
it has always been you

Imperial_jade · History
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44 Chs

Chapter 9_ hearts breaking

Lucifer walked us to a quiet garden under a big tree, I didn't want to speak to him or look at him so I kept my gaze on the floor I could feel his burning gaze on my making my heart flutter, I didn't want to like him but I can't help it plus he was...., I hardened my heart when I thought of his fiancee lady Betty or whatever her name was, I wasn't going to get involved with an engaged man that ve like being the mistress! I have lived enough affected by that I could see how sad mom was when to he maids gossiped calling her a mistress

" Why didn't you come yesterday?" He asked in an angry tone

Was he actually getting mad when he was the one who didn't come, but that didn't matter anymore

" I was busy" I heard myself say

" Busy with what huh?? Zane?"

"What's your business with that?" I taunted back

"It's my business cause I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND" he stated stressing his words, I felt foolish what did he take me for?

"Last time I checked I am not the one engaged"!

I could see the shock on his face after I uttered these words so he wasn't expecting me to know he wanted to keep me in the dark and make a fool out of me!

" So you decided to run off to another guy I didn't know you were such a slut"

His words pierced straight through my heart " yes I am so what?"

He pushed me against the tree "remember this Vanessa, you came to me first and the moment you became mine there was no going back even if you love Zane I will never let you go"

Hearing his words got me Angry I pushed him away

" I never liked you , you were the one who forced me to be your girlfriend, you have a fiance now so please keep a distance"

He smirked. " what you're jealous, you better drop that attitude when you were flirting with another guy moments ago"

"You know what?? I break up with you, I refuse to be with someone so dispeakable at least Zane isn't as disgusting as you"

I felt remorseful when I saw the pain in his eyes after I said these words

"Am dispeakable you say?? Disgusting too? So your Zane is the one who isn't right let me show you how dispeakable I am"

After saying that he forcefully grabbed my waist gumming his body to mine and kissing me hard, I tried to push him away but my strength was no match for his, his tongue entered my mouth and I bit him hard till I felt blood on on my lips, I raised my leg and hit his groin he let me go and staggered a little from the pain taking my chance I ran fast without looking back I could hear him calling after me.

The moment she uttered the word break-up he felt like his world came to an end seeing her in Zane's arms he felt like a knife was pierced in his heart.

Yesterday he attended a family dinner and was met with a surprise the king has set his engagement with lady Betty, he wanted to refuse but couldn't.

The royal family might seem peaceful but it wasn't, the king has been eyeing his father and putting pressure in his family he wanted them to make one wrong move and that will be his chance to execute them, right from the beginning of history how many brothers of the king survived?

Once this king is enthroned slowly and discreetly he eliminates all threats to his throne, Lucifer would rather die than watch his family get hurt, it was just an engagement there were plenty ways to make it get cancelled. They spent longer than expected in the palace the king wanted to go hunting, Lucifer and his father Damon had to accompany him, his mind felt heavy he kept thinking about her

Did she come???

Was she waiting for him???

He appeared calm but only god knows he wanted to rush there at that moment, learning how to control ones emotions was a basic skill needed in order to survive in the palace.

When it was finally over he didn't even return home and rushed to the ranch, but he found it empty there wasn't a trace of anyone here . She didn't even come he snickered mocking himself

She has never even like him, how could he forget he was the one pushing for this relationship!

He saw her the next day at the funeral, he was so happy and wanted to speak to her but she ran, her scared eyes hurt him the most, was she scared of him??

He looked around everywhere but couldn't find her maybe she left already, he knew she was also a guest because the dead man had only a wife and a daughter whom he already saw.

He couldn't get her off his mind, should he order a search for her, but he didn't want to put her in danger especially now that the king was keeping an eye on them, his father has warned him to lay low. He decided to take a stroll to calm his thoughts and that is when he saw her again but in another man's arms.

He was very mad and jealous, he tried hard to calm his thoughts but just thinking about her together with Zane drove him crazy he angrily kissed but but she pushed him away he watched her back as she ran away his heat turning cold.

She was so happy smiling with Zane earlier why couldn't she smile at him like that too? She was always scared around him

She never liked him and here he was going crazy for her!

She came to him first

And he wasn't going to let her escape

He smirked " run all you want I will always find you" he though

But the series of events that happened afterwards emwere out of their expectations, Fate was taking it's course to one of the saddest moments of their lives

hi guys, how was the chapter? expect another chapter later I need a book cover please who can help me make it? comment below bye

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