
Its Only The Beginning

I was 12 years old when it started. We didn't even realize what was happening at first. Everyone just started getting sick, there wasn't a name for what was happening, at least not at the time. The symptoms of the sickness were as follows. °Fever °vomiting °coughing And °Death A very painful agonizing death not long after hundreds of thousands of people died scientists and doctors noticed people beginning to survive after a month of the sickness killing everyone it infected Those who got the sickness and survived were forever changed, they got some sort of strange supernatural abilities, like super heros almost. That was when we started calling it The Beginning. Of what we did not know but it was nothing good

Seri_Faw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 8

We've been on the road for 6 hours. and nothing but fighting. "HOW COME SHE GETS THE FRONT SEAT" Tyler said leaning over the driver's seat "because I said so" Maria retorted "if he wants the front seat so bad just pull over he can have it" I said slightly annoyed.

"no it's your turn for the front seat so until your turn is up no one gets it" Maria said continuing to drive. I sighed "of course you always gotta give daddy's girl what she wants" Tyler said leaning back in his seat "Excuse me" I said turning to face him "you heard me, daddy's girl gets what ever she wants right guys, she don't gotta do no shit to get it" he replied.

"stop the car" I said "I'm not stopping the car" Maria replied "STOP THE FUCKING CAR MARIA!" I yelled. and she quickly stopped the car. I got out and began walking and Maria quickly followed "Ari get back in the car she pleaded "no I'm not getting back in the car with that misogynistic sexiest dick" I replied turning to her. "and you continue to prove how selfish you are" Tyler said as he stood behind Maria.

"you know what" I said throwing my arm up and using the wind to push him against a tree "you don't know shit, I've been through hell and back, I was ripped from my home, controlled every single day again and again so it would stick and forced to kill hundreds maybe even thousands of innocent people for that monster, I was forced to watch myself kill those people in the cruelest ways. slowly sucking the air out of their lungs, and then giving it back then doing it 3 or 4 more times until I slowly and painfully finished them off. you have no clue what it was like watching the light disappear from their pleading eyes" I said disgust in my voice.

"so you can call me daddy's girl all you want until it turns you blue in the face for all I care, but one day something will happen where it makes you regret those out of your mouth" I finished then finally released the wind pushing him against the tree causing him to fall to the ground. "just so you know, the only reason I'm not killing you is because we might need you in the future" I said before turning and walking back to the car.

"Maybe next time you'll keep your trap shut" Gail said mockingly. "shut the hell up" Tyler said standing up and dusting the dirt off him. "I suggest you take the advise Ty, I won't blame her if she kills you" Maria said "she can't shed be kicked out of the faction" Tyler retorted "Are you sure about that, your the one that called her a daddy's girl, they may make it look like an accident" Gavin cut in.

"Alright let's go were behind schedule" Maria said beginning to walk back to the car. After a moment everyone was back in the car and we were back on the road.

the remainder 2 hour drive was filled with silence. "we're here" Maria said pulling up to our destination. "what's the plan?" I asked turning to face Maria. Maria smiled, "I don't know, what's the plan?" she asked turning back to me with a cheeky smile. "what are you...?" "you are in charge I'm only here as back up" she interrupted.

"you have got to be kidding me" I replied "nope" she said. "so what's the plan?" she asked.

"dammit" I said getting out of the car and everyone followed. I began to walk away then turned back to them "Gavin and gail check the perimeter, Amanda and Tyler your on defence if something comes up you better be there to stop it and if you can't stop it then slow it down" I said. "Maria, your with me" I continued "yes ma'am" Maria said.

I then turned and walked away and Maria followed. "was this your plan all along" I asked annoyed "sort of" she replied "I figured if you experienced what it was like maybe it would help you in the future or something" she Continued. I sighed. "we'll talk about this later but for now what are we supposed to do?" I asked. "the person who called us knows we're coming but the rest of her family needs some convincing" she said as we stopped in front of a door.

the door suddenly slammed open. "por favor por favor debes convencerlos de que se vayan" (Please please you must convince them to leave) an older woman said quickly. "señora por favor cálmese a quien debemos convencer" (ma'am please calm down who must we convince?) I asked immediately "mis nietos son antinaturales deben ponerse a salvo" (my grandchildren they are unnatural they must get safe) she said. "where are they?" I asked switching back to English. "the back room" she said opening the door wider enough for us to come in.

"you stay here" I said to Maria and she nodded. I walked into the house and walked down a short hallway to the last room and knocked on the door "is that you abuela" and young girls asked through the door. "your Abuela is on the porch she sent me to come talk to you" I replied "get out it's not safe" a little boys voice snapped.

"I'm like you" I said. "I'm also an Unnatural, I know what your going through and I know just how scared you are" I continued "NO YOU DON'T, WE HURT HER YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT'S LIKE" the young girl yelled. "I found out I was an Unnatural 5 years ago when I was 12" I said "I was taken from my home and forced to kill hundreds of innocent people by the government until recently" I said sadly "so I know what it's like at least in a way" I continued.

no reply. "my name is Arianna" I said "can I know yours?" I asked "mia and Isaac" Mia said after a moment of silence "it's nice to meet you" I said "your Abuela just want you safe and that's why we're here, to get you somewhere safe, I promise if you two come out we will protect both of you and your Abuela with our lives" I said trying to convince them. the door slowly opened and all I saw was the eye of a little girl "you promise?" she asked. I knelt down "cross my heart" I said with a light smile and she opened the door all the way.

"we'll come" Mia said shyly. "gracias" (thank you) I said. "¿para qué?" (for what) mia asked "For trusting me" I replied.

To Be Continued