
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 47:

Eugene Porter immediately laughed, if he remembers correctly, Cullen's way of playing Go was because he had taught him in his spare time.

"What are you laughing at? Maybe you don't believe me? I tell you, if you dare to play chess with me, I am sure that in less than ten minutes you will give up." Alice said angrily.

"Mr. Chambler, do you even know how to play Go, I've never heard of that before." McKay on the side said.

"There's a lot more you don't know." Eugene Porter turned his head to McKay.

an amateur

level , stop walking away, don't play with me, for fear of hurting my self-esteem." Eugene Porter directly sat down on the other side of the table, cleared the board, and said: "Anyway, it's boring, playing a game can help reduce sadness."

"Well, you just got a bad loser." Alice said contemptuously.

"If not, how about this, I'll play you a game, add a little bet?"

"What bet?" Alice rolled his eyes and asked.

"If you lose to me, then you must admit that I am the ancestor, in the future you must obey my orders, how?"

"Tch, just relying on you to make me lose? It was a dream indeed." Alice scornfully said, "But you're also really shameless, and dare to be my ancestor, do you still intend to be my master's teacher?"

Eugene Porter smiled and said: "If I say, I actually taught your master to play Go, in a way I would also consider him as his master, would you believe it?"

"Trust the dry monkey!" Alice affirmed: "Just relying on you, but also wanting to be my master's teacher, I see that you are a dream in the middle of the day."

Until now, Alice still thinks that Eugene Porter is a useless guy, she really believes that Cullen agreed to help with medical examination because he is related to Eugene Porter.

"Then if you lose to me, you must accept me as your master, and in the future, you must also obey my orders." Alice said.

"Decided that." Eugene Porter immediately agreed.

Tu smiled coldly, looking at Eugene Porter like a prey, she had never been afraid to compete with anyone before.

Now that she was at an extremely high level, even if it was her master, sometimes she had to rack her brain to win, let alone this useless Eugene Porter.

But she did not know that, what Eugene Porter told her was not a boast, Cullen's way of playing Go was indeed taught by Eugene Porter.

The two quickly started, McKay standing to the side watching, not daring to make a sound.

Right at the beginning, Alice was very energetic, playing chess very quickly, feeling that even if Eugene Porter knew how to play chess, it would only be at the amateur level.

But in the process of playing chess, Alice suddenly discovered that the points Eugene Porter arranged at first she despised, now it makes her feel like she has to try her best, and starts scratching her head.

In the next moves, Alice had to stare at Eugene Porter for half a day, wanting to infer some ideas from his eyes.

But Eugene Porter was always smiling from head to toe, his eyes as calm as water, making people unable to guess.

Eugene Porter carefully every step, the whole chessboard is his battlefield, from the moment he put down the first chess piece, the whole battlefield is already under his control.

His mental calculation ability is extremely strong, after playing one move, he has calculated the situation of the next hundred moves, and the person playing chess with him is this girl Tu, if he wants to win the game. This flag, it can be said, does not take any effort at all.

Tu's initial satisfaction has now completely disappeared, and the next moves have to be thought about for half a day.

Moreover, until she struggled to think of a good move, soon after, Eugene Porter blocked her retreat, making her pre-calculated moves completely blocked.

If you don't want to be despised by the useless Eugene Porter, based on Tu and Cullen's temperament when playing chess, I am afraid that they will soon ask to play again.

McKay doesn't know how to play Go, but looking at the two's changing faces, it can be guessed that the rhythm of this chess board is controlled by someone.

Seeing Tu almost going crazy, McKay was even more amazed, thinking that Eugene Porter is really talented, under that calm appearance, he doesn't know how many skills he still can't imagine.

Eugene Porter looked at the last piece of chess being lowered, looked at Tu coldly and said: "You lost."

Tu stared at the chessboard in disapproval, wanting to see if there was any other way to cure it, but what made her desperate was that, using her intelligence, she couldn't find any solution. destroy Eugene Porter's move.

She sighed helplessly, and then glanced at Eugene Porter with resentment, thinking that this person must have been lucky and won against her by playing bad luck.

"Should we make a bet now, and accept me as the ancestor?" Eugene Porter laughed.

Tu didn't volunteer, of course she didn't want to accept a useless guy like Eugene Porter as her ancestor.

Now that Cullen had finished handling Rosalie Hale's arm, he went to Eugene Porter's place.

Tu saw Cullen coming over, his eyes lit up, like he saw a savior, immediately stood up: "Teacher, you need to help me teach this arrogant guy, he still wants to be my ancestor. there, this is clearly intended to take advantage of that master."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Eugene Porter again and said: "You want me to accept you as a ancestor, but you must defeat my master, that's only reasonable, otherwise I don't need it either. must accept you as the ancestor."

Eugene Porter turned to look at Cullen and smiled and said: "That's right, Mr. Tu, you can fight me in the next game."

Cullen immediately glared, playing chess with Eugene Porter, so it was like searching for himself, that year he claimed to have a super high IQ, after learning a few things from Eugene Porter, then he felt See if you can beat him.

As a result, the two men fought a hundred games of chess, in which he lost ninety- nine games, and in the last game he used the excuse of stomach pain, played half a game and then did not dare to play anymore.

Now, this little Tu makes him play chess with Eugene Porter, there are bets, this is clearly a trap for him.

Previously, Eugene Porter always said that he was Cullen's master in Go, Cullen refused to admit it, now it's good, if he plays with Eugene Porter now, after losing, Eugene Porter immediately returns become his official teacher.

Cullen sighed helplessly, also having no way with his disciples, closed his eyes and sat down opposite Eugene Porter.

Tu saw that Cullen wanted to take action, immediately raised hope in his heart, extremely pleased to look at Eugene Porter and said: "In the past, my master used to fight with Lam Trung Thien - one of the four famous chess saints in Vietnam. Kandaco, you can only defeat me, in front of my master is nothing."

"Really? I also want to see how high your chess-playing strength is in the end." Eugene Porter laughs at Cullen.

Cullen's face was full of shame, he couldn't help but cover Tu's mouth.

What is Lam Trung Thien, the person sitting in front of him is the real master.

I made you play chess with this person, I really wanted to kill you.

But as Tu's teacher, Cullen couldn't say anything more, only had to start playing chess with Eugene Porter.

Rosalie Hale also came, stood next to McKay, started watching the flag.

In the past, he had also studied Go, claiming to be able to understand a bit.

But after he saw Eugene Porter and Cullen playing chess, he was inexplicably terrified, this is a high-class chess game that only national masters can create, the way they play chess. , Rosalie Hale had to watch for a long time to regain his spirit, and at this time, the two of them had already made a dozen moves.

Rosalie Hale looked at Eugene Porter with complicated eyes, thinking: "What the hell is this name, is this really Eugene Porter who is considered useless by everyone? "

More than half an hour later, Cullen frowned, broke out in a cold sweat, finally couldn't hold it anymore, angrily said: "No more playing, does anyone bully others like you, don't give people any way to live at all? In the future, if I ever play chess with you again, my name will be written backwards!"

McKay and Rosalie Hale looked at Cullen and wanted to vomit blood, both a little surprised, but they were all very clear, this was because Cullen couldn't play against others, so embarrassed.

Eugene Porter can force the famous medical god from far and near the city like this, in this world, there is definitely no second person to be found.

Tu opened his eyes wide and looked at Cullen, she was still waiting for Cullen to take revenge for her, who would have thought that after half an hour, Cullen took the initiative to admit defeat.