
Iris Fawn [ GI : Isekai AU ]

Iris Fawn. That's the name of a girl who's addicted to Genshin Impact. A girl who plays nothing but Genshin Impact yet still manages to surpass her academic achievements. In this present day, Iris faced her computer immensely as she clicked her mouse and keyboard, " Heal me! ", she yelled on her microphone but her friend was too late and they both died. " Oh goddammit! I told you not to use kokomi! Use barbara instead! ", Iris grumbled and her friend apologised. " Okay, okay let's play again tomorrow. ", Iris sighed, and was ready to grind resources for Lynette and Lyney yet there was a message popped up. Hello! Would you like a more realistic experience?

Qzyl_Azyneth · Book&Literature
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6 Chs


" Stop troubling this young girl, Scara. ", my heart can't take it. It's about to explode and all I can do is stare at the six footer, orange haired and blue eyed man.

" Are you a stalker? ", Scaramouche grumbled and Childe's gaze dropped on me again. " Are you okay? ", he was about to touch my forehead and in a swift movement and without any thought; I clasped his hand and yelled, " Will you go out with me!? ", my confidence dropped and I snapped back to this reality when I heard the two laugh. I also noticed a few familiar students and npc looking students either laughing at me or glaring at me.

I held my cheeks and felt my heat. I looked up at the two, " I'm sorry! I'm sorry! ", Childe patted my head. " Calm down, but better go date people your age, little one. I'd date a cutie like you but I'm just here because I'm assisting my brother. ", Brother? Does his younger brother have a vision in this world? " I'm still sorry! ", I noticed Scaramouche is holding another burst of laughter. I have no choice but to hit his head to make him stop and just be pissed at me.

" Hey, that hurts! ", Scaramouche was about to hit me back but a pair of hands stopped him. " Yo, Childe. ", Xiao pulled Scaramouche in the classroom and other students started to scurry in their own classrooms. " That's Professor to you! ", Childe yelled in a joking manner, " Professor!? ", my eyes widened. " No, no, no. I already have a job outside the university. I was just ordered by my brother to be an assistant to an activity today. ", he smiled at me and nodded towards the classroom.

" Oh, right, right.. ", Now, I'm curious who his brother is? Or is his brother older in this world? I walked back in and sat down between Kazuha and Scaramouche. " I heard what happened, Iris. Scara just harassed you didn't he? ", Kazuha acted worriedly, although I can tell he just sort of said that as a joke and to piss the tsundere next to me. To our surprise, Scaramouche just stared at the front, ready to listen to Childe. Kazuha chuckled and smiled softly at me before he focused in front.

Childe clapped twice to get the other students attention, which he didn't need to do because all eyes were already on him. " Alright, class. Zhongli couldn't come back for the activity he planned, there's a sort of emergency.. ", he shrugged and sat on the teacher's table with one of his foot on top of his other foot. " The activity is… sparring with your classmates. You guys are already paired with someone, two pairs every day. ", the whole classroom cheered and even Scaramouche was excited.

" Finally! An exciting activity! ", Lumine exclaimed. " The two no vision students get to spar first. ", Childe smirked as he gazed at the two of us. " Looks like we'll immediately see what Iris can do! ", Xinyan viewed me with a joyful grin and a thumbs up. " Bu-but… I don't even know how to control powers.. and Lumine basically mastered every element! ", I stood up, excitement and anxiousness ran through my blood.

All heads whipped in my direction, attention all on me. " How did you even know that? ", Lumine asked. " Oh.. eh– ", Scaramouche stood up and put a hand on my head. " Let's just get this over with. To the grounds we go, Childe. ", Scaramouche was the first one to walk out. " Ah.. that kid. Come on! ", Childe led the way outside to the back of the school. The so-called training grounds were not as big as I expected, it was like a small circular concert arena.

" But.. really.. no one really talks about me much here.. well, when it's about my powers.. ", Lumine stood next to me. " Just a hunch?.. Since you know almost everyone here I supposed?.. And you've been here longer and guessing that you don't have a vision.. ", I hummed, " I bet everyone helped you? ", I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly.


After the blabbering of boring ass rules, Iris Fawn stands, facing Lumine as she waits for Childe to start the match. No surprises that most of the students are either cheering on Lumine or just watching out of excitement or quietly. " 3… 2… ", and the whistle exploded in their ears.

" Eh..? ", Iris stood frozen when Lumine made a dull sword appear from her hand. She rushed towards Iris and rapidly striked her sword towards Iris's body, " Dude, take it easy! ", Iris yelled. Iris was more shocked at herself since she was quick to respond to Lumine's attacks and dodge. Although, Iris almost tripped. " You know.. taking it easy might not awaken your vision.", Lumine smirked and grasped the wind's might. She formed a vortex of vacuum in her palm, causing a few rocks to get sucked on her palm and the sharp winds slightly scratching Iris's body. Before the vacuum vortex exploded, Iris slid below Lumine and ran away from behind. Iris's heart's pumping, ready to jump out of her chest. The tension of the fight was getting on her nerves.

" You can't keep dodging. ", Lumine said aloud, energising the geo elements deep underground, she set off expanding shockwaves. And to Iris's own surprise, she disgorged a meteorite from the depths of the earth. Iris stood up on it confidently, " I don't know how the fuck I did that but damn— ", and before Iris even knew it. She was slammed on the wall quite hard by Lumine's anemo capabilities. " Ah… ", Iris grunted and fell on the ground. Iris looked up and saw Lumine walking towards her with no emotions on her face. Iris' vision was blurry and she giggled. ' Damn, I guess I'm not the mc in this isekai world '. That's her only thought at the moment.

' Ha. Jokes on you. I should be the mc. '

" Nu-uh. ", Iris jumped up and rushed towards Lumine. She ran with her maximum speed, and Iris only hoped that Lumine's not quicker than her and came to a conclusion she might not be. Iris slid below Lumine like she did earlier yet this time, Iris jumped behind Lumine's back with her legs wrapped around Lumine's waist and her arms around Lumine's neck. Iris held her tight, not letting go as she tried to focus to summon another type of earth object.

Iris might actually be the main character here since she managed to knock Lumine's dull sword out of her hand by making a small spiky rock below her rage out. " Uh-oh–.. ", Lumine was already coughing a lot yet she still managed to focus on her mana to create a vortex on one of her hands and directly shoot it towards Iris's face. An instinct rushed through and Iris jumped off of her. The ball of wind rushed past Iris and exploded midair, Iris didn't give her a chance to look back and so she lifted her knee while she turned with her supporting foot and body in a semicircular motion. Iris successfully knocked Lumine down by a roundhouse kick on her head.

" Eh? ", the ground shook and dust covered the arena. Iris felt water seeping below her and like a flash she was scratched all over the body by thin water lines. " Gah! ", Iris yelled in pain as sharp pain dominated her left foot. She looked down and there was a small yet long slash on her thigh, it was bleeding a lot. I thought I'd also be special in this world, where I don't need to do hard work at everything since I excel at everything. Iris thought about being special and nothing in this world echoed inside her head." MOVE, IRIS! ", a voice yelled at the crowd above. For a moment, Iris felt a burning sensation surge through her blood. Iris's body moved on it's own and she positioned herself as if she's holding a blade and blocked Lumine's sword.

" Your.. eyes… ", Lumine's eyes widened. The Iris Fawn was holding a dull blade like hers yet it has an aura of Electro. And at that moment, Lumine only noticed how Iris's eyes were colourful yet was engulfed by hues of purple. It seemed like Iris's eyes were glowing at that second and Iris flipped her blade and held onto its tip. She didn't care if she might get electrocuted or her palm bleeds, her only goal was to hit Lumine on the handle of the sword. With a single blow, Lumine was knocked off. If Lumine wasn't shocked about what she saw, she would have won.


" I got easy on you.. ", she grunted and stood up. Both of us had bleeding lips, we looked at each other and laughed. Somehow, it feels nice and I can't feel the pain on my thigh. I feel like we're gonna get close. And we also both lost a left tooth. " Wow.. ", the two of us muttered, Childe jumped down on the walls and checked us out for any further injuries. " Not the greatest fight I have seen but it was clearly interesting since Lumine held back, and… Iris.. well you made it interesting cuz' you seem like you don't even know the basics of how to control your mana. ", Childe praised me. " You two, off to the nurse's office. Class president! Guide them! ", he pointed towards Yanfei then back at us.

" Yes, sir! ", Yanfei smiled and walked down the seat properly. " Let's get going. While you two were fighting, the second pair that'll be fighting is Xinyan and Scara. It'll be interesting.. ", Yanfei started talking as we walked. " Oh! And Iris, you did really great! Considering it was your first spar, it was awesome! But, you actually broke a few rules.. and you, too Lumine. You were here the longest—", and there she goes. Yanfei started to blabber about the rules we disobeyed and started to go through the rules again. I didn't even mean to choke her for longer than a minute or hit her on the head, well, I guess she did. But hey! She damn fucking threw me on a wall!?

" — and Iris.. what if you are special like Lumine? Although what you used strongly at that spar was Electro…", my ears perked up and I looked at Yanfei who opened the door to the nurse's room for us. " You don't have a vision yet you slightly controlled the geo element. ", Yanfei said and Lumine nodded in agreement. " Well, actually. Lumine has a vision. What if you are the same as Lumine and Aether? ", Lumine showed me her vision. It was a colourful one, it switches colours and the logo on her vision is the leyline. " Wow that's— wait Aether? ", I asked.

" Oh, a twin brother. He's in another class. ", Lumine answered and softly smiled at me. " Alright, you can leave them here for me to aid, Yanfei. ", Kokomi popped out of nowhere. " Thank you, Miss Sangonomiya! ", Yanfei waved her hands at us and left.

" Don't overthink about your vision. You'll get it. That's why you're here. ", I looked at Kokomi who started to clean Lumine's wound. I'm not really overthinking about that. Actually, a new thought just popped out of my mind. ' There's always an enemy in this kind of thing? Well… who is? '
