
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 48:

Is this person really that good?

"Now that your master has also lost to me, should we make a bet?" Eugene Porter laughed.

Tu unw

Do it anyway, don't call the teacher."

I know, today I'm afraid I can't escape the fact that Eugene Porter is the ancestor.

"Yes, master."

Tu turned to look at Eugene Porter, and after a long while, he bowed and said, "Hello teacher... ancestor."

Eugene Porter enjoyed this title very much, smiled and said: "Okay, if you have become my disciple, then you must strictly follow my orders in the future. From now on, you must be a lady, when you talk to me, you must be gentle and polite, do you hear me?"

Tu immediately froze, then clenched his fist.

This bastard is saying she's not feminine, not gentle?

She hated to rush up to bite Eugene Porter a few times, but now that Eugene Porter is her ancestor, her ancestor's orders, she must obey.

"Yes... Master." He gritted his teeth and said.

McKay and Rosalie Hale really wanted to laugh, but thinking about Tu's face, they could only bear it.

Eugene Porter stood up, looked at Cullen and smiled and said: "Thank you for this time, I'll show you some great moves later, guaranteed to make you beat that Lam Trung Thien."

Cullen's face was also not good, but he was still looking forward to Eugene Porter's great move, anyway, he really wanted to win against Lam Trung Thien.

"Then don't break your word, or else come to my doctor's place later, I'll put a few more things in the medicine." Cullen said angrily.

Rosalie Hale standing next to him immediately trembled, goosebumps on his body could not help but rise in pieces.

After seeing off the three Eugene Porter people, Cullen breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Tu and said, "In the future, no matter what I tease, don't poke fun at Eugene Porter, do you hear me."

Tu asked with a puzzled face, "Teacher, don't people say Eugene Porter is the most useless guy in this Kandaco, why can't you tease him?"

"Useless? It's just his humble facade, when I was playing chess with him just now, don't you think he looks like a useless guy?" Cullen narrowed his eyes and asked.

Tu immediately nodded, then as if he understood something, his heart was also extremely scared.

"It's just a pity that this kid is already married, if not marrying him, it's actually a good choice." Cullen suddenly changed his tone and muttered.

"Master!" Tu immediately glared at Cullen.

Cullen laughed ha ha, stroked his beard and returned to his room.

In front of the Starry entertainment headquarters.

Rosalie Hale looked at the scene in front of him with emotion, even though he had only been to Kandaco for a few years, he was already familiar with this place.

But now looking back at this city, it is very different from what I saw before.

"In the future, I also consider Rosalie Hale to be rooted here, not hoping for a quick promotion, only hoping to repay Eugene Porter's life-saving grace." Rosalie Hale's eyes were very firm.

Eugene Porter laughed: "I didn't come looking for you to repay you, I wanted you to hold Kandaco's underworld in your hands.

Rosalie Hale nodded seriously and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you with this matter."

McKay stood next to him and patted Rosalie Hale's shoulder, smiled and said: "The two of us work together, although now on the outside, only CattKy remains on the outside, but there are still many forces that are difficult to solve. If you want to control Kandaco's underworld, it's true that the burden is heavy but the road is long."

"With you and Eugene Porter, this shouldn't be difficult." Rosalie Hale said.

McKay and Eugene Porter looked at each other, both smiling.

"I have thought about this a lot, the main task of Mr. Chambler is a housewife now, he can't help you." McKay said.

Rosalie Hale looked bewildered, asked: "So isn't there you?"

"Me? From today onwards, I'm only in charge of fighting, I don't care about other things, before you come, I'm being attacked by Mr. Chambler forced to do these things, now that I have come, these things are left to me." McKay laughed.

Rosalie Hale suddenly had the feeling that he was on the wrong boat, this McKay is considered one of the three Heavenly Kings in Kandaco anyway, why does it feel so unreliable?

"Mr. Chambler, today is a good day, stay and have a drink." McKay looked at Eugene Porter and said.

"You two drink, I won't drink, I have to go home to the market to cook." Eugene Porter replied with a smile.

Rosalie Hale glared again, thinking that a person like Eugene Porter would be willing to be a housewife.

But come to think of it, Eugene Porter's wife is so beautiful, if it were him, he would also agree to be a housewife.

Thinking like that, a few old stories suddenly appeared in his heart, Rosalie Hale shook his head, forcing himself not to think about those things anymore.

On the way back, Eugene Porter went to the market, after buying food, then went straight home.

As soon as she entered the door, Olivia Sherwood sat on the sofa and immediately said annoyed: "Do you know what time it is, do you know the way back? Our whole family is waiting for you to cook rice!"

"I'm going to work right now." Eugene Porter did not argue, carrying the food straight to the kitchen.

At night, when she went to bed, Maria Chambler told Eugene Porter to massage her again, and the good thing Eugene Porter could enjoy was being able to sleep in the same bed with Maria Chambler.

Two days later, it was time for Maria Chambler's class reunion.

Today, after Maria Chambler came home from work, she picked out an outfit she liked, and put on light makeup and was extremely beautiful.

After she finished her makeup, she turned her head to look at Eugene Porter and said, "Why are you standing there, hurry up and get ready, or else you'll be late."

"Do you really want me to come with you?" Eugene Porter opened his mouth to ask.

"Of course it's true, if you're still hesitant, I won't bring you along." Maria Chambler said.

Eugene Porter was very happy and immediately went to get ready a bit.

In Eugene Porter's eyes, Maria Chambler's willingness to take him to meet his classmates was a kind of affirmation.

Although Emma Enid said that day, if Maria Chambler wanted to take Eugene Porter with her, she would certainly be laughed at by her classmates, but Maria Chambler did not take Eugene Porter because of this.

If Maria Chambler had started to face Eugene Porter, then today's class meeting, he had to make Maria Chambler raise her eyebrows a little.

With things like this, Eugene Porter does much better than anyone else.

The two went out together, at which point Emma Enid called.

"Maria Chambler, we're at the door of Underworld International Hotel right now, come quickly."

"Okay, I know, come now." Maria Chambler hung up, quickly calling for a car.

Underworld International Hotel is a five-star hotel in Kandaco, which is also considered a luxury spending place in Kandaco.

If you want to come to this place to eat, just having money is not enough, you also have to have identity and status.

This hotel's target audience is the parties of the upper class, who usually do not think about this place when organizing a party.

Belle Swan chose to hold a class meeting at this place because he wanted to show off his identity, pretend to be cool, there is another reason that Panter Gold Group is a major shareholder of Underworld International Hotel.

As a director of a subsidiary of Panter Gold Group, Belle Swan wants to get the opportunity to go to Panter Gold International Hotel to eat more easily.

But even so, he had a hard time getting an envelope.

Eugene Porter had heard Emmett mentioned this Underworld international hotel before, he bought shares of this hotel, of course, because he wanted to expand his communication relationship. They all have pretty great value relationships. Emmett is very good at business, of course understands the importance of acquaintance.

Half an hour later, Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler arrived at the door of Underworld International Hotel, got out of the car and saw a group of people standing in the distance.

Emma Enid and Belle Swan immediately walked over to welcome, Emma Enid saw Eugene Porter also coming, immediately whispered: "It's really shameless, Maria Chambler's class meeting also dared to come here, not embarrassed. ah."

After Belle Swan saw Eugene Porter with a gloomy face, what happened at Cullen's place he still remembers vividly in his head, if Eugene Porter dared to talk about him having kidney failure in front of so many classmates, only afraid he will explode immediately.