
Iris Fawn [ GI : Isekai AU ]

Iris Fawn. That's the name of a girl who's addicted to Genshin Impact. A girl who plays nothing but Genshin Impact yet still manages to surpass her academic achievements. In this present day, Iris faced her computer immensely as she clicked her mouse and keyboard, " Heal me! ", she yelled on her microphone but her friend was too late and they both died. " Oh goddammit! I told you not to use kokomi! Use barbara instead! ", Iris grumbled and her friend apologised. " Okay, okay let's play again tomorrow. ", Iris sighed, and was ready to grind resources for Lynette and Lyney yet there was a message popped up. Hello! Would you like a more realistic experience?

Qzyl_Azyneth · Book&Literature
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6 Chs




Friday. It's Friday today, where I can skip all schoolworks and focus on my mental health. In short, my parents made that free day to not burden me. Yet here I'am, standing with these familiar faces, in front of a forest that has some-kind of transparent greenish barrier. " BAHAHAAH! STUDENTS,WELCOME! TODAY WE'LL HAVE AN EXCELLENT ACTIVITY! THIS ACTIVITY IS VITAL AND FREE FOR ALL TO JOIN AND TO BACK OUT! This activity, we will see who's deserving for the placement for the Rank Fives", the anemo's archon boomed down as he floated midair and softly landed in front of us. I looked over to my left, Kazuha was chuckling and hitted Xiao playfully on the back. While on my right, Scaramouche doesn't seem to care about anything at all.

' From what I remember, the papers that Nahida gave me before, they change the rank fives every month to see who improved a lot or something like that… Based on the paper, the first rank is Lumine, the second is Shenhe, the third is Xiao, the fourth is Albedo and the fifth is Ganyu. I'm not surprised yet what I'm puzzled about is why Aether isn't one of them. '

" I have listed who your team will be. Your team consists of three and your team's objective is to survive the wilderness and get out of the other side of the forest alive, of course. ", Venti laughed aloud with arms on his hips. ' In this world, why is he still clothed as a bard? He's so.. comedic and annoying. I want some action now! Maybe through this forest, I will actually get my vision! What if my vision is like Lumine's? We'd totally be rivals then! I bet Aether has the same vision! ' " The only rule is don't kill each other. Spare each other's life. In this very forest, you will improve any abilities you currently have or find new skills under your shell. Yet most importantly, what you need to improve is your teamwork capabilities! ", ' What the fuck is this? This is like that one episode in Naruto. '


" Alright! I'll announce your teams. After I announce your teams, those who have created a name for their team can go to me and state their team name before going forth to this very forest! Let me warn you, the forest is dangerous. On the other side, Professor Zhongli, awaits for your adventurous report! ", a few of the students clapped their hands. Other sections and other years were also compiled at the front. " Alright, alright! Team One : Lumine, Xiao and Yanfei. — ", Lumine smiled over at Yanfei. Xiao waved at Kazuha then walked towards the two. Lumine's eyes twinkled and her smile was brighter than ever as she and Xiao fist bumped. " Team Two : Xiangling, Xingqui and Collei— ", Xiangling jumped on Xinqui's back making them fall on the ground, on the other hand, Collei just stood quietly next to Tighnari who patted her head. " Team Three : Iris, Scaramouche and Lyney— ", " Eyy! ", Iris held both of his arms up and waited for Scaramouche to give her a high-five, and all she got was a stink eye and embarrassment. Lyney walked towards the two. Iris introduced herself with bursting energy.


We are already inside. The trees were gigantic and each tree had varying leaf colours. Some of them were light pink, others were shades or oranges and yellows while most of them are plain green yet gigantic. The three of us walked casually, although Scaramouche walks faster than us so he's basically in the lead while the two of us are behind him. " Amazing right? ", Lyney chuckled as he pulled out a red rose behind my hair. " Yes! Although, how can I be sure you aren't using your vision for these types of tricks, huh? ", I smirked, " We— ", " Will you two shut up? Let's talk about our plan up there. ", Scaramouche pointed at the top of a huge tree branch. " Uhmm.. how-how.. oh.. ", I trailed off when Lyney easily jumped from tree branch to tree branch, parkouring all the way to the top where Scaramouche pointed.

While Scaramouche, just flew his way up on top. " You two must be forgetting! I'm new! I know nothing at all!!!! ", my voice echoed through the forest. To my surprise, Scaramouche dropped down, " Great! You really have to yell and reveal where we are? How useless can you be? Can't you even do simple things such as climb these trees? ", he barked and his hands whipped. I was ready to block but again, I was surprised that he lifted me up and held me tightly. Too tight, I must say. " You're gonna drag us down. ", Scaramouche uttered, I looked away and bit my lower lip. I know a lot but I'm not special in this world. I closed my eyes and held him tight as he carefully flew us on the branch.

" We're allies here. We better get along. ", Lyney worriedly said. Scaramouche ignored him and dropped me on the branch and I landed on my feet. " Could've warned me. ", I looked down again and sat down next to Lyney. I sighed and felt a hand on my back, his violet eyes stared right through my soul. " It's okay. You'll improve, Iris. ", I nodded and a big smile formed on my lips. " Thank you, Lyney. ",

" Focus on me, you two! ", Scaramouche demanded and stood in front of us with arms crossed and a pissed off look on his face. " This isn't about who escapes this forest the fastest, it's about our improvements. So the best way to do this activity is fight those stronger than us or plainly defeat the monsters lurking in this forest. ", Scaramouche glared at me, " You must now know, but this activity can sometimes last for a week with us stuck here. "

" EH!? ", I shockingly yelled, too late for Lyney to cover my mouth. " Don't worry, don't worry. Someone will come get us when things get too critical. ", Lyney reassured me and uncovered my mouth. " Who do— ",

" We track down Lumine's team. She's ranked one and she's with Xiao, another one in the rank five. ", Scaramouche cutted me off and sat down. " I'm more capable in a far range fight. Lumine's team are capable with different ranges. ", he started then Lyney added, " I'm a bow user. That won't be any good.. and.. well.. maybe Iris can do something exceptional, too!? ", Lyney tried to lift my spirits up which made me sulk more. " Scara.. I can try clashing with Lum— ",

" No. We'll have to keep our distance. ",

" But— ",

" Let's keep thin— ",

" SCARA LET ME TALK WILL YA!? ", to his surprise, I suddenly hitted his head hard. " A-bgh.. ", he held his head in a painful look and Lyney backed away a bit. " Woah.. there, sugarcube. ", Lyney chuckled. I sighed and sat back down, further away from them and leaned my back on the tree. " Scara..what are you known for? ", I bluntly asked, he continued to caress his head then stopped to answer me, " That I'm terrifying and hot ", he smirked at the last part. I rolled my eyes at him. Welp, he's not wrong. " What about you, Lyney? ", Lyney stood up and smiled, " Guess? ",

" Eh?— Lyney! ", I panicked and stood up from bewilderment when he let himself slide down the tree branch. I felt a touch on my back, " Lyney! The twin who always has something up his sleeves! ", I jumped away from shock and he bowed down with a charming smile. " O-okay.. you didn't have to do that. I almost had a heart attack you know.. ",

" Oh. We can't let that happen to a captivating girl like you. ", I feel my cheeks heat up. " Well.. I'm not really known for anything… right? ", I tilted my head to the side and put two fingers on my chin, thinking. " You actually got a bit talked about after your fight with Lumine.. basically.. they're saying.. "Scaramouche gritted his teeth and looked away, " What? ", Lyney and I asked in sync, also tilted our heads on the other side in sync. " Well.. what you did before the end of the spar..Xiangling started to spread that you are an amazing person that's holding back a great power.. ", Scaramouche seemed forced to even say that to me. " But you know, of course not everyone will believe that. "

I huffed and puffed my cheeks, " What's that supposed to mean!? ",

" You really think everyone will believe what one person says without seeing it? ", Scaramouche scoffed. " Fine, fine. Anyways… ", I trailed off. The three of us stood still, letting the breeze kiss our skin. " Oh! Do people sense your aura or mana? ", I asked, " Yes, most of us do. Even people without vision. ", Scaramouche smirked, his face telling I bet you don't, weakling. " I fe-feel it, too ya know! Well.. sometimes.. anyway, so we can hide our mana then? ",

" Yes. ", the two answered. " Great! ", I clasped my hands, " Here's the plan. Scaramouche will track where Xiao is, you can track his mana, right? You guys have a band so I bet you do. ", I blurted and before he could say any objections, I continued talking. " So, Scaramouche will track where the first team is, secretly and distanced from us ", I looked at Lyney then at Scaramouche, " We'll make an image that you left us alone because you're too full of yourself and such.. then I'll make an attack first. After making an attack, I'm sure I'd get hurt.. so we'll get Lyney to protect me. Hopefully, the thoughts that will form in their head is that I'm a weakling and practically someone dragging Lyney and you down. And when they give their mercy on us or if they attack more, when you see an opening that's where you'll attack from distance to distance. Hide your mana well, parkour from trees to trees secretly and keep attempting to hit them. While me.. I'm a special case. I bet I can do anything. So.. it's 50/50, it depends on the situation what I can do. "

Lyney looked at me worriedly while Scaramouche has a face that's obviously saying You're so fucking dumb, you won't survive in a real fight. " We'll try it. It might trigger something.. you know.. ", Lyney whistled, " A harsh situation might open a great ability inside the princess. ", Lyney stuck his tongue out at Scaramouche. " I get what you're saying. That's where we get our visions anyways. ", Scara sighed, his cold demeanour dropping. " We'll do it. If she dies, that's not our problem. "


P.S If non of you get what are these symbols for ' ', its for Iris's thoughts.

Qzyl_Azynethcreators' thoughts