
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 45:

Now that he is only middle-aged, if he is really forced to sell egg crepes to make a living, he really doesn't want to in his heart.

It's better to follow Eugene Porter aggressively, maybe there's still a chance to re-implement the glory of the past.

Of course, the premise was that his hand was curable.

He looked seriously at Eugene Porter, then nodded, opened his mouth to say: "Okay, I promise you, if I can really keep this arm, even if I become a buffalo and a horse for you, I won't. hate any sentence.

"You have such a talent, it's too frustrating to make you a buffalo and a horse." Eugene Porter laughed.

"OH? So what do you want me to do?" Rosalie Hale asked.

"Controlling the underworld in Kandaco." Eugene Porter laughed and said that

Rosalie Hale was scared, from Eugene Porter's innocent and kind face he could not see at all, this young man who was called useless by everyone had such a big ambition.

But this also made him determined, the decision to follow Eugene Porter was certainly not a bad decision.

"Mr. Chambler, it's done." McKay also came out at this time.

Eugene Porter nodded and said: "Help Mr. Tran, he will come with us in the future, they are all from the same family."

McKay immediately helped Rosalie Hale up, laughing: "Brother Tran, please teach me more, in the future, just fight, you can call me at any time, of course, if there is Mr. If Chambler is there, don't go."

In his heart, he also understood very well why Eugene Porter wanted to save Rosalie Hale, he also knew that he was not the right person to be the leader.

Rosalie Hale came to make him breathe a sigh of relief, later on he only needed to worry about fighting and killing.

So McKay is not at all upset about Eugene Porter allowing Rosalie Hale to join.

Half an hour later, the three appeared in a quiet, dark alley.

Eugene Porter led the two of them to a rather old door, above the door hanging a large four-letter sign: "Do not compete with life."

McKay stared at the sign for a long time, noticing the signature above, then opened his eyes wide.

"Mr. Chambler, don't tell me this is the place of the doctor Cullen - a famous person from the North to the South?"

Eugene Porter smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, he is."

"Mom, Mr. Chambler, I heard that the medical god, Magnetic, has a strange temper, only three times a year, three times a year, even if he gave me more money, he wouldn't do it."

"Besides, the medical god Cullen examines others and asks him about his mood, if he's not in a good mood, even if he's dying, he won't examine him."

"Let's go find a medical god from here, okay?"

McKay is a bit uncertain, if it really is Cullen, it is true that it is possible to cure Rosalie Hale's arm, but if people don't want to fix it, no matter how much they beg, they can't do it. What.

Previously, I heard that someone from a large family in the Imperial City wanted to invite Cullen to see a doctor, promising him a life of wealth and prosperity for the rest of his life. .

If you want Cullen to take action to heal others, it is indeed more difficult than going to heaven.

"Don't worry, he wouldn't dare do that in front of me." Eugene Porter laughed, then went in the door.

McKay gulped, thinking Mr. After all, his chambler has many tricks that he does not know yet, yet he is sure that the god doctor Tu does not dare to be arrogant in front of him.

Now that Rosalie Hale was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, McKay didn't hesitate anymore, quickly helped Rosalie Hale in.

Just entering the door is an ancient drugstore, surrounded by cabinets filled with medicines, at this time there is a girl about eighteen years old standing in front of the medicine cabinet inside.

Standing next to the other girl, unexpectedly was Maria Chambler's class president, Belle Swan.

"Beautiful sister, please excuse me for a bit, I really need a prescription from the doctor Tu, please inform me." Belle Swan begged to look at the girl.

"This year my master has examined other people's diseases three times, will not examine them anymore, no matter what you beg, don't waste any more time in this place." The girl said coldly.

Seeing this, Belle could only helplessly shake his head and sigh, intending to turn around and go out.

At this moment, he saw Eugene Porter entering again, and was immediately stunned.

"Eugene Porter? Why are you here?" Belle Swan opened her mouth to ask.

"Going to Cullen to get medical treatment." Eugene Porter replied coldly.

Belle Swan immediately laughed and said, "Relying only on you? Still want to find a medical doctor from medical examination? I advise you to wake up, this year god doctor Tu has examined enough patients, you have gone in vain."

Because the girl didn't help him go begging Cullen, Belle Swan was also a little uncomfortable, now seeing Eugene Porter also come, immediately a little gloating.

Eugene Porter also did not pay attention to him, but directly walked in front of the other girl.

Last time he came here, he did not meet this girl.

"Hello, I'm looking for Cullen, please inform me." Eugene Porter said.

The other girl turned and glanced at Eugene Porter, her face arrogantly saying: "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what the other person said? This year my master will not examine other people anymore, moreover you dare to call my master's name directly, just this attitude of yours, it is strange that my master is willing to examine you. ."

Belle Swan saw that the girl fiercely scolded Eugene Porter, also felt more balanced in her heart, said: "Eugene Porter, don't waste any more effort, I want to find a doctor From the medical examination, I can't even invite him, let alone talk about it. Older brother."

Eugene Porter turned his head to look at Belle Swan, coldly said: "Your illness doesn't need to be examined by Cullen, it's just kidney failure, just go back and eat the Blackstone."

Belle Swan heard Eugene Porter dare to say that he had kidney failure, then immediately ruffled his hair and shouted: "Damn it, you talk nonsense, you think you're a medical god, you know me at a glance. What's wrong with you?"

The other girl also looked at Eugene Porter in surprise, turned to Belle Swan: "He's right, you really have kidney failure, you can tell by your face."

This time Belle Swan was choked and couldn't say any more words, this girl is Cullen's disciple, her words still have a certain degree of credibility.

Belle Swan glared at Eugene Porter with hatred and hatred, and couldn't wait to peel off Eugene Porter's skin.

McKay and Rosalie Hale both couldn't help but laugh, Rosalie Hale was in a lot of pain, seeing this scene on the contrary also eased the pain a bit.

"Don't be complacent here, no matter what, you won't be able to meet the god doctor Tu." Belle Swan gritted his teeth and said.

He was going to leave, but seeing Eugene Porter come here, he decided to stay here and watch Eugene Porter suffer.

Eugene Porter didn't care about Belle Swan anymore, walked in front of the other girl.

"Tell your teacher Eugene Porter is looking for him." Eugene Porter opened his mouth to speak.

"Eugene Porter?" The girl pouted: "I only know in Kandaco there is a useless guy named Eugene Porter, my master has such a noble status, how can I meet such a useless guy, you guys hurry up and go. ."

Belle Swan laughed and said: "He is the useless guy you said, I laughed to death."

Previously, when they went to eat together, Eugene Porter said that Belle Swan has low EQ, has no brain, Belle Swan also considers Eugene Porter as an enemy, so he doesn't count on respect.

"What!" The other girl shouted in surprise: "Are you that useless Eugene Porter? Seriously, why do we always have people like you coming to our place."

"Tell me, my master won't meet you even if he meets someone, so hurry up, we don't welcome you." The girl raised her head, unafraid of Eugene Porter, especially after learning that he was the famous useless guy all over Kandaco.

McKay and Rosalie Hale were both very embarrassed, at first Eugene Porter was sure that Cullen would cure Rosalie Hale, but now even the gate guarded by his disciples cannot pass.

" Mr. Chambler... Or, how about we go to the nearest hospital and see?" McKay asked carefully.

Eugene Porter immediately glared at him, then turned to the girl: "If you won't go and announce it, I'll go in myself."