
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 46:

After saying that, Eugene Porter immediately went inside.

The girl saw this and immediately reached out and grabbed Eugene Porter, impatiently saying: "Why are you so shameless, I told you that my master did not meet you, moreover based on this attitude alone. your master, my master certainly won't cure you."

Now the girl was also very angry, thinking that such a useless guy would dare to break into the door, it is true that she refused to put the title of god of medicine in her eyes.

Belle Swan also laughed sarcastically, he felt that Eugene Porter had completely offended this girl, no matter what, Cullen would not cure Eugene Porter.

"It's true that she has no brain, this girl is Cullen's disciple, offending her but also wants Cullen to help cure the disease, what a dream!" Belle Swan said coldly.

Just as the two of them were pulling, there was a slight cough inside the room: "Tu, what's going on, why are you so noisy?"

The girl's eyes immediately lit up, she knew that Cullen had a bad temper, if Cullen found out that someone wanted to break in, he would definitely scold Eugene Porter and slap him.

Moreover, Eugene Porter is also a famous useless name throughout Kandaco, Cullen will definitely not be polite to him.

"Teacher, hurry up and get out of here, there's a person who shamelessly wants to attack you, I can't stop you." The girl cried.

Then she turned her head to look at Eugene Porter and said proudly: "Hmph, wait until the teacher comes out, seeing your attitude will definitely be very angry, don't dream in this life that you will examine him for a medical examination. ."

A moment later, an old man with gray hair came out of the room.

The girl quickly ran behind the old man, stretched out her hand to point at Eugene Porter, and angrily said, "Teacher, it is this person who not only dares to call Master's name directly, but also wants to rush in to find you. Master, master, hurry up and scold him, let him know that god doctors like you don't have to call for fun."

"That's right, I can testify, this guy just called your name directly, it's true that he doesn't know how big or small, he doesn't see God as he is." Belle Swan added salted fish sauce.

McKay and Rosalie Hale were both a bit desperate, thinking that Eugene Porter had just arrived and made the relationship so tense, even if he wanted to beg people to examine him, he was afraid he couldn't anymore.

Cullen glanced at Eugene Porter, his face did not seem angry but still very solemn.

Just when everyone thought that Cullen was about to scold Eugene Porter, Cullen suddenly took two steps forward, trembling hands grabbed Eugene Porter's hand, excitedly said: " Eugene Porter, the boy you finally know here. visit me, I remember you want to die."

Everyone present widened their eyes, no one expected that the famous medical god would say these words to Eugene Porter.

Eugene Porter immediately felt a little embarrassed, coughed, and said in a low voice, "Pay attention to your image."

At this time, Cullen let go of Eugene Porter's hand, smiling happily at him.

McKay and Rosalie Hale both stared at Cullen and Eugene Porter with their eyes wide open, and now I understand why Eugene Porter said that Cullen would definitely examine Rosalie Hale.

Belle Swan also had a bewildered face, not having time to react to what this was all about.

Why does the god of medicine Alice have such a good attitude towards a useless guy like Eugene Porter? Maybe it's because the mood of the god doctor Alice is happy, so he treats everyone like that.

The girl called Alice was even more surprised, it was the first time she saw her master so enthusiastic about others.

"Teacher, this person is the one who called you by your name, and even tried to break in, why are you so polite to him."

Cullen glared at Alice and said, "Alice, don't be rude, Eugene Porter is my guest."

Alice was even more surprised, as if he had just heard a joke.

"But, he's that useless guy that's famous all over Kandaco." Tu is still not satisfied.

"Shut up!" Cullen shouted at Alice.

Alice frowned, but dared not say anything.

Cullen turned to look at Eugene Porter, his face was cheerful again, and asked: "If you don't have a job, you won't come here, you're looking for me because you want me to help you, right?"

Eugene Porter also did not hide his nod: "My friend is injured, I want to ask you for help."

Finished speaking, Eugene Porter pointed at Rosalie Hale's arm.

Cullen glanced at Rosalie Hale's arm, his eyes lit up, then quickly ran over to look at it for a while and said: "This arm is a bit interesting, I like it like this."

Rosalie Hale's facial muscles twitched, thinking that the god of medicine is really not like ordinary people, words can give people goosebumps.

"What, can it be cured?" Eugene Porter asked.

"It's curable, it's curable, get him in the room." Cullen laughed.

Belle Swan saw this, and immediately went up to ask: "Doctor Alice, I also want you to help me examine."

Cullen looked at him and said: "Sorry, three opportunities this year have already been used."

"But didn't you treat them as well?" Belle Swan said very uncomfortable.

"I'm a relative of the god doctor Alice, aren't you?" Eugene Porter did not want to let Belle waste time, opened his mouth to speak.

"That's right, we're relatives." Cullen also said.

Belle Swan gritted his teeth, thinking how could a useless guy like him be so lucky to be able to be related to Cullen, God is really blind.

He did not intend to continue here wasting any more time, waiting for a while to go to a nearby hospital for a check-up.

At this moment, Cullen suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Kid, you really don't need to worry, I just glanced at your face, you just have kidney failure, go home and drink the Blackstone. Okay."

Belle Swan's body immediately felt like it was hit by lightning, and stood there for a long time before regaining consciousness.

If Eugene Porter said that he still didn't believe it, then Cullen said, he couldn't help but believe it.

From Finance is the god of medicine that is recognized by everyone, certainly will not arbitrarily deceive others.

He immediately felt his face was a little embarrassed, swallowed his saliva and said: "Knowing... already knowing the god of medicine Cullen, after I return, I will immediately buy the Luc Vien Hoang Hoan."

After saying that, he quickly ran away from this place, if he stayed in the future, he was afraid that he would no longer have the face to meet people.

Waiting for Belle Swan to leave, Eugene Porter immediately led Rosalie Hale into the room, letting Cullen treat.

Tu looked at Eugene Porter with an annoyed face, and couldn't wait to swallow him, but because of Cullen, he didn't dare to say anything.

"This arm is mine, you guys wait over there, I'll finish it quickly, then let him rest for a few days then there's nothing to worry about." Cullen said.

Eugene Porter nodded, grabbed McKay away, let Cullen focus on healing Rosalie Hale.

Rosalie Hale was nervous, just now Cullen said this arm was his, making his body tremble a little.

"God… God of medicine, you ease your hand a little, I still need this arm, don't take it off there." Rosalie Hale said.

"Don't worry, I'm like that, only when I can't fix it, I will take it off." Cullen laughed.

As soon as he said that, Rosalie Hale became more and more uneasy and wanted to get up and run away.

Eugene Porter and McKay went to the next room, both looking around curiously.

This room of Cullen displayed body parts that were made into specimens, McKay also discovered that there was a human skeleton lying in a corner, he ran to see, found that it was the real thing, not the real thing. right model.

I immediately got goosebumps, thinking to myself, don't tell me the other parts are also taken from the body?

So Rosalie Hale is not...

He turned his head to look at Rosalie Hale. After seeing Rosalie Hale's panicked expression, he couldn't help but agree with him.

Alice sat alone at the table not far away, on the table was a set of chess, Alice indifferently put the flag on top.

Her face was full of resentment as she stared at Eugene Porter, her eyes occasionally shooting out a few murderous glints.

Eugene Porter looked at Tu with a funny glance, then walked up to the chessboard and asked: "Do you know how to play chess?"

Tu immediately replied proudly: "I don't know that, although my master is a medical god, he has also studied very deeply in this game of Go, I have learned all of his talents. Criticizing Go may not be able to defeat me."