
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 11: I also want to pay about 45 billion as a gift for my wife

Eugene Porter grinned, deciding in his heart that he would take this Heart of Venus rope and give it to Maria Chambler.

Early the next morning, Maria Chambler had to go to prepare for the exhibition, Eugene Porter also followed to the Domino center, the Venus Heart necklace will be auctioned at the auction taking place here.

Eugene Porter went across the street to buy a cap, adjust his clothes, try not to let others recognize him.

Not long after, on the other side of the auction floor there were many luxury cars parked, the people who came to this auction were not rich but also noble, everyone was dressed beautifully, only Eugene Porter wore cheap clothes, which was really out of place.

He walked to the entrance to the auction, where several men in black suits were checking the attendees.

Eugene Porter walked straight through the entrance, at which point two people directly stopped him.

"Go over there and pick up the trash, we're holding a high-end auction here, don't you look at what you're wearing, you think you can go anywhere?" A man in it told Eugene Porter.

He glanced at him and said, "I'm here to attend the auction."

When the other two heard it, they were stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"Do you think we're blind? Look at yourself, the value of your clothes combined is not more than 300 thousand, right? Any object here is worth several hundred million, several hundred million. billion dong, do you think you can buy it?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk too much with this idiot, hurry and send him away, don't let the other guests affect you." Another said.

At the same time, a woman wearing a sexy, seductive outfit walked this way, she asked: "What happened?"

When these two people saw this, they quickly bowed respectfully, one of them replied: "Miss Hong, this garbage picker wants to enter the auction, we stopped him, we kicked him out, but he refused to go to the auction. Go."

The woman called Hong looked at Eugene Porter, she also laughed out loud, thinking to herself, many people these days don't know how to measure their own strength.

But she didn't kick Eugene Porter away but said: "If you want to participate in our auction, you must meet the minimum standard, if your self-worth is below 30 billion, you can't enter here, you still have to meet the minimum standards. Do you want to go in again?"

Eugene Porter took out the World Bank's black card, gave it to the person called Ms. Hong, said: "You can check the amount in this card, if it is less than 30 billion, I will go immediately."

Hong saw Eugene Porter's response, then pouted and said: "If so, I will take you to check the property, but I tell you, if you dare to cheat, waste your time. Our staff here are not idle."

Eugene Porter shrugged, indicating it was okay.

At this time, Hong took Eugene Porter to the property inspection room next to her. In her heart, she thought, wait a little while, if there is no money in this card, she will call someone to beat this guy. one match.

Going into the next room, Ms. Hong gave Eugene Porter's card to the employee and asked the other person to check the limit of the card.

Only then did she glance at Eugene Porter from top to bottom, and after looking closely at the clothes he was wearing, her expression was filled with disdain.

"Honestly, I don't understand, why do bugs like you like intelligence so much, knowing that they will be exposed but still want to pretend to be thick-skinned, I don't understand why you guys do that. ?" Hong opened her mouth to speak.

Eugene Porter smiled at her, he replied: "I'm not smart, you guys need to meet the minimum level to get in, I let you guys check the card limit, isn't it right? "

"Well, stop puffing your cheeks and pretending to be fat, don't say 30 billion in your card, even if you have 30 million, I'm ready to write my name backwards." Hong swore.

Eugene Porter found this person too boring to care about her anymore.

"Enter password." The employee told Eugene Porter.

After entering the password, wait for the staff to report the results.

Soon after, the man received Eugene Porter's bank card limit, his mouth gaping open enough to fit an egg.

Hong saw the other person's reaction and quickly opened her mouth: "What's wrong with you? Is the money in the card so small that you panic?"

"Three... thirty... thirty..." The inspector stammered.

Ms. Hong glared at her and then continued: "Damn it, thirty thousand still shocks you to this extent, have you never seen money?"

After that, Ms. Hong was about to call the orderlies here to come and tell them to beat Eugene Porter.

At this moment, the employee hurriedly exclaimed: "Not thirty thousand!

"How much is that? What's wrong with a torn card?" Hong was a little impatient, and

the employee took a deep breath before replying:

"Thirty thousand billion! There are thirty thousand billion in this card!"

Ms. Hong heard the number that the other person had just said, her eyes widened, thinking that there was a problem with her ears, hurriedly ran to the computer to check it out." "One, ten, one hundred... thousand

... ten thousand, million, billion, hundred billion... trillion!"

Hong was surprised and almost jumped up.

his breathing also became chaotic, his hands began to tremble slightly.

Eugene Porter reached for the other card, he opened his mouth and asked: "Am I qualified to go in now?"

Ms. Hong swallowed her saliva, looking extremely embarrassed, she quickly said: "Yes, yes, sir, I'm so sorry, because I have bad eyes, my attitude just wasn't good, please don't let me down. Belly, I will guide you down the passage for guests, and will arrange a separate room for you as well."

Eugene Porter didn't bother to say anything, he followed Ms. Hong out, across the VIP aisle and straight into the auction floor, which was also arranged for a room for high-class guests only, in the room. hey, you can press the button to proceed with the quotation, so the press will not know who the person is, this is also a way to protect the high-class VIP customers of the auction center.

After leading Eugene Porter inside, Ms. Hong went out, took a deep breath, just now when she brought Eugene Porter in, her palm was also wet with sweat.

The two men who had stopped Eugene Porter a while ago also walked in front of them, not understanding.

"Miss Hong, why did you let that beggar come in, and go the VIP way again, did that guy give you something?" One of the two men asked.

Hong didn't say two words, but raised her hand to slap her, she scolded: "Keep your mouth shut, that person is our valued guest, if anyone dares to say that he is a beggar again, pack up your things and get out. sidelong!"

Not long after, the auction began.

This auction featured a number of expensive luxury items of all shapes and sizes, but Eugene Porter was not interested.

His only target, which is also the key item of this auction, the necklace 'Heart of Venus'.

Minute by minute, item by item being auctioned, finally it's time to go to the floor.

Eugene Porter who was about to fall asleep also regained consciousness, he looked at the MC who was introducing 'Heart of Venus' through the window, he thought to himself, no matter how much money it costs today, he must win this rope.

"Gentlemen, the 'Heart of Venus', designed by the hands of the world's leading art master, is a precious piece of jewelry, this necklace is encrusted with 108 high-quality diamonds, made by.. ."

"Its starting price is 30 billion, people can start bidding."

MC just introduced, someone started to increase the price, but each time they added 3 billion, some people even increased 1.5 billion.

Eugene Porter was so annoyed that he stood up, went to the window, and said loudly: "I bid 90 billion."

Everyone was shocked, they turned to look at Eugene Porter's small room at the same time, but this place was made of reflective glass, so they couldn't clearly see the person standing inside. .

"Is this guy crazy, the price is 90 billion, this is far beyond the real value of the rope."

"What kind of god is the bidder? The hand is so generous, is it the richest man in Domino?"

"Damn it, I also want to pay about 45 billion as a gift for my wife, I'm really disillusioned now."

"One person compares to another, it makes people angry, it's true that the person has real money, with some of our possessions, only the price of a piece of jewelry."

"90 billion times at a time! Anyone else bid?" The MC was also a bit agitated, this is the first time he's seen someone raise prices so much.

At this moment, in another private room, a voice rang out, seemingly carrying a great determination: "I bid 105 billion."