
Into The World of Dragons

One day, a seventeen year old boy sat up from his couch after finishing watching the movie 'How to train your dragon: the hidden world' when suddenly an extreme acute pain assaults him in his chest. The pain was unbearable to say the least, so much so that he couldn't call for his mother who is in the kitchen cooking. Soon the pain starts to radiate towards his upper left shoulder towards his jaw. Then his vision starts to fade and collapse. As his vision starts to darken, he sees the frantic running of his mother towards his whilst screaming. Then nothing... until... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: -Cover pic isn't mine and if its yours tell me and I'll bring it down -I don't own the characters that will be mentioned in this fanfic as well as any monsters that are shown in this fic that are from their respective franchise except any OC's that I make.

Pogiako_Jazz · Movies
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4 Chs

Chapter 3.

Ulf-''Yawn~ Man I'm so bored right now. Ma, is there anything fun we can do?''

Skadi-''Why don't you look through the blacksmithing book that I gave you, or better yet why don't you visit your uncle again, he's been pouting that you and Hilda hasn't been visiting him lately''

Ulf-''I already finished that book ages ago, I've also put the knowledge into practical training and made so many armors for our soldiers which is making it easier for us to take territories from other regions and I've been planning to make Hilda and myself armors and weapons but haven't found any good parts. Also uncle Fjord's boring, he just lies around doing nothing and every now and then goes out to catch a lot of fish for the dragons''

The blacksmithing book that mother was talking about was a book that she took from a dawrf back when she was younger and still doing adventures. The book contains the basics of blacksmithing and knowledge about how to progress your craft. This was 3 years ago and I've pretty much mastered and perfected my own craft. I don't know how but everything just lined up in my mind and everything clicked so it was pretty easy.

And uncle Fjord is a giant white alpha dragon from the How To Train Your Dragon franchise. He is considered as the general of my mothers army and is in charge of protecting our borders by sending and commanding the troops when necessary. And our troops consists of hundreds of thousands of monsters, from dire wolves to different types of dragons and wyverns and other large monsters.

My sister and I used to play on uncle Fjords face all the time since it was massive and also using his large tusks as a slide. But through time we got bored so we decided to look for other things to do. For me it was blacksmithing and practicing different types of weapons, whilst my sister often times conduct frequent hunts on the summer region with her own band of Snow wraiths which are extremely dangerous when they are in our territory because they can just blend in the environment and ambush the enemies easily.

Although I haven't been hunting as much as my sister and have been blacksmithing instead, however that doesn't mean that I can't hold my own against different monsters. It's quite the opposite really. I can hunt and subdue all types of dragons and monsters easily without even using my long sword. The only ones I can't deal with at the moment are the Elder Dragons and pseudo Elder Dragons. The Elder Dragons being the rulers of their own region and the pseudos being monsters or dragons that has similar strength as an Elder Dragon.

Speaking of my long sword, it was the first weapon I crafted after mastering my craft. It's a long and slim blueish purple katana like sword that is as long as my height which is 6ft at the age of 10. It's massive due to the fact the the monsters and dragons that I fight are also massive so I needed a weapon that can do damage to massive monsters. The material that I made this from the end of my mothers tail that she took off and gave it to me as a gift.

At first I was reluctant but she assured me that it was nothing and that she can easily grow it back fast. Thanking her, I made my sword and let me tell you, first of all it's pretty much close to being undestructible, so sharp that I can cut the thickest hide with little effort, and so cold that what ever the blade touches freezes over.

Going back to my room, I went to get my armor which has been upgraded with the hide of a sabertooth mixed dragon that has already died along with rare Ice ores that are light but durable. The end result is a full body armor that is light and flexible as well as durable with the helmet designed off of the dragon I took the hides from.

Looking at my reflection on the Ice, I see my face that is different from my past life, however I won't complain due to me looking pretty handsome if I do say so myself. I have sharp facial features with long silver/white hair messily going down my back. Looking at my body, signs of multiple scars decorate my chiseled but lean muscular body after the years of hunting dangerous dragons and monsters from other regions.

Donning my equipment, I walk out of my room towards the entrance where my mother lay there as well as my sister who just got back from her hunt it seems.

Skadi-''Out for another hunt dear?''

Hilda-''Why are you wearing your armor? You don't usually wear armor when you hunt, are you gonna hunt the other Monarchs or something?''

Ulf-''I don't wear my armor when I hunt because I find no reason for me to do so and just letting them stay in my room to collect snow is just a waste so I might as well wear it for today. And no I won't be hunting the other Monarchs, their too strong at the moment''

Hilda-''Want me to come with you brother? It's been a while since we last hunted together.''

Ulf-''Sure lets go''

Saying that, I jumped on her back and we took off.

Skadi-''You two be careful now, don't go challenging the monarchs you hear me?!''

We heard mother saying as we were flying off with my sisters Snow Wraiths.

As I was enjoying the wind, I suddenly smelt a strong scent of blood. Usually I would ignore it since I would smell that all the time when I go out hunting, but since I haven't been out in a while, I decided to go over there and check things out.

Hilda notices the direction I wanted to go so she just turned and headed towards it. Not long after, we arrived at the scene. What stood in front of us is a carcass of an adult Fulgur Anjanath, which is pretty much a blue T-Rex with retractable wings at the back but it can't fly.

The weirdest thing about this kill is what is stuck on its body and the surroundings. All around the carcass and the ground littered bony spikes that are as tall as my sword and as wide as my torso that ends in a sharp tip having a cone shape to it. Some of the spikes are completely black and have the texture of iron.

This is the first time I've ever seen this before in my life... And the way the Anjanath died didn't seem like it was for food since it's still whole. It's almost like it was killed for sport... And the deep claw marks that the carcass sports...

Wait... No I have seen this before... Not in this current life but my previous one. In the game there is one specific Elder Dragon that hunts and eats other Elder Dragons as a way to keep the environment balanced. When one Elder Dragon goes overboard and affects the ecosystem too much, this Elder Dragon goes and Hunts it, killing it and returning the ecosystem to its balanced state...

I quickly look over to my sister and she looks at me with scared eyes. Although she doesn't know what or who those spikes belong to, she has a natural fear towards it. I know this because I can feel her emotions.

Wait, if it's here then...




Author's notes- Can you guess the identity of the Elder Dragon? If you have played the MHW game then you would know, if not then stay tuned to find out!

-Also regarding my other novel, I won't be updating that for a while, I've been stuck with it and decided to do another novel to get my mind off of it. When I get the chance to I'll try to update it so for now it's on Hiatus. Sorry.