
it has always been you

Imperial_jade · History
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Chapter 11__ killed or saved

Hot tears fell from my eyes all I could feel was pain in my entire body I tried not to look at the wound on my stomach it felt strange and scary.

Is this how it felt to be stabbed with a sword

My hands felt cold

" Bitch where is the other woman??" He asked again his face fierce

Maybe because I knew I was going to die or because I was already wounded I felt burning anger in me as a sudden rush of energy came into my body

I threw my head backwards then forward heating his head, our heads collided making his step back in pain, painfully I drew out the sword out of my stomach crying out I pain without giving him a chance to recover I lunged straight at him making sure the word pierced his heart, I succeeded in my act and he died immediately his bface turning pale as blood gushed out from the wound.

All my strength left me as I fell to the floor, I couldn't even stand up, I felt sleepy and drowsy, my eyes were closing at their own Accord

'No' I thought as I shook my head

"I have to find mom, we need to get out of here"

I dragged my body on the ground going back to where I kept her, my wound was hurting like hell making me cry but I kept going forward until all strength left me and my world was plunged into darkness.

"Tsentres orios mesta, tsentres orios mesta" a voice kept repeating strange words I couldn't understand

I tried to open my eyes but it was futile, my eyelids felt so heavy, I could hear voices and movement and kids laughing but I couldn't open my eyes, the harder I tried to the weaker I felt probably exhausted from trying to open my eyes I blacked out again...

When I woke up it was dark, I was laying on a bed, which was soft and comfortable, my dress was changed into a plain , soft white dress and there was a bandage around my stomach where the wound was.

I quickly got on my feet

Where am I?

My gaze suddenly fell on another bed in the room, there was mom also cleaned up on the bed, I rushed to her side

"Mom!" I called as I shook her trying to wake her up

Her eyes slowly opened making me heave a sight of relief,

" My sweetheart" she called the moment she saw me I lunged into her body hugging her tightly while sobbing, after I while I calmed down

" Where are we!" She asked

" I don't know mom, I just woke up"

She thought for a moment

" We don't know if it's safe yet so we better leave quietly"

I nodded my head, this place was giving me strange vibes and the language I heard when I was still unconscious seemed strange, it could really be dangerous here

We slowly exited the room, coming out to see it was actually a tent but a big one, there were many other tents around and there was a big fire around the middle it was too dark to see any further, everyone must be asleep as it was really quiet, mom grabbed a thick piece of wood handing it to me then she grabbed another for herself, we moved quietly in the dark sticking to the sides of the tent to make sure not to hit anything and alert the people my stomach was hurting but I held it in one hand holding the stick and the other pressing on my wound, seeing a path leading to a thick forest we made for it

" Chereas" a cold voice pierced through the night

Before I knew it thick vines appeared from nowhere trapping us, it's sorrounded us in a circle we couldn't escape, I used used the stick to hit the vines but it was useless

The figure came closer and I could finally see it was a woman with red hair her face well proportioned with straight cheekbones, she appeared to be in her late twenties her eyes were flashing red in the dark scaring me, I immediately held onto mom who showed no sign of fear

Standing in front of us her glazing red eyes turned back to normal" I saved your life, why do you want to escape without repaying me, humans really have no gratitude"

Did she just say humans they weren't humans!!! Then what are they???

" Thank you for saving us we just thought it wasn't safe" mom answered

The red haired lady laughed loudly s if she heard a funny joke, her dry voice sounding through the night was very scary

"You're right it really isn't safe" she said dangerously

The vines suddenly disappear freeing us

A man emerged from another tent, he was old and had white long beards he was wearing a long dark blue robe and his hand was holding a long staff

It suddenly clicked to me these people were witches and wizard, they existed but they live in another Realm, a few people in Camelot have claimed to have met them before

Realms were mainly divided into five

Human Realm

Beast Realm

Dwarf realm

Witches and wizard Realm

Vampire Realm

" Stop scaring them Freya" he spoke to the lady

Turning to face us he asked " are you feeling better now"

I nodded my head in reply and so did mom, our gaze on them not knowing what was going to happen next, the old man gave off a good vibe making people feel comfortable around him, my guard was immediately let down when he came

We sat on the bed in the same tent we left earlier, while the lady called Freya and the old man stood standing above us,

" My name is Fagin and I am the doctor here as you probably know we are witches and wizards here"

We nodded our head in reply

" You are very lucky the baby is still safe and unharmed and the wound didn't touch any organ in your body" he said making me freeze in shock

" Bab...y" I stuttered out, I have Lucifer's ba y in me, so all this while I was pregnant but I can't go to him! Jenis engaged my child is going to grow up without a father. I am failure a big one!

He looked surprised " yes a baby, you didn't know"

Mom was shock and it was evidenced on her face. " How .? Just when?????" She asked I knew she was angry

" Stop with the melodrama, just know that you can't leave for now, a war has broken out and the only way you can survive is by staying with us, but if you wanna die you can leave" Freya warned before leaving the tent

Fagin also prepared to leave " what she said is true, hope you think about your safety first and the baby too, Goodnight " he bade and left the tent too

" Who is the father?" Mom asked when he left

I took a deep breath" his name is Lucifer "

"How???? I know my daughter, remember I raised you myself, my daughter isn't the type of girl to sleep with any guy without being married, I know you strongly believe in that! something must have happened right??" Her words brought tears to my ears

How? It was just one word but it had me sweating, so I told her everything from the beginning to the end

After I was done she had tears in her eyes

"Am sorry, I haven't been a good mother, I was too caught up in my sadness to notice I wasn't the only one who had problems, you couldn't even tell me because you didn't want to make me worried am sorry?" She sobbed

I hugged her tightly" it's okay mom"

We cried together for a while I didn't even know when bit I had one of the most peaceful sleep in my life that day, it felt good letting out my feeling to someone I felt as it a huge weight was lifted off my heart

hi! so who guessed she was pregnant was she was having cravings and couldn't stomach food well your speculation was right!

expect another chapter later love you bye

Imperial_jadecreators' thoughts