
invincible dragon development system

Transform into a dragon and dominate the world! In the ocean, he is the only dragon and built the underwater dragon palace. Shrimp soldiers and crabs will follow right and left, and the underwater wild sharks and giant octopuses are the younger brothers. In the city, he travels to the city... """author""" 2 chapters a day can be more if i have time!

ylmoll · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Chapter 87: Ren Zhians operation

Ren Zhian has been desperate and irritable these days.

Thinking of the night a few days ago, he felt deep fear.

Dantian was abolished, and now he has completely become a useless person, and the one who abolished him is a half-step innate strong.

Thinking of the old man and the young man, he shuddered.

He told his father about this, that is, the current head of the Ren family.

After his father learned of this incident, he almost killed him to make amends for the strong man, but at the end of his mother's persuasion, his father gave up the idea.

His father originally wanted to take him to apologize, but finally gave up because his father didn't want other people in the family to know.

If the other clan elders in the family knew that he had provoke such a terrifying powerhouse, I am afraid that without his father's hands, he would have to be beaten to death and taken to redeem him.

In the ancient martial arts world, but full of cruelty and blood.

Although he had escaped a catastrophe, his cultivation was abolished. He who might have inherited the position of head of the clan was completely missed.

Dantian was abolished, and if you want to recover, only the innate masters can recover with some medicine.

But obviously, their Ren family hasn't been able to invite innate masters.

After losing his cultivation, he was assigned to a family business to manage some things.

"Damn, if it weren't for those two stupid guys, how could I have fallen to this point."

Ren Zhian, who was sitting in the office looking at the computer, felt annoyed when he thought of that day.

If it weren't for the two idiot brother-in-laws, how could he have fallen to this state.

But his two brother-in-laws are not doing well now, all their limbs have been abolished, and they will spend the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

Moreover, his brother-in-law's family should also take out 50% of the assets to be responsible for this matter.

However, no matter how much money it is, it cannot be exchanged for his cultivation.


Just when Ren Zhian was upset, the phone rang suddenly, and he looked at the name of the ID, his face was impatient.

"Hurry up and tell me something!"

Ren Zhian shouted directly with a bad face.

"Mr. Ren, Mr. Ren is bothering you. There was an accident in our store. Someone smashed our five Bentleys and five Bentleys. Let us find someone to tell him to see the consequences."


Mr. Cui's voice came from the phone, and Ren Zhian was taken aback for a while, raising his voice, asking with an angry expression on his face.

"Has anyone gone?" Ren Zhian asked with a calm face and blinking eyes.

"Without President Ren, he is still in the store."

"Okay, I'll go over here, fucking, it's really looking for death!"

Ren Zhi'an showed a fierce light on his face. He is in a bad mood now. Now that someone dares to make trouble in his shop, it is really a death.

"In the entire Jiangcheng, who doesn't know that the owner behind the Jiangcheng 4s store is my Ren family, the guy who is looking for death."

Ren Zhian stood up immediately, with a cold expression on his face, and walked directly toward the store.

He was going to teach this reckless guy a hard lesson.

"Boy, you are dead, I will make you regret the things just now for a lifetime, you wait, you are dead!"

In the Bentley 4s shop, Mr. Cui got a reply from Mr. Ren and said to Wang Xian with a grim look.

"Mr. Cui, did you call?" Lin Shao on the side heard Mr. Cui's call on the phone, with a trace of surprise on his face, and asked.

"To Mr. Ren, Mr. Ren, the son of Patriarch Ren." Mr. Cui replied, saying coldly: "Mr. Ren will be here soon, this kid is dead."

"Patriarch Ren's son?"

Lin Shao was slightly startled, his eyes full of fear.

The Ren family is a giant in Jiangcheng, and their Lin family is far behind. Naturally, the son of the head of the Ren family is not comparable to him.

"President Ren is coming soon, then this kid is dead!"

Lin Shao looked at Wang Xian, looking at him as if looking at a dead person.

"Boy, let you be arrogant, people don't sell it to you but they smash their car, really uneducated!"

The beauty next to Lin Shao took his arm and said to Wang Xian with a disdainful face.

Hearing what they said, Wang Xian swept over coldly, his eyes flickering beside the beauty and Lin Shao.

"Who the **** to dare to make trouble in my Ren family's site is really impatient!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came. The voice has arrived before the person has arrived.

When Mr. Cui heard the sound, there was a hint of joy in his eyes, and he hurried out to greet him.

"President Ren, people are inside. This guy is too arrogant. We don't sell his car. He actually smashed our car. Mr. Ren, you have to teach him a lesson!"

Mr. Cui ran over while talking.

With a cigarette in his hand, Ren Zhian watched Mr. Cui run by and said, his eyes were cold, he nodded and walked straight into it.

However, when he entered the store and saw the boy who was a little arrogantly leaning on a Bentley, his whole body was stunned.

"Ren Shao, hello, I am Lin Feng." Seeing Ren Zhian, Lin Shao immediately leaned over to say hello.

But at this time, Ren Zhian didn't hear what Lin Feng was saying.

He only felt the darkness before his eyes, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into the abyss.

This boy, this boy,

He will never forget,

The light smile,

The look in all eyes,

Thinking of that night, even the half-step congenital horror powerhouse listened to his orders.

He felt a little suffocated.

How could it be, how could it be him.

How could Ren Zhian be so pitiful, how could I meet this devil-like teenager again?

Seeing that young man's curious and playful eyes, his legs trembled a little!

"Mr. Ren, it's him, he smashed our five Bentleys!"

President Cui pointed to Wang Xian at this time, and shouted at Ren Zhian with an angry look.

When Ren Zhian heard Mr. Cui's words, his breathing became stagnant, and his face changed drastically!

"Fuck you, are you **** trying to kill me!"

Ren Zhian jumped up and slapped Cui's face with a slap.

He almost used all the strength of his body. If the internal strength is still there, Mr. Cui is probably dead under this slap.

Ren Zhian looked at Wang Xian with a bitter face, and ran over directly.


Next, Ren Zhian made a move that shocked everyone.

He ran over and knelt directly in front of the boy.

That's right, he just knelt down and his voice was very loud.

Everyone was shocked by Ren Zhian's series of operations.

Slap heavily on Cui's body.

A trot directly knelt in front of the boy.

This is the eldest of the Ren family, but the son of the head of the Ren family.

But Jiangcheng Guwu family ranked second in existence.

Then, facing the boy who smashed their car, he ran to kneel down!

Kneel down!