
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 44:

Edward was a little funny to see that Eugene Porter, who was the most incapable of fighting among the three, stepped out again.

"Eugene Porter, are you sure you won't let McKay help you? Based on your reputation alone, you won't be able to do anything today." Edward laughed.

"Alone is enough." Eugene Porter said casually.

Edward narrowed his eyes, his eyes exuding murderous aura.

"Fuck, if you're so deaf and not afraid of guns, then I'll show you what it's like to be desperate for a moment, hurry and let him know." Edward ordered.

Out of the four, one person rushed to Eugene Porter right away, just by looking at the speed, this is a very strong player.

Rosalie Hale's face changed, he quickly turned his head to say to McKay: "Edward's subordinates are all very strong, if you let Eugene Porter go forward alone, he will lose his life."

McKay smiled and calmly said: "Don't worry, even I can't see through Mr. Chambler, how can these little shrimp be his match."

At this point, the other man rushed in front of Eugene Porter, then swung a fist, punching Eugene Porter in the face.

The man's face was filled with smugness, seemingly pleased with his speed.

But little did he know that, in Eugene Porter's eyes, his speed was as slow as a tortoise.

When the other man's fist was about to hit Eugene Porter in the face, he quickly lifted his foot and kicked the person's stomach.

That person's fist suddenly stopped, then the whole person flew backwards, then hit the wall, spitting out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Everyone was amazed at this sudden scene, the sneer on Edward's face also disappeared in an instant.

"Why… why is he so powerful?" Rosalie Hale muttered.

Edward spit on the ground and scolded: "Fuck, I didn't expect that guy would have such courage, rush up to me, pin him to the ground and hit him!"

The remaining three immediately rushed to Eugene Porter, the combined strength of these three people was not much inferior to Edward, so he had a lot of confidence in them.

But a second later, Edward opened his mouth, his face full of unbelievable looking at what was happening in front of his eyes.

Only after these three people rushed in front of Eugene Porter, his body quickly shifted, in an instant the other three fell to the ground and began to roll.

Edward couldn't even see clearly how Eugene Porter did.

Is it possible that the name Eugene Porter in the mouth of the Lancome people, is not this Eugene Porter?

Edward does not dare to despise Eugene Porter, because he knows this person looks like a blank-faced person, but he is certainly not as simple as he thinks.

Rosalie Hale also looked at Eugene Porter with a terrified expression, now he realizes, in fact, the useless guy in everyone's mouth is a master with a strength far beyond him.

Just now Eugene Porter said that everyone has a secret, maybe this is his secret.

Seeing that Eugene Porter did not happen, Rosalie Hale also breathed a sigh of relief, at this moment his arm suddenly transmitted a heart-breaking pain, he quickly hugged his arm, his forehead was full of cold sweat.

That year when he was hunted, this arm of his was seriously injured, although he kept the arm, but left a huge sequelae.

This time being chased by Edward's people, this arm of his was overused, plus the injury, so now it has reached its limit.

But Edward is still unresolved, now he can't take care of his arm.

Eugene Porter walked in front of Edward, then stared at him and said: "Now do you want to take the initiative to die, or do you want me to do it myself?"

Edward coldly snorted and said: "Fuck, don't think you can deal with my subordinates, then you have the right to stand here and provoke me, today I will tell you clearly, what a tragedy! "

After saying that, Edward rushed towards Eugene Porter at a fast speed.

Eugene Porter shook his head and said: "This speed is too slow, my one move is enough to deal with you."

"Breaking without shame, I want to see what tricks you use to deal with me."

Edward jumped up and kicked Eugene Porter.

Eugene Porter quickly turned around, then kicked Edward in the knee.

A crack sounded.

Next was Edward's pitiful scream, his whole body struggled in the air and then fell to the ground.

"ASIAN!!! My leg…"

Eugene Porter turned around, not looking at Edward, because he knew he was disabled and could no longer pose any threat to him.

Now McKay walked over to Eugene Porter and smiled and said, "Mr. Chambler, you were a bit light-hearted today, and you only broke one of his legs."

"You handle it, don't let the people in Lancome city leave this house." Eugene Porter said.

McKay immediately understood what he meant and went to deal with Edward and the others.

Eugene Porter walked in front of Rosalie Hale, then smiled at him: "I have solved the problem."

Rosalie Hale looked at Eugene Porter with a complicated expression: "I didn't expect you to hide it so well, even I couldn't see your ability."

"I know the morality of a gentleman who hides a weapon for self-defense, that if he makes it too public, he will easily die prematurely." Eugene Porter laughed.

Rosalie Hale nodded, and at the same time admired the depth of this young man, that year when he was the same age as Eugene Porter, he was still furious, unable to collect all the talent he had like Eugene Porter. yeah.

"This time the people in Lancome city have been solved, do you have any plans?" Eugene Porter asked.

Rosalie Hale smiled reluctantly and said: "What other plans can I have, maybe I will change another place and continue selling egg tarts."

"It's better than you follow me, as long as you stay in this Lancome, I can guarantee your safety, even if someone from Lancome city comes again, I can help you stay safe. " Eugene Porter speaks his mind.

He is always looking for someone who can control the situation of the underworld in Domino, now it seems that Rosalie Hale is the most suitable choice.

Rosalie Hale shook his head and said: "Let's leave this matter, now that I'm disabled, even if I follow you, it won't help you much."

After saying that, his arm ached again, making him unsteady.

Eugene Porter saw that and quickly helped Rosalie Hale, then glanced at his arm, realizing that the arm was bruised, and the skin on it was also torn.

"I'm afraid this arm can't hold anymore, I'm very touched that you saved me this time, but I'm just a cripple, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to repay you." Rosalie Hale said reluctantly.

Eugene Porter looked closely at his arm for a moment, then seriously said to Rosalie Hale: "It is true that the condition of your arm is very bad, but not to the point of being amputated, I have a way to help you cure it. ."

Rosalie Hale heard Eugene Porter say that, his eyes suddenly widened, and asked: "Do you still know how to cure diseases? My hand was examined by the best experts in the medical world, they all said there was no hope, this time I used too much force, I am afraid that even if Hua Tuo is revived, it will not be cured."

Eugene Porter laughed and said: "I'm not good at medicine, but I do know a medical god, he certainly has a cure for your hand."

"Medicine?" Rosalie Hale was surprised, just now he thought that Eugene Porter knew how to cure diseases, but he wanted others to treat him.

"That's right, this person's medical skills are already very advanced, it's not too much to use the word god to describe it, I once saved his life before, asking him to help you fix your hand is probably not difficult." Eugene Porter said.

Rosalie Hale immediately hesitated, of course he didn't want his arm to be disabled, as long as there was a little hope he still wanted to try.

But since he and Eugene Porter only met by chance, Eugene Porter helping him like that made him feel very ashamed.

Eugene Porter saw Rosalie Hale hesitate, immediately thought for a moment, then said: "I don't have to help you get medical treatment for free, I said earlier, I want you to come work with me, if I really find someone to cure this arm of yours, how about you follow me later, as a reward for me?"

Rosalie Hale thought about it, his life now can be said to be wandering around, still having to watch out for trouble from Lancome city every day.

Eugene Porter's strength at that time he also saw, if he really followed Eugene Porter, perhaps Eugene Porter could really guarantee his safety.