
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 13: you are the most beautiful person in the Chambler family

"Don't worry, Mr. Bien here and there has never known what failure is." Bruno patted his chest in assurance.


Evening, in the living room.

"Daughter, come here and see, someone bought the "Heart of Venus", for 135 billion!" Olivia Chambler stared at the television and raised her voice.

Lately she's been paying attention to this bracelet, always having a feeling of longing for such luxury items.

"I really don't understand what people with money have in mind, spending so much money just to buy a necklace, what a waste." Dwight Chambler mumbled.

"If you don't have the courage, don't teach the rich how to spend money, people buy this to enjoy it. How can it be like you, the ineffectual wants to die, I think he's only better than the other ineffectual Eugene Porter." Olivia Chambler heard it and scolded Dwight Chambler once.

Dwight Chambler shrank back, not daring to say anything more.

"When I talk about that Eugene Porter name, I feel angry again, if it wasn't for that name, our Maria Chambler would have been married into a rich family, at that time a "Heart of Venus" would mean nothing, unfortunately all They've all been ruined by that trash!"

Olivia Chambler doesn't care about anything, she pulls out Eugene Porter to curse, as if he has become the thing for her to vent all her anger in life.

Maria Chambler stepped forward, glanced at the TV screen, with so many emotions in her heart, she thought to herself that the person who spent so much money to buy a necklace must be a very romantic person, unfortunately such a person her whole life . didn't even have a chance.

She noticed that the photo was taken of the "Heart of Venus" who was wearing a cap, even though it was just a silhouette, but for some reason she felt that the figure was very familiar.

"Why does that person feel a bit like Eugene Porter?" Maria Chambler suddenly said a sentence.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much." Maria Chambler shook her head, finding her earlier thought a bit amusing.

Eugene Porter, standing at the kitchen door, saw Maria Chambler's reaction, smiled slightly, then reached out and touched his breast pocket.

A few days later, you can use "Heart of Venus" as a gift for Maria Chambler.

And right now in Cherry Chambler's house, she was staring at the TV in fascination, she also noticed that someone bought "Heart of Venus" for 135 billion.

In her imagination, she thought it was possible that this bracelet was bought by the owner of the Cacaocha villa to give her.

"This bracelet was definitely bought by my future husband to propose, according to his ability, buying a bracelet like this is not a big deal."

For two days now, she has considered the owner of the Cacaocha villa as her fiancé.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know who that person is yet, but I know he'll come find me soon."

"Hmph. Maria Chambler, it doesn't matter how beautiful you look, you still have to marry an ineffective husband, you can't buy such an expensive bracelet in your life."

"Wait for me to get rich and then I must trample them under my feet, so that you have to beg me for alms!"

A few days later, on the day of Louis Chambler's exhibition, Maria Chambler got up early in the morning to go to the Cacaocha villa to work.

Because Louis Chambler entrusted her with organizing the exhibition, she was extremely busy these days.

This exhibition Louis Chambler invited a lot of people, all of whom had cooperated with the Chambler family, he also wanted to invite some of the great Domino families, unfortunately people did not accept his good intentions.

Moreover, those who agreed to participate in the exhibition, there are many people who are targeting the Cacaocha villa, but there are also many people who want to see the owner of the Cacaocha villa in the end who has targeted the daughter of the Chambler family. .

The closer to the date the exhibition was conducted, the more people talked about the owner of the Cacaocha villa.

A few days ago, all the roses in Domino were bought by one person, everyone suspected this had something to do with the owner of the Cacaocha mansion.

There are many signs that the owner of Cacaocha villa will confess to the girl in his heart at the exhibition.

And the one with the greatest hope among them, of course, is Cherry Chambler.

Many people compare the owners of the Cacaocha villa and Eugene Porter with each other, as far as they can see, these two are truly a world.

When the people of the Chambler family heard people mention Eugene Porter, they all expressed hatred, as if Eugene Porter had made them lose all face.

"It's all the blame on that ineffectual Eugene Porter, these days outside, I always hear people say that our Chambler family is not worthy of the Cacaocha villa, it must be because that ineffectual Eugene Porter makes others see it. usually us."

"That's right, look at that Cherry Chambler, who will later marry into the Cacaocha villa, that ineffectual Eugene Porter is truly incomparable."

"Don't mention that ineffective name again, bad luck."

Cacaocha Villa, an extremely beautiful garden house.

Maria Chambler was guiding the Chambler family members to arrange Louis Chambler's antiques, early in the morning Louis Chambler came to check, he seemed quite satisfied.

At this time, a few people had come to Cacaocha villa to visit the exhibition first, Maria Chambler was both entertaining guests and arranging exhibitions, extremely busy.

"Where did that Eugene Porter run away, early morning was nowhere to be seen, busy trying to die." Maria Chambler lamented a sentence, a few days ago Eugene Porter had always come here to help, today I don't know what to do, early morning was nowhere to be seen.

At this moment, several sturdy men were patrolling the garden, these were arranged by Eugene Porter, at first Maria Chambler was a little scared when she saw these people, but Eugene Porter later explained. They are the security guards, in charge of the security of the exhibition.

Not long after, in the flower garden more and more people, the exhibition officially began, Louis Chambler appeared in person, chatting with those who came to see the exhibition.

But there are many people who are not interested in antiques, they are waiting for the owner of the Cacaocha mansion to appear, wanting to see who the lucky daughter of the Chambler family is.

Maria Chambler saw the exhibition begin smoothly, also breathed a sigh of relief, it didn't matter how many days she had been busy.

When she stood on the rock behind to rest for a while, she suddenly heard the voices of several women not far away.

"Tell me, all of you are from the Chambler family, why did Maria Chambler marry that ineffectual? It is said that her husband is not useful except for being a parasite, compared to the owner of the Cacaocha villa, which is literally a thousand miles away."

"Yes, that Maria Chambler looks beautiful too, but is determined to marry this incompetent, who knows if she has a problem or not."

"I heard that Cacaocha villa has hit Cherry Chambler, this Maria Chambler is actually no less than Cherry Chambler, unfortunately, marrying an ineffective guy like Eugene Porter, this life is considered ruined." "The owner of that Cacaocha villa won't be able to get a good look at a


woman , what's the point of being pretty." …

Maria Chambler heard the gossip of these people, could not help but clenched her fists, her eyes a bit gloomy.

She did not want to stay in this place anymore, was about to leave when she saw Cherry Chambler and Aaron Chambler approaching.

Today Cherry Chambler is dressed quite beautifully, it is not wrong to say that the flowers yield to the moon and moon, of course, compared to Maria Chambler, she is still a bit inferior.

"Hey, sister, why are you hiding here all alone, where's that ineffective Eugene Porter?" Cherry Chambler loudly said.

"How dare that ineffective Eugene Porter appear in such circumstances, he probably knows that coming here will only make him more embarrassed." Aaron Chambler followed along.

The people talking on the other side immediately looked this way, their eyes focused on Maria Chambler.

Cherry Chambler and Aaron Chambler did so, to make Maria Chambler lose face.

The other women did not feel that these words were inadequate, anyway, they are all true, they are all smart people, so they walked over when they saw Cherry Chambler here.

"Miss Xu, you are so beautiful today, I heard that today's owner of Cacaocha villa specially treated you, it's really admirable."

"The Chambler family really has a lot of talented people, it's hard to blame the owner of the Cacaocha villa for seeing it, this beauty of Miss Chambler is really beautiful."

"That's right, Miss Chambler is so excellent, more than some people."

Hearing these people flatter Cherry Chambler, Maria Chambler's hand tightened even more. When

Cherry Chambler saw Maria Chambler like this, she became more and more pleased in her heart, using a high-pitched voice to say to Maria Chambler: "Sister, it's a pity, logically speaking, you are the most beautiful person in the Chambler family, unfortunately I have married that ineffective Eugene Porter, regret is no longer effective."