
Iris Fawn [ GI : Isekai AU ]

Iris Fawn. That's the name of a girl who's addicted to Genshin Impact. A girl who plays nothing but Genshin Impact yet still manages to surpass her academic achievements. In this present day, Iris faced her computer immensely as she clicked her mouse and keyboard, " Heal me! ", she yelled on her microphone but her friend was too late and they both died. " Oh goddammit! I told you not to use kokomi! Use barbara instead! ", Iris grumbled and her friend apologised. " Okay, okay let's play again tomorrow. ", Iris sighed, and was ready to grind resources for Lynette and Lyney yet there was a message popped up. Hello! Would you like a more realistic experience?

Qzyl_Azyneth · Book&Literature
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6 Chs


After we got aided by Kokomi, we started to walk back to our classroom. " Where did you come from Iris? ", Lumine asked without taking a look at me. " Oh.. I have taken care of Nahida since I was a child.. ", I answered, slightly nervous. " I noticed you're always nervous and somehow.. oddly.. mysterious.. or someone who sort of knows a lot? ", she gazed at me as she tilted her head on the side a bit. " I just don't say a lot.. ", I slid open the door and to my surprise, a few had already left.

" Well, let's get to know each other more when we have time. I have to go, my other friends and brother are waiting for me. " Lumine waved goodbye as she took her white backpack with her. I looked over at my row, " Look who's waiting for who.. ", Xiangling giggled past me. She clung to Xinyan, dragged her out of the room. Those two look inseparable. I walked towards Scaramouche and grabbed my own black bag. " Are you waiting for me? ", I asked with one brow up. '' No choice. I have to escort you to your dorm. ", he sighed in annoyance.

" You can go. I'm one of her dormmates. ", Xiao walked towards me. " Let's go. ", me and Scaramouche had the same reaction. We eyed him suspiciously but I don't even know why Scara's suspicious. " Oh.. the dorm is big, we have a main living room and four separate small bedrooms. ", Xiao informed me and walked out. " Well, I'm going. Get home safe, Scara! ", I waved a small goodbye and jogged outside. I heard a small 'tsk' behind me, or I guess it was my imagination but I saw Scara's face that he's pissed when he left me alone in the hall with Xiao.

" I'm Xiao Alatus. ", he introduced himself as we walked side by side down the hall, packed with students. " Well, you already know me. ", I smiled softly and looked at him. His dark hair with teal undertones seemed longer and his golden irises with avian pupils matched his pale skin perfectly. Although, his under red eyeshadow is not there, " Don't you wear red eyeshadow? ", I suddenly asked. Good gracious, I'm getting more suspicious. I should start controlling what I blurt out. Xiao looked at me a bit shocked but covered it immediately with an expressionless face. " Well yeah, when I do my gigs. "

" Gigs? ", I tilted my head on the side. Don't tell me the anemo band exists here. " Yeah, I have a band. Anyway, we're here. ", I didn't even realise we were in another building. There were multiple large doors, taller than us. They were wooden doors with engraved golden logos of the seven elements while on the doorknob, it was already golden and what's carved on it was a triquetra. He pulled out a golden key and opened the door, like the gentleman he is, he made me go in first. " Yo! ", and here comes running a platinum blond haired boy. " Hi, Kazuha! ", I joyfully said. " Hey! Scara already dropped off your luggage. Don't lock the door yet, Xiao. Heizou and Lumine aren't back yet, they might stay out late for the night. ", Kazuha grabbed my bag. " This is your room by the way. ", he pointed at a wooden door. Compared to the other doors, mine was absolutely colourless and lifeless.

Xiao only nodded at Kazuha and walked inside his room. Xiao's door was painted with a scenery of mountains, on his door knob was a small anemo vision in the middle. Based on my observation, he used a small amount of his mana to make a wind and the wind got sucked by the doorknob and it clicked open. " That's so cool! ", I was mesmerised. " That was my first reaction, too, when I got here. You see, when you get in your room, if you have a vision. The doorknob changes based on your vision, and you can only come inside your room when you use your element on the doorknob. The room gets familiar with your mana and aura. ", Kazuha informed me and opened the lifeless door for me. " So… since you have no vision.. the door is just normal. ", Kazuha chuckled. " That's a hell load of information. ", I laughed, " Anyways, let me fix up! "


The room was not that small. Well, since I own a few items in this world, Nahida's gifts. My room is aesthetically pleasing, except the walls and floors are plain and old-looking plants. It was a good thing that a bed, a large cabinet and a bedroom table was free in this university. I also already changed my clothes since from the fight, I was hella sweaty. It was a good thing I liked, four more extra uniforms. I didn't bathe long since I really don't like bathing in cold water. I wore a large white shirt and blue shorts. I walked out of the room and finally had a good look at the living room. The colours mashup well, the black, teal and maroon colours are well-balanced. " You ain't sleeping yet? ", Kazuha asked, the two anemo men sat on a black rug. On Xiao's arm is a brown acoustic guitar and Kazuha seems to be writing melodies. " Eh.. no,what time is it anyways? ", I asked and sat next to Kazuha. He looked up at the teal coloured clock, " Well..classes finished early so it's only around three o'clock. I just asked why you aren't asleep yet cuz.. ", he trailed off.

" Because of what? ", I asked, Xiao started to strum some melodies while Kazuha wrote on his notepad. " Is it your first time to use such skills? ", he asked, the air turning quite cold from the sudden seriousness of his tone. " Well.. yeah.. ", I stood up and sat on the black couch. The pillows looked goofy, it's teal coloured with orange polka dots, not really a good combination. " I think the huge mana you released earlier will take a blow to your body, especially since it's your first time. You should practise the basics, most vitally, the mana control. ", he looked over at me and smiled. " I'm sorry. ", I lay down on the couch and hugged a pillow. " Don't be sorry. I'm grateful for your advice! ", I peeked over their papers.

" We have a band. ", Kazuha started. Xiao's awfully quiet, it's not like Xiao's talkative in the game, too. " Let me guess.. you and Xiao? ", I pursed my lips, stopping the urge to say the other anemo boys names. " Sort of? Not just the two of us. There's three of us and.. ", Kazuha childishly imitated someone who's holding drums and hitting a drum at a fast pace. " It's Scara! ", with that name that went out of Kazuha's mouth. I couldn't help but hold my stomach and burst into a series of laughter. Seriously? A trio? And Scara's in it? Even the genshin impact SCARAMOUCHE won't agree with that, I bet! Unless Nahida forced him.. which of course is not like her. But seriously!? I actually expected it to be Venti, though!

" Seriously..? ", my laughter faded and I sat next to Xiao with my back leaning on the couch behind. " Yeah! Why don't we play truth or— ", " We're back! ", Lumine and a guy with burgundy hair with dark highlights and light olive green eyes looked over at me. They were already out of their uniforms and wore the same t-shirt with the same design. A maroon t-shirt with a big V on it. " Oh! We're roomies! ", Lumine smiled at me. Lumine sat beside me while the guy sat next to Kazuha. " Hi, I'm Iris Fawn. I just transferred here. ", I extended my right arm as I introduced myself, " Shikanoin Heizou. ", he shook my hand in excitement. HEIZOU!? I forgot about him for a moment. " Uhm.. please let go of my hand? ", I awkwardly asked, " Oh! Sorry, sorry! I got excited. ", he let go of my hand with a big smile on his face.

" As I was saying.. Let's play truth or dare. " Kazuha stated as he stacked up his papers and put them on the small rectangular wooden table in front of us. " That's a great idea. We can get to know each other more! Especially Iris. ", Lumine looked at me with lips pouting and eyes widened. " You don't have to do that, I'll play unless he does. ", I tilted my head over Xiao who was about to go to his room. " Come on, Xiao! ", Heizou said, also using a pouting face like Lumine did. " No way. I'll just watch you guys. ", after Xiao got in his room for a second he came back and sat down on the couch. " Well, we can't force him to cross his boundaries. ", I stated.

" Alright, alright, we won't force him. ", Lumine giggled and grabbed a bottle behind us. There was one small kitchen. " Alright. ", Lumine positioned herself a bit farther than me to the side and so did Heizou. The four of us circled on the bottle and Lumine spun the bottle. " If only Xiao joined. It'll be more interesting~ ", Kazuha said in a sing-song kind of style. " Oh. ", the mouth of the bottle was pointed at me and the base of the bottle on Heizou. " Hehe! Okay, Iris. Truth or— ", Dare. I'm no chicken, give me a good one. ", I grinned. Heizou raised an eyebrow and grinned, " Can you kiss Xiao, then? ", my eyes glistened mischievously. Xiao's eyebrows twitched in annoyance, I sat next to him and was about to kiss his cheeks but he dodged it by jumping off the couch. " Loosen up a bit, Xiao. A little fun won't hurt, right? ", Lumine called out. " Fine, but no kissing dares. "


" Before ending this game. I dare Iris to have seven minutes in heaven with Xiao! ", Heizou exclaimed with a pointed finger towards the two of us. " Okay. ", Xiao and I said in sync. " We won't do anything. ", I stuck my tongue out at Heizou childishly. " Aww.. ", Heizou pouted while Lumine opened the medium sized cabinet on the side of the kitchen. It was surprisingly empty. " Hop in then. ", I shrugged and sat down inside, Xiao followed me and sat at the opposite. It was not that cramped inside the cabinet when Lumine closed the door, both our bodies were small yet Xiao's a bit athletic. " Sorry I dragged you into this. ", I started, I actually wanna do something to you though... It's once in a lifetime, so why not? " It's fine. I just want them to get tired already. ", Xiao grumbled under his breath.


Iris stared directly at Xiao, at the moment they seemed like they're having a staring contest. Not until Iris shifted her attention to Xiao's soft lips, and in a sudden move, the guitarist pulled Iris close to him by pulling her shirt. Iris gulped as her breathing hitched, the space between their lips is a mere inch and they're about to kiss. Iris gulped, tongue tied and speechless as she looked back at Xiao's eyes. She can't read the nonchalant boy. " Iris, I know what you are ", he breathed in Iris's ears. He let Iris go and just noticed how red the poor girl was. " Ah! ", he panicked as tears streamed down on Iris's cheeks. Oh my god. Why is Xiao so hot?! A panicking thought ran through the head of the young girl. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. ", Xiao muttered and softly held Iris's head. He slowly made her lean forward towards his chest and hugged her. One arm on her head and the other on her back. Iris relaxed on his body, she closed her eyes and leaned closer. Let's take advantage of this. Her thoughts screamed.
