
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · Fantasy
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72 Chs

CHAPTER SIXTY NINE: Tears of Jack Mayor

Jillian's Pov

I finally went into slumber after worrying over Jack and the problems, at dawn and still woke up when the sun rises getting ready to go to the hospital.

I haven't receive any call or text from neither jack nor Han , i walk into the living room to see Larry, Lorie and Diana watching the news.

" The mayors are the most trending family in the universe today " Larry announced when he saw me.

I leaned against the wall watching the news and i smile.

" They have always been " i said turning to walk away but then i was stopped by the newscaster word .

She just called my name, oops Jillian Don?.

I turned back to the TV to see the image of Jack and I kissing in front of his company.

The three stare at me , offering me a questioning look and i shrugged my shoulder smiling .

" It is what it is " i said walking away to get dress. Diana and Lorie joined me later to help me out.

I finally was ready to go and larry offer to drive me off to the hospital which i agreed.

We finally arrived at the hospital where Jack's fans and my fans were. I alighted from my car to enter the hospital, some security guards escorting me earnestly. The fans shouting, screaming i love you to me.

I wave and smile at them all with the reporters cameras on me.

I am a celebrity , i know and i am recognize almost everywhere i go but this kind of intense attention, I never received this attention, ever and i know why i am receiving it now.

It is none other than because of jack mayor. I know i will be the newspaper and TV always, starting from that day onward and i love it.

The smile i had on me dissolved into the wind when i step into the hospital to take in Han and Jack's appearance.

They look so tired and miserable and i got the answer that they haven't sleep a wink the night before , not that i blame them . No, i truly understood their feelings. I as well didn't have a goodnight sleep.

They smile at me when they Saw me.

" Jack " i called walking to them. I offered Han my hand and Jack caressed my cheek.

" What's going on ? No information yet? " I asked Han and he shook his head weakly.

" You both look Haggard right now, how about you leave for home to get clean up and then come back " i said and they both, in unison left me standing and walk off to Their seat.

I exhaled deeply before going to them, i know i will have a hard time to persuade them.

" You both should listen, i will stay here without moving an inch till you are back. If anything comes up i will surely notify you. " I said.

Jack look away from my concern face and Han pretend to be interested in the hospital walls.

I exhaled deeply resignly, pouting i sat down frowning.

They both must have noticed my angry expression because they stood up and walk away towards the exit. I smile sadly when i heard the fans screaming Jack's name.

Then i saw him driving away .


Jack's Pov

I walk out of the hospital only to see the small crowd that has gathered at the entrance. I walked up to the security to speak to them for a while before going into my car, Han behind the wheel. I settled beside him and he drove off to my house.

It was a silent , tense drive until my cellphone rang out and i picked it.

It's my sponsor , Mr michealson.

" Jack? " He called and i answered in a low tone.

" I'm so sorry I haven't check on you, been busy and ... "

" Are you okay? I saw the news " He cut me off gently. " You didn't tell me your sister is back and pregnant. "

" I'm sorry, i know i should have " i apologized wearily. Yes i should have, he knew my story. Everything.

" I will send you some men for security, i heard your fans are going crazy " He said and i smile wanly.

" I'm fine sir, i will call on Logan to protect me. Do not worry, I'm fine " i inform him politely.

" Okay, i will come over to the hospital later on then "

" Thank you sir, i will appreciate that " He wish me good luck and i hang up.

Han finally pulled into my house and we both alighted.

I stood still suddenly when i saw Laura.

" Jack " she called making her way to me. I allowed her to hug me for sometime before pulling away. " I saw the news, I'm so sorry for what i did back then. Mike asked me to poison Jilly or else he's going to kill your sister and you. I was so scared " she explained breathless , fear written boldly on her face. I knew she was scared that I won't grant her any audience but i did.

" It's okay, i forgive you " i inform her gently making to walk away but she stop me with her urgent voice.

" Can i go with you to the hospital? I need to see Maureen " She pleaded. Han replied instead.

" No, it's too risky to have someone who can be easily swayed by some few words around Maureen " he said angrily and i nodded.

" You have heard from Maureen's fiance. I forgive you but I won't forget, have a nice life Laura. It's nice working with you " i said to her before Han and i both walk into the living room , up to our various room to get cleaned up .

We meet again in the living room minutes later ready to go.

I , dressed in my normal dressing code while han as well. In a Black trousers and a Black short alongside a Black leader jacket.

He look hot and very handsome but i have not enough time to admire his good look.

We both step out to my car and i took the wheel this time and drove off to the hospital where my fans has increased.

I alighted from the car and walk into the building with han by my side.

Quite refresh now, we both have enough strength and were feeling better.

" Your breakfast " Jill greeted us with those words extending a small box towards han and i.

We both took it slowly to enjoy the morning snacks which doesn't settled too well in my stomach because my appetite was gone.

We ate in silent and packed up the remains for later then we sat, continue Waiting for the doctor call.

Finally he emerges, not Joan. No, he is an elderly man who seem to be a specialist in his late fifties.

We three stood up all of a sudden.

" What happened? Is she okay? " I asked the doctor urgently and he look away sighing.

" She will need to go into Labor now, but I'm sorry. We can't save both the mother and the baby, you have to choose one " the doctor says and my heart skip a beat. I could hear the curse words from Han and Jill crying silently

" How do you mean choose? Like ... What the hell are you ... Talking about ? " I asked the doctor raising my voice slightly at him but he answered in a low,calm voice. I'm sure he understands my plight and choose to bear with my temper.

" She lost too much blood Jack Mayor, you just have to sign some papers to ... " I cut him off.

" Where is she? " I asked in a rasp voice.

" She is conscious, you can see her now " he announced and my heart leap for unexplainable feelings.

We dashed into the room which she was and her sight isn't too well.

Maureen smile very tiredly when she saw us.

" Hey, are you okay? " Han asked her very softly, caressing her white cheek and she smiles at him. She look over to me and tears trickle down her face slowly.

" Jack, i heard the doctor. You need to save my baby " She began to say in a very tired voice but i shook my head repeatedly ,i walked up to her bedside, Han at the other and i held her hand.

" I can't do it " i confess in a slow voice but she sniffed, squeezing her hands on mine.

" You can jack, you have to. Please " she begged me weakly.

" I can't Maureen, I can't afford to loose you again. Please don't do this, i begged you. Don't leave, I just... Found you after four years... Please " i begged her with teary eyes. I couldn't concealed my emotions nor do I wish to keep it in anymore. Here my sister was, dying and i as a billionaire and a famous swimmer couldn't do anything about it.

I'm so heart broken and so miserable.

What should i do? I asked myself.