
invincible dragon development system

Transform into a dragon and dominate the world! In the ocean, he is the only dragon and built the underwater dragon palace. Shrimp soldiers and crabs will follow right and left, and the underwater wild sharks and giant octopuses are the younger brothers. In the city, he travels to the city... """author""" 2 chapters a day can be more if i have time!

ylmoll · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Chapter 86: Smash

"Needless to say, we all heard it."

Wang Xian, who was standing by, frowned upon hearing their conversation, and walked over slowly.

Mr. Cui was taken aback for a moment and looked at Wang Xian in surprise, but he recovered quickly, with a smile on his face: "This little brother is really sorry, that pink Bentley has already been ordered, so I'm sorry. , If you still want it, you can wait for a month and we will order it for you from Bentley headquarters."

"You also need to come first to buy a car. When we want to buy this car, this car has not been sold yet. We are going to buy it now. You said it has already been ordered. This is a bit too much. Why do you fool me?"

Wang Xian looked at Mr. Cui lightly and said.

President Cui frowned slightly when he heard what he said, and he didn't dare to offend Wang Xian directly. After all, it is not easy for someone who can afford more than four million cars, but he dared not offend the youth next to him.

"Well, brother, do you want to take a look at other models first, or if you wait a month, we will order another one for you from the headquarters." Cui said while looking at him.

"You can tell this to the person next to you." Wang Xian said lightly towards him.

Mr. Wang Xian's words made President Cui's face a little dark, and he frowned tightly.

"The little brother, there is nothing we can do. This car has already been ordered by other customers."

"You haven't paid the money. Whoever sells the car, how can there be so many things!"

The beauty beside the young man looked at Wang Xian and said impatiently.

This pink Bentley bought it to her, so naturally she can't let others take it.

The young man looked at him faintly, without speaking.

"Although it is said that, but it is always very unhappy!"

Wang Xian smiled, and slowly said, "I am a consumer, but I didn't come here to be unhappy!"

"There are so many uncomfortable things, what can you do? Haha, boy, it's good to experience more."

The young man on the side looked at Wang Xian and said with a sneer.

Wang Xian shrugged and looked at the manager and Mr. Cui just now: "I came to you to buy a car, but I didn't come to find it uncomfortable. We have tried for so long and we are going to buy now. You said you were ordered away? In this case, it is obvious that the other party has not bought it yet."

"This little brother, we are the sellers!" Mr. Cui looked a little gloomy when he heard his words: "We sell to whomever we want."

"Have you heard, sell to whomever others want to sell, what are you still beeping here? Is it annoying? I said I won't sell it to you!"

The beautiful woman beside her clasped her impatient hands and said sharply.

"Good!" Wang Xian showed a cold color on his face, and his anger slowly rose.

He was a little angry about Mr. Cui's words. He tried the car for half an hour. Now when he paid the money, he told others to sell the car, and they didn't have the slightest sincerity to apologize. Who.

No one will be comfortable with this kind of thing.

"In that case, you have to pay some price!" Wang Xian said coldly.

Make him uncomfortable, and he will not make the other party comfortable.

"Price, haha!" Mr. Cui heard these words with a cold look on his face, staring at Wang Xian disdainfully: "Then let me see what price you can make us pay, huh, get out of our shop immediately."

"It's crazy, I don't know which kid it is." Lin Shao on the side looked up and down Wang Xian: "I'm so crazy in Jiangcheng, I don't know how to die if I'm so careful."

"In Jiangcheng, I really want to know how I died."

Wang Xian slowly exuded the aura of a dragon.

"Brother, let's forget it... we won't buy this car."

Xiaoyu on the side looked at the people around him and pulled Wangxian's arm with some worry.

"Ha ha."

When Wang Xian heard his sister's words, his momentum disappeared, and he jokingly said, "Xiao Yu, watching from the sidelines. Today, let you see your brother's strength. In Jiangcheng, you don't need to fear anyone."


Wang Xian touched his head and looked at the three of Cui.

"I didn't hear what I said, this is my place, get out of here, arrogant kid." Cui Zong met Wang Xian's gaze with a calm face.

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Just a arrogant kid like you will die miserably." Lin Shao lit a cigarette and looked down at Wang Xian with his head held up as if watching a show.

"Then I will see if you will die miserably."

Wang Xian grinned, looked at a sledgehammer used for car repairs and walked in directly.

"Boy, what are you doing?" Mr. Cui quickly roared when he saw Wang Xian picked up a hammer directly, his face changed slightly.

Lin Shao on the side also raised his brow and stared at Wang Xian coldly.

"What are you doing? You make me unhappy, so I can only vent."

The corner of Wang Xian's mouth was slightly raised, and he looked into the store.

There were about ten Bentley cars parked in the entire store. Holding a hammer, he walked directly to the nearest one.


The hammer fell heavily on the top of a Bentley, and the powerful force directly caused a large part of the car to sink.

"You..." Mr. Cui's face changed drastically when he saw Wang Xian smashing into the Bentley: "You bastard, stop me, otherwise don't blame me for being polite."

"I smashed your shop, I want to see what the consequences will be!"

Wang Xian gave them a cold look, and the hammer in his hand dropped onto the Bentley.

One hammer went down, and a large area was directly sunken. A Bentley hammered four or five times, which looked very tragic.

Wang Xian didn't stop, walked to another Bentley, and fell heavily again.

"Stop me, call the security guard, call the security guard over and kill him..."

When Mr. Cui saw that Wang Xian dared to smash two Bentleys in a row, his eyes turned red and he roared loudly.

The young man on the side slowly threw the smoke on the ground, his eyes were cold, staring at him.

The corner of Wang Xian's mouth slightly cocked: "I have finished smashing the car in your store, and let me see what the consequences will be."

In Jiangcheng, Wang Xian really didn't fear anyone at the moment, and the power of the Qin family in Jiangcheng was enough to help him solve social issues.

As for being in the arena, he is not afraid of anyone.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a continuous roar, Wang Xian smashed five Bentleys in succession, and at this time, one security rushed over.

"Stop it, you stop it!"

The four security guards saw Wang Xian smashing one or two Bentleys and were shocked. This is a Bentley, three to four million, four to five million Bentleys.

He dared to hit it!

And still smashed five!

Wang Xian saw the security guard, smiled, threw the hammer in his hand to the ground, and stared at the blood-red Cui.

"Come on, five cars were smashed, let me see the consequences!"

"Asshole, you are dead, you are dead."

President Cui looked at Wang Xian with confidence and directly took out a phone call.

He did not report jing, but made a call.

A young master of the Ren family is here. This young master seems to be in a very bad mood today. If he knows that someone is making trouble here, he will definitely abolish this kid.

For the powerful Renjia, half of the vehicle 4S stores in Jiangcheng have their shares, and the same is true here.

Dead, this kid is dead.