
Iris Fawn [ GI : Isekai AU ]

Iris Fawn. That's the name of a girl who's addicted to Genshin Impact. A girl who plays nothing but Genshin Impact yet still manages to surpass her academic achievements. In this present day, Iris faced her computer immensely as she clicked her mouse and keyboard, " Heal me! ", she yelled on her microphone but her friend was too late and they both died. " Oh goddammit! I told you not to use kokomi! Use barbara instead! ", Iris grumbled and her friend apologised. " Okay, okay let's play again tomorrow. ", Iris sighed, and was ready to grind resources for Lynette and Lyney yet there was a message popped up. Hello! Would you like a more realistic experience?

Qzyl_Azyneth · Book&Literature
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6 Chs


And here I'am, currently staying in Nahida's household with Scaramouche. Apparently, in this world, Scaramouche always stays with Nahida as he sees her as his mother figure since his mother, Raiden Ei is quite busy being a professor in the university and being a CEO of a toy company.

I'm currently in the bathroom, since I was trying to fit in the clothes that Nahida bought for me. " Dinners ready. ", a cold familiar voice seeped through the door. " Alright! ", I answered back. I slipped in my beige sweater back on and put on the black pants. I grabbed the shopping bags and immediately walked to the guest room. " Why is he so cold towards me.. I guess that's just scara for you.. ", I mumbled and dropped the bags on my bed.

I walked down the stairs and sat down next to Scaramouche in the dining room. My mouth watered as a buttered chicken aroma filled the air. Nahida put a roasted buttered chicken with rosemary and lemons on the table, " Hey, not yet. ", Scaramouche scolded me with a gaze that could kill me. So I pulled my hand back down since this hot guy doesn't want me to eat yet.

Nahida walked back to the kitchen and introduced us to another dish. Garlic bread sticks and a medium sized bowl filled with savoury gravy. " Wah! ", I clasped my hands as I drool at the food in front of me. " Eat up. ", Nahida sat down in front of us and softly smiled towards me.

I can already feel the sharp knives next to me, even his fake-joyful look could kill me. I looked at him with a nervous grin, he grabbed the tongs and a knife. He put the thigh part of the chicken on my plate and also a half of the garlic breadstick. " Thank you! "


I lay down on my bed, the lights off and the only thing that lit up the guest room was the moon's rays through the window. I stared up at the ceiling, my mind crowded. " So.. I'm just here.. living a new life in a new body. And somehow I'm a freshman again but in a magical school… ", I put a hand on half of my face as I burst out laughing, my stomach slighting aching. '' Oh god.. Isekai just happened to me. Pft.. ", I sighed and pulled the white bedsheets on me, half of my face covered as I drifted off to sleep.

Yet I didn't go deep into sleep. A certain someone, probably Scaramouche, kept knocking on my door softly yet quick. " I'm sleepy. What the hell do you want? ", irritation laced on my tone. I may have simp for him in my past, but he's been full of crap the time I got here.

I heard the door creaking open and clicked." Wha–? ", I was cut off when I opened my eyes. He was close to my face and suddenly pulled me up. He pulled a stool and sat down next to my bed. " What!? ", I grunted and scratched the back of my neck out of annoyance and tiredness. A lot has happened and I don't wanna deal with his jealousy.

" Are you gonna be adopted by Auntie Nahida? ", Scaramouche blurted out, his cheeks slightly reddish and his gaze dropped on the floor. Awww! He's embarrassed. I giggled and tilted my head, " What? No. I'm told that I'll live in a dorm with other people at the university when I start. Jealous little boy.. ", I muttered the last part but seemed like he heard it since he suddenly glared at me. " Look.. I'm not stealing her away nor her attention. ", I sighed and crossed my arms.

" I don't really care and I'm new at this place.. so, chill. ", I stared at him longingly. I just realised that he has a body like mine although he's a bit more muscular. He's sort of wearing the same clothes as me but the top and bottom swapped colours. He kind of looks like a bottom in this world. Not that I don't mind being the dominant woman to those I simp for.

" Better take a picture for you to stare better at. ", he snorted, then stood up, " She's mine. Stay out of the way. She's the only mother I have. ", too bad I heard the last part. It's sad to think that even in this world, Scaramouche can't be happy. He left the room, slammed the door shut. " Oh.. boohoo.. ", I can't help but keep sighing. Hopefully, all things go well tomorrow.


" You look cute with the uniform, Iris! ", Nahida beamed as I stared at myself on the big mirror stand. I wore a fitted long sleeved white polo that complimented my small waist, slender arm and c-cup chest with it's tightness. The uniform also have a black necktie with a white line at the end and a black blazer with white buttons and white line designs. The black skirt was slightly short but the girls are required to wear thigh high socks or stockings, so currently I'm wearing a white thigh high socks and a new pair or black mary jane shoes. " This uniform is sort of.. hot though.. ", I said as I started to sweat a bit.

" Why are boys' uniforms much more simple? ", I asked with my arms crossed over my chest as I saw Scaramouche walk down the stairs. We have the same top and necktie, the difference are his black pants and his blazer that are longer in the back with white buttons as well. " Don't complain. It's hot with my uniform, too. ", he said and whipped his attention to Nahida who was still beaming at how pretty the uniform looked.

" Auntie.. let's go..! ", Scaramouche said as he handed me a black sling bag. " Books are all set. You have a binder, a small case with different coloured ball pens. We have the same classes, so just follow and listen to me. ", he stated and got out of the house after receiving a kiss on the cheek from Nahida. " You ready? He knows the truth. You don't have to worry about him. ", she held out her hand and I took it. It's weird having a small girl pull me out of the house and guide me to university. Alongside with an obsessed Scaramouche. I think this will be a long shitty day since I'd be with this asshole who keeps glaring daggers at me.


" We're here. I'll drop off your luggage at your dorm later, wait here for Professor Ei. ", Scaramouche nonchalantly said, he didn't even wait for my answer and slid open the brown door and shut it down with a loud bang. I looked around and there were no students in the halls anymore. I gulped, " I'm the only one without a vision.. ", my palms started to get sweaty and my legs started to shake. Where is that woman? She's running late and I'm gonna pass out here!

" Come. ", I looked at my side and was introduced by a 18 px chest. I feel my cheeks burn as I backed away like the flash, " Professor Ei! ", I spurted out and bowed. She's so tall. She's like six feet tall. She's so pretty, too. I looked up at her and she just softly smiled at me. I gazed at her longingly, sucking the information in my head that I'm actually in an alternate universe where genshin impact characters exist. I followed her inside the classroom as she noticed I started to relax.

The first thing I noticed, everyone has their own vision. I didn't notice Scaramouche's anemo vision was actually on his bag like a keychain, I also just noticed that on Professor Ei's thigh is her electro vision yet smaller. Not gonna lie, the tight long neck white sweater and tight black pants complemented her lovely body.

I was startled when everyone stood up, " Good morning, Professor Ei. ", after they greeted her, they sat down. That's when I noticed that Xiao is here. XIAOOO!!!!!

" Miss Fawn.. ", I snapped out of my trance and looked away from him. It was a good thing he wasn't even looking at me. " What was it again, Professor..? ", I nervously asked and Professor Ei let go of my shoulder. " Introduce yourself. ", she answered with a soft tone and sat down on her chair.

" Oh ummm.. Hi, Good afternoon… ", I gulped as I looked around the classroom, everyone's eyes were on me. And everyone's face is familiar, which makes me more anxious because I love every one of the genshin impact characters. " I'm Iris Fawn. I'm 14 years old. Umm.. I don't actually have a vision.. yet. ", my voice got slightly lower after the last part. The panic is slowly creeping up behind my back as I hear a few whispers of why I don't have a vision and how did I even get in here if I don't have one. " Although.. If I were to get a vision, I would love to get Anemo. I don't know why but I always lov– look up to anemo vision gifted people. ", I coughed fakely, " And uh.. yeah I think that's all. "

I only saw a few students clapping from my boring-ass introduction. Lumine is clapping softly with Yanfei next to her while Xiangling at front is clapping loudly. " Alright, quiet down. Iris, you may sit next to Scaramouche. ", she pointed at the back where Scaramouche is next to the window. His head whipped at the front and I can already see at the back of his head how he would love to murder me. I waved at him awkwardly and sat next to him. Well, I'm sort of between Scaramouche and Kazuha.


I didn't learn much about Professor Ei's lessons. Since I already know about how you get vision, their last lesson was about the different visions and their limits. And even in Professor Zhongli's class, I didn't get much about the history of the vision and the countries in this world. It was all because of Kazuha and Scaramouche's nonstop bickering or rivalry. I also get tied into it because Scaramouche will randomly bring Nahida up and attack me verbally.

Currently it's our breaktime, " I apologise for my impoliteness and for his rudeness. I hope you have a great time even when you're seated between the two of us. ", Kazuha scratched the back of his head and his head slightly lowered. He grabbed his backpack and noticed that he left the classroom with Xiao. ' They're friends, huh? '

I looked at Scaramouche and he already had his lunchbox out. I searched for my lunchbox and it seemed like I forgot it. " Ah. ", " Huh. ", I looked at Scaramouche's direction and what he did made me absolutely speechless. His slender fingers held my chin and softly made my mouth open, he put half of his toasted bread on my mouth. " Don't just stare at me, chew. Here. ", I looked away when he let go of my chin.

I heard Xiangling squeal but I didn't look in her direction. All I could do was stare down on my hands and hear my heart race. " I said here. ", I heard Scaramouche's irritated voice and looked at my arm chair. He put a small amount of rice and two fried shumai on the lid of his lunchbox. He finished his own food a bit quickly, although there were a few leftovers. " Th-thank you.. ", I stammered and watched him clean his chopsticks with a tissue before giving it to me. " Don't even think that I like you. I'm just doing this because I'm ordered to take good care of you even a little bit, you dumbass. ", Scaramouche stood up and walked towards Xiangling who had Xinyan all choked up with the way she hugged his neck.

" Knock it off, Xiangling! ", Scaramouche softly hit her head and walked out of the room. I still can't process what happened. My stomach is full of butterflies even if I never ate one. I sighed and softly smiled. " Looks like someone's a tsundere.. ", I muttered to myself and started eating.

" Hi! I'm Mao Xianglig! ", Xiangling abruptly pulled a chair in front of me and sat down on it. " And I'm Xinyan! ", Xinyan grinned at me. She wasn't wearing her blazer, her sleeves were rolled all the way to her elbows and she wasn't even wearing a skirt. She was wearing black slacks. " Nice to meet you! I'm Iris Fawn! ", I finished my food quite fast since it was not a lot. Although, I'm still grateful and I still cannot believe what he did. I put a finger on my chin and got startled when Xiangling giggled.

" You didn't hear what I said didn't you? Too busy thinking of Scaramouche? ", her giggles were uncontrollable and instead of hugging Xinyan, she's actually hugging a medium sized plushie that looks like Gouba. " Stop with the shipping, Xiangling. We all know he's just built like that. ", Xinyan sat next to me and put her legs up on the table with his arms crossed behind her head. " Although you two just met.. didn't you? Or do you guys have history? ", Xinyan asked.

" Xinyan, that's a personal question. She just transferred here. ", I looked at the middle row of the chairs on the other side of the room. I just noticed Xingqui is one of my classmates and in this world, he's wearing small-ass rectangular reading glasses. " I don't mind. ", I looked back over Xinyan, " Well.. we're sort of.. have a childhood history since I was also taken care of by Nahida a lot, too.. ", I giggled and put the lid back on Scaramouch's lunch box and covered his chopsticks with a clean tissue.

" Oohh… childhood friends to lovers, a classic! ", Xiangling suddenly stood up and slid an arm around Xinqui's neck. " Careful, Xingqui might write a fanfiction with you and Scara. ", Xiangling teased which made Xinqui push her away. " I w-won't do that! I don't even know what ha-happened! ", Xinqui closed his book and hid it. " I'm going to the bathroom. "

" You're just meeting with your boyfriend~ ", Xinyan yelled teasingly, " I told you–! Him and I are just close friends! ", I giggled, somehow knowing who they mean. I even saw how red Xinqui's face was when he slammed the door shut. " Anyways, if you two knew each other since you were children.. Why does it seem like he never mentioned you to any of his friends or something? ", this time Xiangling was the one that asked such a personal question. ' Seriously, can't these genshin characters mind their own business? '

" Oh well– ", I was cutted off when the door slid open and revealed Scaramouche. I can't tell if he's in a bad mood or good mood, but with the glare his shooting towards Xiangling and Xinyan, I supposed he didn't like them prying over us. He suddenly pulled me up by the back of my blazer, " Come on. ", he said strictly. " Hey, we were talking man. ", Xinyan stood up with her hands on her hips. " You mean crossing her boundaries? ", and he suddenly pulled me out of the classroom, practically dragging me and my shoes skidding on the floor. " You really shouldn't hang out with people who constantly bombard you with personal questions. You guys just met. ", he let go of my polo and faced me. " Understood? I don't wanna deal with this, alright? ", he muttered the last part, slightly leaning towards my face.

I gulped and nodded, " Uh-uhm.. yes.. s-sir? ", he bursted laughing. " Wh-what!? ", I stammered and hit him softly on the shoulders. He stepped away and looked at me, he faked wiped a tear on his right cheek. " Sir? Seriously? ", Scaramouche chuckled.

" Stop troubling this young girl, Scara. "
