
it has always been you

Imperial_jade · History
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44 Chs

Chapter 8__heart issues

I woke up to the sound of mother's voice screaming my name, I stumbled out of the room to see her

" Are you deaf???! I've been calling you and u're asleep, a bastard who sleeps when her father is at the brink of death I don't blame you! I blame him for bringing your filthy self.,....." I blocked the rest of her words with my wild imaginations I learned to do this long ago

Mother will be never hit but she likes to do it with her mouth she was so elequent In Hurting people with her words knowing exactly what to say to get to them it's worse when she's tensed or frustrated she lets it all out on me, so I let my thoughts wander around things I love and I could hear her words only faintly, I will pick on only what I want to hear when she's done she finally left, I stood there for a while before going back inside the room to see mom already awake her face stoic and hard, I didn't know what to say so I kept shut and went about the day normally.

Mom and I were eating when we heard wails and scream we knew what happened, I froze for a moment my spoon hanging in the air but mom didn't even bat an eye, he is dead, father is dead he was really dead now, tears welled up in my eyes I wasn't crying for him I was crying in shock of the news of a dead human being.

Visitors were everywhere around the house, me and Lina were attending to them serving tea and coffee, mom didn't come out am sure mother doesn't mind in fact she wouldn't want anyone to see mom it will shame her for the nobles women to know her husband had another wife and a child too. Whenever anyone asked who I was she said am her niece not like I minded I wouldn't even want to have any relationship with her If I could, I was serving tea with a blank mind when I heard a conversation that made my heart freeze.

"Congratulations lady Betty on your engagement to Lucifer, I knew this day was coming" a blonde lady in her mid thirties spoke smiling from ear to ear

" Thanks my lady" she answered

My heart was cold, and my emotions were complicated I don't even know how I feel anymore, I have been taking blows after blow of bad news, I stared at lady Betty she was beautiful very, well dress and adorned in expensive dress and jewelries unlike me dressed in plain dresses which we'rent shiny or glowy no wonder he chose her, just when I started having thoughts it was my fault for even harbouring hope but I won't anymore that'd be foolish.

Turning around to get a refill I bumped Into a hard chest,

" Am sorry....I ." I started when my gaze landed on his face

Lucifer!!! He was here, pushing him I looked around thankfully no one noticed us I rushed out, I could hear his footsteps as he ran after me calling my name

"Vanessa!!" He cried out

I scoffed bitterly I was utterly stupid why have hope when he doesn't even know my real name, right from the beginning this all started with lies there's no way we'd work out, why was he chasing me? To have more fun with me and then throw me away for lady Betty after that

I ran out and used the back door to get into my room, I layed on the floor and closed my eyes pushing all my thoughts away.

No one noticed my absence, the burial was done I'm peace, I didn't come out on fear of meeting Lucifer again so I just watched from upstairs hiding in my room.

It's been two days since father's burial and life was going as usual me doing nothing, mom reading, mother and Anna going to parties at God knows where. I decided to go out today to buy Candies at the market I wasn't feeling good I don't why? Maybe it's because of what happened these days I couldn't really stomach food without throwing it up later I didn't wanna worry mom so I hid it, I was suddenly craving sweets today so....

I stared at the different flavor of candies and tried to make a choice, it was really hard I love them all but my money won't go round

" Pack all of em for her" a voice said turning around I was met with the sight of a beautiful man, if not for his voice and flat chest ni would have thought he was a girl he was too beautiful and gentle looking

"Do you love candies so much my lady, you look like you were going to cry" he teased in a soft voice smiling gently

I blushed at his words

" I wasn't" I quickly deny

The trader handed me the candies

" Thanks a lot, but I can't really repay you" I said gratefully

He smiled " ur welcome and just accompany me around the market as a thank you"

"That's easy" I reply

" I know my lady" he replied slightly bowing in a gentleman wat making me laugh

" You have a beautiful smile you know" he said staring at me

I wanted to tell him he was more beautiful but I kept shut

We spent hours in the market, he was cheerful and nice, the more time I spent with him the more he seems like a girl to me his preference, personality were all like a girls plus his beautiful face, I haven't felt this happy in a while now. Have you ever met someone for the very first time but you feel like you have known that person since forever? That is how I felt with him.

" Where are my manners I forgot to tell you my name, am Zane by the way" he informed

" I am ...." A person walking besides me suddenly bumped into me and I lost my balance, I was prepared to kiss the floor when I felt a hand on my waist keeping me from falling, I was face to face with Zane

"Vanessa" I heard a voice I could recognize anywhere turning my head to see Lucifer, I quickly stood upright feeling uncomfortable

"Are you okay" Zane asked

" Yeah hhm... Am okay" I answered

Lucifer walked to me, I kept my head down not knowing how to face him, I would have made a run but it was to crowded for that plus Zane was here, I heard him say

"What are you doing here Zane" his voice slightly off

" What? Hanging out with the new friend I met today" Zane replied in a casual tone

So they knew each other??

" I never knew you made friends this easily" Lucifer taunted looking at me

Zane seemed surprised " you know her??"

Lucifer grabbed mey hand his grip as strong as iron "excuse us"

he said before dragging me out of the Market to a more quiet scene

2 chapters for today!!! comment let me hear your thoughts plus Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! love you all viewers bye

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