Who would ever know that the number one player in the game PanzerZone, Echo, came from nothing? The VrMMo PanzerZone ravaged the gaming community with it's a realistic feel to driving a tank, taking over headlines. One child, Echo, at the age of 9; obsessed with video games came at the game with one goal in mind: Become the best pro gamer in the game, and change history.
Earth: Prefecture 5: Delson Town: 0500 hours -
A babies cry shattered the otherwise silent morning. He lay in a trough filled with straw, staring with teary eyes up to his parents who were smiling happily.
"A healthy one, I'm sure!" The doctor said nodding, "I wish you two great fortune." He looked one last time at the newborn baby, before walking off muttering senseless things.
The parents, utterly overjoyed cried out in pleasure. The man overheard an echo of their joy. "I just heard an echo!" He said giddily, "My son's name will be Echo like this!"
Although the couple was completely and utterly impoverished, they spared no expense to raise their child. They worked hard every day and night for three years before they started to have disagreements.
"What do you mean no more cookies??!!" Yelled the mother, "Bullshit!"
"I'm filing a divorce." Screeched the father, "I'm done dealing with your shit!" He threw down the newspaper in hand, reaching out to slap the mother.
"Daddy?" Called out Echo softly, "What are you doing?" His eyes widened from what he was witnessing. He'd overheard their yelling and come down out of curiosity. Alas, how would he know what was to happen?
"Destiny is a bitch Echo." The dad yelled, utterly humiliated. He walked over to where Echo was standing. He squatted down, leveling himself with Echo.
"You. Are. Not. Worth. My. Time." His eyes flamed in utter rage. The next thing Echo new; he was unconscious. The father threw Echo out onto the streets, where someone found him and gave him to an orphanage on the other side of the prefecture.
The father was found out the next day and was charged for first-degree murder and attempted rape. However, they never found the body of his child, assuming there was one.
However sad this story began, it was soon engraved into world history, for if he didn't have a phone, he'd never have become a legend.
Aforementioned is the story of Pro-Gamer Echo, Who started with rough beginnings.
(Pro gamers of this time are basically like world leaders. Games will become huge things later on in his life.)