
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 12: It's okay to disappoint me.

"135 billion." Eugene Porter did not bother to think, continued to increase the price, in his eyes, money was just a number, but buying this necklace would be a gift for Maria Chambler.

The next room immediately fell silent, as if there was a faint sigh.

Everyone here must also be stunned by the price Eugene Porter shouted, 135 billion, this is enough money to buy several commercial buildings, yet he spent such a large amount of money just to own a necklace.

This is the real rich.

In the end, no one dared to continue to compete with Eugene Porter anymore, the necklace 'Heart of Venus' was sold for 135 billion in the hands of Eugene Porter.

Everyone is curious to know, who spent so much money to buy 'Heart of Venus', who is this, but the auction has a very good protection system, these people don't either. Eugene Porter's figure could be seen.

After completing all the formalities and giving the money, Eugene Porter got the rope 'Heart of Venus', he left the auction floor through the VIP entrance.

When he first came out, a figure appeared in front of him, it was Hong who led him in earlier.

Compared to before, she's even more beautiful now, the buttons on her shirt are undone, showing that there has been a lot of attention invested in the outfit.

Her eyes looked at Eugene Porter very gently, saying: "Hello sir, I offended you earlier, so I wanted to come and apologize."

"No need." Eugene Porter moves forward.

Ms. Hong quickly chased after, saying: "Sir, don't be so cold, people are just accidental, moreover, I have realized my mistake already, to make up for this mistake, Everyone agrees to listen to him."

"This is my business card, wait until I get off work, just one phone call from you, I will come right away, then people will let you handle it, certainly no objection."

After saying that, Ms. Hong also glanced at Eugene Porter, then shyly left.

Eugene Porter took the business card and continued on, when he passed the trash can, he stared at the business card in his hand and then pouted and threw it.

After buying 'Heart of Venus', Eugene Porter didn't go straight home but rented a car to Domino's Manchurian Nightclub.

Man Thien Tinh Nightclub is a very famous place to hang out in this place, called heaven by men, teenagers or teenagers who are uncomfortable at night go to this place. , find the solution.

But the reason this place is so famous is not only because there are many beautiful girls, but the biggest reason is because this is one of the areas of the underworld king Ly Huynh Thai.

Ly Huynh Thai is one of the most noticed characters in recent years in Domino, this person is extremely warlike, has strong strength, alone can fight dozens of larger muscular men. he.

In just a few short years, Ly Huynh Thai was able to rely on his fists to climb to the position of the king of the underworld in Domino, under his hands there were many absolutely loyal brothers.

He can concentrate his forces, so the other two heavenly kings, Long Phi and Bruno, are also extremely taboo.

Eugene Porter walked to the front door of the Manchurian Nightclub, where two large, crude men came to stop him.

"What is this kid doing here, can't you see the door is still open here, get out of here, don't disturb the guys playing with the phone." One of the two said.

Eugene Porter glanced at the other two and coldly said, "Tell Ly Huynh Thai to roll over here for me."

"Damn it, want to cause trouble or something?"

The other two big guys heard Eugene Porter say that and immediately became angry and started shouting at him.

"Give you three minutes, if you don't get out, don't blame me." Eugene Porter paid no attention to their attitudes.

"Mom, what the hell are you, dare to come here to show off, are you tired of living?" One of them loudly voiced.

"Aren't you the ineffective son-in-law of the Chambler family? Mom, dare to come to Man Thien Tinh to show off? It seems that you don't want to live?" The other stared at Eugene Porter and then spoke.

"Is that the son-in-law of the Chambler family? As the one who has to stay at home all day to do the laundry, his status in the family is not as good as that of a dog, right?"

"Yeah it is."

After knowing Eugene Porter's identity , their gazes became even more contemptuous.

"Ineffective, get out of here, this is not where you should go."

Eugene Porter sighed helplessly, then lifted his feet and walked into the club.

"Damn it, you really don't know that! You have to give us a taste of our power today!"

The other two big guys raised their hands to smack Eugene Porter once, but at this moment a man came out, he was about twenty-eight, twenty-nine years old, with a spiked head and serious eyes.

When he saw Eugene Porter standing at the door, his eyes lit up, but when he saw the sight of the other two men waving their arms about to hit him, cold sweat ran down.

"What are you two doing! Stop it for me!" Ly Huynh Thai shouted softly and hurriedly approached, then he raised his hand and tapped the two men's heads.

The other two held their heads and looked at Ly Huynh Thai with a questioning look.

"Boss, this kid doesn't know anything, dares to call his boss's name by name, and tell him to come and meet him, we just want to teach him a lesson on behalf of the boss." The big boy opened his mouth to speak.

When Ly Huynh Thai heard that name said that, he immediately glared at them, he said to his heart: If the two of you had moved your hands earlier, prepare to be bedridden for the next half of your life.

"Come on, we don't need you here, hurry up, later see this guy, let him in, dare to stop again, I will break your legs!" Ly Huynh Thai scolded them.

After chasing those two guys away, Ly Huynh Thai hurriedly walked in front of Eugene Porter and said respectfully: "Brother Dien, why did you come here? My two brothers have blind eyes, so they desecrated themselves. you, I'll teach them again in a little while."

Eugene Porter just smiled and didn't compare.

Ly Huynh Thai's attitude towards him is so respectful because everything that belongs to him now is given to him by Eugene Porter.

Four years ago, Ly Huynh Thai was chased and killed by the enemy, because he ran away from them, he came to Domino . Fortunately, thanks to Eugene Porter to solve his enemy, he also gave him this Man Thien Tinh nightclub. .

Without Eugene Porter, there would not be a leader among the three heavenly kings, he is here, Ly Huynh Thai is extremely grateful to him, moreover, I know very well, Eugene Porter is not a waste at all. things as they say, things that are hidden behind him that ordinary people can't even imagine.

Although Ly Huynh Thai is now the underground king of this Domino, he also knows that Eugene Porter can easily destroy everything he has.

"In a few days the Chamblers will hold an exhibition at the Cacaocha villa, find me some guards to make sure the show goes smoothly." Eugene Porter didn't go around saying his request directly.

"Yes, the task of Mr. Face, I guarantee to do it carefully." Ly Huynh Thai smiled and said.

In front of Eugene Porter, he did not dare to show his usual aggressiveness.

"Mr. Dien, come inside, let's have a few drinks together." When Ly Huynh Thai saw that he had finished instructing everything, he said.

"Well, I still have work to do. What I told you, if you mess it up, prepare to eat this fist of mine." Eugene Porter said.

Ly Huynh Thai immediately straightened up, his face was serious and he didn't dare to have any negligence.

He has been "eaten" by Eugene Porter's punch before, for Ly Huynh Thai, that feeling is like a nightmare.

At the same time in a karaoke room in Domino, Aaron Chambler was drinking with a tall, muscular man, that person was Bruno, one of the three heavenly kings of Domino.

"Brother Bien, this time you send me some skilled hands to steal some antiques from my grandfather, then I will pour it all on Eugene Porter's head, force him to get out of the Chambler family, and leave the rest of the items. We split up, what do you think?" Aaron Chambler said while laughing.

Bruno took a puff of his cigarette, answered him: "I can give it to you, but those antiques will all be mine, and you have to give me another thirty million, or else it's free. ."

Aaron Chambler heard that and gritted his teeth, not expecting that this Bruno would be so cunning, not only demanding all the antiques but also wanting him to give him another thirty million.

However, thinking about Eugene Porter making him kneel to apologize to Maria Chambler, Aaron Chambler immediately hated his guts, he took a deep breath and said to Bruno: "Okay, just do as Anh Bien says, as long as you don't do it. It's okay to disappoint me."