. "Miamore, just because your father is different from ours doesn't mean we will abandon you and not accept you as a family. You are our blood, Miamore. You are always welcome, especially in our hearts. You are important to us, you are our youngest sibling. You are not different." Prince Mikael spoke at length, surprising the other two Princes.

That might be the longest speech from the silent Prince hahahaha.

"You're right, Xuji," Prince Jacob tapped Prince Mikael's shoulder. "We are always one, Miamore." Then Prince Jacob smiled at Princess Miamore, and she responded with a smile.

They continued walking, and Prince Ajay broke the silence. They carried large torches to illuminate their path. They were accustomed to dark places as they had the ability to see even in darkness. They could see even from a great distance, and it remained bright to them.

"Ouch!" Prince Ajay shouted. They all paused and became alarmed by the Prince's moan. But it wasn't just that. They heard footsteps, not just one, but many footsteps. Princess Miamore felt fear and didn't know what to do.


"Guard the Princess!" Prince Jacob shouted, quickly mobilizing the attendants and guards. They surrounded the nobles and protected the youngest sibling, Princess Miamore.

"Shhhh, keep watch. There are many of them," Prince Mikael whispered. Miamore furrowed her brow.

How were they able to see them? Revely squinted her eyes, gradually seeing who was attacking Prince Ajay with a bloodied arm.

"I-I see them!" The Princess said, somewhat loudly, which alarmed them as someone suddenly rushed towards them.





Sounds of swords clashing and people shouting reached Princess Miamore's ears. She couldn't do anything; she just looked around. In her extreme fear, she didn't know what to do. She bowed her head, covering her ears. She sat down and sobbed. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes.

"S-stop!" she whispered—only she could hear it. She trembled for an inexplicable reason. She was probably scared! She closed her eyes and thought. What if she used what she had learned in sparring? She tilted her head. What if she ended up getting hurt instead?

You're such a coward, Revely! Are you going to do nothing? Just stare and sit there? Wait? What about the people you consider your siblings now! What about them!! They will be the ones sacrificing for you? They will be the ones getting hurt because they want to protect you? You're not part of this world! Why does everything seem so easy for you? It's not for you! You have no right for them to protect you. None! You're Revely! You're not the Princess—

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Revely screamed and drew the sword that was placed at her back. She fought back and used what she had learned in training. She couldn't feel anything anymore. Her eyes grew darker. It became even darker in the already dark night.

"Amore!" Prince Jacob shouted in concern. Someone was about to stab Prince Jacob, but Princess Miamore intercepted the attacker. Miamore walked around, spinning in circles. She was looking for someone to fight. She could only feel anger. Anger that someone was whispering to her that she didn't belong here. That she wasn't part of this world.

"Ah-hhhhh!" Her final scream before she stopped. She fell to her knees and let go of the sword she was holding. It felt like she woke up from a dark nightmare. Her hands trembled as they were stained with blood, and she looked at the dagger on the ground, the one she had been holding. There was so much blood, blood scattered all around.

"D-did I really do all this?" she whispered in her mind. She let out a sob and took deep breaths. The Princes immediately approached her and called her name. The Princess just stared at the Princes, her gaze like that of a wild animal.

What had she done earlier? She wasn't Revely anymore! S-she wasn't Revely anymore! What was that! Why was it like that?

"You did it, Princess Miamore! You were amazing!" Prince Ajay praised her. But her feelings didn't change. She was scared and anxious. Why? Why was it like this?

"P-Princess!!" Prince Jacob exclaimed.

"P-Prince Jacob... I... I want to go home, huhuhuhu!" the Princess said with a determined voice before losing consciousness.

"PRINCESS!!!" The Princes, as well as the guards and attendants, shouted.

Prince Jacob carried the Princess and ran towards the palace. The Prince was panting heavily and rushed into the palace hall. There were the beloved king and queen, seemingly disappointed with what they saw. The princesses, Princess Diana, Princess Mira, and Princess Leonor, were also there, along with the youngest Prince, Prince Rico.

Princess Diana was the fifth among the siblings and the oldest among the princesses. She despised Princess Miamore due to anger, resentment, and grudges. She believed it would have been better if the youngest princess had been thrown away and not brought back to life. She sighed and flicked the bottom of her dress before leaving.

" 'Ate' " both of the other Princesses called out, always trailing behind Princess Diana.

"I hate her," Princess Diana uttered before leaving.

"Your majesty!" The three Princes bowed and placed Princess Miamore in front of the King and Queen. "Some individuals followed us on our way back from training, Your Majesty and Your Highness. We couldn't recognize them due to their heavy body coverings and the darkness." Prince Mikael reported.

"But we found a piece of unusual fabric from the attackers. It's not an ordinary fabric, Mama, Papa," Prince Jacob added.

"Ajay, a-are you injured?" The Queen asked with concern. Prince Ajay's eyes sparkled.

"Aren't you going to ask about the Princess's condition, Your Highness?" Prince Ajay asked sadly and looked at the unconscious princess.

(A/N: Hello! Thank you to those who are reading this story! I hope you enjoyed it. Let's continue until the end of the story. Thank you! )