
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · Fantasy
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72 Chs

CHAPTER SEVENTY: Results of it

Jillian's Pov

I stood there watching the two mayors.

I cried silently at their sad situation. Their life has been so sad.

Suddenly Maureen start gasping for air. The doctor and nurses quickly asked us to go out.

It took a while for jack and Han to finally exit the room then we encountered Zach Mike and Mr Mike. Jack look over at them in surprise.

" What is going on? Why are you here? " Jack asked

" I'm sorry we didn't arrive sooner, I'm here for my grandchild " Mr Mike replied smiling at us.

Jack scoffed at his words.

" What grandchild? " He asked smirking, just then the doctor walk up to us with some papers.

" I need you to sign the papers " He said extending some documents to Jack who frown deeply.

" I'm not going to sign any crazy papers "

The doctor sighed impatiently.

" We don't have much time. Wait where is her fiance? The father of the baby? I think he should make this decision " The doctor suggested after realizing Jack won't sign any paperwork.

Zach quickly come forward but Han pull him back roughly.

The doctor exchange a puzzle look better the two men before settling on Jack.

" Who is the father please? " He asked again and Jack nodded at Han causing the Mikes to gasped in great shock.

" What? I thought i owned the baby " Zach Mike exclaimed with a white face.

" With the way you maltreated her? You are crazy " Han replied him clenching his hand.

" Oh really? This is the way you repay me? After i gave you a job despite the fact that your mother is a mur... " Mr Mike didn't have the opportunity to finish his sentence when Han closed in on him with a fist.

Jack smile at this while i gasped in shock.

" Mention my mother's name out of that greedy mouth of yours and i will make you pay " Han swore while gripping his shirt. He released the older man roughly and step back.

" I never knew Maureen was a cheater as well, i can't believe she has been whoring around when ... " Zach began as well bitterly but jack mayor cut him off with a punch.

Zach staggered backward with a stunned look on his face. At that moment Mr michealson, Jack's sponsor walk into the hospital with Mel, Jack's manager.

They saw the fight going on and they smile at the mikes who left angrily.

The doctor who still held the paper walk away with Han to sign while jack attend to Mr michealson and Mel. After speaking for a long while Janes appear as well. Beautiful as always but this time with a smile.

Surprisingly she smiles at me and then at Jack.

" You don't need to be scared, I'm sure she will be fine " Janes informed Jack and I.

They later was ready to leave, Mr michealson thank me for been by Jack's side while Mel wish us well. Janes on the other hand smile at me.

" I didn't give up on Jack yet, watch your back. Even if you got married to him i will still be at the corner waiting " She said smiling then walk away with her dad and Mel.

Han later appear walking slowly towards us.

" I couldn't bring myself to choose so i told them to go ahead with everything, all we need is to pray that God will be merciful enough to spare both Maureen and the baby " He said in a low tired voice.

Jack clenched his hands in panicked, he began to pace about while Han who is doing no better sat beside me with his face buried in the hollow of his palm.

My dad walk into the hospital at that moment, rushing to me.

" Baby, are you alright? " He asked and i shook my head.

The mayors isn't alright and so I won't be as well. He held unto my hand and we waited together for the doctor to appear.

" Your mother, I told her never to come again " my dad inform me and i smile wanly at him.

" Good choice, i heard she remarry for wealth " i replied whispering and he nodded.

" Heard the man works for claw foot club at a time but not anymore. I think we should forget about her baby. We got each other and now you have the man you love and his family " he said gesture at Jack mayor who was still pacing around and i smile brightly at my dad.

He surely made the right choice, I'm glad he told my mum to stay off. She doesn't deserve our love or anything. I guess the reason why Mr Mike told me that my mum contributed in claw foot club's success was because her new husband was working for him.

Mr Mike must have keep Han close because he knew his mother.

I understand every mystery and twist of the Mikes and Mayors conflicts now and it all Worth it.

The battle seem to have end since there is nothing to fight for anymore.

The doctor appear finally.

My heart leap at his sight.

" The baby is safe " he announced to us and we all gasp in appreciation then jack and Han stiffened.

" And my sister? " Jack asked.

" I'm sorry Jack " The doctor apologize.

Sorry? What is he sorry for? Oh lord no! Now that everything is cleared, it's only the right thing for Maureen to witness the fresh freedom because she plays a big part in revealing the truth behind mayor's death.

" She is fine but unfortunately she went into coma " The doctor declared.

Jack's face went white, Han flopped onto his seat in shock and i couldn't keep the tears from flowing.

Coma. No one knows when she will wake up.

It might be one year? Maybe two or five or should i say twenty or ever?.

We sat there staring into space as the reality hit us hard.

Maureen isn't here but her baby, han's baby is here. We all walk in to see the New baby boy and i gasped at his sight.

He has chocolate colored eyes just like his uncle, Jack, his hair pitched Black like that of his father, han while his beautiful face look so much like his mother's. Never had i witness a baby so beautiful and innocent. Our worried evaporated to the wind at the sight of this lovely baby. Then and there Jack name him Mickey Mayor while glancing at Han who nodded in acceptance at the beautiful name.


Two months later

Jillian's Pov

I alighted from my car and walk straight into the very beautiful restaurant. No one is in sight except Jack Mayor who sat at a corner sipping his wine gingerly.

I smile at him when his eyes met mine and i walk over to the table.

" How come? Is anything wrong that no one is around? " I asked and he smile.

" I closed down the restaurant "

" Why? " I asked suspiciously and he sighed, setting down his glass of wine to stare at me.

" It's my restaurant and i can close it anytime i wish " He replied gently.

I smile at his words, sure i know. My picture was hanged up at the entrance to create a lovely atmosphere to the people who walk pass it. Yeah, still modelling for jack.

It has been two months since Mickey Mayor was born and Maureen is still in coma with no sign of waking up.

We all have been checking on her as much as we can and our job are there too to attend to.

Han was made Jack's personal assistant filling in on Donald's post.

Donald came later to beg jack and the latter forgive him but never forget, as always.

We never heard from the Mikes except what we heard from the news that claw foot club is finally going bankrupt after series of huge loans.

Mayors creation is doing very great on the other hand while Han devoted his time to his baby boy and he is doing surprisingly well in his office Job.

I stop thinking to stare at Jack intense stare and them i know something is off.

" Jack what is it? " I asked gently getting uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

In response to my question Jack Mayor goes down on a knee and my heart dropped to my stomach at the sight.

My heart start racing so fast that i thought i would pass out.

" Jill, there is no word that could describe how much i love you. Your support, your love and endurance makes me who i am today. A happy man and so I want you ask you. Will you marry me? " he proposed revealing a beautiful, expensive looking ring.

What! Marry the whole Jack mayor?

Oh my goodness ! I didn't know when i start shedding tears.

My heart leap for unexplainable joy and i stretched my finger to him smiling.

" Yes ,i will " i replied between sobs and laughter.


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