
invincible dragon development system

Transform into a dragon and dominate the world! In the ocean, he is the only dragon and built the underwater dragon palace. Shrimp soldiers and crabs will follow right and left, and the underwater wild sharks and giant octopuses are the younger brothers. In the city, he travels to the city... """author""" 2 chapters a day can be more if i have time!

ylmoll · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Chapter 88: Fear like the devil and act like a god

"Young Master Wang, Young Master Wang, I don't know it's you, I don't know it's you, this matter has nothing to do with me, it's their **** guy who provokes Young Master Wang, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Young Master Wang, I apologize to you, this matter is our fault, I apologize to you!"

When Wang Xian originally planned to call Lao Qin after Mr. Cui called someone, or to solve it by himself, he didn't expect Ren Zhian to come in.

He naturally remembered this guy very clearly.

People from the Ren family, Longxuan Pavilion invited him to burn his first-grade pavilion, and at that time he asked the Demon Azure Dragon to abolish it directly.

It's just that he didn't expect that Mr. Ren that Mr. Cui said turned out to be Ren Zhian.

Seeing Ren Zhian who was kneeling beside him, almost crying, Wang Xian was speechless.

Am I so scary?

Is this good for a big man?

And if Ren Zhian knew what he was thinking at this time, he would definitely cry, why not.

You are more than terror, you are simply the devil.

Ma Dan, the half-step congenital powerhouse is your subordinate, how terrifying your background is, you always stomped your feet, our family will be over.

If this is to let my father know, he provokes the devil again, it is estimated that this time he will really kill him.

"I thought that Mr. Cui was going to call someone, he turned out to be an acquaintance."

Wang Xian looked at Ren Zhi'an and touched his nose a little funny.

"Young Master Wang, I don't know that it was you. If I knew it, I would kill me. I would not dare to come..."

Ren Zhian said with a trembled crying face.

"Since I am an acquaintance, this matter is easy to handle."

Wang Xian looked at him and smiled, knelt down, looked at Ren Zhian and said with a smile.

"Wang Shao, this matter is our fault, I apologize to you, that Chief Cui, I will apologize to you for killing me, and Wang Shao, calm down your anger!"

Ren Zhian trembled as he watched Wang Xian squat down. He was really scared!

Beside, Mr. Cui, who was slapped by Ren Zhian's head in a daze, and his face covered in blood reacted slightly.

However, when he heard Ren Zhian's words, his whole body went black, his head stunned, and he fainted directly on the ground.

Several security guards around couldn't help swallowing and spitting, watching the scene incredibly.

Not far away, Lin Feng and the beauty beside them saw this scene, their eyes were dull and their faces were a little pale.

Even Xiaoyu and Xiaomi opened their mouths in a daze.

Wang Xian swept around and looked at Ren Zhi'an: "I am not an unreasonable person, come on, you come to comment on me."

"Shao Wang, you say, you say." Ren Zhian said quickly.

"Well, it's like this. I took my sister to buy a car. I saw a pink Bentley. After a few laps, I decided to buy it. When I came here, Mr. Cui said that the car was booked. Up."

"He said that the car was booked by Lin Shao next to him. It was not sold to me, but to that Lin Shao. But, obviously, when I tested the car and confirmed the purchase, the car had not been sold yet. In other words, I wanted to buy it first, but he sold it to others. Can you say I can't be angry?"

"Moreover, Mr. Cui did not apologize at all sincerity, and said to let me get out. Lin Shao next to him and the beauty next to him also said that I was arrogantly looking for death and had no education. Hehe, do you blame me?

"No blame, no blame, they did something wrong, Master Wang, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

When Ren Zhian heard Wang Xian finished speaking, he said quickly. He gritted his teeth: "Wang Shao, I will give you a satisfactory result, please rest assured, it is their **** group of guys that are not following the rules!"

"Yes, they don't follow the rules, and I'm not an unreasonable person!"

Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and slowly stretched out his hand to pat at Ren Zhian.

"No, no, Master Wang, please don't..."

Ren Zhian saw Wang Xian stretch out his hand, thinking he would be punished, and begged for mercy with a pale face.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that his dantian was warm, and he was surprised to find that his dantian was slowly recovering.

This made him stare at Wang Xian incredulously.

"I'm still very reasonable, people don't provoke me, I don't provoke people!"

Wang Xian patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Ren Zhian felt the power in his body, his face flushed with excitement, and his nose almost flowed out.

"Thank Shao Wang, Shao Wang!"

Ren Zhian really knocked his head twice this time. He was extremely excited. He didn't expect that the devil in front of him, no, this godlike teenager would actually heal his dantian.

He never expected such a happy result in any way.

Wang Xian smiled, stood up, and waved at him.

Ren Zhian stood up excitedly and hurriedly stood beside Wang Xian with his head down, like a servant.

"These smashed Bentleys, even if they were on Mr. Cui and that Lin Shao, as well as that Lin Shao and the beauty beside him, said that I didn't know how to die when I died in Jiangcheng, hehe, they will leave it to you. ."

Wang Xian looked at Lin Shao and the beauty beside him, with a sneer on his face.

"Don't worry, Shao Wang, leave this to me and I will definitely satisfy you."

Ren Zhian raised his head and solemnly promised: "They dare to provoke Shao Wang, then I will let them know that they don't know how to die in Jiangcheng!"

Ren Zhian said in a loud voice, and Lin Feng, who was standing not far away, and the beauty beside him could hear them clearly.

When they saw Ren Zhian's cold gaze, they suddenly felt cold all over, with a look of horror on their faces.

"Ren Shao, Ren Shao...Don't...Ren Shao, it's our fault, please ask Ren Shao!" Lin Feng's face was horrified, and his voice trembled.

Ren Zhian looked at Lin Feng coldly, with a sneer on his face: "Dare to provoke Shao Wang, dare to be arrogant to Shao Wang, you wait, I will play with you well!"

"Ren Shao, you can't do this, I am wrong, Wang Shao Wang Shao, I am wrong, I don't know Taishan, I damn!"

Lin Feng was completely panicked when he heard Ren Zhian's words. He looked at Wang Xian in fear. In his eyes, this young man was like a demon.

He was terrified, and Ren Shao knelt down and begged for mercy.

Seeing Ren Shao's appearance, he might be killed.

He was trembling, begging for mercy with a full face.

The beauty beside him didn't have the slightest blood on her face. She was trembling all over. Who was she just provoke?

Wang Xian glanced at them coldly.

In the eyes of those who provoke him, he can be feared as a devil, and in the same way, he can be worshipped as a god.

Everything depends on his mood.

If he is in a bad mood, he can abolish Ren Zhian. Ren Zhian has performed well just now, and he can heal it at will.

Fear like the devil and act like a god.

Wang Xian enjoys this kind of control, letting you live and you will live, and if you die, you will die.

Everything from the heart!