

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Fantasy
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44 Chs


[Yulmu: Ah! I also heard about it. There have been rumours that since that day, all vocal evaluations have changed to be completely acapella. I've heard a lot of complaining here and there.]

After saying that, he asked if Baekya could sing for them just once.

With all the attention suddenly focused on him, Baekya lowered his head in embarrassment but soon gave a small nod. When the cheering from the DASE members subsided, the surroundings quickly fell silent.

Baekya subtly glanced at the other members, slightly exhaled, and began to sing with the crackling embers and the faint sound of crickets as background music.




Coincidentally, small snowflakes began to fall from the sky. It felt as if the stars were descending, just like the lyrics suggested.

[A voice as pure as the first snow]

[Baekya's voice embroidering the night sky]

It was a song that perfectly suited the current mood.

The dark night sky filled with twinkling stars was briefly captured on the screen. Then it transitioned to Baekya singing, and the members listening to him with their eyes closed, all in a slow sequence.

As the song ended, applause erupted. Even the production staff present at the scene didn't hold back their praise.

Afterwards, the members were shown engaging in discussions about their future activities, revealing their resolution and fortifying their unity as DASE.

[Next Episode!]

[What are the members' MBTI results?]

[Team Endless Silence VS Team Never Shuts Up]

[From now on it's REAL DASE!]

[Baekya (ISFJ): …]

[Jihan (INTJ): …]

[Minsung (INFP): …Should we go home?]

[Never revealed before footage]

[Chung (ESFP): Wahahaha!]

[Yuyeon (ENFJ): I'm going down?!]

[Yulmu (ENFP): Let's go there next!]

[Please look forward to it ♡]

That night, Assistant Manager Na stayed up all night.

* * *


[ISSUE] A rookie group with an exact 50-50 MBTI balance

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This is from the reality show called and I found it fascinating how the members' MBTI types had such different results!

First, the members' MBTI-type tendencies are as follows:

Minsung (INFP)

: The peacekeeper, a perfectionist

Jihan (INTJ)

: The planner, independent, subtly clumsy

Baekya (ISFJ)

: Attention-shy, gentle, humble, homebody

Yulmu (ENFP)

: The mood maker, easily connects with people

Yuyeon (ENFJ)

: Amiable, enthusiastic, caring, sensible

Chung (ESFP)

: The ultimate extrovert, optimistic, free-spirited

1. As soon as they were given free time for a day, they immediately divided into 'the resting group' vs 'the active group':

[Minsung (INFP): How about watching a movie?]

[Baekya (ISFJ): Sure. At the dorm?]

[Jihan (INTJ): But still, since we're filming… would it be too much to go to the movie theatre? For a late-night movie.]

[Chung (ESFP): Let's just all play football together! It's fun!]

[Yuyeon (ENFJ): Sounds good! How about football and then go to karaoke?]

[Yulmu (ENFP): For now, let's go out first!]

In the end, they split up into those who went to the movie theatre (I) and those who went to the indoor theme park (E) to find happiness in their own way.

2. 'The Silence of Death Group' at the movie theatre:

[Minsung (INFP): …]

Walking while intently observing something.

[Baekya (ISFJ): …]

Walking while looking around at the surroundings.

[Jihan (INTJ): …]

Just walking.

They really 'only' watched a movie and came back.

3. 'The Otherworldly Energy Group' at the indoor theme park:

[Chung (ESFP): Let's do everything here!]

[Yuyeon (ENFJ): Definitely! Let's start with that one first.]

[Yulmu (ENFP): (Still hasn't even entered because his attention was drawn elsewhere)]

They really did 'everything' and came back.

Lastly, the legendary Imjingak snowball fight:

(A picture of E-types running around like crazy while I-types just sitting on the ground watching lazily.jpg)


- It's amazing how they don't overlap even by a bit ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- I'm curious who each other's roommates are

- If even one of them changes, they'd be in hell ㅋㅋㅋ

- I've always thought they were a perfect balance. MBTI is indeed a science.

- What episode is this? I want to watch the video.

└ Episode 3

- When you watch their reality show, the E-types' mischievousness is so adorable ㅋㅋㅋ

- Min Rabbit is a peacekeeper ㅋㅋ

└ Seriously, while watching the show, he's always mediating and calming things down in the middle.

- Huh? But Baekya is biting hearts left and right all around the neighbourhood, so of course he'd be an E right?

- Jihan being subtly clumsy seems about right ㅋㅋㅋ That Bluetooth speaker of his when they went camping…

└ The same with YuSweet ㅠㅠ He was the first to suggest making a fire when Chung and Baekya fell asleep.

* * *

Today, as usual, DASE gathered in the practice room. The members were all busy on their phones.

"I'm done!"

"Me too!"

Yulmu and Chung stood up, sending pictures to Namkyung.

"Hyung, I sent mine too."

Soon after, Yuyeon completed the delivery. DASE was in the process of choosing photos for the photo cards to include in their upcoming album.

"What's taking you so long? Are there that many good pictures that you can't choose? Give it to me, I'll pick for you."

Yuyeon snatched Baekya's phone.

"Let's see~"

However, when he opened the photo gallery, all the photos in the photo album were of cats.

He scrolled up and it was cats.

He scrolled down and it was cats.



Out of 300 pictures, 180 were of cats, and 100 were of landscapes. The few selfies were so unbearable to look at that he couldn't keep his eyes open.

How could someone with that face produce such results? It could almost be called a talent.

Yuyeon looked sideways with a cold, icy glare. Baekya averted his gaze and took back his phone.

"H-hang on. I have a few photos…"

His voice wavered with uncertainty as he spoke, lacking confidence. It wasn't because there were too many photos that it took him long but because there weren't any.

Meanwhile, Jihan and Minsung have finished delivering the photos to Namkyung. When Namkyung asked Baekya if he was still not done, Yuyeon replied on his behalf.

"Hyung, he doesn't have a single selfie."


Yuyeon's words caused the surrounding members to flock around.

"No selfies? Why?"

"He has some, but they're absolutely rubbish. I could take one with my foot and it would be better than that."

The Cali Boy, whose photo gallery only consisted of pictures of himself, was in shock.

"Then take one right now."

At Jihan's suggestion, Chung pointed to a place in the practice room, saying that he knew the spots with suitable lighting.

"…Then, should I?"

Baekya got up from his position and was about to go to the spot Chung showed him. However, Namkyung objected.

"You're going to take a picture of yourself in that state? Absolutely not."

'What do you mean "that state"…!'

The infuriated Baekya turned to look at himself in the mirror. Sweaty hair, dirty clothes.

'Mm. I guess it's pretty bad.'

Even from his own perspective, this wasn't it.

"Then, what should we do? They asked for it to be done by today."

Baekya, panicked, was getting paler by the moment.

At that moment, a saviour appeared.

"I have a lot of photos of Baekya."

Yulmu rummaged through his phone and held out one photo. It was a picture of Baekya looking up at Yulmu's camera.

It must have been taken during the jacket photoshoot as the hair, makeup, and outfit were all perfect.

"This one's good! Let's use this!"

Namkyung urged them to hand over the photo immediately. However, Yulmu didn't stop there.

"I have many more besides this. There are quite a few photos of you guys too."

He casually took pictures here and there all the time, preparing for a day like today. Baekya was deeply moved.

Before you knew it, the members had gathered around Yulmu. This marked the beginning of the Baekya Photo World Cup.

The first photos were VS .

The former was a picture taken during the reality show filming, with Baekya sleeping under a blanket at the campsite, and the latter was taken in the waiting room while he was eating a sandwich.

"Of course, it's Blanket Baekya! What's with the mukbang selfie?"

The first round of the quarter-finals quickly moved on as Namkyung said there was no need to think further.

Continuing with the second round of the quarterfinals.

VS .

The first showed Baekya drinking iced Americano at Imjingak while the second featured Baekya at the campsite wearing an earmuffed fur hat tucked down to his neck.

"This one is definitely the first! It's a bit like, uh, you know what I mean?"

"I know, I know! Like Elsa!"

Yulmu and Chung shouted in favour of . However, the votes were overwhelmingly in favour of .

"Look at this cute face under the fur. I pity you poor souls who don't see the charm of a fur hat."

With these wise words from the leader of the Fur Hat faction, Jihan, the second round also ended quickly.

The third round of the quarterfinals.

VS .

The first photo was taken during the filming of the No Games music video, where Baekya wore an impressive white frilled shirt and a jewelled brooch.

The latter photo was presumed to be taken during the preparations for this upcoming album. It was a picture of Baekya with pink hair and a lot of cute stickers on his face. It was the picture Yulmu had first shown.

"It's obviously the latter one."

"Yeah, agreed."

For the first time, they all smoothly moved on. Finally, came the fourth round of the quarterfinals.

VS .

These were also taken during the reality show filming, one at the ID headquarters' café and the other in the practice room with Baek Ya lying on his stomach while cupping his face with his hands.

Of course, the latter was taken when Baekya was spacing out, so the focus of his eyes was slightly off.

"Isn't the apron better?"

"But you can't see his face very well."

Although both photos were almost full-body shots, the one with glasses showed Baek Ya's face a little more clearly. The fourth round ended with the majority voting for Baekya with glasses. Four photos advanced to the semi-finals.

However, since they had to submit only two selfies in total, this round was essentially the finals. The DASE members and Namkyung got serious.

The first round of the finals.

VS .

"Let's go with the blanket. It's definitely the blanket. I actually thought an angel was sleeping under it?"

Yulmu was the representative of the Blanket supporters.

"This isn't just any hat. You don't see someone wearing something like this every day. How do you not get it?"

And Jihan, the leader of the Fur Hat supporters, opposed.

Members who hadn't made a choice yet watched the intense battle between the two leaders and quickly made their decision.

The finals were led by Baekya.

'Why does it feel like my opinion doesn't matter when we're choosing my own photo...'

He felt unjust, but nobody paid him any attention.

"Then, I will begin."

In the overheated atmosphere, Baekya's honorific speech naturally came out.

"Among the blanket and the fur hat…"

"Referee! Get the names right!"

Because it felt awkward to outright say his own name, Baekya slightly mumbled the words, thinking it would suffice, but immediately received a protest.

"Can't we just do it casually?"

"No. We're very serious about this."

Baekya glared at Chung.


He felt a slight headache.

"Then let's start with the blanket. Raise your hand if you want the Blanket Baek… ya as the photo card."

Namkyung and Yulmu raised their hands, including Yuyeon, who had been raising his hand since the beginning.

"Wait. If we do this, we'll end up with three on three."

Baekya halted the proceedings. At that moment, an unfamiliar voice chimed in.

"Baekya-gun, I'm here too."

Dongman shyly raised his hand among the members.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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