
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · Fantasy
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72 Chs

CHAPTER SIXTY EIGHT: Wait, pray and be patient

Jack's Pov

No word could explain how i feel right now. No word at all. to finally learnt the truth about my dad's death is very overwhelming.

I feel so much, more than relieve to hear the truth. I have been loathing Mike for nothing then , i guess he got what he deserves then.

His greed for wealth makes him inherit a dying company. I know what that feels like because i have experienced it. When Donald caused the fall of my company i was so sad, angry and frustrated.

The woman before us smile brightly.

" I have to go now and i promise i won't show up ever again " She said turning away.

" No, do not go. Your son needs you here, can't you stay? " I told him in a soft tone. The more i stare at the woman the more i saw the sad expression behind that fake smile She had on. She knew about Logan, about Mikes dirty deeds. That means she has been watching us very closely.

" I can't stay, han will be fine... Alright " she said glancing at han who look at her pitifully.

" Who is he? My father? " He asked hesitantly earning a heavy sigh from his mother.

" Just like you, i left him. I do not know where he is any more but ... He is a good man, a very handsome upright man, Just like you. be safe everyone and jilly ... " She turned to the silent jill who has been watching the drama with a shock expression. " Take care of the mayors, my son ... And my grandchild " She said gently. She cast us a last glance. Offering Han a sincere apologetic look. She walk away then stop all of a sudden , turning to us she ran to Han and gave him a very tight hug.

I look away, blinking rapidly to steady my emotions .

" Be safe my son " She finally said before walking away to the night and forever.

We all stood gazing at the empty space. Everyone of us with each thought. I love my father and my sister and i will do anything and everything to protect my father's name and my sister.

A nurse finally emerges. She passed us walking hastily away and we all stare at her in dismay.

Lord please spare my sister and the baby. I prayed fervently.

Hours pass slowly without us hearing anything from the doctor or nurses then suddenly i remembered jill.

I look over at her, she look tired and scared. I smile wanly staring at her nervous face.

" You need to go home and rest jill " i told her but she shook her head stubbornly .

" I'm not going anywhere , i can't leave you " She replied in a strong voice.

I see it won't be easy to convince her and i as well don't want her to leave but she just have to rest. She look so tired , worried and she just survive a gun shot days ago.

I pull her into my embrace , patting her on the back.

" Just go home and rest, it's late. Han and i will be here ... Alright? " I told her gently , whispering in her hair and she sniffed into my chest, crying.

" Call me if anything comes up... Okay ? " She requested and i nodded in response.

" Hey, it's okay. I don't want to see your tears. Call me if you get home safely " i told her in a soft voice and she nodded.

I kissed her lightly on the lips before releasing her from my embrace. She walk out into the night.

About an hour later i received a call from her telling me she is safe at home, her home. We exchange goodbyes and i hang up.

Still no words from the doctor, Han and i stayed together throughout the night without sleeping or speaking. We held unto hope and pray fervently for a miracle.


Jillian's Pov

I was so sad and tired when i alighted from my car heading into my house.

I opened the door and walk straight into the sofa, floping into it in distress .

Lorie and Diana coming to me.

" What is it Jilly? You are so happy before you left this evening " Lorie asked me and Diana gaze at me with worried expression.

I sighed softly before explaining all to them, by the time i finished speaking they were as sad as i am.

We sat there in the living room without speaking to each other for more than an hour until the door open and larry walk in.

I shot him a surprise glare turning to Lorie and Diana.

" What is this evil man doing here? " I asked coldly

" I don't know, he hadn't been here after that day " Diana replied with a disdain look on her face.

Larry look away guiltly before stuttering.

" I'm sorry Jilly, i know... I'm ... Wrong, very wrong but Mr Mike won't spare me if i disobey him... I'm only here to beg for forgiveness, i have learnt my mistake. I'm so sorry " He pleaded with intense sincerity that i look away from him.

" When Jack's friend caused mayor's creation to go bankrupt he gave the man a second chance and so i will give you a second chance. We will be working for mayors creation from now onwards ... Alright ? " I asked him .

His sad face lighted up brightly with ... I couldn't even find the right word.

He look so excited that he pull me in for a bear hug.

Lorie and Diana was so excited as well and i guess they have been secretly praying for me to forgive him.

My door open at that moment interupting our reunion. Zach Mike appear on the doorway with a remorseful expression.

" Can i speak with you in private? Jilly for a moment? " He asked but i shook my head. The memories of him wanting to take me to bed by force still fresh in my mind.

He is very lucky i didn't inform Jack about that part otherwise he would be walking around with a punched face.

" No, you can speak here. I'm listening " i told him gently.

He took a couple of breath to steady himself before speaking.

" Is there anything i could do to make you love me? " He asked in a low tone, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. He continues " you are the only one i have ever loved. Is there ... "

I cut in gently " No, i love Jack and nothing will ever change it. " I replied him slowly.

I saw his corner of his lips curved into a smirk and he sighed in defeat.

" Then i will have to marry Maureen mayor as my dad is planning then " he said and i smile mockingly.

I didn't reply him ,no need to because I'm sure the media will do the talking.

Looks like Mr Mike doesn't know that Jack Mayor has learnt about the secret of his dad's Demise. The battle seem to be coming to an end.

Tomorrow will be a very remarkable day, a child , young Mayor might be born or not.

We just have to wait, pray and be patient for us to see.