
it has always been you

Imperial_jade · History
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44 Chs

Chapter 10__ Deaths or not

The weather was as gloomy as my mood, I didn't go home immediately and walked around Iwhen it was almost dark I decided to go back home, getting into the house I was met with heavy silence. It was unusual I ignored it and headed for my room.

I was surprised to see mother at the corridor the door was open but I couldn't see further as I was too far, sensing something wrong I rushed into the room not sparing any of them a glance, I saw mom sprawled on the floor 2 guards standing in front of her she appeared drowsy and there was blood on her forehead she was hit? Was it mother? Or the guards? , I rushed to her covering her body protectively

"What are you trying to do MOTHER!! what's happening?"

Mother stared at me calmly S if I wasn't worth a thing "you're finally here I've been awaiting your arrival" she said to me, turning to the guards she continued

" take care of them outside and quietly"

They 2 guards nodded their heads and one grabbed me despite my struggles and placed me on his shoulders clasping my two hand together in a tight grip I couldn't shake off, the other carried mom also placing her on his shoulders

"Mother what's going on?" I asked in fear by now tears were already in my eyes

"Keep her shut" mother said to the guards

Then I felt something pushed in my mouth and I was gagged not able to utter a single word.

My fear grew as the guards carried us towards the forest at the outskirt of the kingdom. I felt my body being flunged to the group, I tumbled around from the impact I heard a thud and I knew mom was also thrown to the ground, I heard the sound of a sword being drawn as a sharp sword shone through with the help of the moonlight.

I knew what was going to happen, so I fumbled with my hand on the ground until I found a stone, a big one just what I was looking for, I grabbed it with the little strength I had and flung it towards the guard who had drawn out his sword earlier he cried out in pain, the stone had hit his hard across the face after his cry he fell to the floor I think he passed out, the second guard frozen in shock, I used the opportunity to collect the sword from the passed out guardgrabbedcmom and started running, he was immediately on his feet after us, I was weak and tired mom was even worse and had to lean all her weight on Me, what feared happened when she passed out, I threw her in a bushy spot covered in grasses and ran towards the opposite direction to distract the guardsl.

Adrenaline busted throughout my entire body, as I ran he was getting closer and closer..... Suddenly a hand grabbed my hair and turned me around before I could react a piercing pain burned in my stomach, I couldn't believe what happened there was a sword in my stomach am I going to die????

It happened so fast I couldn't do anything

"Where is the other one" he asked me as he pushed the sword deeper i cried out in pain

short chapter there right next one is gonna be longer and more interesting

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