
Jinxed Waves of Feelings

Synopsis: The story expresses a pessimistic outlook, stating that everything is a lie and will never change. It questions whether this is really true and ends with the realization that the world the speaker entered was a demonic one that they wished they had not entered. Everything is a lie that will never change. Is everything really just a lie? Yes, it's true. There's no hope! She's tired of everything! But she tried. She was enchanted by his world. What kind of world was that? It was a demonic world that she wished she had never entered.

Cryslyn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


I grew up in a chaotic world. No one accepts me. No one loves me. But it's okay.

No one sees me. My role in life is being invisible. They can see me as an invisible human. But it's okay. Everything is okay. Everything.

"You're not my child!" That's what my mother always says to me. I don't believe it. I love them, and I know that one day they will love me too.

How are you?

Are you okay?

I'm writing in my notebook here on my table in the classroom. I feel calm even amidst the noise of the students. I'm alone. I've been used to it for a long time.

Always the second choice in everything.

Never chosen.

When will someone choose me?

My friends are traitors. But I don't care. I've lost interest in everything. It's fine. Everything is fine. I'm fine!


I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. No one woke me up, and I'm late for class. I felt a pang of sadness. Today is the day of the exam. I went out to pour out my emotions but then I saw Mama...with someone else. I turned away and held back the tears welling up in my eyes. I wiped them away with my hand and went back to my room to fix myself.

I grabbed my things and went to school. I can't calm down. I tried to remove what I saw from my mind, but it kept lingering.

"Hey, Rev!" Japet, who thinks he's close to me, hugged me. I didn't pay attention to him because I'm sure his girlfriend from the other section would get jealous. It's not good when those girls get angry! I shrugged and sighed. Did I think of something too complicated? You won't stop if you're the target.

"Revely." I forced a smile as Samuel greeted me. He's my crush. I like him, but it's not possible. Whenever I think about wanting a boyfriend, it makes me happy. But immediately, my situation, my life, comes to mind. I shake my head and forget about it.

"You want?" I took the Chuckie drink he offered. I removed the straw and sipped it.

After a while, the first subject teacher arrived to invigorate our exam. I took my glasses, pencil, and sign pen, and then we started.

My heart was beating fast as I read each question of the exam.

My hands were trembling. My eyes kept shifting. I didn't know which one to focus on. Should I choose number 1 or 2? I took a deep breath and tried to push away the things that broke my heart from my mind.

"Time's up! Pass your papers!"

I left the classroom carrying my belongings. There's no class after the exam, maybe that's why many people came today. I don't know what to do.

I can't calm down. What am I thinking, really? The exam? My mother? When I arrived home, I saw Mama with her boyfriend.

"Tell off your child! We're just wasting money on his education."

"I'm here!" I shouted and went straight to my room.

"Oh Revely!"

I stopped and automatically turned around because if I didn't, I would be in trouble. Not with the man, but with my mother. I'm so tired of this.

"Massage my back," he said as he positioned himself on a chair and lifted his shirt. Our lips touched, and I glanced at Mama. She nodded at me and signaled me to follow her boyfriend's command.

I complied. I removed my bag that was hanging behind me and grabbed some oil to use for massaging Mama's boyfriend's back.

"Like that. Keep going," I continued massaging until he suddenly held my hand and reached down to his private area. My eyes widened, and I pinched his back.

"Ouch!" he shouted, looking at me angrily.

"What are you doing, you b*tch!"

"What happened, Revely!?" Mama shouted at me.

"M-Ma, he did it! He placed my hand on his private part!" I stammered.

"What?" she asked.

"Ma-" her boyfriend gave me a stern look. I went upstairs and ignored Mama calling me.

As I locked the door, I could still hear them talking. Mama said she would scold me later. I wanted to tell it, but would she believe me? No! I knew the answer, no!

I passed the time so I wouldn't have to eat with them. It was already 10 p.m. I was sure they were already asleep, so I left the house and left a note.

I reflected on everything. I don't want this anymore! I'm leaving this hellish house. I can't bear it any longer.

"I won't be coming back. Take care of yourselves, Mama."

With love, Revely.

It's raining.

My fingers clung to the strap of the bag hanging on my back. I bowed my head, not knowing where my departure would lead me. I am not sulking. Is it me or is everything shit?

Fate is so unfair. Is it laughing at me now? While suffering from the cold, exhaustion, and dizziness.

Thanks for laughing.

I sat down on the side, and luckily, there were no passing cars or people walking in the rain. This is me, alone, feeling the cold rain. Nothing enters my mind, I am tired.

I sobbed and bowed down. The only thing in my mind is the wish for this feeling to disappear. I hope tomorrow will be gone. I hope that when the rain stops, this pain I feel now will also go away.


That was a car. I moved aside.

"Move aside, miss!!" shouted the driver as I crossed the road. I moved aside.

I just bowed my head and made a pained face due to the intense pain I was feeling. Where should I go now?

I was immediately blinded by an approaching car. The events unfolded quickly.



I was thrown somewhere and my whole body went numb. I didn't know what to do. Everything went blank! My mind, my body, I couldn't feel them anymore. My eyes were open and gradually started to blur. There was a man in front of me while I lay there and looked at the sky, but he covered the sky and he was the only thing I saw. My vision slowly darkened, and I no longer knew what happened next.



Filled with light and blue colors!

"What's the blood pressure?"

What are they talking about?

"Okay, Cut!"



Where am I?

I can't hear anything anymore.

Earlier, I could hear sounds, see the light, and people speaking. Now, everything is just black. What happened to me? Where am I?

"M-mom." I tried to speak, but nothing came out of my mouth.